The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 115

King Braedon POV

James subtly shook his head at me and I frowned, sidestepping next to him. "I have reports that the Alpha of the Silver Fog Pack is deliberately ignoring your instructions or law to abolish the breeding program," he said in a low tone and I exhaled, anger filling me. I clenched my hands into fists as my fury continued to grow. The sparring was forgotten about. I saw Blair looking at the two of us questioningly.

"Continue the lesson without us," I told Malcolm dismissively, a little forlorn I wouldn't be able to impress my mate. There was always time for that later. This took priority.

I had put Silver Fog on the back burner, but now I couldn't ignore it any longer. Blair caught up to us, looking curious as we began to turn and head back to the pack house, our steps hurried and our faces etched with grim expressions.

"What's going on? You were all set to spar and then you dropped it" she said suspiciously.

I sighed "Some important business has come up and I need to travel for business purposes," I told her, lying for all I was worth as she eyed me skeptically.

"You mean Alpha King business," she said tightly, her eyes narrowing, hands going on hips as I was forced to halt in my tracks and look at her.

Damn. I couldn't bring myself to lie to her. I gave a grim nod and hoped that would be enough to satisfy her.

"Let me go with you," she said shrilly, catching me off guard "I'm your mate now Braedon, I should be helping you with things."

I blinked at her. James subtly continued towards the pack house as I tried to think of what to say to Blair without offending her. "Blair, as much as I wish you could, it's too dangerous," I told her, reaching out and cupping her by the chin as she stared at me mutely "I won't risk any harm coming to you."

She snorted "You think I'll be safer here? Liandra was killed" she snapped "And she was a warrior. I'm much safer by your side than I am here" she insisted.

Damnit. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling exasperated. As much as I wanted to protest and deny it, she had a point. It rankled. She stared at me, her lips gently parted, her chest heaving up and down. I groaned, wishing she didn't have the power to persuade me into doing what she wished. The initial plan had been to go in disguise but couldn't I still do that, but with Blair as my mate? I contemplated the danger, even as her eyes shone and beseeched me. I swallowed hard, my throat constricting. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her. My wolf growled, reminding me that we would be able to keep her safe if she remained by her side, rather than worry about her if we left her behind.

"Come to the study with me" I murmured "And we'll discuss this in private" I added meaningfully.

She hesitated and then fell into step beside me. I ushered her inside the pack house and then into the study, firmly closing the door and locking it. I sat on the chair and motioned for her to take a seat next to James, sighing deeply. James looked bewildered, glancing between me and Blair with a questioning look in his eyes.

"If you come with me, you listen to everything I say and you stay in sight at all times," I told her firmly.

"You still haven't told me where you're going or why," she said heatedly, folding her arms across her chest and glancing between James and I.

I threw my hands up frustrated. "The Silver Fog Pack" I hissed "Happy now?"

"The Silver Fog Pack" she repeated, "why?" she asked with a creased brow.

James just grimaced "Are you sure that this is a good idea?" he demanded, glancing sideways at a disgruntled Blair.

"She's safer with me at the moment than remaining at the pack house," I told him evenly as Blair glanced between us "I can make this work."

"You better" James sighed "because if they even suspect that you're not who you say you are..." he trailed off but I was already well aware of the consequences and gave a low growl of recognition at him.

"You remember the law I created, abolishing or effectively dissolving the breeding program in all packs to be effective immediately?" I asked her and Blair nodded looking confused.

"Yes, but what's that got to do with the Silver Fog Pack?" she asked, leaning forward and fixing her eyes on me.

"We have reports that they have failed to implement that law in their pack and are still continuing the breeding program in their pack. They are ignoring the law and as such, I am required to investigate that for myself, before doling out the punishment for ignoring my directive" I said easily.

She blinked. "Why would they even want to continue such a barbaric practice" she whispered, sounding sickened "Are they really so arrogant that they thought you wouldn't discover their transgression?" she said in disbelief.

I looked at her thoughtfully "Their Alpha and Luna are. Remember that they are the ones in charge of the pack and henceforth the ones responsible for the breeding program continuing."

James nodded as well. He slid a folder over to me and I opened it on the desk, glancing over the information as Blair craned her head and looked as well.

"Alpha Richard and Luna Regina" I read out loud so she wouldn't have to hurt her neck trying to look too closely "Mid-forties, no children, known to be rather callous and cold in dealing with pack members and harsh with punishments. Rogues are killed on sight" I continued as Blair blanched "If they are males or young boys but female women or female teenagers are taken for the breeding program" I continued and Blair's eyes filled with tears and her breathing hitched as she looked at me in sorrow, hear heart already beginning to show signs of pain as it began to beat a little bit faster than normal.

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