The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 96

Blair POV

James gulped. "Well um, if you need me, I'll be in the study," he said hastily "I might need to call Braedon" I heard him utter under his breath as he stepped back out and shut the door, the door making an ominous creaking sound.

I ignored him. Josie and Sierra began to strip, struggling with their clothes and cursing under their breaths.

"Let's shift" Josie mumbled drunkenly.

Sierra was in full agreement nodding her head.

The clothes were flung carelessly to the floor. Josie and Sierra stood in the centre of the room fully naked and looking completely at ease as I gaped at them.

"You're so beautiful" I whispered in awe. The girls grinned and then began to shift. I watched with jealousy. Soon two wolves stood there. They almost filled the room and I rushed forward, patting them both with glee. Their fur was so soft and silky to the touch and their eyes were so pretty. One of them, I had forgotten who was who sank onto their stomach, and I got on top, clutching their fur carefully and they rose, before beginning to jump onto the furniture, causing me to fling my head back and laugh out loud. It was so surreal. My heart was racing wildly in my chest. The wolf looked over its shoulder and smirked. I giggled. It stopped and sank down onto the ground. I got off and then hopped onto the other one which trotted back and forth like a small shetland pony. I was reasonably certain the second one was Josie.

We stopped. I got off. The girls shifted back, looking pleased, but slightly ill.

Josie was the first to grab a bucket and puke into it, her face a green color. "Man, shifting while you are drunk is not a good idea" she groaned and I cringed feeling sympathy as I too began to feel nauseas.

Sierra rushed past and grabbed the popcorn container. I cringed as she vomited, her face a pasty pale color. The sounds of retching filled the air. "Too much jumping" she moaned, looking slightly miserable.

Finally, it stopped. The girls groaned and quickly cleaned up the mess, using the laundry room that wasn't far. They came back fully naked. I blinked "Aren't you going to get dressed?" I slurred.

Josie shrugged "nah, I'm more comfortable being naked. It's not like anyone going to come in," she said blase.

Sierra plopped on the couch fully n**e. I felt left out. "I wanna be naked too" I pouted.

I grabbed my clothes and pulled them off. My top got stuck and Josie had to help me wrestle it off. Eventually, all three of us sat on the couch naked. We sighed. "No wonder men like sitting in just their boxers or underwear" Sierra said thoughtfully "It's quite freeing." "Yeah, we should do this more often," I said grabbing another beer and taking a swig.

Josie grabbed one "Weren't you just sick?" I asked, eyeing her sideways.

"I made room for more" she uttered and Sierra grabbed another.

I shrugged. It wasn't my business to tell them to stop. We were grown women.

We decided to put a chick flick on. We put Beauty and the Beast on. Sierra was the first to comment. "I don't understand but if she were to have s*x with him in beast form, would that not make it beastiality?" she asked, sounding deadly serious.

I looked at her "Then what does that make it when we have s*x with each other? Like you guys have a wolf form and a human like it that a form of b********y?" I asked, not able to think clearly.

"But we're not having s*x in the beast form," Josie said very slowly "so that makes a difference."

We blinked at each other. "I think the fact she falls in love with the beast is sweet," I said sighing as we looked back at the screen.

"I think it's Stockholm syndrome," Sierra said nonchalantly.

Josie and I stared at her. "What," she said indignantly "he keeps her prisoner, she can't leave, she can't see anyone but him and the weird a*s talking items and eventually she falls in love with him. But if she could speak to other men would that have happened?" she pointed out wisely. Silence. I frowned. "but this movie's meant to be romantic" I sulked.

Sierra was ruining the movie for me. It didn't seem quite so sweet anymore.

"Yeah, when you put it that way it seems more creepy than anything" Josie agreed sounding petulant.

Sierra shrugged "he sounds like a potential serial killer. Imagine if he did that to several women, but she's the only one he liked so he kept her alive."

Josie and I gaped at her. "You have a strange mind" I accused, hiccuping and holding my beer bottle up.

"It's just a thought," she said with a grimace "It's better to think of the what-ifs so you don't get caught by the unthinkable."

"But, this is a kid's movie" I protested shrilly.

"Is it though?" she asked wisely.

I had no answers. I looked at Josie helplessly. We stared back at the screen. The beast didn't seem so innocent and charming anymore. Sierra smirked. "Face it, now you're wondering if there are dead bodies in the dungeon," she said and Josie and I sighed.

She was right.

"My innocence is gone" I complained and Sierra laughed. "There are no such things as fairytales" she quipped.

"Then what would you call shifters?" I asked mulling it over.

"Supernatural, speaking of which we should totally put that show on. Jensen Ackles is so f*****g hot" Sierra said with a long-suffering sigh "You have to see it Blair. Put it on" she urged.

I got up and stumbled, finding the show. We put it on and I stared wide-eyed at the television series. It was fascinating and my mouth salivated as I stared at Dean Winchester. My god, he was sexy. I pointed at the screen, not hearing the door open "I want to kidnap him and ravish the man" I said excitedly.

"Don't we all" Sierra groaned "God I would even let that man hunt me" she added making us giggle out loud.

"What about Sam? He's got that quiet, sexy, charm about him" Josie argued.

We began to fling cushions at each other, giggling madly. A voice spoke behind us, sounding in disbelief.

"What in the world is going on here? Why are you all naked and are you all drunk?" it demanded.

It was him. The man I was angry at. How dare he intrude on my private space. Without thinking, my anger knowing no bounds, I turned and flung a cushion right into his face, causing him to blink as I glared at him. Josie and Sierra, in a show of support also turned and glared hard at their Alpha King who looked disconcerted by the sheer rage exhibited by three drunk females aimed specifically at him.

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