The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 122

Blair POV

Braedon teasingly lifted his phone and took a shot. I batted his hand playfully "I was joking" I said in dismay.

"Too late, I already sent it. Be prepared for Julia's wrath when we get back" he said with a laugh.

Damn. I glared at him as he took my hand and began to lead me out of the room. I just knew Julia was going to be extremely upset with me. I was going to have to make it up to her now. I had a sense I wasn't going to get away with my more casual outfits like I had been.

We headed downstairs. Slowly. Turns out heels were not exactly easy to walk in. Who would have guessed? I managed but I'm pretty sure I looked like a clumsy hippo on legs as we walked into the dining room. Alpha Richard and Luna Regina were patiently waiting. Luna Regina's lips curved into a small smile as she took in how tightly I was clutching at Braedon's arm. "Not used to heels are you?" she said kindly.

I shook my head as she laughed. Alpha Richard shook Braedon's hand and then we all took our seats.

My mouth watered as the appetizer was brought in. Simple bruschetta but by god I was hungry. The champagne glasses were full, but I knew better than to divulge in alcohol tonight, needing to keep my wits about me. I began to dig into the food eagerly as the omega who served it stood back, patiently waiting for further instructions. She looked starved and malnourished and as I glanced at her, I quickly lost my appetite, while the Luna and Alpha ate with ease. Braedon however, was much the same as me and ate very little.

"It's quite a pack you have here Alpha Richard," Braedon said a little tersely "How long have you been Alpha of it?" he asked with curiosity.

We knew he had been Alpha for over ten years but didn't have a specific number. There was only so much background that James had been able to discern for us. Alpha Richard was slightly surprised by the question as he put his fork down and mulled over the question, his wife smiling at him encouragingly.

"Why it must be close to twenty-something years now," he said after a pause and Luna Regina nodded "Twenty-six to be specific," she said correcting her husband and we nodded, feigning impressed looks.

"Did you take over your father?" I asked, chiming in.

Alpha Richard smiled at me indulgently. I knew he thought I was just some vapid female, not a threat. It was a basic question and he gave me a nod. "Yes, my father and mother, god bless their souls, were killed in a rogue attack and so I became the next ruler of the Silver Fog Pack by default as there were no other heirs."

"I'm sorry for your loss," I said quietly and Alpha Richard beamed at me.

"Why thank you little lady but it was a long time ago now."

His tone was slightly patronizing and I wondered if Braedon had picked up on that too.

The appetizer was cleared and the main course was brought in. Stuffed chicken b****t with a creamy mushroom sauce and tender roasted vegetables smothered in butter. I practically drooled.

"Your chef is to be commended" Braedon complimented the Luna who looked pleased as she straightened up in her chair. "Why thank you, he's one of the best in the country and I simply cannot bear to eat horrible food," she said looking sickened "I strive to be a proper hostess when we have visitors" she added smugly.

"How did you and Alpha Richard meet? Were you fated mates?" I asked dreamily.

The Alpha and Luna shot each other a look. "We are chosen mates," the Luna said delicately "My fated mate died in a rogue attack as did Richards. The same one in fact," she said tightly.

I dipped my head "My apologies Luna Regina, Alpha Richard" I mumbled.

She waved a dismissive hand at me "Don't apologize, you couldn't have known" she said kindly, but there was a glint in her eyes.

Wasn't that strange? For both mates to have died in the same rogue attack and result in the two of them becoming chosen mates? It sounded more than a little suspicious to me. I felt uneasy. The Luna looked stiff now, while the Alpha continued to look relaxed as he ate. I tentatively ate my dinner, while Braedon looked thoughtful.

"Alpha Brad" Luna Regina said suddenly "You never told us how you met your mate," she said with a crooked smile.

Was she testing us? Trying to work out if we were being truthful? I finished the last mouthful of food and put it down, reaching for the glass of water and gulping it down. I felt incredibly thirsty, my body becoming hot.

Luna Regina was smirking now. Braedon was sweating profusely now and as I watched, he stood up and then staggered, sinking to his knees. I felt my vision blurring and stood, only to collapse onto the floor next to him, unable to move. He let out a growl, his nails digging into the floor, attempting to move to me, his eyes darkening.

"Do you think we are stupid?" Alpha Richard said casually, standing up and towering over us as my eyes raised to stare at him "We saw you go into the forest and find those cottages. I'm afraid we can't allow you to live now. You've seen too much. You might talk. I won't risk my livelihood on a pair of poor scummy shifters like you. Don't worry, your little mate" he was speaking to Braedon who was struggling to breathe now "can join my omegas and travel to the other pack. I'll get good money for her. She's very good-looking. You though, I'm afraid will have to disappear for good" he said with some disdain, his nose in the air.

I wheezed. "I'll kill you, if you lay a hand on her" Braedon managed to utter, clutching his chest and dropping with a thud as I gasped.

Whatever Braedon had been given, had to have been strong for it to have this kind of effect on him. He was an Alpha King after all. Was it possible they knew exactly who he was and were lying about it? Or did they honestly not know who they were about to kill and the treasonous act they were currently performing?

"I think you'll find that you'll be dead first" Luna Regina cooed, as I reached out a trembling hand to touch my mate, before darkness surrounded me and I knew no more.

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