The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 218

King Braedon POV

James was patient. "Braedon I can instruct the other men to help me burn him, away from here and leave his carcass for the animals to feast on if that's what you want?" he suggested drily.

I tried not to blanch at that image, my eyes narrowing. "Do it" I exhaled, giving him the order and feeling a weight lift off my shoulders "I have no desire for a gravesite to visit and neither does Sarah. As far as we're concerned he is no flesh and blood of ours." James nodded. I cast one last glance at my father's body lying prone on the grass and then turned on my heel, walking back to the pack house.

The house was eerily silent as I walked back in. Most other pack members had gone back to sleep, James having informed them it was safe to do so. I could hear Blair walking back and forth in our bedroom and I opened the door tentatively, watching her head swivel to look at me.

"Blair calm down," I told her, keeping her at arm's length as she tried to come to me, wrinkling my nose and glancing downwards "I'm all dirty love, let me get clean."

She refused, pushing past me and hugging me. "Braedon, we'll shower together," she said with a huff.

I sighed, inhaling her delicious scent which comforted and soothed me. My arms wrapped around her instinctively and for a moment we stood, as though stuck in time, lost in the moment and content to be in each other's company. "How's Sarah doing?" I asked her quietly, as she pulled back and viewed me with watery eyes.

"She's upset," Blair said tactfully "hormonal with the pregnancy and devastated from losing her father but also relieved at the same time. She's a bit of a mess, but I'm certain that James will be able to comfort her better than we can. Just touching your mate is enough to instantly calm you and relax yourself."

"I could go see her," I said, but Blair shook her head.

"Don't. She understands the necessity of what had to be done, the inevitability that your father had to die, but she's also angry. Not at you, but at the whole situation. She needs time to grieve for what could have been, or what kind of father she wishes she could have had. Give her tonight" Blair said softly "and speak to her in the morning, like a brother should."

I sighed. Blair rubbed my arms sympathetically. "I don't understand. He probably would have had a better chance of trying to take me out in human form, rather than in his wolf form. Was it all for show?" I growled, my hand going to the back of my neck as I closed my eyes in exasperation "Was he trying to show me that he was the stronger wolf? Because it didn't work" I snarled "he lost and then he had to fight dirty in order to win against me. Even if I had died, did he really think this pack would follow him? Did he think that taking the Alpha King title by force would be enough to encourage the pack to follow his lead?" I gave a bitter laugh "The stupid fool has always thought that it's better to lead by fear and under the threat of t*****e than to be compassionate and kind. This pack would never have accepted him" I said exhaling "And they would have died for their loyalty" I concluded grimly.

"You don't have to worry about that now" Blair protested, her voice slightly hoarse.

I clenched my hands into fists "Don't I? If he had succeeded" my voice cracked slightly "If I had died tonight Blair, what do you think his plans would have been for you? Do you think he would have allowed a Luna Queen to suffer to live? Especially one carrying the future heirs to the throne? You would have died, a slow and painful death at my father's hands and I would have been unable to stop it. You took a risk, staying out here near the fight tonight."

"I saved your life" Blair shot out, sounding slightly angry while I stared at her, my shoulders heaving, my chest tightening. "Yes" I snapped as she reared back in surprise "but what if I had died? You were barely three feet away from us. You would have had almost no chance of getting away safely. Our pups would have slowed you down. You put yourself and our children at risk. Sarah put herself at risk but at least she went back inside" I hissed "When are you going to realize that you aren't invincible? Do you think I would have forgiven myself if he had turned and taken a shot at you before I could move? James might have prevented him from trying it but Blair, you aren't infallible."

She stared at me in disbelief. "Braedon," she said, "I wasn't..."

"You weren't thinking" I interrupted, my eyes darkening as she stepped backward, an expression of anger on her face "You weren't thinking at all. You carry the future of the royal family inside yourself and you act as though that doesn't matter. Those children are the future of my lineage. If I die, then my son will become the future Alpha King. Our daughter, a princess. How would you have felt if you had lost those children today, because of your foolish actions?"

She gaped at me, the blood draining from her face. "That never would have happened Braedon" she whispered, her body shaking "I would never have let it. You're being irrational and illogical right now, you're not thinking straight. I understand that you're upset and that tonight was probably a lot for you to digest, so I'm going to pretend that you haven't just taken all your frustrations out on me" she added as I clenched my jaw in denial.

She began to grab her clothes "You need to grieve Braedon. I'm going to shower and hop into bed. I would find another room but I don't want to give you any more ammunition that I'm putting the children and myself at risk" she said with a heavy dose of sarcasm as I stared at her, the anger suddenly deflating out of me.

"Blair," I said softly as she began to open the bathroom door "Blair, please, I didn't mean."

"Save it," she said coldly "We can discuss this in the morning Braedon when you're feeling more like yourself. I'm not in the mood to take any more of your anger or rage right now, and I don't deserve it."

The bathroom door slammed shut behind her with an ominous bang and I sat on the bed, with my head in my hands, feeling miserable and more alone than ever. Blair was right. I was taking everything out on her, because if I was honest with myself, a small part of me was lost, broken, and afraid. Not for myself, but for her and my children. What if I was exactly like my father, the man Blair had been forced to kill? The thought made my blood run cold.

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