The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 217

King Braedon POV

I felt the sand in my eyes as I staggered back and cursed, my eyes momentarily blinded, disgusted I hadn't anticipated such a dirty trick from my father. I had forgotten that he would use any means at his disposal to win. I managed to clear my eyes in time to see my father about to use his claws, aiming directly for me, a knife lodging itself in his chest, directly where his heart was, causing him to collapse to the ground, the light disappearing from his eyes. My body stiffened and I glanced over to see a pale-looking Blair, her hand still partially raised in mid-air, where she had flung the dagger from. I blinked as she threw herself forward, my hands automatically catching her as she flung herself into my arms.

"Blair" I breathed, as she gave a small sob "why did you..." I trailed off, feeling concerned as she tightened her grip on me. "I'm sorry" her voice was muffled and I felt something wet dripping onto my cheeks.

Was she crying? For me? I pulled back, my eyes staring into hers as she continued to sob "I had to do it. I know he's your father but..." her voice trailed off as she hiccuped.

"Oh Blair," I said hoarsely "you fool! You saved my life. Don't apologize for that. I should have seen that he would use such a disgusting trick."

I felt ashamed that she'd had to step in, disgusted at my inability to comprehend what my father was capable of as I lost all rationality in the moment, I had been so intent on dragging him to the dungeon.

I carefully placed her back down on the ground and we both looked down at my father's body. My lips tightened. "He finally came back after all these years," I said grimly, as James joined us "The son of a b***h, what was he thinking? Why now of all times?" I mused, confused. Five years was a long time to wait for revenge. Or, maybe not that long at all, judging by how one looked at it.

"That he decided he wanted the title of Alpha King back?" James suggested drily, kneeling down and checking Nikolai, my father for a pulse, slowly shaking his head at me as he found none. "Who knows what he was thinking? But, look at him" he added, standing and nudging my father's shoulder with his foot "he disguised himself as the warrior and managed to disguise himself enough not to get caught. How do you suppose he managed to hide the fact he had an alpha wolf?" he muttered "Neither of us picked up his wolf and his scent was hidden from our wolves." "It can be done," I said slowly "You can subdue your wolf but it weakens the both of you. It puts an enormous strain on your wolf, having to hide its aura and it can mentally and physically affect them. It's difficult and not something I would even attempt, but if you're desperate enough, like I guess he was ..." I trailed off, eying my father with contempt.

A bastard like him wouldn't care what kind of emotional toll it would take on his wolf, providing that he got what he wanted in the end.

"I don't think I even want to know how that's done," Blair said quietly, her face devoid of all color.

She shuddered at the mere thought of trying to control her wolf in such a manner.

A scream from behind us had James whirling around quickly to embrace a sobbing Sarah. She peered over his shoulder, violently shaking. "Hush honey" James whispered as Sarah clung to him "What on earth are you doing out here?" he demanded.

"I couldn't just stay, I had to see for myself. Is he really dead?" she begged, her eyes beseeching me, James and Blair. "He's gone Sarah," I said harshly "for good. He's never coming back. Ever" I added as her eyes narrowed and then closed, the sound of her weeping growing louder as she clung to James with all her strength.

"You don't resent me for killing him do you?" Blair whispered, peering at me uncertainly "I didn't mean to, I mean I could have tried to stun him instead but it was all a split-second decision..." she trailed off, biting her lip and looking worried.

I pulled her closer, shaking my head. "You made the right decision. I would have killed him anyway. Take Sarah back into the house" I added in a low voice "while James and I deal with my father's body."

She nodded and walked over to Sarah, tugging on her arm. She discreetly whispered something into the girl's ear, both of them hugging and crying, before Sarah willingly followed Blair back into the pack house, leaving just James and I outside alone. I ran an exasperated hand through my hair. I was beyond furious, but If I was honest with myself, most of the fury was directed at me. I gritted my teeth and exhaled slowly, attempting to maintain my cool.

"All this time, I hoped the bastard was already dead" I admitted to James who looked at me sympathetically "and in one night I find out he's not and my own mate has to kill him for me."

"It's a lot to take in," James said with a low whistle, "but at least now you'll have closure. You won't have to wonder where he is, what he's doing. He's out of your mind forever now" he added.

He was right. There was something uplifting about knowing I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder wondering if my father was ever going to attack again or step foot on my territory. I wasn't even saddened by his death. I was relieved. What kind of person did that make me? My mother would be saddened to know just how far my father had fallen in all of our eyes.

"What do you want done with the body?" James asked shrewdly "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I doubt you'll want the bastard anywhere near your mother's grave."

I glanced at him sharply "You would guess right. My mother has finally found peace and there's no way I'm putting him anywhere near her grave to disturb it. He never loved her, he doesn't deserve to be beside her now. I'm not sure he even deserves a damn grave at all" I said in annoyance and contempt"The bastard should just rot in hell" I added, kicking a pebble with my foot in frustration and watching it bounce and roll away from me.

Only hell would be too good for a bastard like him.

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