The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 184

Third Person POV

She wasn't going to get out of here alive, she thought bitterly. She had two choices, allow them to kill her, or to face an execution for what she had taken part in. She growled, swishing her tail, and then faltered. Blood was trickling out of her wounds. She made one more dash towards the black wolf and was promptly sent sprawling backward, hitting a tree and yelping. The black wolf shifted and she stared into the cold, dark eyes of the Alpha King, a menacing expression on his face. "Shift" he demanded icily.

She tried to resist his command, with every fiber of her being, but his will was stronger than hers and his aura pushed at her, more powerful than anything she could hope to fight against.

She shifted, weeping softly. His expression was condemning. She stared up at him hatefully.

"Satisfied now, you bastard?" she sneered.

The sounds of wolves shifting filled the air. Blair stepped up beside Braedon, an indecipherable expression on her face. Luna Bianca avoided her gaze. But Blair's gaze was razor sharp and her eyes were like black obsidian. "Where's your daughter?" Braedon asked evenly, as Luna Bianca glared "Where is Brynn Ryker?"

Luna Bianca laughed, a high-pitched sound that filled the air and caused everyone to wince from how shrill and hysterical it sounded. "My daughter," she said with anger "you mean the little b***h that kicked me out of the truck we were traveling in? She's long gone" she snapped, putting her nose in the air "Good luck finding her. I hope she rots in hell" she added glowering at the group of men and Blair, all of them looking taken aback. "Where was she going?" asked Blair evenly.

Luna Bianca moved her eyes towards the girl, blinking and staring at her hard. Silence. Blair narrowed her eyes. "Where was your daughter going Luna Bianca?" she asked tersely. "No idea," the woman said tightly "We didn't have a location in mind."

The Alpha King was unimpressed with the woman. He flattened his lips. "Take her back to the pack to be dealt with. Put her in the dungeon until we decide what to do with her. I'm sure the pack members would be happy to see that their Luna is safely behind bars" he spat out.

Luna Bianca clutched her mid-section. "Why don't you just kill me already?" she said with disgust "What is the purpose in pretending to have a trial. We both know what the result will be Alpha King," she said eyeing him askance "a trial or the pretense of one is merely a formality."

"Because killing you would merely be giving you a painless death," Blair said, staring at her with disdain "and that is not something you deserve."

"Ah the pathetic mutt" Bianca murmured as two warriors grabbed her and hauled her to her feet "How you've changed. I guess being mates with a powerful Alpha King makes you brave all of a sudden" she taunted "It's a shame we didn't kill you when we had the chance."

Before anyone could stop her, Blair reacted to the slight, punching Luna Bianca in the face and causing her to stagger backward. "As you can see, I'm alive and I'm not as pathetic as you remember" she spat out, as Luna Bianca rubbed her nose which was now broken and bleeding "And perhaps you should have killed me when you had the chance" she added "because I'm certain before too long you'll be wishing you had."

It was a promise and Luna Bianca understood that, her eyes widening in surprise. Braedon turned to his mate and quietly pulled her into him. Luna Bianca began to struggle in the warrior's arms. "You will not shift" he instructed Luna Bianca as she began to consider it and she deflated, her shoulders slumping.

Her midsection throbbed in pain. The warriors weren't gentle either as they manhandled her. In fact they were deliberately as rough as they could possibly be and Luna Bianca stared at them indignantly as she was dragged unceremoniously, back to the pack she had escaped from, her own pack members openly staring with what looked like great satisfaction and glee. None of them made a move to intervene or help her. She struggled as she was pulled into the pack house and stumbled down the basement stairs, King Braedon and Blair following silently behind her. As she reached the cell, she was shoved inside and she promptly fell onto the mattress, the cell door swinging shut behind her with a sense of finality. Dread rose inside of her as she took in the dampness, the mildew, smelt the old blood dried on the walls and floor, and saw the t*****e implements. Fear began to take over.

"You don't want to do this" she advised Blair and the Alpha King who watched silently from in front of the cell "Let me go and I'll help you to catch everyone involved in the trafficking. I'll even help you get Brynn" she offered wildly.

"You would betray your own daughter to save your own life?" Braedon sounded disgusted, but Blair looked unsurprised by her admission.

"I'm of more use to you alive than dead," she said panicked "You won't be able to take down everyone without me." Blair laughed softly, causing Luna Bianca to stiffen. "I agree that we need the information from you," she said c*****g her head "but I disagree that you are of more use to us alive than dead. Brynn also has the information we seek and we are going to find her," she said in a chilling voice that had the hairs on the back of Bianca's neck standing on end "so either way, we will take down this trafficking ring. But I especially am looking forward to making you talk" she added, eyeing the t*****e implements as Bianca flinched "and getting to know you a little better, after all what daughter wouldn't want to get to know the woman who birthed her and who is supposed to be her mother?" she said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Luna Bianca couldn't breathe. Blair knew her secret. Before she could utter a word, or attempt to offer a way to defend herself, Blair gave her a mocking smile and then turned on her heel and left, Braedon following behind, leaving Luna Bianca alone, with nothing but the silence and the darkness to keep her company.

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