The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 207

Blair POV

My heart broke for my mate. For the little boy who had grown up underneath his father's thumb, desperate for his approval, for his love, and who had received neither. To be raised by one solo parent who was plagued by depression and low moods because of his father's adulterer ways. The hurt it must have caused and the anger that even now, continued to reside in Braedon's heart. Was it any wonder that he questioned himself, that he doubted his own ability to be a father? His eyes were bleak as we made our way to the pack house and his silence spoke volumes. I struggled to think of what to say to comfort him in a time like this. To heal the heart that had been broken and was only now beginning to put itself back together again. I wished I could offer something more than just words and affection, but as his mate that was all I had and I prayed it would be more than enough.

I wanted to hug the child who had loved and lost his adoring mother. I wish I could have met her when she was alive. She sounded kind and loving and she loved her son and daughter more than anything in the world. Her death had devastated Braedon and the manner in which it happened, would haunt Braedon for the rest of his life. What amount of desperation she must have felt that day, to take her own life in front of her son's very eyes as a way to escape the harsh reality in which she was forced to live? How much had she endured at the hands of her own so- called mate, before it became all too much for her to continue to handle and she decided that death was the only way out?

I took Braedon's hand and put it gently on my stomach as we paused in front of the house. "Braedon," I said softly, forcing him to look at me "These are our children. Your children" I repeated "history won't repeat itself, because I won't let it. You are different to your father" I repeated and he nodded, his eyes softening as he cupped my stomach, a look of wonder in his eyes.

I was grateful to see what was reminiscent of a slow smile spread across his face as he looked at my swollen belly. I hoped that when our children came, all of his fears and doubts about being a father could be pushed aside. He would never willingly hurt them, not in a million years, I knew it with a certainty, but he would continue to be plagued by doubts until he could hold them in his arms.

Sarah poked her head out the door, her own eyes filled with anxiety. "I know you went to visit our mother's grave," she said quietly, her own tone filled with grief.

Sarah. For a moment I had forgotten she would have been affected by what happened as well and yet Braedon had not mentioned her except for a little bit. I glanced at him questioningly. "Sarah never saw what happened that day. She lived with our Aunt for a while and due to the age gap, she was quite often visiting family. She didn't see enough to put everything together until it was too late and she was away the day our mother ended her life" he said heavily. "I'm grateful she was spared from realizing what a bastard our father was until I got rid of him." "I felt it was time," Braedon said quietly, his tone filled with sadness.

"I visit her often," Sarah said confessing and I realized that was why the gravestone was so clean of dirt and why it wasn't overtaken with wild grass.

Sarah must clean the gravestone every time she visits her mother, keeping it tidy and fixing it up from whatever damage the elements managed to do to it.

We stepped inside and Sarah embraced a wooden-looking Braedon. "I'm sorry I was always away so often" she whispered looking regretful.

"I'm glad you never had to see it all," Braedon told her firmly as her eyes shone with unshed tears that threatened to fall at any moment "trust me, you were better off far away from here than having to deal with our bastard of a father and mother's moods. It would have killed what little spirit you had left."

Sarah flattened her lips, pulling back. "Still it wasn't fair to you and it was selfish of me, leaving all the time and having you deal with it all. If I had just known..." she insisted with a small hiccup.

James came walking in, pulling Sarah to him with ease as she went willingly, still looking stricken. He kissed her tenderly on the forehead as she relaxed against him, taking comfort from such a small and simple gesture from her mate. Braedon did the same to me. Sarah and I glanced at each other knowingly. Our mates were using us as a distraction. We didn't mind, we could use the same. The men led us into the kitchen. "Are you hungry Blair?" Braedon asked uncertainly. He gestured to some omegas to bring us food. My stomach growled loudly on cue, making all of us laugh and breaking the tension, Braedon's face possessing a genuine smile this time. "Hey," I said pouting, as Josie and Sierra came casually waltzing in "I can't help it, I'm eating for three now" I exclaimed loudly, my eyes shining as I looked at everyone with anticipation.

Silence. Everyone at the table, Josie and Sierra glanced at each other with bewildered looks on their faces as they tried to digest my words. Braedon smirked, the hint of a smile on his face. Sarah was the first to guess what I was alluding to, leaping to her feet and rushing to hug me "Congratulations" she exclaimed "Twins. My god, double the amount of work but oh so cute" she gushed excitedly.

James clapped Braedon on the back to congratulate him, shaking his hand and Josie and Sierra gave me a warm hug looking excited for me.

"Ah, should have known that Braedon's swimmers would be potent," Sierra said nodding at me wisely "an Alpha King doesn't do things by half. I'm not surprised you're having twins," she said cracking up "in fact I guess you should be grateful it's not quadruplets or something. Congratulations on powerful swimmers Alpha King" she declared to the table, which had Sarah choking and erupting into giggles while Braedon turned beet red and James's shoulders began to shake while I laughed out loud.

Josie shushed her, Sierra shrugged and sat down, giggling madly at the look on everyone's face.

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