The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 215

Blair POV

I heard the sound of growling and snarls from the bedroom and I frowned as I woke, heading to the window. I could sense Braedon's wolf, it was angry, and his aura was pushing out and causing mine to whine in recognition. Something was wrong. I could feel it. There was a terrible sense of foreboding and danger. I could feel his wolf and I knew instinctively that he was somewhere on the grounds and in danger. I dressed, as quickly as I could and hurried out the door, my steps rushed, as I ran into Sierra who had a confused and bleary look in her eyes as she too stepped out of her room. "What's going on?" she yawned, her hair disheveled, her eyes snapping into focus.

"Braedon's in trouble" I answered slightly panicked as she began to follow me, uncaring she was dressed in a tank top and short shorts.

"I will lead the way" she ordered, a look of determination on her face, as she stepped in front of me, keeping me out of harms way, despite my exasperation.

I rushed down the stairs, careful not to slip, and out the front door, heading around the side of the pack house, where I stopped in my tracks. James's wolf was there, standing guard and two black wolves were there, circling each other, snarling. I gaped. I recognized Braedon's one at once, but the other one was a stranger. I had never seen that black wolf before. It was definitely an Alpha wolf. Visit Job ni b .com to read the complete chapters for free. There was no mistaking it, or the aura it possessed. How had it managed to get past patrol I wondered absent-mindedly. Not only that but the wolf was larger than the average Alpha wolf. That was unusual and the way that Braedon was acting towards it, told me that he knew who it was. Both wolves were eying each other with more than just the usual anger, there was hatred consuming Braedon's gaze as well. Sheer unadulterated hatred. I shivered.

"That's not just any wolf," Sierra said out loud as James glanced over his shoulder and nodded "Look at the sheer size of it."

They both moved, Braedon sweeping his paw at the other one who easily dodged his attack, the two of them snarling and growling at each other. Both were furious, angry and had darkened eyes as they glowered at each other.

"They look like they hate each other," I said, putting a hand to my mouth "I don't understand. Is this an Alpha from a rival pack or somebody that's after Braedon's title?" I asked confused. What was this animosity that each had for the other?

"No," said a trembling voice behind us and we turned, to see a stricken-looking Sarah, the blood drained from her face, her body swaying as she looked at the two wolves, her expression one of terror and contempt "that other wolf, it's" she gasped and then sank to her knees, making Sierra lunge towards her in a panic while I gaped and moved to help her. "It's" she stammered again, her voice barely above a hushed whisper "it's our father. He came back"

Her voice was filled with dread and her eyes were filled with horror. She looked almost hysterical as she was helped to her feet.

Sierra assisted her to stand, but the paleness of Sarah's pallor indicated she was close to fainting as I took hold of her arm, keeping her upright. James turned and regarded his mate, silently observing her, a forlorn expression on his face. He wanted to go to her, but he also could not take his eyes off the fight occurring in front of him. It was a horrible choice he was being forced to make. I didn't envy him. It must have been tearing him apart to see his pregnant mate in such a terrible state.

"We have her" I yelled to him as he reluctantly turned his gaze back to what was unfolding in front of us and I turned to Sarah, who was fighting back tears.

"Why would your father have come back after all this time?" I asked confused.

According to Braedon, it had been years since either of them had laid eyes on their father. Why now? What had changed to bring this man back after all this time? Or was it merely a coincidence he had chosen now? I was suspicious.

"I don't know" she mumbled, almost sobbing "but he's going to kill Braedon if he's not careful. You have to help him" she begged me "My father fights dirty, he always has. He has never been an honorable man. Braedon is always honorable, he won't stoop to his level. He'll die if you don't step in" she warned me.

I hesitated "I can't shift, it could harm the babies" I murmured regretfully "and Braedon is the Alpha King Sarah, don't you think you should give your brother the benefit of the doubt? It's been five years since he last fought your father and he's grown stronger since then."

Sarah looked at me with pure exhaustion on her face, or was it resignation? "So has my father Blair. This is revenge for driving him away five years ago. I always knew he would come back. That the bastard was too stubborn to die at a rogue's hand. Braedon should have finished him off when he had the chance to instead of allowing him to live" she whispered, leaning against Sierra, her body trembling violently "Now it's too late."

"Sarah," I said sharply, grabbing hold of her and gently shaking her as she turned wide eyes to me "Get ahold of yourself. Stop acting as though Braedon is a dead man and start behaving like the damn princess you're meant to be. Sierra" I said, casting her a sidelong glance "Take Sarah back into the pack house, she doesn't need to see this. The stress isn't good for her baby and she's upset. Bring back your new weapon" I added meaningfully and saw Sierra's eyes widen in understanding and a certain amount of glee. "But what about you Blair? You can't just stay here. What about your babies?" Sarah tried to protest half heartedly. Her heart was not in staying, even as fearful as she was for Braedon and her mate. She was shaking so violently by now, that it was a miracle she was still standing.

"I am Braedon's mate and the Luna Queen," I told her firmly, raising my voice to be heard above her as she began to sob "and should the worst happen, then I will be here to meet my fate. Or be here to end this miserable bastard's life. But you, you need to go back and rest" I ordered her "and Sarah, have a little faith" I told her quietly "your brother is a king for a reason, not just because of his bloodline but because of the effort he puts through everyday in training."

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