The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 208

Blair POV

"Congratulations you two," Josie said warmly.

"Thank you, Josie," I said glaring at a giggling Sierra.

"If you need any help with the nursery let me know, I would love to help you paint it" she offered with a smile.

I knew how hard this had to be for her. What a struggle it must be to be happy for me while mourning the loss of the baby that she never got to have. "Josie I would love that. I'm also open to suggestions" I told her as she brightened "it turns out we're having one of each so a boy and a girl" I added.

"A girl and a boy" Josie clapped "Oh there are so many colors you could do" She began to think it over, her mind awhirl with possibilities.

Sierra snorted "Damn, one spoilt princess and one rough prince. You could do a really cool nursery with crossbows and foliage" she began, perking up as Braedon and I stared at her aghast "Girls love archery and you could put targets on the walls to shoot at and..." "No" Josie protested, folding her arms and glaring at Sierra who looked annoyed by the interruption "We are not making a damn shooting, wilderness, crazy a's nursery."

"Why not? They can shoot the targets when they get older, camouflage themselves, learn to fight with the weapons, it's completely practical" Sierra protested. In order to avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit J ob n ib. com. I tried not to laugh out loud. Josie looked like she was about to wring Sierra around the neck. Sarah was snorting. James looked thoughtful and Braedon was highly amused.

"It's an interesting idea, Sierra," I said tactfully "but I was thinking something more baby-friendly."

She looked defeated. Josie smiled "What about a forest theme" she said looking at Sierra "But we could have wolves? Maybe a mural? Some stuffed animals?"

Sierra perked back up again.

"I think that might work," I said glancing at Braedon, "in fact, it's quite nice. I mean, wolves which is what they are, and we can decorate the nursery in different shades of green to go with the mural. Then we get furniture to match" I said pondering it out loud.

"I'll be in charge of security," Sierra said quickly.

Huh? Security? What in the hell? Braedon's lips curled into a smile. "I think that job suits you very well Aunt Sierra," he said nodding as Sierra looked at everyone triumphantly.

"Why do we need security?" I asked bewildered.

I was still new to this whole baby thing, but we had warriors. What was Sierra considering and why was I getting the shivers when I looked at her and the expression she had on her face?

"Blair, Blair, Blair," Sierra said with a shake of her head "Don't you understand how important your babies are? You are the Luna Queen, and Braedon is the Alpha King. These two children will be heirs to the throne. You can't just think that leaving them in their cots in the packhouse is going to be safe enough. You need a proper surveillance system and an alarm to go off if somebody so much as attempts to sneak in and steal away with them."

"But they would have to make it all the way through the grounds undetected," I said numbly "and into the pack house without being seen. Don't you think that having that much security is overkill and ..." I trailed off as I saw the evil glint in Sierra's eyes.

"You can't be lax with this Blair. Those children will be the most important thing in the whole world to you. More precious than some dumb diamond ring. All I'm' offering is giving you some peace of mind" Sierra said nonchalantly as I stared at her suspiciously "a state of the art security system to ensure that your babies are safe from harm and to ensure nobody lays a hand on them."

"I think that Sierra has the right idea" Sarah agreed, while James nodded tightly. "In fact, Sierra, I would be honored if you would do the same for my nursery" she added, causing Sierra to practically glow all over.

"Oooh, I would love to. Trust me, your baby will be safer than anything else in the world" she promised Sarah.

I was getting a terrible sense of foreboding. It was further caused when Braedon slipped his hand into his wallet and produced a black credit card which he passed over to a grinning Sierra. "There is no budget" he informed her blandly.

The smile on Sierra's face grew wider. "Well you can't put a price on someone's safety," she said, examining the card while I glanced at Braedon.

"Braedon," I said calmly as Josie peered over Sierra's shoulder at the card, while Sarah and James began to have a quiet discussion, my eyes narrowing at him suspiciously "Isn't that card, the one with no limits on it?"

His eyes twinkled "I'm willing to spend whatever it takes to keep our children safe. Besides" he said, looking at me amused "I hardly think that Sierra can spend that much money in one lifetime."

Looking at Sierra's face though, I was fairly certain he had underestimated her ability to shop or hadn't considered the pitfalls of giving another woman a credit card that allowed her to buy everything and anything her heart desired. The poor man was naive. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry as Sierra tucked the card into her pocket, a gleam in her eyes. Braedon was going to regret giving her that card, I knew it but I wasn't about to inform him of that fact. He was going to have to find that out for himself.

"Josie, we're off" Sierra chirped, taking Josie's arm while Josie stared at her blankly "We have some shopping to do" she sang.

"Already?" I asked, "You don't even know what room we're going to use for the nursery?"

She looked at Braedon with a raised brow "The room adjoining yours right? There's no way you guys would let the babies be further away than that."

He silently nodded. She grinned and began to drag a befuddled Josie out of the room. James chuckled "You know she's going to put a serious dent in that credit card."

"It will keep her busy," Braedon said with a grimace "and distract her from trying to paint targets on the nursery walls" he added darkly as the room erupted into laughter.

"Her heart is in the right place," I said with a smile. "let's go look at the nursery and decide what furniture we need" I suggested.

Braedon grinned and took my hand. Sarah and James politely declined. We made our way upstairs, heading into the adjoining room. It was large and spacious, something I was now grateful for considering that we were having twins. "We're going to need two cots" I mused, biting my lip "and two changetables."

"Plenty of room for that, but you're going to want a nursing chair as well" he pointed out, observing me quietly "regardless if you're breastfeeding or not. It will make it easier for me or you to feed them and even to rock them to sleep." "Good idea," I said out loud, trying to envision it all in my mind "not to mention a pram and swings and bouncers and..." I trailed off, beginning to feel overwhelmed.

"Hey, hey it's okay," Braedon said quickly "It seems like a lot, but I will help. I'll organize the mural and if you tell me what color wood you want the furniture, I can help order it for you. You're not alone Blair" he told me, as I put my head against his chest and breathed long deep breaths "and I'm in this too. You don't have to do everything yourself, you're not superwoman. Let me help" he said with a wry grin "and pray that whatever Sierra brings back with her, doesn't kill any intruders that try to get in the room. The woman scares me if I'm honest and I'm starting to think that she's going to rig this room to the point it won't be safe for us to enter either" he complained and I doubled over laughing and crying as Braedon stared at me.

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