The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 182

King Braedon POV

Blair looked devastated as she brought out the last woman. They gathered in a group, comforting each other, their eyes on the ground, timid, as me and my men stood there, the nurses subtly checking each one of them for any major injuries. Several were pregnant already, their bellies swollen with pups, and they placed a hand on their stomachs protectively, glancing at me with frightened expressions on their faces. I took deep breaths.

"I know that you're afraid and I know that you have been mistreated" I began, as Blair stepped up beside me, James on my other side "What's been done to you is unforgivable. The men, who abused you and kept you locked up in this horrible place have been dealt with so you no longer have to be afraid of them" I said heavily. "I am sorry that we did not come sooner to free you."

The women cast uneasy glances at each other. "What's going to happen now?" one dared to ask in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

"We want to ensure that you are alright. The nurses we brought are checking for injuries, and to see if you require any assistance or medicine" Blair said quietly "Our first priority is your well-being and your safety."

"Once we know that everyone is okay, then we're going to organize transportation for each and every one of you" I cut in, causing the women to begin to panic. "Transportation? To where? Not to be breeders for another pack?"

"Ladies" I boomed "the breeding program is illegal. Perhaps I should have introduced myself, but I am King Braedon and I wish to merge your pack with my own. Some sentences are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Jo bn Visit J o b to read the complete chapters for free. I'm aware that you come from different packs. Many of you are omegas and some of you are rogues" I finished, glancing at the group, the women nodding silently "Be that as it may, your Alpha betrayed you when he sent you here. This pack will be merged with mine and the Luna will be found and brought to deal with the consequences of her actions" I finished in a dark tone.

"Good" one woman said in a dangerous voice "that b***h is the reason all of us are here in the first place. She should be made a breeder to see how it feels" she added and the rest of the women nodded in agreement.

I interrupted before it turned into an all-out cry for bloodshed "Does anyone know where the Luna might have gone to? She's not in the pack house and I have men out searching the forest and nearby territories but if anyone knows something, it would make the search far easier." The women looked stumped. "No," one woman said with a sense of resignation "the b***h only came here on the odd occasion to look over the renovations or to ensure the security was up to scratch or give Alpha's an occasional tour. She never willingly gave any information away. But surely she couldn't have gotten too far" Her tone was slightly accusatory.

"We'll find her" Blair assured the woman "Let me just have a word with my mate while you get looked over and then perhaps we could organize some food and warmer clothing for you all?" she suggested, making the woman's eyes light up.

She took my arm and dragged me a fair distance away, where even the woman's sensitive shifter hearing wouldn't be able to pick up anything, James following at a more sedate pace.

"How could she have gotten away?" she hissed at me "Do you think she had some sort of warning we were coming?" "Alpha Johnathon got away, that was enough to make her nervous and go into hiding" I pointed out and she visibly relaxed. "f**k, I forgot that."

Alpha Johnathon joined us looking thoughtful "My wife is quite intelligent. She would have known the second I wasn't found that her time would be up. But something is niggling at my mind" he commented, running a hand through his disheveled hair "I could have sworn" he shook his head looking frustrated.

"Damnit" Blair swore, "she could be anywhere by now Braedon," she said irritably "A few hours headstart in wolf form. That's ample opportunity."

I gave her a sympathetic smile "Blair, you forget, she's on the run, with limited resources and very few packs that would grant her sanctuary, pray the ones that were trafficking with her. Do you think they are going to hide her when they find out that her pack has been found out to be the ringleader? She's going to have few friends and unless she decides to become rogue, it's not going to prevent us from finding her. You just need to be patient."

"I have been patient" Blair snarled.

I knew she was angry, but part of me wondered if she was this angry because she had been denied the opportunity to confront her mother. She wanted answers and once again she had been refused the chance to get them. Alpha Johnathon sighed and put a hand on his daughter's shoulder. To my surprise, Blair let him.

"Never mind, at least these women were saved," he said approvingly.

"But they haven't gotten their justice yet," Blair said angrily "Justice they rightfully deserve. Their Luna betrayed them and they have the right to see her given her sentence by the Alpha King and Luna Queen. I intend to make that happen for them, no matter what it takes, even if I have to search every bloody pack in this entire country" she swore vehemently.

"If that's what it takes" I agreed, then gestured back to the women, "but right now these women need us. It's going to take them a long time to heal and come back from this Blair" I told her softly "They need you. They need their Luna Queen to show them that they matter."

She bit her lip and then turned away, heading back to the woman Deidre, a look of resolve on her face. I had never been prouder of my mate, even as I understood the sheer frustration she was going through. Where was Luna Bianca and her daughter and who was foolish enough to hide them? We were going to find her, even i we had to search each end every damn pack in this country starting now.

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