The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 95



"So what do you want to watch?" Josie asked me sympathetically, seeing how angry I was and quickly sensing the mood I was in.

We were in the media or theatre room, looking at the endless titles on display. I had showered and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, my hair hanging limply down my back, my face devoid of any makeup, and I was scowling. "An action flick where the girl kills the men" I mumbled. It suited my mood perfectly. I wanted a movie filled with blood and gore and where the men suffered.

Josie frowned "That might be a difficult one to find" she muttered, looking closely at the DVDs on offer.

I wasn't in the mood for the typical romantic chick flick that was for sure.

We settled on Kill Bill by Quentin Tarantino and put it on. I grabbed the bowl of popcorn and Josie fetched the alcohol she had brought with her. We clinked the beer bottles together and sat in the chairs, binging on popcorn to our heart's content. I watched the DVD in fascination. It wasn't often I had gotten to watch movies at my old pack and this one was intriguing. This woman was a badass I thought with admiration and privately wondered what it would be like to swing a sword around, liking the idea of having my own. I made a mental note to research where I could buy one from.

"So I take it you're pissed at your mate," Josie said drily, having already drunk one beer and grabbed another.

I gulped the rest of my beer down and did the same, scowling darkly at her. "Mad would be an understatement," I said sourly "I'm beyond pissed at him. Visit J o to read the complete sentences for free.If you are not reading this novel on Jo b, some paragraphs are incomplete. I can't believe he thought I would have demanded a kiss from another male."

She raised an eyebrow at me. We glanced at the screen which was filled with blood and gore as she dismembered somebody. "I can understand your anger," she said slowly "If I had a mate that practically accused me of cheating I would want to rip their head off" she admitted. See, she got me! The movie ended and we looked at the rest of the DVDs. We settled on Charlie's Angels next, watching Drew Barrymore with envy. "God, her hair is gorgeous" I sighed, drinking my third beer in a row, while Josie giggled and flipped hers over her shoulder. "I don't know I think that Lucy Lui's hair is prettier," she said frowning at the screen.

We heard the door open and glanced at the doorway, ready to tear any male daring to encroach on our private space a new one, and were stunned to see an apologetic Sierra standing there. looking sheepish.

"Sorry," she said hastily "I didn't know you were in here."

She was looking at the movie screen with widened eyes and taking in the popcorn and beer with a wistful look on her face.

I was on my fourth beer by this stage and feeling pretty magnanimous. Besides Sierra had shown that she wasn't that bad during the hunt. I waved a beer at her and she hesitated. "Why don't you join us" I drawled, motioning to her as she looked at me incredulously "Take a load off and drink until you get pissed?" I suggested with a giggle.

She took a closer look at us and blinked. "Wow, you guys are...?" she trailed off looking a little shocked.

"Angry" Josie hiccuped.

""Annoyed" I blurted out.

Sierra gave a soft laugh and walked in, shutting the door behind her. She accepted a beer from Josie and sat down next to us. "I love Chalie's Angels with Cameron Diaz" she admitted, taking a swig from her drink.

"I like the way they deal with assholes," I said bluntly, making Sierra look startled as she choked on her drink.

"Men" I snarled as the movie finished, Josie nodding adamantly and a tipsy Sierra doing the same "Can't live with them, can't kill them because it makes a mess that we'll have to clean the f**k up." Josie snorted and raised her glass "Amen" she said.

Sierra just giggled. She looked a bit messy, her clothes crumpled and her immaculate hair loose and disheveled. She was enjoying herself immensely and was rather friendly once you got to know her. It seemed we had gotten on the wrong foot. Yes, she'd had dreams of being the future Luna, but she seemed to have let all of that go. She was more accepting of me now and we had buried the hatchet between us so to speak, in our mutual dislike of men as we got drunk and became merry.

"I wish I could go for a run," I said a bit sadly "But I don't have a wolf" I wailed, tears coming to my eyes.

"Oh Blair, don't be upset" Josie cried, springing to her feet and swaying slightly as she looked down at me with shining eyes "We can take you for a run, can't we Sierra?" she said, turning to the other girl who had imbibed another two drinks and was well up to her tenth by now. The pack must keep a lot of beer on hand because Josie had gone for more while we sat here.

I had lost count of how many I had drunk in my anger towards my mate. Josie had kept up with me and maybe even surpassed Sierra. I wasn't sure. There were so many empty beer bottles on the floor and I was seeing double. It was too much work to count them.

"Yeah" Sierra slurred, standing up and almost falling over, before putting a hand on my shoulder in a show of camaraderie "We can take you for a run," she said reassuringly, slurring her words big time.

My eyes shone. "You will?"

My voice was filled with excitement. It never occurred to me in the slightest that this might be a bad idea. I mean, what harm could it do to get on a drunken shifter wolf's back? It sounded like a fantastic idea to me. The door opened and James poked his head in, looking aghast and concerned at the same time. I beamed at him as he blinked back at me. "Um, girls, do you need a hand to go back to your rooms?" he asked concerned and biting his lip.

We glared at him indignantly. "Who said we wanted to go back to our rooms?" I snarled "Is our being drunk a problem James?" I demanded accusingly, poking him in the chest with my finger.

He blinked, taken aback by the look on my face. "No" he stammered "but it's getting late and you look as though you've had too much to drink," he said slowly.

I snorted. Josie and Sierra laughed outright. James looked a little worried now. "Huh, if we were men you wouldn't care that we were drunk, would you?" I said blearily, staring hard at him "It's only cause we're girls that you're so concerned" | hiccuped, staring him down "admit it, it's because of our gender that you're even suggesting we go to bed!"

"Yeah," Sierra and Josie chorused staring at James who looked a bit like he was trapped between all of us as he darted his gaze between all three of us with a slight twinge of panic on his face.

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