The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 222

Third Person POV

The other omegas continued to heedlessly gossip, while Brynn smirked to herself. "The Luna Queen is keeping everything on the down low. She doesn't want her mate to worry and since they are arguing, I doubt he even knows about it." "Should we tell him?" the second omega said doubtfully and the first one shot her an incredulous look.

"Are you insane? This is between them. I'm not about to put myself in the firing line. If the Luna Queen wants him to know, then she'll tell him" the first omega said wisely "Otherwise I'm keeping my mouth shut and zipped tight."

"I hope the Luna Queen's pups are okay" the second omega murmured, sliding the sponge on the window slowly, a look of concentration on her face "she's so nice, I would hate for anything to happen to her."

The other omega waved a dismissive hand "I'm certain that Luna Blair will be fine. She's one of the strongest Luna's I've ever met. We'll find out anyway, the appointment is tomorrow afternoon. If you're so concerned, why don't we hang around the pack house and wait for her to get back? It shouldn't take long and if it does..." she paused "then we know that something might be amiss."

The other omega readily agreed and they put their sponges into their bucket and began to walk to the next one, on the opposite side to Brynn, leaving her to her thoughts.

So Blair had an appointment at the nearby hospital, thought Brynn to herself, smiling wickedly. Not only that, but she was arguing with her mate, causing strained relations between the two of them. Unless they made up by then, and Brynn was willing to bet that both of them would remain stubborn and annoyed with each other, Blair would be going to the appointment alone. Or, she thought darkly, with Sierra and Josie. It was frustrating how close Blair appeared to be with those women. It made getting close to her difficult. They even slept close to her quarters, preventing Brynn from attempting anything close to her room. It was infuriating.

She sensed somebody coming and quickly ducked behind some hedges, her dress camouflaging her body. It was a grim-looking Blair. Brynn held her breath, aware that the dirt and the smell coming from the hedge would hide her scent. She kept her wolf tamed, hoping that her aura would remain practically invisible. She heard Blair let out a low growl of frustration and saw her between the branches of the hedge as she threw her hands up.

"I could have sworn she went this way" Blair growled.

Was she looking for Brynn? Brynn didn't dare move from her position. Blair looked fretful, her hand on her swollen stomach. Brynn thought she looked fat and awful, with large dark circles under her eyes and greasy hair that was lank and listless. Blair exhaled and looked up at the sky, a tense expression on her face.

"I'm probably being ridiculous" she muttered under her breath, so close that Brynn could hear every word "I'm seeing danger where there is none. The poor girl is just a maid down on her luck. I'm overreacting because I'm mad at Braedon," she said tightly "and because I'm worried about tomorrow" she finished.

Brynn watched as she turned and stomped away, wriggling carefully out of the hedge and smoothing down her uniform. That was lucky, she thought with a whoosh, the air escaping from her lungs.

Was Blair suspicious of her? Brynn knew that she would have to be even more careful as she picked up the bucket and made to head into the pack house, only for the sound of a piercing whistle and a scream to make her head swivel, her eyes widening as the yelling began.

"Rogues" a woman screamed, as warriors surged past, urging women and children to get into the pack house and into safety "Run, rogues are coming" she screamed louder.

Brynn dropped her bucket and raced towards the safety of the pack house. She could take care of herself but if a rogue attacked, she would be forced to drop her disguise and out herself. Blair was at the door, while Braedon's wolf came racing past everyone, joining in on the fight.

"Hurry" Blair was shouting, as omegas, children, women, and elderly, began to make their way to her "Get to the safe room" she shouted, her voice carrying across the grounds.

Brynn grabbed a child and hoisted her in her arms, keeping her face hidden. She ran to the house and put the child down, turned back and went and got another one. She put all her efforts into getting every person into the pack house, while Blair did the same. Blair refused to leave the door of the pack house, insisting that everyone else reach the safety room first. A warrior brought in the last child, behind Brynn who paused.

"Go" Blair insisted, "go and shut the door. That's an order" she told the hesitating warrior who looked about to argue.

"Luna you can't" he started to say, but Blair shook her head, starting to walk away and the warrior growled in frustration, taking the child down the corridor.

Now was her chance. The warrior was gone. Brynn headed out behind her, Blair so lost in getting to the fight, without shifting, that she failed to hear Brynn's careful footsteps behind her. What did she think she was going to be able to do anyway, thought Brynn in amusement. Throw more daggers at them? Brynn might not have organized this rogue attack but it had come in useful. It was like serendipity. Brynn would never have another chance like this one. Braedon would be under the assumption that Blair was in the safe room with all the other shifters that weren't capable of fighting to defend the pack and everyone else would think Blair was making her way to Braedon. By the time they realized that Blair was missing, it would be far too late thought Brynn with a grin. Blair must have finally heard Brynn's footsteps and halted, turning around to look at the girl with a puzzled expression. "Why didn't you join the others in the safe room?" she asked "It's dangerous out here."

Brynn kept her voice low "I am trying to follow you Luna Queen" she coughed "I can't let you go alone."

"I command you to go back to the pack house" Blair ordered.

She failed to use the Alpha tone, the one thing that might have saved her. The one thing that might have prevented Brynn from carrying out her plan. But Blair was intent on getting to Braedon and helping, and was so lost in her thoughts, that she made a second mistake. She turned her back on Brynn.

Brynn calmly stepped behind Blair. Within moments, the other girl was on the floor unconscious, her body lying at Brynn's feet. While chaos reigned in the forest and pack members waited in the safe room, Brynn reached down and slowly began to drag Blair away from the safety of the pack, a gleam in her eyes. She had one destination in mind, and not a lot of time to get there. Fortune had favored her today and she thanked the moon goddess for giving her this chance at revenge. For when Blair was finally gone, Brynn would be setting her sights on the next target in her scope. Her father would be the next one to pay and pay dearly for his betrayal of her and her mother. But first, he would suffer and suffer greatly. She smiled, gritting her teeth and picking up Blair's unconscious body.

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