Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 45


A week flew past as Sean and Lea became good friends. Lea grew so attached to him that she started to demand he be around 24/7.

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That was tough because he also had work and could not just babysit her all the time. I would distract her by saying that he was coming to her school. meeting, so he has to finish work before that.

She would grudgingly let go of her demand to eat with him. The excitement on her face was something I had not seen in ages.

Usually, girls her age got excited about a shiny new toy or fancy clothes, but she had just one demand- that she wanted both her parents to attend her school’s meeting.

I sighed.

Her biological father was busy with some other woman after he had gotten into a brawl with Sean and injured him.

The first time I saw him injured, I ran to my father to stop his men from. hitting Julian. He might be rash and hot headed, but he had still been a man. I was madly in love with at some point.

And some residual feeling of care had sprouted inside of me, not wanting to see his blood being spilled. But the next time we were faced with each other, he teased and taunted Sean, hitting him and forcing him to hit back in retaliation.

Julian had given me a few calls and left some text messages, but I had swiftly. deleted them without reading them. I did not have time for his tantrums or words anymore.

“Mummy, can you tell me a nice story?” Lea asked that night as we finished. dinner.

My gaze flicked to the watch. It was still an hour before her bedtime.

“Are you sleepy already?” I asked, but she shook her head while running to the wash basin to wash her hands.

While wiping her hands on the towel, she said, “No, but tomorrow we are going to the meeting, so I want to sleep early and be ready on time.”



Wooing my Ex–wife again

1 smiled at her and booped her nose.

“Don’t worry, mummy will never let you be late.”

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“I know mummy, but I just don’t want to be stressed with getting ready tomorrow.” I gave an amused smile at her use of words.

This day seemed to be even more important to her than her birthday or the day of her result.

“As you say, your highness,” I said before scooping her up in my arms.

I took her to the bathroom to make her brush her teeth while preparing her bed.

“Mummy, Sean will come tomorrow, right?” She asked.

“Of course, he has promised you and me both. He knows how important it is for you. He will not miss it.”

I assured my little girl as she finished brushing her teeth and hopped onto

the bed.

“That is great. Now, tell me a nice story

Lea insisted, and I thought of one. “So once upon a time, there was a princess…”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want her to suffer and cry.”

I smiled and asked, “So, who do you wish to hear a story about?”

“A prince and I don’t want him to cry, either.”

Lea hastily added.

I tucked her in the sheets and settled in a corner beside her.

“So once upon a time there used to be a prince, a very handsome one. He did not have any kingdom or a palace, but he was determined to create one, so he worked hard for it. He was so focused on his goal that he did not even care about his family or loved ones.”

Lea muttered, “That prince is dumb‘

I caressed her hair and continued, “He was also short tempered and made. rash decisions. So he always ended up making more enemies than friends.” Lea shook her head. “You should have taught him a lesson, mummy.”

I let out a sigh. “Not every prince wants to learn, Lea. Some are just adamant that their way is the only correct way.”


Wooing my Ex-wife again

“Then the Moon Goddess will teach him a lesson, mummy.”

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I chuckled, “Maybe she will, but I don’t think he will learn it on the first try.”

Lea said in a determined voice, “But he will learn it in the end.”

“Oh, really?” I asked my daughter in an amused voice, “Why do you think so?”

“Because you said he worked hard. If he does that to say sorry to his family then everything will be fine.”

If only saying sorry would be the solution to every issue, life would be so easy. I had been caressing Lea’s head and lulling her to sleep. I thought her eyelids fluttered shut as I pulled the sheets closer to her and placed my head on hers.

“The prince does not love anybody else except himself and his goals,” I murmured, patting my girl’s chest so that she would fall asleep.

I sat beside her for a long time, putting her to sleep and recalling everything that had happened since I returned to my roots.

I recalled the small cafe that he and I used to go to. We had created so many memories there, laughed, spent some nice time together, and maybe fallen in love too.

But now I just felt a pang of unease at the reminder of what could have been.

“Maybe the prince does not know how to talk sweetly, mummy.” Lea suddenly spoke, her eyes flying open.


“The prince mummy, if you teach him how to be nice, he can learn to say sorry properly. Then everybody will be happy.”

I smiled and kissed Lea’s forehead, trying not to think too much about her words. It was just a bedtime story and Lea had no idea the prince had. cheated on the princess. He said he could never leave for anything or anyone in the world.

“Sleep Lea, you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

Lea nodded and left me to my thoughts. I tried not to think of Julian and the way my body had involuntarily shuddered at the sudden proximity when

he hit the car’s brakes too hard and also near the gates of his pack when he


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Wooing my Ex–wife again.

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pulled me to the side.

Why did my body still react to his touch like that? Had I not learned a lesson already? I spent the next hour or so scolding myself and reminding my heart to get a grip on its feelings

I was not sure when exactly I fell asleep, but I was being shaken by a pair of hands in my sleep.

Stifling a yawn, I murmured. “Sleep Lea, it is barely 3 am” but the hand. shaking me was persistent.

“Anastasia, wake up”

I heard my mom’s panicked voice as she shook me. “Ana, wake up.”

She shook me wildly, and I opened my eyes. Worry and fear were evident on her face.

“What is wrong, Mom?” I asked as she answered, “Hurry, get up. We have to get inside the bunker.”

At the mention of the bunker all the sleep was wiped away from my face and eyes.

The bunker was an underground chamber that was used when a pack was attacked and the people needed a safe space to hide quickly. It was located just under the rug of the living room.

“Why? What happened?” I asked, grabbing Lea in my arms.

“I am not sure, but your father just gave me a call and asked me to get in the bunker with you and Lea. there appears to be some sort of attack on our pack.”

An attack on our pack? Who would do that?

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