The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 183

Third Person POV

The transportation truck moved, almost flying down the dirt track, Luna Bianca's lips flattened as she bit her lip, Brynn's face mulish and downcast. "Mother, any second now they are going to find us" she almost screeched, causing Bianca to wince and cast her daughter a scorching glance "It's a miracle they haven't already. Why didn't we just shift and run away like I suggested?" she snapped.

Bianca took deep calming breaths "because they would have smelt our scent within an instant. They would have been checking for our wolves. We're out of the territory Brynn and our scent has been well masked with the perfumes we've used. Nobody saw us take a truck, we're safe for now." "But what are we going to do?" her daughter wailed "You killed Ashton and we saw them come onto our pack. We can't go back and we have nowhere to go," she said dully "We're rogues now, aren't we?" she said hysterically, turning to her mother as Luna Bianca clenched her jaw "we're going to die out here."

"Calm down" Luna Bianca hissed "And get ahold of yourself" she snarled "Stop acting like such a pathetic coward. It's unbecoming of you. I'm trying to think of a way out of this Brynn, and you're constant wailing and dramatics aren't helping the situation." "I'm not the one who got us into this mess" Brynn shouted, losing her cool.

Luna Bianca swerved dangerously, causing Brynn to gasp in shock. "You're the one who came up with the idea of continuing the breeding program," Luna Bianca said in a dangerous tone "You and Ashton both did. All I did was help you to establish a successful method of creating a more profitable way of doing it. But so help me Brynn, you keep carrying on like this and I will leave your a*s behind" she threatened and Brynn's eyes widened before she swallowed hard, noticing the glint in her mother's eyes. It wasn't an empty threat and Brynn recognized it as such. Brynn ran a shaking hand through her hair. It had been close, too close for her comfort. When they had realized they weren't going to successfully find Alpha Johnathon, her mother had sprung into action. Brynn was grateful for it, but she constantly glanced over her shoulder. They knew already that the Alpha King and Luna Queen had taken over their pack and they weren't far enough away for Brynn to feel relaxed.

Howls of wolves filled the air and Brynn blanched. She glanced nervously at her mother whose eyes were darkening. Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. Her mother glanced at her and Brynn felt a terrible sense of foreboding. Her mother was beginning to look half-mad, crazy even. But Brynn was becoming angry herself. Her mother had killed Ashton, had attempted to kill her father, and had constantly underestimated Brynn over and over again. Her mother thought she was pulling the strings, but she had never realized that was because Brynn had allowed her to think she was doing it. But the time had come for Brynn to look out for herself.

"I won't let them take me" her mother began to mutter shaking her head "I won't surrender. If one of us has to be sacrificed" she began and Brynn made her move, knowing instinctively what her mother was thinking.

Brynn reached over her mother's body and opened the door to the truck, startling her as she gasped and turned to gaze at her. Brynn used the handle above her head to gain momentum and kicked her mother, propelling her towards the open door. "Brynn, what are you doing?" Luna Bianca screamed, trying desperately to hold on as Brynn narrowed her eyes.

"Exactly what I should have done before now Mother," Brynn said with gritted teeth, swinging back and then kicking forward again as her mother cried out "I won't let you sacrifice me. You've always been a b***h to deal with," she told her astonished mother as she began to fall out of the door "and I'm sick of you feeling like you can control me. If anyone is going to be sacrificed, so that one of us can live, it's going to be you" she grunted, kicking out once more and sending a screaming Luna Bianca out the door, her body moving into the driver's seat as she shut the door and kept the truck moving, casting one last vicious glance over her shoulder as she saw her mother lying in the middle of the road, grazed all over. She gave a wicked grin and continued on her way, the sounds of the wolves howls getting closer.

Luna Bianca lay sprawled in the middle of the dirt road, barely able to comprehend what happened. She was outraged, her body battered as she began to slowly get up, staring at the truck that was fading away in the distance. "That little b***h" she shrieked finding her voice, before glancing behind her nervously.

She shifted, beginning to run, smelling several wolves in pursuit now that they could smell her scent. She ran in the direction of the truck but was instantly blocked by several wolves, including two large black Alpha wolves. She turned around and was blocked by grey ones, effectively blocking her in. She growled, her body tensing for a fight.

This was all Brynn's doing. Her betrayal cut deep. It stunned Luna Bianca that her daughter had anticipated her actions and gotten to her first. Now Luna Bianca was being forced to fight for her life and she propelled forward, pushing one silver wolf out of the way, only to skid to a halt as a black wolf leaped in front and turned, staring at her with big cold eyes. Luna Bianca snapped her jaws and leaped towards it, only to be met in mid-air, the other wolf clawing her across her midsection and causing her to howl in pain as she hit the ground with a heavy thud. She panted and gave a distressed whine. The other wolf was unharmed, staring down at her unrelenting. Bianca got back to her feet, feeling shaky.

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