Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 47

Hours later when i was almost and muting nowards tite

TEXTEST COLORtice to the bunker

The fire had been container though had left a pile of defors woooke, and charred wood all around in Lachit nobody had died through loads of people had suffered burns ranging from mid to TRAITE


The sure was still rising up in the ar but after i had sent the bad and tried helping some more despre Sear repeated anemonts drag me away I finally collapsed down on the ground when the last but of seng left my body

1 felt as if I had swallowed the suite and fire because my ling ached and burned due to exhaustion. It had been long since I had paringed in a real 5ght or rescue mission

There was destruction everywhere and big count of land that was covered in greenery was now home to astes and soo

I somehow pusted myself in a slingpostion gasping for ar as Seat finally let go of the and ran in the offer direction for hein

All this while he had been half being the offers but ass half of his attention had been on ensuring I was safe

It was a nice thing to have someone waith your back but I was a line annoyed at him I was no broken dolor reples damsel in disress

I shook my head after taking lunghus far fa still fer like I was breaking in ash before I got up from the ground.

Slowly and steadily I made way for my home and the living room. After the fire was contained everybody was allowed no come outside but they were taken to the pactone instead of lening tem al rash to hear now devastated homes

Luckily only three to four homes had seen reduced to suck and charred stumps while majority of them had been saved from han

The guards and firefigners did a good jun of avoiding loss of me property. I had warned to go and checkte gang for myset out in I had to take a good look at Lea

Wooing my Ex wit

I was certain Mom had never left the biker and hand stoved with her all the time. That is what gave me the energy to go forward and save others

including the boys

And then suddenly au umage of a dark hadow looming over the boy clutching his robot dearly and cry

that came that fear that the shadow had

add in front of my eyes. Along with

been close, foncler to the boy

slow, whatever it was, would have

Had I not jumped forward, the man on dragged him away, to where I had no idea. I was not even sure if there land

been someone trying to kidnap the kid imagination fueled by tear and stress

it it had just been my overactive

covered in sou

in soot, Eclimbed

The stairs

With heavy steps and my sand and went towards the living rou A few elderly and sick were seated on the living room sola as the maids. were handing out cups of tea and cotted to them.

I smiled tensely at one of the maids and mouthed just one word, Mom?” which she pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

I made my way towards the kitchen and saw Mom and the head mid working together near the stove, probably preparing tea or coffee,

“Where is Lea?” Lasked Mom who tur

towards me.

“Goddess Ana, are you okay?”



I nodded my head as she checked me for injuries and wounds while she added, “You are mental to run into the the when you were instructed to stay sate in the bunker with me and the others?

My shoulders sagged.

“Water” Leroaked, still feeling ash and spoke on my for


My mother kept furiously rambling about how I was a stubborn child who never listened to her and just did what wanted repeating over and over of how dangerous and reckless it had been of me to jump into the fires

Technically, I had not jumped into the five. I had only lunged for the little boy who was probably around Lea’s age

I scanned the room and found the mother and the kid huddled in a corner. The boy had fallen asleep in his mother’s embrace and was still cluching his toy tightly.

Wooing my Ex–wife again


His mother shot a guilty look at me for my mother was loud enough to awaken the dead from their graves while she kept mumbling about my recklessness.

“Thank you” the woman mouthed and looked away the moment my mother came forward to thrust a glass of water in my hand.

I only smiled in that woman’s direction and jerked my chin at her son as if to ask her if the boy was okay.

She nodded and thanked me again to which I smiled politely again and tore my gaze away from her.

My mother continued to ramble and I saw a few elders stare at me awkwardly before returning their gazes to the cups in their hands and sipping tea politely.

I did not have the strength to argue with my mother.

“Lea?” I asked again and she pointed in the direction of my bedroom.

“There are guards everywhere who would have saved the young boy but no, this girl has to do everything herself”

Her rambling kept reaching my ears as made my way towards the bedroom and pushed the door open.

Lea was sitting on the edge of the bed, her back facing me.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” I asked as I slowly took one step after another despite my body’s refusal to move,

My brain just wanted me to sit and curlap in the bed to sleep for a few days. straight. I took the last sip of water from the glass and placed it on the side table as I slowly made my way towards Lea.

It was still quite early for her to be up. Had she gotten any sleep at all or just kept asking for me? I felt bad for returning to her so late.

“Lea, are you mad at me?” I asked and slowly reached her. She was sitting by the edge of the bed, fingers fidgeting and she was staring nervously at the floor.

I washed my hands first which was an effort in itself because my hands were covered in dirt and soot so it needed a bit of strength to rub those fingers. and chipped nails.

When I was finally done, I went back to Lea who had not said a word.


Wooing my x–wite

Squatting down on the Bloor, I reached u her chin and gently pushed her

Her big round eyes were filled with tears as she looked at me

cing” Lasked and placed the other hand below her

test, why are you crying” Lasked

check to cup her face

“I am sorry it left with you grammy in the bunker I thought you loved being with Grammy. I should have returned sooner to my princess. I began bhurting, unsure of what could be the reason my hule girl was sad.

She shook her head and reached for my face with her little hands to cup “I don’t think we are going to the school meeting

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