The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 142



"I heard that" Braedon grumbled but also nodded his agreement.

He patted her shoulder and then stepped back. She took deep shuddering breaths and then gave me a remorseful look. "I'm sorry," she said awkwardly "I guess I lost it when I heard the news. I'm happy for you both," she said smoothing back her hair "I just got really jealous." I laughed. "Well, we were trying to keep it a secret but things have a way of getting out in a pack house don't they," I said with a shrug "But our pup will need an auntie who adores it" I added and watched Sarah's eyes widen in shock. "You mean that you would be willing to let me..." she trailed off, looking stunned.

"Of course, you're still family. You and Braedon might not get along at times, but that doesn't mean you're not this pup's aunt or blood-related to it. I want you to be in its life" I told her honestly "and I want you to have a relationship with it."

She looked shaken. Braedon guided her to the table and she sat, looking at me in awe, her tears beginning to dry on her face. "I can't believe it" she whispered "I thought that you wouldn't want me anywhere near them" she added and I shook my head. "I want our child to have as many people around it as possible that love it."

Braedon shoved a cup of coffee in front of his sister, who began to slowly sip at it, without even being aware she was doing it. She looked much better now, the color coming back to her cheeks.

"Whose coming to the summit?" she asked eagerly and glanced at her brother who looked resigned.

"Everyone we've sent invitations to. Basically, every Alpha and Luna in this part of the country is attending" Braedon told her as her eyes lit up with excitement "even some Betas and Gammas. I'm sure that your mate will be included amongst them." She bit her lip and then exhaled, sinking down into her chair.

"How did you hear that I was pregnant?" I asked curiously.

I mean, only a few people knew about it. Sarah looked a bit disconcerted. "Somebody told me, but I can't remember who," she said a little mystified "Sorry Blair I didn't really pay attention to who it was." I shrugged. It didn't really matter.

"Well I guess I better go to the dressmaker and have the fitting done," I said, pushing my chair back.

Sarah looked at me, hesitant. I glanced at her patiently waiting. She swallowed hard. "Could I come too?" she asked quietly.

"You don't have a dress right?" I asked and she shook her head "Then you might as well get your measurements taken so that you can have one made too" I proposed and her eyes lit up.

"Have fun you two" my mate said loyally, standing up and kissing me on the top of my head, before kissing Sarah on the cheek "I know that whatever you two end up wearing you'll both look beautiful."

I knew he was heading to the study to get some work done. Sarah and I began to head upstairs to my bedroom, the dressmaker patiently waiting. She instantly began to put my dress on and Sarah gasped out loud as she took it in, her eyes shining brightly "You look beautiful in that Blair" she said wistfully.

I winked at her "No telling Braedon what it looks like, he's been trying to get the details out of me for days" I said with laughter "but he's not allowed to see it till the night of the summit" I told her and she nodded solemnly.

Maria was smiling as she pulled the dress off. It was a perfect fit and she didn't have to do much to fix it, other than adjust the hem. I gestured to Sarah. "Could you please take her measurements and arrange a dress for her as well Maria?" I asked and she nodded, getting her tape measure out as Sarah stood patiently, Maria efficiently taking her measurements.

"I won't be able to do a very intricate dress," Maria said "but I can still make a very pretty one for Miss Sarah," she said nodding.

"Thank you" we chorused.

She smiled and packed her stuff away, heading out the door.

"Thank you, Blair," Sarah said quietly "I know I haven't been the nicest person since I got here."

"You've been a right b***h" I said frankly, watching her eyebrows shoot up at my use of language "but to be honest I probably would be the same given the circumstances."

"It's just you're not what I was expecting. Even when I got here, I heard all these stories about what a b***h you were and how you were using my brother and that you didn't really love him. I guess I should have ignored them and found out for myself."

I was troubled by these stories or rumors and who might be spreading them. I forced myself to smile at Sarah. "Well, I love your brother," I told her sincerely "and I would never use him. In fact, he's the one who insisted we remain mates, and he's shown me nothing but love and kindness. I could not have asked for a better mate" I told her, my throat constricting "But who has been telling you all these things?" I asked, trying not to press too hard.

She slid her eyes away from me. "It's just been in passing" she answered as I eyed her suspiciously "And it doesn't really matter because it's not true" she added. I frowned. Just as I was about to question her further, there was a knock on the door and I turned to see Sierra standing there, clapping her hands together.

"You owe me details" she announced, ignoring Sarah's presence completely.

I feigned ignorance. I knew what she wanted details on and I was staring at her hard, almost pleading for her not to ask in front of Braedon's sister. But of course, Sierra was not the type to take a hint, or rather she didn't care that Sarah was there. "Details," I said pretending to be confused "Details about what Sierra?"

Please god, just once, let this go. Sierra smirked, coming deeper into the room and batting her eyelashes at me. "Don't even think you're getting out of telling me" she drawled "I've been patient but I need to know how it went. All the sordid details, I've been dying here" she exclaimed dramatically as Sarah let out a little giggle.

I sighed. Prepared myself for the inevitable. She wasn't about to let this go. I could tell. She was already grabbing my arm and holding it tightly in a death grip. "Come on Blair" she whined, pouting "you have to tell me how you went seducing Braedon wearing that lingerie underneath that coat."

Silence. Sarah blushed profusely and coughed. I glared at Sierra who was unrepentant. "What's this about seducing my brother?" Sarah asked eagerly and Sierra grinned.

"Well we put her in this babydoll with a g-string and just a coat to cover it..." she began as I groaned out loud, Sierra eager to fill Sarah in on the whole embarrassing story as I contemplated whether murdering my best friend would warrant a punishment in this instance.

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