The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 87

Blair POV

The men looked pissed as Malcolm began to address the whole group. Only one looked pleased with himself and that was the one who had staggered out at the end. "Well done to the women" he shouted, pointing at our group "all but one of you managed to find your prey. A magnificent feat by any standards" he announced and we all whooped and hollered as the men glowered at us.

"It's not that impressive" one of the men snarled and Malcolm turned on him.

"Isn't it?" he said in a dangerous tone that hushed us all up instantly "even when the women were prey we've never had such success before. I have to admit I was skeptical about letting them become the hunters but now I see that the men need to work on their survival skills more than the women do. You should all be ashamed of yourselves" he added and while some of the men looked sheepish at that announcement, a lot more looked indignant.

"They probably cheated" one snapped and even Sierra looked affronted by that claim.

"We won fair and square" she shouted, causing all of the women to become angry at the men.

"We worked hard to find you all. Just admit that you don't like the idea you were beaten by a bunch of girls" we sneered. Malcolm held his hand up "enough" he roared "nobody cheated. James, the Beta, was in the forest the whole time, keeping an eye on proceedings. The girls found their prey fair and square. Complaining about it isn't going to help your circumstances at all. As for cheating" he suddenly turned and stared at the guy who had come out last, who began to look nervous now "care to explain why you ignored the rules and shifted in order to hide Samuel?"

The man opened and closed his mouth, looking like a complete moron, while the girl who had been trying to track him looked like she was boiling mad.

"No wonder I couldn't catch up to you" she snarled, hands on her hips "you broke the rules" she accused.

"Did you think you wouldn't be found out?" Malcolm demanded as the man continued to stand there speechless "the rules are put in place for a reason. You're cheating automatically makes Sandy here the winner and you the loser. You ought to be disgraced, having to resort to such tactics in order to win."

The man turned beet red and even the other men cast him looks filled with daggers. Sandy looked vindicated.

"I demand a kiss," Sierra said suddenly, causing the men to gape at her.

I stared, and so did the other girls. What was she thinking? Then realization dawned. She hadn't finished humiliating them. What was it Josie had said? That the men who won always demanded a kiss from the girls who lost unless they had a mark on them from their mates. I felt a slow smile spread on my lips. What was good for the goose was good for the gander. It was time to see how the men felt being demanded to do something they didn't like.

"What, you can't ask us to do that?" one man said looking dumbstruck.

"You lost," I said sweetly, pinning him with my gaze "Don't the winners get to demand a kiss? Isn't that your normal routine?"

"Well yeah, but we're guys, it's normal for us to ask it," another guy said sounding idiotic.

"Well I won and I want my kiss" Sierra pushed, making the men begin to look uncomfortable.

"Me too," said Josie stepping forward as the men began to look scandalized.

"Me too," said another girl.

I couldn't help scanning the men's necks and noting gleefully that the majority of them didn't have any markings from mates on them. They were beginning to swallow and look towards Malcolm for help. "How many times have you played this hunting game?" I asked Josie conversationally as the boys listened. "Not including today" I added.

"Three times and I lost all three," Josie said catching on.

"So how many times did the winner, a male, demand a kiss from you?" I continued to prompt her.

"Three times" she snarled "and it wasn't a problem then."

I looked at the group of men "So in other words, you have no issues forcing a woman to kiss you but when the shoes are on the other foot you don't like it?"

They stared at me dumbstruck. Either way they answered the question was not going to bode well for them. The man who had lost to Sierra threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Fine" he growled "I'll kiss you."

We all watched as he strode forward, pulling his armband off and throwing it into the bag Malcolm was holding. He pecked Sierra on the cheek and I raised an eyebrow.

"Is that the kind of kiss they demanded?" I asked suspiciously.

Sierra shook her head, staring at the man who flushed. "Nope, it was a kiss on the lips and sometimes with tongue," she said coldly "I expect that too."

The man gritted his teeth. This was the ultimate humiliation for him. The other men were watching wide-eyed, unable to believe this man was humbling himself to a woman. The women were watching with satisfaction in their eyes. For too long, the men had been allowed to get away with using their gender to act superior to them and force them to do things they didn't want to do. Now the girls were retaliating and the boys didn't like it one bit. Too bad, I thought without an ounce of sympathy.

Sierra waited. The man exhaled slowly and then quietly reached around and grabbed Sierra's neck gently, bending down and kissing her on the lips, Sierra kissing him back with enthusiasm. I watched the man's eyes widen and smirked, coming to my own conclusions. Sure enough, when the man finally pulled away, he was looking at Sierra with shock. "You put your tongue in my mouth" he stammered.

Sierra licked her lips "You tasted delicious" she purred.

We laughed. The man stomped off swearing under his breath. Sierra grinned jubilantly.

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