The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 116

King Braedon POV

I sensed her rising distress and anger. "Omegas are treated as slaves and not paid for the work they are doing. They receive the harshest punishments for the littlest of transgressions, even children are harmed" I perused, Blair's heart beginning to thump loudly and race a little faster.

I paused, looking at the paleness of my mate's face and reaching out to touch her, soothing her instantly and causing her heart to slow. I didn't want her to have an attack. She made a weak motion for me to continue. "Any pack member that attempts to leave the pack is automatically made a rogue and killed before they can make it safely to another pack."

I closed the folder and rubbed my eyes. By all accounts this pack was one of the worst I had read about. How had I no clue about what was going on with this pack until now? I let out a low growl and James tightened his lips. "This is the first time we've successfully infiltrated their pack," he said, glancing at me "Otherwise we wouldn't have so much information." "Even without the breeding program, they sound horrible. The poor women and children, not to mention the omegas" Blair cried, sounding aggrieved "We have to do something Braedon" she pleaded "We have to help them."

"We will" I assured her grimly "but I'm not so sure you should come after reading this."

Her eyes flashed in defiance "Braedon, don't you dare even think of leaving me behind" she snarled "I want to help this pack and I'm not going to stay behind like some useless little princess while you go gallivanting off into who knows what kind of danger. We're a team and we do this together."

James fought back his laughter as I glared at him. I blamed him for this unfortunate situation. But the fact that Blair was so passionate about this, warmed my heart. But there was also something else I needed to consider. "What about Sarah?" I said hollowly, glancing at James "Somebody needs to keep her busy and away from this office. I don't trust her not to try and find out my location when she discovers I'm missing" I added.

James raised an eyebrow "I'll put guards on your study and on her. But I suggest you take your most trusted men with you to Silver Fog Pack" he added, glancing pointedly at Blair who thankfully failed to see it.

I got his unspoken message. Neither of us wanted to see Blair harmed. "There's also another consideration that you might want to think about," James said with some hesitation.

We glanced at him. He was looking nervous now, shifting from one foot to the other, glancing back at the doorway as though he wanted to fly through it, which had me looking at him suspiciously. Whatever he had to say, he was struggling to express it. "What would that be?" Blair asked him quietly.

So she had noticed his unusual behavior as well.

James fidgeted with his fingers. "Just think about it. They are taking the women, even rogues, for their breeding program" he said thickly "which means they are arrogant, brash, and cocky. They see women who aren't marked as fair game" he added, leaning forward and staring right into Blair's eyes as she glanced at me, realization dawning on both our faces "if Blair goes into their territory unmarked, what do you think they might try to do with her?"

I swallowed hard and slammed my hand down on the desk. "Anybody who touches her would die by my hand" I snarled but Blair looked like she was going to faint. James nodded tightly but looked unconvinced. "Without a mark Blair is vulnerable. She won't be able to mind-link you if she's in trouble and they'll think she's fair game. They might even try to take her for breeding. Are you willing to risk that?" he asked heavily.

I let out a growl, the mere thought of it sending my wolf into a rage. Blair trembled in her seat. The notion had caused all the blood in her face to drain.

"I'll leave you to think about that," James said awkwardly, getting to his feet and heading out of the room, the door shutting quietly behind him.

I rubbed the back of my neck. I couldn't meet Blair's eyes. She was wringing her hands together and her breathing was shallow. James was right. It would be folly to take Blair into that pack without a mark. She was biting her lip and thinking it over. She didn't have to do this though. But my wolf was desperate to mark her. He was almost surging to the surface in order to do it, desperate to keep her safe. I fought him, but my heart felt the same way. Blair cleared her throat and looked at me, her hands shaking slightly. "He's right" she whispered and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me.

Had I misheard her? She shook her head at me, looking resigned.

"I can't go to that pack without a mark. It would be stupidity" she breathed, standing up and coming over to me as I looked at her stunned.

I had never thought she would capitulate so easily. I had thought she would deny it, argue, try to find some logical reason why she didn't need it, not agree. Was this even my mate standing here? Her lips parted softly as she glanced at me.

"Besides, don't you think it's time?" she whispered shyly "We know each other enough to tell that we want to be mates. I want to be with you, you want to be with me. Is there any reason to continue holding off marking each other?" she asked slowly.

I eyed her. This was not the way I wanted to do it. It was not the way I planned it. It seemed cold and clinical. She licked her lips and I c****d my head, my wolf purring now, my hand reaching out to grasp hers.

"We need to pack to go to Silver Fog Pack," I told her quietly "so why don't we go upstairs together."

She looked a little shell-shocked. "But don't you want to mark me first?" she said tentatively, her body shaking.

Not like this, I thought regretfully. Never like this. Not while she was shaking like a leaf.

I gave her a slow smile and stood, reaching down to kiss her tenderly on the lips. "There's time for that," I told her huskily as my wolf whined in my head "Let's focus on packing first and what we need to do. I'm going to mind-link some men to prepare themselves as well. We leave tomorrow morning" I said, glancing at the lateness of the afternoon. "You'll need time to recover from the marking" I added calmly.

She nodded timidly. My eyes clouded as I mind-linked my men and we made our way towards the stairs, heading upstairs to our room. She opened the door and pulled me slowly inside as my eyes returned to normal.

I kicked the door shut and locked it as she headed into the bathroom to get showered and changed. I waited and then headed towards the bathroom. I was about to show my mate what I could do to make her experience of being marked a pleasurable one, instead of something to be feared.

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