The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 231

King Braedon POV

The mood was stilted and the grief was palpable in the air. The clouds were gathered high in the sky, slowly turning dark, matching the melancholy mood. I was clad in black, a look of profound grief on my face, as the pack gathered around me, offering what little support and sympathy they could. James remained by my side and Sarah wept, wiping her tears while Sierra and Josie clung to each other. I turned to address the pack, the women silently crying while their men stood stoically, grim expressions on their faces. I cleared my throat, struggling to find the right words, even as my chest tightened. For a moment words failed me. [wpdiscuz-feedback id="zrnq9r1g8y" question="Please leave a feedback on this" opened="1"]J OB NI B.COM asking your opinion on this chapter.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

Finally, I choked them out. The words I had never thought I would be forced to say, my heart feeling as though it was being ripped in two. I felt James's hand on my shoulder, offering his silent support. "I want to thank everybody for being here today," I said hoarsely, bowing my head, my hair covering my eyes as my eyes shined with unshed tears, tears that I refused to let fall.

I had to show strength as the Alpha King. I had to show that whatever happened, I was still in control of the pack and the kingdom as a whole. I could not let myself break down today. Not in front of my pack, no matter how badly I was hurting. No matter how much I wanted to sink to my knees and howl out my anguish. Today was a day for grieving but also a day to show the strength of the pack as a unity and ensure that we continued to forge a path forward that enhanced and bettered the pack as a whole.

The pack looked at me expectantly, some of the women's eyes darting to behind me while I tried not to look at the one thing that would break me down completely. I coughed and tried once more. This time my voice was shaky "I appreciate everybody gathering on this terrible day. Your concern and your sympathy is much appreciated. I know for a fact that if she were here today, your Luna Queen would be appreciative of how much she was loved by everyone in the pack. She did the best she could, to provide you with a Luna Queen you would be proud of and she was the most loyal, kind, loving, and compassionate" My voice cracked for a moment as I struggled to gather and maintain my composure, my eyes closing and then opening again "mate that I could have ever hoped for."

One that I knew I would never have the pleasure of finding again. There would never be another Blair, not as long as I lived. James stepped forward "The pack grieves the loss of Queen Blair, a woman who is survived by hers and King Braedon's children. It is with great sadness that her children will not grow up to know what their mother was like and how much she sacrificed in order to ensure they lived even if she could not."

The pack nodded gravely, while I stood still as a statue, unmoving. I barely heard James's words. I could not push past my grief. I could not think of anything except that behind me, stood a large headstone with my beloved mate's name on it. The ceremony had been beautiful, but what it was, was merely a reminder that Blair no longer remained by my side. That she would not be here to raise our children or see any of their milestones. I sucked in a breath, while my wolf put up a block, unable to bear the feelings of loss that both of us felt.

Sarah stepped forward. "I regret that I didn't appreciate Blair for the kind person she was in the beginning and that I treated her so coldly. As I got to know her better she became one of the best friends I could ever ask for and I will miss her greatly. She will be remembered for her braveness, her courage, and her commitment to this pack. Long live Queen Blair" she said with a sob, turning to James and burying her head in his chest. I clenched my jaw. It was getting harder not to break down and lose control of myself.

It was Josie's turn. She stepped forward, placing a bouquet of roses on Blair's headstone. She looked towards the pack. "Blair was the type of woman who always had time for her friends. She never judged you, she never had an unkind word. She showed me that I could be myself and she widened my friendship circle. She embraced me for who I am and I will always and forever be grateful to her for the kindness that she showed to me. I hope that she finds happiness in the afterlife and knows that we will never forget her. Her memory will live on, in her children's name. Long live Queen Blair" she said quietly, her hair beginning to billow behind her in the chilly wind.

I ran a hand through my face. My body was beginning to shake. I wasn't sure how much more I could take. James shot me a sympathetic glance. This was killing me inside. so much grief, so much pain. Blair had touched everybody here in some way. Even Malcolm looked devastated at losing her, reminiscing about training her. I gritted my teeth as Sierra stepped forward, placing a single rose on the headstone and regarding the pack with a sad smile.

"I didn't like Blair initially" she quipped, making the pack laugh in memory "In fact, I tried to take her out. But she never held a grudge," she said softly "She had a way of making you feel like she could see right through you. I never thought I would become friends with her. I wasn't the type to want friends" she admitted "I expected her to be stuck up, snobbish and a princess" she added, glancing at me apologetically "and instead I was greeted by a warm, down to earth girl who showed extraordinary kindness towards a woman who tried to harm her.

Blair was unique," she said loudly, her voice rising "she was special. She was unlike any other Luna I have ever known. She never thought she was above anyone else. She would happily get down in the dirt and do the jobs that the omegas did. There was no superiority complex, no desire to put anyone down. She was a bloody great friend and a wicked b***h to know" she said, "Long Live Queen Blair" she shouted, the pack echoing it back.

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