The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 86

Blair POV

"What the f**k" he shouted and then he snarled "I don't care, I'll just deny it."

"No you won't," said a familiar voice and I turned my head to see James smirking as he stepped out from behind a tree "Malcolm wanted to make sure it was fair so he's had me listening and keeping an eye out in the woods. Well done Blair" he congratulated me with twinkling eyes "you were awesome at finding your prey, especially without a wolf."

He shook his head at the guy who was looking pissed, his hands clenched into fists "As for you Gary" he said coldly "it looks like your skills need improving or maybe you need to learn not to be so arrogant."

"f**k you" Gary hissed, yanking his leg away as I stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off my body with a wince "She probably cheated" he snapped, still trying to refuse to believe I managed to locate him fairly.

I guess it was a matter of pride with the bastard. I smirked him further provoking his anger as he glowered at me.

James snorted "Wounded your pride, has she? Not surprising considering you thought you were superior to her and the other women. Now I suggest you get your backside back to the grounds, along with Blair here, and take your losing like a champ" he said icily before inclining his head towards me "Blair, I shall escort you" he said his eyes twinkling "I believe Malcolm is about to whistle the end of the hunt anyway" he added with a knowing grin.

He was right. A piercing whistle struck the air and I grinned. I stepped beside James, while Gary stormed off. I privately hoped that he stepped on one of his traps on the way back. It would serve the bastard right.

"Interesting how you managed to get Malcolm to change the roles like that and reverse them," James said conversationally.

I gave him a sharp glance "Don't tell me you think we should have kept it so that the girls were hunted and the boys remained the hunters. I'm so not in the mood for more sexist bullshit" I said with a sigh.

He chuckled "On the contrary I'm impressed. I believe that women are capable of more than what we think. It's a good lesson for us and for Malcolm who clings to traditions. I'm more surprised that you managed to get him to reverse the roles, that's all" he admitted.

I grinned "I don't think he had much choice," I said wryly as we stepped through the river, James gallantly offering me his hand "I stirred up the girls so that they agreed with me. It was do as we said or face a revolt" I laughed.

He smirked "Well wait until you see the results when we get back," he said with laughter in his voice "Malcolm is in for a shock. I'm pretty sure he thought this was going to be a lesson in futility so that he could go back to how it was and it was anything but." His eyes were dancing with amusement.

"I'm not going to get in trouble am I?" I asked him drily.

He guffawed "You in trouble? With whom?"

"Malcolm? Braedon? Take your pick" I said with a giggle.

"Malcolm is just upset you questioned him while Braedon has no idea that you participated in the hunt today. However, he may be angry when he's informed later. It was a good thing you did by the way, letting Sierra join in with the training and hunt instead of continuing to punish her."

"It didn't make sense to take training away with her. it would only hurt the pack" I said with a shrug, making James stare at me "The pack's needs need to come first."

"You really are a rare one," he said with a sigh "It's a shame that more don't think like you. Did you at least have fun?"

I nodded enthusiastically "It was a good lesson and it impressed the necessity of making good use of hunting skills.

Honestly, even being the prey would have been a good lesson but I much preferred to be the hunter" I told him as he laughed and we headed onto the grounds, where the majority of the group was waiting, only a few scarce ones still making their way back. "Great work keeping them honest James," Malcolm said, coming up and shaking his hand "Thank you. I know I can count on you to keep the hunt one hundred percent played by the rules. How many are still in the forest?" he muttered, looking our group over. "Three" James said inclining his head.

One girl made her way out of the woods, smirking. It was clear she had found her prey and he had found his way back already. "Make that two" James commented shrugging.

Malcom nodded tightly. James winked at me "Well I must be going. The other two are close so I have no doubts they'll make it back safely" he said briefly, shaking Malcolm's hand "Let me know when you need my assistance again" he added and Malcolm gave a grim smile.

I joined the girl's group. We were messy, disheveled, tired, and sweaty but exuberant. Sierra was glowing with pride. The other girls were jumping up and down, looking triumphant. "How did everyone go?" I asked, already anticipating the answer by the wide grins on their faces and the churlish looks on the men's.

Before the girls could speak, a man and woman staggered out, the man grinning and the woman looking annoyed. They split and we shot each other glances. It looked like only one girl had failed to find her prey, or was I wrong? The men were looking shame-faced now and like their pride had been wounded and I had not one ounce of sympathy for any of them as we eagerly awaited for Malcolm to let us know just how the hunt had gone down and whether we had finally showed the men what the women were fully capable of.

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