Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 46


1 half stumbled out of the bed, placking out Lea from her sleep. She was still sleepy and mumbled something in her sleep about wanting to continge playing the swing, but I scooped her up and looked outside.

It was dark, and there was no light. The electricity lines seemed to have been affected, yet I peered through the darkness

At first, I could see nothing. And then I saw shadows running around in the dark. The window pane was smudged and the branches of the trees obstructed my view further.

I tried to peer outside, but then I saw a light in the distance. My first thought was that electricity had been restored.

But no. The light seemed to grow in the distance, spread around.

And then I realized it was not light, but flames Angry violent flames that began to roar and lick the sky.

Horrified. I took a step back.

“Come on, we don’t have time to lose. Mom urged, but somehow I felt I was glued to the spot. The fire turned into a ravenous beast in seconds, roaring and increasing in height and spreading around as if water had broken out of a dam.

Followed by that came the screams and cries. It looked like the common garage where all the other members parked their cars had somehow caught


“But, where is dad?” I asked, while still looking at the fire, which was a good twenty feet away from us.

“He is trying to control the fire. And now. enough talking. Come soon” Mom grabbed my hand and began pulling me away.

However, I saw Dad’s face suddenly as fire illuminated a few people who had rushed to the scene.

And then there was a big explosion. That sound nearly shook our home, and the walls rattled.

“Mummy, what is happening?” Lea asked as she looked at me and then at

the mayhem.

“Nothing. Let us get you to safety first.” I said and ran along with Mom to the bunker. The front door was open and Sean was standing there, guiding all the old, sick, and children towards the trapdoor that would lead us to the bunker.

There were three to four ways to get to the huge underground bunker that could house over a thousand people it the need arose.

“The fire is the farthest from here. He answered in response to the question. I had not even asked him.

Transporting all the sick and old people to the other entrances near the fire would be risky. I nodded and thrust Lea into Mom’s hands.

“Mom, take her with you,” I said, much to my mother’s shock.

“No, you are coming and staying in the bunker with me,” Mom hissed, but I shook my head amidst Lea’s protest of not wanting to separate from me.

Sean had a pensive look on his face and added. “That is the order of the alpha. He has asked all women, children, sick and old to be transported to the bunker until we bring the fire under control.”

I shook my head and forced Mom down the steep ladder that would lead to the bunker. Sean only watched silently before running outside to help an old lady who was about to trip in her haste to climb the small flight of stairs

“Please, go inside Ana. your father ordered me to ensure that I kept his family safe.”

I looked up at him. “You are my father’s family too, and so are all these people. I want to keep them safe as well.

He gritted his teeth as I rushed forward to help another old lady who was struggling to get up the steps.

“What caused that fire, anyway?” I shouted over the cries and shouts of people and guards scurrying around carrying buckets of water.

“No idea. Either there was a short circuit or some idiot dropped a cigarette on a can of gasoline.”

He shouted back over the group of people. We asked to form a line and ensure everybody was getting in the bunker.

I shook my head as I saw the fire brigade alarm sounding loudly, blaring


Wooing my Ex–wife again.

over the cacophony of noises.

“Is anybody hurt?” I asked him again.

“Not that I know of,” He responded as he hauled up four kids on his shoulders and arms while running towards the bunker.

#5 vouchers

We had gotten nearly 80% of the people inside and only a handful were left. The fire had spread outside the garage and now was ravaging one of the houses closest to the garage.


A woman in her early thirties shrieked as her eyes stared wide at the way. the fire gobbled up her home.

She ran forward towards her house, but I rushed after her, nearly tripping myself in the process.

“No, come back here,” I shouted, as a plume of black smoke shot up the house and a minute later, its roof went flying off into the air.

“Noooooo, my home,” The woman wailed, tears streaming down her grief struck face as she blindly ran forward.

The roof was thatched, but it disintegrated as it blew up a few feet into the air and then crumbled, throwing away bits and pieces everywhere.

Not even a second later, the home adjacent to it was gobbled up by the rapidly spreading fire.

“Noooo, my son” she screamed, and I looked at her in shock.

“Your son? Didn’t you bring him along here?”

She grabbed my hands and began pleading while crying hard.

“My son…he ran back to get his favorite toy from the home.”

“What?” I uttered, sheer terror gripping my heart.

“Please, let me go,” She cried, and I looked from the home to the mother again as she cried and wailed loudly.

“You stay right here, I will go and check,” I said with as much assurance as I could infuse in my voice and ran towards the heart of the fire.

“Fuck, Anastasia. Are you mad?” I heard Sean’s flabbergasted voice from behind me.

But I ignored his cries as I made a beeline through the maze of guards.


Wooing my Ex–wife again

transporting water and ducking to avoid getting hit by the debris. “Anastasia, wait!!” He shouted as I reached the home that had been completely taken over by the fire that was eating it up from all the sides. The heat here was enough to make my eyes water and my skin singe.

I scanned the perimeter for any sign of the little boy I thought I had seen with her in the playground a few days ago.

But there was nothing. I tried to not think of him as burned or hurt as the fire would…..

No, I could not let that happen. I closed any eyes, trying to hear any sound of him crying. It was hard, given all the noise around me..

Another explosion occurred mere seconds after I closed my eyes and I felt a hand grip my elbow while dragging me away.

“Let me go,” I spoke, trying to shake his hand off, but Sean glared at me and gritted his teeth.

“Get your fucking ass moving. I will NOT ask again,” He spoke in an icy steely voice.

I glared back at him and knocked his hand away before my eyes spotted the kid who was hiding behind the bushes, too afraid to move.

“Fuck off,” I muttered and shoved my knee hard into his abdomen, making him wince.

Without waiting to hear what he had to say, I ran towards the kid, who was standing just a few feet away from the three houses that would soon catch lire.

He was too terrified to even move and was clutching a small robot in hist hand, tears streaming down his face.

And behind him, I saw something or someone. A ghost of a face clad in black. I was not even sure if I had seen a person or not, but I thought there was someone reaching for the boy’s shoulder, trying to whisk him away. Fear and terror held me in a vice like grip as I lunged for the kid blindly. throwing all my weight forward. I think I felt Sean’s hand brush my elbow, but I could not let whoever that shadow or the culprit was, whisk the kid away. So 1 sprinted forward as hard as I could and shot my arms forward as I took a big jump.

I had just reached for him when I heard another explosion and I had no other option but to cover him with my body, praying that no large chunk of the debris flying around would fall on us.

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