The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 121



The man walked deep into the forest as Braedon and I followed. We were careful to make sure we didn't tread on anything that was going to give us away, ducking down low until we reached a group of small cottages clustered close together, a fence surrounding them that looked as though it might be electric, a warrior standing guard by the gate that led to its entry. The man holding the poor omega girl nodded to the guard who opened the gate, giving him access and dragged her in, flinging her to the ground and finally allowing her to scream as both men laughed at her, Braedon and I ducking behind the trunk of a large tree.

"Scream all you want," the first man said breathing a little heavily from carrying her "Nobody is going to care. You're just a pathetic omega" he mocked.

"Please, please don't do this" the girl whimpered, trying to scrabble to her feet and looking at them beseechingly.

The other man looked at her broodingly. "Sorry, but we have no choice. Anybody who goes against the Alpha is killed. I'd like to keep my head" he said with an air of remorse.

She tried to run and was caught by the guard, the other man opened the gate and slipped out, the gate locking automatically. I saw the guard pull something out of his pocket and swiftly bury it into the girl's neck, causing her to slump.

He must have drugged her because her body went limp in his arms. "She's to be sent to the other pack" the man called out behind his shoulder "Get her ready for transportation. They're running out of omegas over there," he said "and we'll get some money for her."

I frowned. It sounded as though they were trafficking the women as well and Braedon looked as though he was coming to the same conclusion. The guard gave a grunt and began to drag the woman away, while the first man headed back the way he had come, towards the pack house. We stayed still, waiting for our chance.

"We don't have time to investigate thoroughly" Braedon murmured, as they both disappeared from view "We're expected back at the pack house for dinner" he breathed "But I'll have my men surround this place and be prepared to attack."

I nodded tightly feeling wretched. I wanted to help the poor girl but knew if we were to go barging in now, with just the two of us we would cause more problems and put them in more danger. I sighed and we slowly turned away, beginning to slink our way back towards the pack house. We made it safely back to the grounds and Braedon suddenly lifted me high into the air and kissed me lovingly on the lips while whirling me around. I tensed and then forced my body to relax, knowing that we must be being watched again. I giggled loudly as he pulled away from me, placing my hands on his shoulders and pretending for all I was worth, to be carefree and enjoying myself.

"You make such a beautiful couple" Luna Regina commented from behind us.

Braedon slowly put me down on the ground and I turned, my hair mussed, my eyes sparkling to smile at her. "Thank you," I said sweetly "but you and Alpha Richard are a very magnificent couple" I complimented her.

She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you that is very kind of you," she said pausing "However I merely came out here to remind you that dinner will be in one hour so that you had plenty of time to get dressed and ready."

"Thank you Luna Regina" Braedon said sincerely "We shall go freshen up immediately" he added and she nodded tightly, heading back into the packhouse.

Had she seen us come back onto the grounds? Braedon seemed confident as he led me back inside and I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I had, touching my bracelet and turning it around and round as we headed back upstairs and into the room.

"You take the shower first," Braedon said easily and I nodded, heading into the bathroom and taking a quick one, heading back in as Braedon took his own shower.

I pulled out my dress. I wished Julia could see me. Her eyes would probably drop out of her head in shock. I had packed some dresses and this one was a beautiful red dress that had a slit up one side, spaghetti straps, and clung to my bosom tightly. It showed off my curves and highlighted my best assets. I slowly shimmered into it and was rewarded by the sight of my mate's jaw dropping as he walked back into the room and took in the sight of me.

"Wow," he whispered, making me blush profusely "Blair, you look stunning."

"You don't think it clashes with my hair?" I asked doubtfully.

He shook his head "It highlights your hair if anything" he pointed out and I realized he was right.

I smiled and then reached over and plucked some earrings out of the bag, ones that were also made of rose gold, matching the bracelet. I put them on and admired myself in the mirror. It looked a little strange with the red dress but I refused to take the bracelet that Braedon had gifted me off. This was a compromise. Braedon stepped behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist and inhaling my scent.

"God you're stunning" he murmured, dipping his head and kissing the nape of my neck "It makes me want to take you back to the bed and just ravish you completely."

I felt my stomach clench. My thighs clamped together. As much as I loved the sound of that, I had to remind myself we were here for a reason. I slowly shook my head and Braedon gave a low growl. "Fine, but later..." he warned and I laughed, beginning to apply my makeup as he began to put on his own suit.

"You don't think this is too much considering we're meant to be poor?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow "This is a secondhand suit and your dress isn't a designer one. We'll be fine" he pointed out.

He was right. My dress was a basic one, meant to look expensive rather than be expensive. The Luna would immediately know it wasn't a designer one, as intended. I sighed and then grabbed my red heels, causing Braedon to inhale sharply.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, turning quickly.

"No" he groaned "It's just look so different and I just want you badly" he admitted sheepishly.

I stared. "It's a turn on okay" he huffed and I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"Wait till you see what else I packed" I mumbled and swore he looked like he was about to keel over.

"Don't tease me" he said chokingly.

I grinned "We should take a picture for Julia. She'll be so upset she missed this" I said consideringly. I didn't expect him to take me seriously, as I prepared myself to walk out and head down to dinner with the waiting Luna and Alpha.

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