The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 94

King Braedon POV

She blinked at me "I'm certain that it can be fixed" she said calmly "so long as you're willing to apologize for whatever it is you've done wrong and can admit to your mistake." "Yeah maybe" I muttered. She waited patiently.

I told her everything. She listened and she made no comments, not even to pass judgment. It was one of the reasons I used to like talking to her. She wasn't one to knock you down when you were already hurting. When I was finished, she leaned back against her chair, sipping slowly at her coffee. Her expression was thoughtful as she mulled everything over. "Well," she said slowly "I can see why Blair is upset with you," she said sympathetically.

"I told you I f****d up" I groaned.

She gave a small nod. "You basically accused your mate of cheating without giving her a chance to explain what happened. Blair might be a lot of things, but she's not a cheater. She holds fast to her morals and she's stubborn. There is no way she would ever do anything to harm the mate bond without a reason for it."

Despite herself, her voice was filled with admiration which stunned me. I thought she hated Blair but she sounded like it was the opposite and that she liked her.

"I thought that you didn't get along with my mate?" I said surprised.

Julia chuckled. "Your mate is headstrong and while I don't agree with how she dresses and would prefer her to look more of a certain way, I don't hate her. I admire her for standing up for herself and for refusing to adhere to what others think she should do. It's admirable. It means that she'll make an excellent Luna Queen because she's willing to go against what others want and decide for herself. That is exactly what we need. Not somebody who is weak-minded and easily submits to rules and traditions simply because that is what is always done." You could have knocked me over with a feather. "But you guys are always at loggerheads" I protested.

She smirked "I rather enjoy our little fights. She always gets the better of me, but one day I might get her into a dress. I'm just as stubborn as she is" she commented, shaking her head "besides, everybody needs a villain to hate, don't they?" "What do you think I should do? Blair is pissed at me."

Julia sighed, putting her coffee down. "To be honest I would be furious if my mate accused me of trying to cheat on them like that too. I think you need to do much more than just simply apologize to her."

Great. My wolf was in full agreement.

This calls for more than just words dude. A present of some kind, something sentimental that she can appreciate that speaks from the heart.

I'm open to suggestions mutt if you have any ideas. It's not just me that's in trouble here!

I'm not the one that talked to her like that. It's you that she's pissed at so you're the one who needs to fix things. You have to come up with something, not me.

Thanks a lot, buddy.

"I suggest that you apologize again in person, but maybe try the old-fashioned way of flowers and a gift of some kind" Julia advised me kindly "I've never met a woman yet who doesn't enjoy getting flowers from their mate. Just make sure they are ones she likes." Flowers. That seemed relatively easy and yet made perfect sense. It was the gift aspect I was struggling with. Julia reached over and patted my hand. "Don't worry, Blair will forgive you. She loves you too much not to. Just give her some time and space to calm down. In the meantime, think about that gift" she advised, standing up and beginning to gather everything to pile it neatly on the tray "because it has to be something that shows how much you know her and what she likes. If you get it wrong, you're only going to make her even madder than she already is." She picked the tray up and I hurriedly stood, rushing to the door and opening it so that she could walk through without having to put the tray back down to open the door.

"Thank you for the talk Julia," I told her sincerely as her eyes sparkled "and for the company."

"Anytime King Braedon" she murmured "but do me a favor. Don't tell Blair I like her. It takes the fun out of all our little discussions," she said with a giggle.

I laughed and shook my head "Very well but at least I know that she's not hurting your feelings anymore."

She grinned and winked at me, before disappearing through the doorway, her dress billowing around her ankles. I watched her go and then shut the door feeling pensive. I glanced out the window, noting the beautiful moon in the sky and the darkness of the sky. It was starting to get late. My body began to ache as I contemplated what to do now. I wasn't about to sleep and I needed to refocus my mind. I needed to run, to feel the ground beneath my paws and feel the wind in my fur. I needed to get away from the pack house, and the responsibilities and forget about the argument I had with Blair.

A run sounds like fun. It's been a while since we've patrolled the borders. Perhaps it's time to check that all of our men are doing their jobs. Especially since that rogue attack.

You have the right idea. I want to ensure nobody is missing. Nothing has come back from that investigation regarding the poisoning. Whoever killed that poor boy is still out there. With Blair and everything else going on, I've been distracted and I need to remember there is a killer out there somewhere. Let's not forget that whoever they are, they have to reside either in the pack house or on the grounds. They aren't from another pack, they are from ours. We have traitor in our midst and we need to find way to sniff them out. They brought that snake in and could have killed Blair. We have to keep our mate safe, no matter how angry she is at us.

That's why we're staying in a different room and I've had the locks changed and even had security frames added to all the windows. I can't secure the room more than that. She should be safe in the room; right now, she's with her friend.

We can't afford to let down our guard. We need to mark our mate Braedon, it's the only way we can guarantee her safety. After the argument we just had with her, I'm not touching that with a ten-foot pole. That's something we're going to have to convince her of later.

If we wait too long, you know that another unmated male might try to forcibly mark her. Blair doesn't understand the consequences of waiting. She'll be mad but taking her by force might be the only option we have.

Leave it alone. If we mark her by force, she'll reject us in a heartbeat. You know Blair, she's not going to take something like that lying down. She's not some submissive woman, she's feisty and spirited. It would make her walk away without a second glance.

Fine, but if you don't find a way to mark her soon and claim her for good so that everybody in the pack becomes aware that she is ours, I will take over your body and do it for you. So I suggest you find a way soon because I won't give you long. You wouldn't dare.

Try me.

I let out a low growl of frustration and stormed out of the study and out the front door of the pack house, feeling the wind through my hair. Without further ado, I tore my clothes off and shifted. I needed to run, in order to calm myself and my wolf, but when I came back it was absolute chaos and I saw another side to my mate that I had never seen before.

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