The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 216

Blair POV

Sarah wanted to protest, I could see it in her eyes, but she reluctantly acceded to my demands. Sierra gripped her by the arm and turned, walking her back to the pack house, giving me a sharp look over her shoulder. I turned back to the skirmish, my eyes watching intently. So far they seemed to be evenly matched. James backed away slightly so that he was next to me. I knew then that Braedon had given him the order to protect me and I gave a low growl of frustration under my breath. Our mate is a proud man and doesn't want our help, Blair. You must understand that Braedon has always known this fight would be inevitable. Some part or instinct told him that his father was not dead and all this time, he's been waiting for this day. We cannot interfere.

Dusk I'm not about to stand here and watch my mate be killed by his own father. Pride or not. Can you logically rationalize that Braedon's death is worth more than injuring his pride?

No, but Blair, we have our pups to think of. The heirs to the royal throne. If this man should overcome our mate and end his life, logically you will be next. He will not allow anyone who can challenge him for the throne to live. That includes Sarah as well. Precisely why I don't intend on just standing here and doing nothing. Do you really think I'm about to let myself or Sarah be put in harm's way? I have every faith that Braedon will win this fight, but I also know his father fights dirty. I'm taking precautions Dusk, that's all. I'm taking everything that could happen into account. That is wise Blair.

I felt Sierra's hand on my shoulder. "They're really going at it" she said, watching the wolves try to tear each other's throats out "They are so fast, it's almost impossible to make out which one is which" she marveled.

"Did you bring the blade?" I asked quietly.

She showed it to me "But I don't think you're going to be able to get close enough to use it and if you try to throw it, you risk getting Braedon" she warned.

"I don't plan on throwing it. It's here as a cautionary measure" I assured her.

She frowned. I didn't elaborate, taking the blade delicately in my hand, careful to only touch the handle so the silver didn't burn me. James let out a slow growl, his eyes on the fight.

"Blair, why don't we go inside?" Sierra urged.

I shook my head "No, Braedon will need me" my voice was certain.

I touched my stomach, feeling my pups move inside of me, restless. Perhaps they sensed something was wrong as well. Or maybe they were feeding off of my unease.

Braedon's wolf flipped on top of his father's pinning it to the ground, clamping his jaws on its throat, forcing it to submit. My eyes brightened. This was the moment. If his father submitted, then perhaps this could end here now. Nobody had to die, this didn't have to end in bloodshed. At least not tonight. His father would be duly punished for his attack tonight. But this could be the end of what had proven to be a very long fight.

Braedon was bucked off and his father snarled, turning back to face him. He was covered in gouges and there was a large scratch along his midsection, blood trickling from various wounds onto the grass. He was swaying slightly on his feet. He curved his lips, but Braedon moved, promptly leaping onto him, biting into his throat and tearing it, before jumping off. His father let out a long howl of pain, getting awkwardly to his feet, his eyes filled with hatred and pain. Braedon was almost clear of wounds, only covered with the occasional scratch and scrape in comparison. It appeared that Braedon was the superior fighter after all.

His father shifted into his human form and Braedon did the same. I was surprised at the man who looked nothing like Braedon. I could see where hair dye had been applied though and suspected that he'd been given a tan. The man was glaring at Braedon with contempt in his eyes.

"You would kill me with your own hands" he sneered.

Braedon looked at his father with an indecipherable expression "I told you before that if you stepped foot on these lands again your life would be forfeit" he said quietly "Why did you not listen to my warning? Are you that arrogant that you thought I wouldn't go through with it?" he snarled "Father or no, I want nothing to do with you, neither does Sarah."

His father fell to his knees "I am your flesh and blood" he coughed, spitting blood onto the ground "And this is how you treat me?" he asked with disgust.

"You are no father of mine" Braedon answered steadily, his gaze on the man "You are nothing but a s***m donor. You ruined my mother and the last I heard you had shacked up with another woman. I have no desire to have you in my life nor to lay claim to you as family."

"That wounds me," the man said sarcastically, eying Braedon with glinting eyes "You're a pathetic weasel of a son." "Enough words" Braedon growled "For attacking your Alpha King and attempted murder, You will be placed in the dungeon until such time as your execution is planned. Stand up, you son of a b***h" he growled.

Instinct made me inhale sharply. Instinct made me grip the handle of the dagger even tighter. Braedon was so angry he wasn't even thinking logically. James shifted into his human form, moving towards Braedon's father to help but Braedon was irrational by now. "I only wish I had been the one to push your mother off the roof myself" his father had the nerve to say.

It was the last straw for Braedon. I saw the muscles tighten in his face. I saw his jaw clench tightly. I saw the sheer fury on his face. He was angry. He was more than angry. He was furious. I tensed. He was about to make a mistake. His father might appear to be weak, but Sarah's warning flashed in my mind. Braedon's father liked to play dirty. James was still moving forward but Braedon had almost reached his father.

I moved my hand back. As I had anticipated or perhaps suspected, Braedon's father chose that exact moment to sweep his hand down and fling dirt right in Braedon's eyes, causing him to stumble back blind, cursing and sputtering. I saw the claws glinting on the end of his father's hand.

I reacted before James could spring forward, my hand flinging forward, the knife flying through the air. I watched in slow motion as the knife spun, right towards its intended target while he remained oblivious. Before he could use his claws on Braedon, the knife buried itself deep into his chest, right into where his heart was, Braedon's father's eyes went wide in disbelief as he glanced down at it, his voice making a strangled sound, before his body collapsed right onto the ground, his eyes going blank as he stared sideways at nothing. I'd killed him, and as Braedon rubbed the dirt from his eyes and saw the dagger, I saw the blood drain from his face. Would he forgive my interference or would he resent me for what I had done?

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