The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 801-820

Chapter 801

“This potion, when mixed with water, becomes toxic. It will lead to a person

feeling drowsy all day, losing their appetite, feeling weak, and becoming

sensitive to the cold. In less than a week, the person would waste away.”

Arabella’s gaze fell on Helen, “Being able to work here as a nurse indicates that

you have some knowledge of pharmacology. Do you know why I suspect you?

Because in the medicine I gave to my grandfather, there was an ingredient that

could be easily extracted.

You’re smart. Instead of buying from an outside source, you chose to source it


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“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Helen’s expression became even

more uneasy.

“Haley is loyal to my grandmother, so I don’t suspect her. As for you, what is

your motive?”

“Helen, is it really you?” Louisa couldn’t believe it. “Why would you do such a


“Bella isn’t wrong. I believe her. As for you, my mother never bothered you. Why

would you harm her?” Kenneth was also very angry.

“It wasn’t me.” Helen’s face was growing paler, and she started to avoid their


“Still denying it? Do you know what the consequences are for harming a

member of the Collins family?” Serena scolded.

Cornelia, who was lying in the hospital bed, saw Helen’s uneasy expression and

already had the answer in her mind.

However, she couldn’t understand, “We have no grudges. Why would you do


True to her reputation of being a powerful woman for many years, she was still

calm in the face of her assailant.

Arabella suddenly saw her grandmother in a new light.

“With just one call, I can make you confess.” Louisa was almost certain, anger in

her voice. “So, do you want to confess here, or at the police station?”

At the mention of the police station, Helen couldn’t hold it in any longer and

finally decided to confess everything.

Over the past few months, while taking care of Arabella’s grandfather, she had

grown fond of him and wanted to be by his side.

However, when she saw Cornelia wake up, she started to panic, fearing she

would never have a chance, so she decided to kill.

She thought if Cornelia was dead, Cornelia’s husband would choose the person

by his side.

With her knowledge of pharmacology, she thought she could do it flawlessly.

But she didn’t expect that before Cornelia even had a sip of the poisoned drink,

Arabella had already found out!

Who was this girl?

Why was she so knowledgeable in medicine?

Louisa was speechless after hearing the reason. So, the nurse wanted to kill

Cornelia and take her place.

And she didn’t even consider her own status!

Louisa angrily called the hospital, telling them to send Helen to the police station


Cornelia’s gaze fell on Arabella. Her decisiveness, calmness, and wisdom in

analyzing the situation were indeed impressive.

“Bella, how did you discover there was something wrong with the water?”

Cornelia asked affectionately.

“When this potion is mixed with water and exposed to light, the water becomes

a bit cloudy, and there’s a tiny bit of powdery substance floating at the bottom of

the cup. Because these particles are so small, they are not easy to detect.”

Anyone who drank water wouldn’t notice if it’s cloudier than usual, and even if

there were tiny, barely visible particles floating in it, they wouldn’t be suspicious.

“You also know about this field.” Cornelia was surprised and appreciative.

“Mom, you have no idea how much Bella knows.” Kenneth couldn’t stop praising

her, “She has many good qualities.”

“We’re lucky to have you.” Cornelia patted Arabella’s hand again, then looked at

Louisa, “Oh, my recovery wouldn’t be possible without the doctors’ efforts.

Please ask them to come over. I would like to thank them in person.Chapter 802

“Mom, the person who saved you and Dad was Bella.”

Louisa’s words took Cornelia by surprise. Could Bella really know medicine?

“You and Dad had fallen down the stairs, and by the time you got to the hospital,

you were deeply unconscious. The CT scan showed that you had a fractured

skull, brain contusion, and multiple fractures all over your body. Dad was even

worse off.”

Louisa reminisced, “For over a month, the entire ICU team overcame numerous

challenges, from respiratory failure, shock, respiratory tract infections, etc. Every

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day brought a new challenge. But neither you nor Dad woke up, until Bella came

to visit you three months ago.”

Louisa looked at Arabella again, saying gently, “After she examined you, she

immediately knew what was wrong. She provided several treatment options,

procuring even the rarest drugs. If it wasn’t for her, you might not have woken


Kenneth chimed in, “Mom, you have no idea how skilled Bella is.

Before you, she cured both Phillip and Shirley.”

Cornelia was even more surprised, “Phillip had undergone several heart

surgeries. His heart was practically a patchwork. Even the renowned Dr. James

Newton was at a loss. And Shirley, wasn’t she in a vegetative state? She’s cured


“That’s the brilliance of Bella. She is the rumored Dr. Bell, the one who can bring

people back from the brink of death!”

“She’s Dr. Bell?”

Cornelia was astounded. She never imagined that the reputed living

Hippocrates, the miracle-working Dr. Bell, would turn out to be her own


“You have no idea how smart Bella is. Not only is she a doctor, but she also

knows how to run a company at such a young age. She’s as competent as you

were back in the day!” Kenneth said with a chuckle. “During the summer

vacation, I gave her our family’s struggling clothing company to keep her

occupied, and she turned it around.”

Cornelia remembered the clothing company, which had been teetering on the

brink of bankruptcy.

‘I’ve always said that we, the Collins family, have business in our blood. It must

be genetic. That clothing company was nearly bankrupt, but once Bella took

over, it came back to life. Now, it’s a well-known player in the industry and has

seen its sales skyrocket.”

Kenneth laughed, “Bella even started her own clothing conglomerate, QY. You

must have heard of it.”

Cornelia was familiar with QY. Before her accident, she often bought clothes

from QY for Serena.

“I remember QY. Each piece of clothing is designed by their head, Queen Abby.”

Cornelia said, incredulously.

“Yeah, all the designs are Bella’s creations.” Kenneth replied, “Apart from being

a businesswoman, she’s also a renowned pianist, known as Melody, a painter

named Mirabelle, and a calligrapher named Labella. There’s practically nothing

she can’t do!”

Cornelia was dumbfounded. How could a teenage girl had so many identities,

and each one was a master in their own field?

Arabella was blushing from all the praise.

Cornelia looked at the girl in front of her, nodding in approval, “She’s truly


“And she’s not just talented, she also aced the college entrance examination,

and is now studying at Westerly College. Several esteemed professors are

vying to claim her as their protegee.”

Cornelia’s admiration for Arabella grew. She was truly extraordinary for her age.

Serena felt uncomfortable. She gripped her skirt tightly, feeling embarrassed.

Arabella overshadowed her in every single way. Chapter 803

Her parents spoke these words in front of everyone, not even considering her


Cornelia noticed her presence and quietly asked, “And where’s Serena? What

college is she attending now?”

Before she tripped and fell down the stairs, Cornelia remembered Serena as a

high school senior. Now time flew and she was already in college.

“Grandma, I got into Summerfield College; Serena announced.

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Although, with Arabella’s grades, getting into Summerfield College wasn’t an


But Serena earned her place at Summerfield College, so there was no harm in

being a bit proud of her achievement.

Cornelia nodded approvingly, “That’s great, Summerfield College is one of the

best universities in the country. You’ve always been a good student.”

She turned her attention towards Louisa, “What about the engagement?”

Louisa explained with a smile, “Romeo fell in love with Bella at first sight, and

the McMillians are very fond of her. Serena also has a boyfriend now, and he’s

quite a catch.”

One could say it was like hitting the jackpot.

Serena didn’t expect the topic of having a boyfriend to keep coming up, and

suddenly felt a bit sheepish.

At the time, to make everyone believe she wasn’t interested in Romeo, Martha

had hastily told a white lie for her. She hadn’t anticipated that this lie would later

require countless more to cover up.

“Serena has a boyfriend too?” This surprised Cornelia because Serena had

always been infatuated with Romeo. How could she have moved on so quickly?

“What do Phillip and Shirley think?” Cornelia inquired further.

“They both adore Bella, and even gifted her a necklace symbolizing the future

granddaughter-in-law! Romeo’s parents are also very pleased with Bella. The

teal necklace that Jennifer gave her is a treasure passed down to the daughters

of her family for generations. It’s been in the family for five generations with

Jennifer, which shows how much she values Bella.”

Louisa paused, and then she continued, “George gave her a gemstone key

engraved with the McMillian crest, which is said to unlock the McMillian’s secret

base, and even their safety deposit box in an overseas bank.”

Upon hearing this, Serena was flabbergasted!

These two gifts were beyond “valuable”. Unless they fully recognized Arabella’s

status and deeply loved her, they would never give away these treasures!

Cornelia was also taken aback. She hadn’t expected Bella to win over the entire

McMillian family.

She knew Phillip and Shirley well. If they didn’t absolutely adore Bella, they

would never gift her the necklace.

And Jennifer was a strong-willed woman who wouldn’t easily accept Bella just

because of an engagement agreement, let alone gift her a necklace.

Even when Serena had been visiting the McMillians multiple times, she hadn’t

received such recognition from Jennifer and George.

Thinking about this, Cornelia looked at Arabella again. Not only did Bella have

many identities, but she also won over the hearts of everyone in the McMillian

family. She was truly extraordinary.

Serena seemed to pale in comparisonChapter 804

After all, Cornelia had dearly loved Serena for eighteen solid years, while

Arabella was a granddaughter she had just recently met.

Hence, Cornelia had showered Serena with more love.

When she heard that Serena was not her biological granddaughter and that her

excellent fiance was now out of the picture, she empathized with the girl’s plight

and feelings, patting Serena’s hand in consolation.

“Perhaps it’s destiny, she said softly, “I just want to ask you one thing, Serena.

Were you and your boyfriend truly in love?”

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Serena could only muster up the courage to give a slight nod.

“Then bring him to see me another day.’ Cornelia looked at her lovingly. “You

grew up being protected, and you can’t be wronged by others. I wants to see his

character and see if he will treat you well in the future. I do hope you will be

happy all your life.”

A surge of emotion washed over Serena. “Thank you, Grandma.”

Indeed, only her grandparents seemed to truly adore her, unlike her parents and

brothers who were always revolving around Arabella.

Cornelia took Arabella’s hand again. “You are going to marry into the McMillian

family in the future, so your wedding will be more luxurious than Serena’s.”

At this, Serena was taken aback.

Cornelia thought to herself that the Collins and McMillian family’s wedding would

undoubtedly be watched by countless eyes. If her biological granddaughter’s

wedding was on the same scale as that of her adopted granddaughter, it would

undoubtedly lead to gossip, suggesting that the Collins family did not value their

own blood.

Even if the McMillian family had no objections, their relatives would surely think

that Serena’s husband was not as well-off as the McMillians. Moreover. Having

Serena’s wedding on the same scale as Arabella’s would indirectly disrespect

the McMillian family.

Furthermore, considering they had deprived Arabella of so much over the past

eighteen years, they thought having Serena’s wedding on the same scale would

be unfair to Arabella.

Upon hearing this, Serena felt her earlier feelings of gratitude vanish, which was

replaced by a glimmer of disappointment in her eyes, but she dared not reveal


Ever since Arabella returned to this family, everything that belonged to Serena

was snatched away, leaving her with nothing.

Even the love her grandmother had for her had dwindled.

Arabella, however, calmly said, “The scale of the wedding doesn’t matter, as

long as he truly loves me.”

“You are indeed special,’ Cornelia said, looking at her appreciatively, “I just

wonder when your grandfather will wake up, and if he’ll be able to see you two

get married.”

“He should be awake in a day or two,’ Arabella responded.

“Really?” Cornelia asked, surprised, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, Arabella said, confident in her medical skills. If it weren’t for the pill that

had rolled under David’s shoe previously, her grandparents would have

recovered within a month.

Later, finding the medicine took quite a bit of time.

“Mom, Bella’s a miracle doctor; Louisa assured her, grinning, “If she says it’ll

work, then it definitely will.”

“Is your grandfather’s condition severe? Will he be able to walk after he wakes

up?” Cornelia asked seriously.

“Neither of you will be able to walk for the time being; Arabella admitted, “But

you can both use wheelchairs to get some fresh air outside.”

Upon hearing that they would not be able to walk, Cornelia was a bit

disappointed, but she quickly asked, “When can we be discharged?”

“In about one or two days after you wake up,’ Arabella answered. “I’ll bring the

rest of the medicine home, but it’s a bit bitter. You’ll have to take it.”

“That’s alright; Cornelia replied, her eyes crinkling in a smile. She seemed to be

more pleased with her biological granddaughter than before.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.Chapter 805

Lucas, Beverly, and Alma arrived.

“Mom, I rushed right over when I heard you woke up. I can’t believe it’s true!”

Beverly dashed towards Cornelia, wrapping her in a warm embrace, her cries

filled with deep emotion. “We were so worried about you. Thank God you’re


“I’ve heard you visited half as often as Louisa!” Cornelia said, feigning


“Mom, we’ve been busy. Louisa and Kenneth were here too? And Serena and

Bella!” Beverly looked around, noticing the other people in the room. She

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praised Arabella in front of everyone, “This girl is polite, responsible, beautiful,

and talented.”

“Yeah, Beverly and I both adore her’ Lucas interjected.

“I also like Bella, Serena, don’t you?” Alma never missed an opportunity to

provoke Serena.

Serena gave a graceful smile, “Of course, who wouldn’t like such an outstanding


“I thought you might hold a grudge against Bella because of Romeo.” Alma said,

her smile innocent and pure.

“Why would I? Who my brother-in-law likes is his business. Besides, I have a

boyfriend now.”

Serena suppressed her urge to hit Alma, maintaining her polite smile. “Thank

you for your blessings.”

Cornelia, of course, knew her two granddaughters loved to bicker whenever

they met. Yet, after so many years, she saw their disputes as harmless banter

between children. She had grown accustomed to it.

“You give me a headache as soon as you arrive,’ Cornelia chuckled.

“Grandma, you complain if we don’t come, and you complain when we do. So

should we come or not?” Alma complained playfully, taking Cornelia’s hand. “Do

you only not get a headache when Serena visits? You’ve always favored her.”

“Nonsense. I treat all my granddaughters equally; Cornelia retorted, suddenly

realizing one was missing. “Where’s your sister?”

“She’s still abroad and couldn’t make it back.”

Seeing Cornelia’s slightly annoyed expression, Alma quickly added, “If she knew

you were awake, she’d be on the next flight home.”

Cornelia chuckled.

After a while of casual conversation, Alma suggested, “Serena, I heard you’ve

been making fruit salad lately. How about making one for Grandma?”

“Can Grandma eat fruit?” Serena looked at Arabella for an answer.

“Yes, in moderation.”

Serena reluctantly picked up a few different types of fruit, planning to make a

beautiful tree-shaped fruit salad for her grandmother.

“Serena, let me help.”

Knowing Alma had ulterior motives, Serena quickly declined, “No need, I can

handle it. You should stay with grandma.”

“Are you scared I’ll steal your thunder? I’m just an assistant, don’t worry.’ Alma

cheerfully walked over, picked up a bunch of grapes, and started washing them.

The others didn’t think much of it, their attention returned to Cornelia’s health.

Upon learning that Cornelia woke up because of Arabella’s medicine, Lucas and

Beverly were in disbelief. They never expected their niece to be a miracle


Alma saw everyone’s attention was elsewhere, and glanced at Serena, who was

peeling an apple.Chapter 806

Alma nudged Serena with her elbow, promptly turning around to ask, “Kenneth,

Louisa, what kind of fruit would you like? I’ll wash them all together.”

Serena, jostled by the unexpected nudge, accidentally sliced her own finger. A

thin line of blood appeared.

Pretending to be surprised, Alma turned back, “Oh, Serena! What happened?

Did you cut your finger? How careless! Mom, call the nurse quickly. A cut could

lead to an infection if not treated properly.”

Before Serena could retort, Alma intercepted again, “Serena, are you in a lot of

pain? Hang in there, the nurse will be here soon!” She took the fruit and the

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peeler from Serena’s hand, feigning worry, “You should go and have that wound

dressed. I’ll take care of the rest, but I can’t make a fruit salad. We’ll have to wait

for you to do it for Grandma.”

“Did Serena cut her finger?” Cornelia asked and called for the nurse

immediately, “Take Serena to get her wound looked at.”

“Certainly, Madam,’ the nurse responded politely and quickly whisked Serena


“Serena never used to know how to make a fruit salad, let alone peel fruits.”

Alma sighed as she washed the fruits, “Unlike me, I’ve been slaving away in the

kitchen since I was a kid”

“What do you mean ‘slaving’? I was training you!” Beverly feigned anger.

“Yeah, right. You just didn’t pamper your children like they do.”

Upon hearing this, Beverly turned to Cornelia, “Mom, look at your darling


Cornelia was lost in thought.

She pondered on Alma’s words. Serena never knew how to peel fruits, let alone

make a fruit salad. Had she learned to impress the family?

If that were true, Serena’s situation was a bit pitiful.

Suddenly, Alma interrupted Cornelia’s thoughts, “Grandma, my mom is ratting

me out again. You have to say something.”

Arabella, on the other hand, watched the scene with indifference.

She thought Serena was silly for not defending herself and letting others slander

her. However, she chose to stay out of it and simply watched the drama unfold.

Alma sneaked a look at Arabella in the mirror. Seeing that she was unaffected

by the conversation, Alma felt a pang of discomfort.

She had insinuated that Arabella’s parents adored Serena, hoping to invoke

jealousy in Arabella. But Arabella didn’t react at all.

After cutting the fruit, Alma carefully set aside a small portion ona separate

plate, announcing, “I’ve saved this plate for Serena. None of you are allowed to

touch it.”

Cornelia chuckled, “You two sisters have always been at odds, but you always

think of each other.”

“Grandma, try some of the fruit I cut.” Alma presented the fruit tray to Cornelia,

picking up a slice of apple for her. “I know you love apples. Try it and tell me if

my fruit is sweeter than Serena’s.”

Cornelia couldn’t help but laugh, “Why does everything have to be a competition

with Serena?”

“Because you favor her!” Alma grinned, trying to charm Cornelia.

After a while, she moved the fruit tray in front of Arabella, “Bella, do you want


“You didn’t even offer to your parents or to your uncle and aunt first; Cornelia

chuckled, “It seems you really adore your sister: “Who wouldn’t admire Bella?

She’s so accomplished!” Alma’s smile was innocent and pure.

Arabella, however, was not interested. She simply replied, “I’m not hungryChapter 807

Alma suddenly looked hurt, “Is my fruit salad not appealing?”

All eyes turned to Arabella, seemingly clueless as to why she would reject

Alma’s offering.

Arabella said indifferently, “My insulin, neuropeptide, and cholecystokinin levels

are high right now, and the fiber in the fruit will absorb electrolytes, trace

elements, and organic acids. The bananas in the dish contain tannins, which will

bind with trace elements like iron and calcium, forming even harder substances,

overloading my pancreas.”

The crowd was dumbfounded.

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Nobody understood what she was talking about.

In simpler terms, she had eaten something before arriving and consuming fruit

now would affect her digestion and absorption.

That’s it.

But nobody understood what she meant. Seeing her speaking confidently,

everyone just nodded along.

Even Cornelia expressed concern, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t eat then. Your

health is important.”

From Arabella’s calm and indifferent eyes, Alma couldn’t help but feel that

Arabella was playing her, but she couldn’t prove it.

All she could do was serve the fruit salad to others.

After a while, Alma checked the time, “Why hasn’t Serena returned yet? I’ll go

check on her.”

“Alma always worrying about Serena.’ Cornelia chuckled.

“Isn’t that the truth? They might squabble when they’re together, but when

they’re apart, they can’t stop thinking about each other. That’s sisterhood.”

Beverly laughed.

Outside the hospital room.

Serena had just finished bandaging her finger when she saw Alma coming her


She was seething with anger and had nowhere to vent. Seeing Alma’s smug

face, she marched over, “Alma!”

Before she could finish, Alma suddenly grabbed her bandaged finger, “Serena,

are you alright? Grandma specifically asked me to look after you. Let me see

how well your finger is bandaged.”

“Ah.” Serena pulled her hand away in anger, her brows furrowing in pain.

Before Serena could get away, Alma gave her wound a firm squeeze, worsening

the pain.

A couple of nurses looked over, and Alma pretended to be concerned again,

“Serena, did the nurse upset you by not bandaging your finger properly? Come

on, they’re just trying to make a living. You shouldn’t be so demanding.”

The nurses were touched. They thought Ms. Alma was so kind.

“Alma!” Serena gritted her teeth in anger.

“You should know that Grandma hates people who lack manners.

Even if you’re right, causing a ruckus here will only embarrass the Collins

family.” Alma crossed her arms and said leisurely, “Family troubles should not

be publicly aired, got it?”

“You’ll pay for this!” Serena was about to storm off.

But Alma stuck out her foot, causing Serena to stumble.

This time, Serena couldn’t hold back anymore. She raised her hand in anger,

but Alma quickly backed off and raised her voice, “Serena, are you going to hit

me just because I stood up for the nurse?”

“You’re the one I’m going to hit!” Serena aimed a kick at Alma.

Alma backed away in fear, “Don’t do this, people will see. This is a public place.

Even if you don’t care about the Collins family’s reputation, don’t you value our

sisterhood?”Chapter 808

“Cut the crap!”

Serena tried to kick Alma several times, but each time Alma missed her target,

which only fueled her anger. She kept chasing her, trying to land a kick.

Alma, pretending to avoid her, led Serena to the fire exit stairs where it was

deserted. She clenched her fists and delivered a solid punch to Serena’s


Serena, who was already dealing with her period, was so pained by the punch

that she immediately crouched down, unable to utter a word.

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Alma grabbed her by the hair, looked down at her with a cold smirk and said,

“Still as dumb as ever. You dare to compete with me?

You’re just a babe in the woods.”

“Let go.” Serena’s eyes were filled with rage, but she was unable to break free.

“Do you know why I hate you more than Arabella? Because you’re as dumb as a

brick, incompetent, and have a terrible temper. Do you think just because

Grandma woke up, you have a guardian angel?”

Alma kept a firm grip on her hair as she continued, “Grandma values kinship

more than anyone. And now she had such an outstanding granddaughfter like

Arabella, do you think you can outshine Arabella? Dream on.”

When Serena noticed that Alma was not letting go, she twisted her thigh hard.

“Ah.” The pain made Alma let go, but she wasn’t willing to give up that easily, so

she kicked Serena’s backside.

Serena fell on the ground, grinding her teeth in anger, “Alma, do you keep

provoking me because you think I’m an easy target?”

“Exactly! Is there anyone more foolish and easier to bully in this house than

you? Besides, seeing you lose your cool like this is quite entertaining.’

Serena clenched her fists, wanting nothing more than to go up and punch her.

“Think twice if you can even take me down, or else you’ll be the one asking for

trouble.” Alma continued to ridicule. “Go look at your pathetic self in the mirror.

You think you stand a chance with Romeo? Disgusting.”

As Alma was about to leave the fire exit stairs, she dramatically screamed and

acted as if Serena had pushed her down the stairs.

She held her stomach, pretending to be a damsel in distress, “Serena, no matter

how you treat me, you’ll always be my sister. I will forgive you.”

A few nurses not too far away saw this and sympathized with Alma, while

growing a distaste for Serena.

In the hospital room.

Cornelia was chatting away with Arabella until she got tired and had to lie down

to rest.

Arabella tucked her in, and prepared to leave with her parents.

Lucas and Beverly were also ready to leave. Everyone left the room together.

Serena came back and didn’t say a word, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction

when looking at Alma.

Alma, far from being afraid, went to Arabella, “Bella, I need to talk to you.”

“Alma always talking about Bella. Let them chat. We’ll go ahead,”

said Beverly, taking Louisa’s hand and chatting about recent events while they

walked away.

Alma saw Serena walking ahead and then quietly said to Arabella, “I went to

check on Serena’s bandages out of good will, and she,’ She pretended to

hesitate, but finally blurted out, “she wanted to team

up with me to drive you out of the Collins family.’

Arabella didn’t show any emotion and said, “Oh.”

“She’s just an adopted daughter of the family, and she wants to replace you.”

Alma couldn’t help but add, “Bella, aren’t you angry?”

“I’m not angry, just a little surprised.”

“You’re surprised too, right?” Alma was about to continue.

Arabella interrupted her, “Serena wouldn’t say such a thing. Stop acting in front

of me. Not everyone is as stupid as you.’

“Bella, do you trust Serena more than you trust me?” Alma pretended to be hurt,

“Yes, we’ve had misunderstandings before, but this time, I am sincerely looking

out for you. I’m risking everything to tell you this.”Chapter 809

“I don’t trust either of you,’ said Arabella, her voice as cool as a snowflake

landing on a winter’s morn. “I just know who’s more trustworthy. Do you think

your little schemes go unnoticed? Save your second-rate tricks. I don’t have the

time or patience for your circus acts.”

With that, she strode off with her long legs, leaving Alma trailing in her wake.

Alma watched her retreating back, her mind racing. She couldn’t let it end like

this. With a huff, she hurried after Arabella. “Alright, yes, I admit it. I made it all

up. I just want to join forces with you and drive Serena out of the Collins family.

What do you say? Care to team up?”

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Arabella looked at her as if she had suddenly sprouted two heads.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Is she eating your food, drinking your water, or

spending your money? What business of yours is it if she stays or goes? Keep

this up, and you’ll be the first one out of the Collins family.”

“What?” Alma hadn’t expected Arabella to stand up for Serena. And she

certainly hadn’t expected such conviction in her voice.

“So, you’re saying you’d stand against me, for her? Think about it, Arabella.

Serena doesn’t have a drop of Collins blood in her. Me?

I’m purebred Collins. Do you think you can just kick me out? Think again.”

“Is that so?” Arabella’s cold gaze made Alma shiver.

Arabella’s eyes held a promise. A promise that, somehow, she could singlehandedly kick Alma out of the Collins family.

But she hadn’t done something that was so terrible.

However, Arabella’s gaze made Alma uneasy.

Louisa smiled as Arabella approached. “What were you two talking about?

Finished already?”

“We are just discussing a little alliance.”

Arabella’s words took everyone by surprise, not just Louisa and Beverly, but

Serena and even Alma herself.

That damned Arabella. Alma was seething.

“Alliance? What alliance?” Beverly seemed to have an inkling, but she couldn’t

believe Arabella would be so brazen. Trying to smooth things over, she said, “Is

Alma starting a business?”

“You’ll have to ask her.”

Arabella’s answer was evasive, but the look in her eyes made Beverly uneasy.

The girl was too smart. She’d pieced together Beverly’s suspicions.

And Alma was a fool. Of all the people she could’ve chosen, she chose Arabella.

Beverly chuckled nervously. “Ignore her, Louisa. Now, where were we?”

The conversation moved on. Arabella glanced at Alma, who was fuming.

Serena, too, seemed to have figured out what Arabella meant by an ‘alliance’.

She glared at Alma, anger flaring in her eyes.

This was it. Alma had to be taught a lesson. She’d gone too far.

With that thought, Serena pulled out her phone and sent a WhatsApp message

to Martha.

Martha had been with her for the past eighteen years, even more so than


So naturally, whenever Serena faced trouble, Martha was the first person she

turned to.Chapter 810 Half an hour later.

Arabella had just returned to Reflections Villa when she received an unexpected

phone call.

“Boss, the folks from Solterra Cybersecurity Center want you to swing by.”

“Something up?”

Arabella’s mind was filled with question marks at the news.

The entire cybersecurity center boasted hundreds of computer wizards, yet they

couldn’t fend off the attacker?

Was the attacker that powerful?

Enter title…

“They want you to head over now. They said a car will pick you up and take you

to the center; reported her subordinate. “I didn’t want to expose your identity, so

I arranged for them to pick you up at the church in the suburbs.”


This time, Arabella didn’t inquire about the payment, as personal gain seemed

insignificant compared to the nation’s affairs at hand.

Shortly after, Arabella arrived at the cybersecurity center’s building, escorted by

a private vehicle. This was her first time visiting such a place.

Upon hearing of her arrival, the director hurriedly greeted her, “Alex, we’ve been

waiting for you. Our last line of defense is about to fall.

Please, come with me.”

In the main hall, hundreds of security personnel sat in front of computers,

desperately fending off the attacker’s onslaught.

A massive electronic screen displayed the real-time progress of the situation.

The sounds of fervent keyboard typing echoed in the air.

Arabella was speechless.

“Alex, this is your workstation. Thank you for your efforts,’ said the director, who

then returned to his office to call another expert.

“Clark, it’s your turn to step up. It’s already a hair’s breadth from disaster out

there. Can you maybe finish your snack later?”

The man referred to as “Clark” was lounging on a couch. A few people

massaged him while another fed him snacks.

The handsome features of his face were flawless under the light, breathtakingly


“It’s clearly a dire situation if they’re even calling in little girl,” he responded

lazily, his voice as laid-back and magnetic as his demeanor.

Little girl?

The director paused before quickly realizing, “That’s Alex.”


Finally, a glimmer of interest sparked in the man’s eyes. The infamous hacker

Alex, who had remained at the top of the bounty list for years, was a little girl?


He was curious to see how long this little girl could hold on.

“Clark, when are you going to step in? If you don’t soon, the last line of defense

will…” The director’s words were interrupted by a series of beeps emanating

from the electronic screen.

[Firewall Level One successfully repaired.]

Not only the director and the man on the couch, but even the hundreds of

computer wizards outside were all looking at Arabella in disbelief.

Arabella’s slender fingers danced across the keyboard, inputting a series of


Soon, the massive electronic screen once again chimed in.

[Beep beep beep, Firewall Level Two successfully repaired.]

Everyone was so shocked their jaws nearly dropped.

[Beep beep beep, Firewall Level Three successfully repaired.]

Arabella’s movements were quick, as natural as if she were simply typing in a

chat. Her expression didn’t change much. She just kept her eyes on the

computer screen. Soon, the system chimed in again, signaling that the fourth

and fifth-level firewalls had been successfully repaired.

Everyone had stopped what they were doing, staring in disbelief at this

teenager. Who was she? How did she manage to repair all five firewalls in such

a short amount of time?Chapter 811

[Tik tik tik, firewall upgrade successful.]

Everyone was left flabbergasted.

Not only did she fend off the attack, but she also managed to upgrade their

entire system.

How in the world did she do that in such a short span of time?

[Tik tik tik, firewall successfully breached.]

The man lounging on the couch could no longer contain himself. He sprung to

his feet, but before he could make it to the glass wall, the system piped up

Enter title…


[Tik tik tik, enemy IP locked.]

The man froze in his tracks, his initial thoughts were that the security team was

incompetent, and it would be up to him to clean up the mess.

But this young lady managed to upgrade the firewall and locate the enemy’s IP

address in the blink of an eye.

She was truly impressive.

Noticing that the IP address originated from the enemy nation’s intelligence

center, Arabella wasted no time in launching a counter-attack.

She first took control of all the computers at the enemy intelligence center,

rendering them helpless and unable to hide their data.

Then, right under their noses, she opened up their tactical and energy plans for

other nations, forwarded them, and then posted them on their official website. To

add insult to injury, she tacked on a downward pointing thumbs up emoji, openly

mocking them.

Having accomplished her mission, she prepared to leave.

Everyone was in awe of this young woman.

“Ma’am, may I ask which hacker group you’re part of?”

“Would you be interested in joining the Solterra Hacker Alliance?”

Even the director, who had been coaxing the man in the office, quickly chased

after her, “Alex, wait!”

The name “Alex” sent a shockwave through the room. This young woman was

none other than the renowned hacker, Alex!

Who would have thought she was a young woman.

And such a beautiful one at that.

Life was so unfair.

“Alex, we really need someone of your caliber at the security center.

Would you be interested in joining us? We can offer you a salary at your

demanded rate, flexible working hours.” The director was desperate to retain

such a talent.

“I’m sorry, but I have to finish my studies.”

Everyone was once again taken aback.

Such a high-level hacker still had to go to school.

It made sense though, she looked to be around seventeen or eighteen, probably

still in high school or college.

But she was already so skilled, what was the point in going to school??

Everyone was puzzled.

“After you finish your studies, Alex, if you’re interested in joining us, feel free to

contact me. Here’s my card.” The director wasn’t about to let such a talent slip

away. He offered his card with both hands.

“The doors to the security center are always open for you!”

While Arabella had no intentions of becoming a hacker, she politely accepted

the card out of respect for the director’s sincerity.

“Hold on.

The man from the office finally emerged.

He was handsome and debonair. His captivating eyes held a touch of


Everyone was even more shocked to see him. The skilled hacker who had been

resting in the office was none other than the legendary Astronisia’s top hacker,


Who would have thought that the director was so powerful, managing to bring in

two top-notch hackers? Chapter 812

But Arabella didn’t know him. His voice was unfamiliar, causing her to look at

him quizzically.

“Your firewall might not hold up against the next attack. I want to give it a try”


Did this guy just challenge the brand new firewall that Alex had just established?

Were these two tech giants clashing?

The director was baffled. Should he intervene? What if this guy actually broke

through the firewall and left their system open to foreign attacks?

Enter title…

“Don’t worry. If I break it, I’ll build you a new one.” The man’s tone was relaxed,

as if navigating through a few firewalls was as simple as grabbing a burger and

a soda.

“You won’t break it,’ Arabella stated bluntly.

“You are so confident. How about we make a bet?”

The man had already settled down in a seat, leaning back casually, his slender

fingers dancing over the keyboard. “So, what do you say? Up for the


Arabella thought the man had too much free time. “It’s not a question of

courage. It’s that you can’t win.”

The man laughed mischievously, seemingly intrigued by her audacity. “Do you

even know who I am?”

Was there a firewall he, the proclaimed top hacker of Astronisia, couldn’t crack?

Arabella didn’t know who he was, nor did she care.

The man’s smirk deepened. “Watch closely.”

His fingers quickly typed a series of codes, and the system responded promptly.

[Tik, tik, tik. Firewall under attack.]

Many hearts skipped a beat.

When Clark made his move, how many seconds could Alex’s firewall last?

Probably not even a few seconds, considering it was hastily established.

It must be as fragile as glass.

Arabella didn’t want to waste her time with him, but seeing his blind selfconfidence, she decided to stay and enjoy the show.

Soon, a minute passed.

The man’s smirk had frozen. This was taking much longer than he’d anticipated!

Another minute passed.

He hadn’t even breached the outer layer of the firewall.

The crowd’s disbelief grew. Wasn’t this guy touted as the top hacker in

Astronisia? How come he couldn’t even break through the outer layer of the

firewall after two minutes??

Had they overestimated him, or was he a fraud??

Was he the real “Clark”?

The third minute passed.

Arabella turned to leave, no longer willing to waste her time.

“Wait, Miss.” The man was taken aback. He’d dominated the hacking industry

for years, only to be scoffed at by a young girl!

Worse still, she didn’t even pause. She simply turned and walked away, leaving

him red-faced.

Five layers of firewall, and he hadn’t broken through a single one after three


“Miss, I’m talking to you.”

Seeing Arabella continue to walk away, he turned to the director.

But the director quickly followed Arabella, not to stop her, but rather to escort her


“Alex, don’t take it to heart. Clark just hasn’t met a worthy opponent in along


“Who?” Arabella was slightly surprised at the mention of the name.


So, the arrogant cocky young man who was acting all high and mighty was the

famous top hacker of Astronisia, Clark?

That was all he’s got? Chapter 813

Arabella rolled her eyes internally, not for the first time that day.

At that moment, the director received a call and knew that Clark had finally

breached the outermost firewall.

Arabella was speechless.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she hopped into her car and sped off.

“Alex, don’t forget the business card.” the director reminded as she left.

Half an hour later.

Enter title…

The man was utterly humiliated, he had not expected the young girl’s firewall to

be that formidable. It took him half an hour just to breach a single layer.

Now, hundreds of people were laughing at him.

The director leisurely sipped his coffee, “Now you know there’s always someone

better, right?”

“Give me her contact information.”

“I’m telling you, don’t be rash.” The director hastily put down his coffee,

whispering, “She’s a talent that I have my eye on. You must not harm her no

matter what!”

“I just want to get to know her.”

The director breathed a sigh of relief, “Then I’ll ask her for you, I don’t have her

contact info either.”

The man gave him a disdainful look, “Once you get it, send it to me.”

Arabella returned to the church first, then drove back to Reflections Villa, by

then it was completely dark.

She called Romeo to tell him she was safe, then noticed the staff was busier

than usual, which piqued her curiosity.

“Is someone coming?”

Edith smiled and said, “Ms. Bella, it’s your brother. He’s coming home for


Her brother? He’s coming back?

“Although he’s usually carefree, even more unreliable than David, he has many

qualities.” Edith’s words were cut off as she was called away to help.

Arabella watched the staff bustling around, preparing for dinner. It was Clear

that her brother hadn’t been home in a long time.

That was why they were making such a fuss.

At this time, Arabella’s phone vibrated. It was a call from her subordinate.

“Boss, the security center says Clark wants your contact information.”

Upon hearing Clark’s name, Arabella immediately refused, “Don’t give it to him.”

Just remembering his arrogant and carefree demeanor, Arabella had no desire

to deal with him.

“Boss, isn’t this man the founder of the hacker world, the top hacker of

Astronisia? Could he be interested in you?”

“What are you talking about?”

Wasn’t he just unable to crack her firewall and wanted the answer from her?

No way!

“Boss, I heard that when Clark was 11, he hacked into the data system of a

country and rifled through their entire nuclear research data. It was a huge

scandal for them, but they didn’t dare to report it.”

Her subordinate continued, “If Clark sold this data to any country, he could earn

at least 10 million dollars. But guess what? He gave it to his own country for

free. Also, in his spare time, he has used his skills to help the police track down

several batches of spies. He even infiltrated the intelligence systems of enemy

countries and erased all the information they had about our country.

Upon hearing this, Arabella found him to be quite patriotic.

“So, Boss, are you sure you won’t give him your contact info? You might need to

collaborate with him in the future.”

“This won’t happen.” Arabella was sure she would never have to deal with such

a person again. “I have something to do, gotta go.”

“Boss, I haven’t finished yet, Boss?”

Oh well, the contact info was a minor issue, but he needed money for his

research project which was a major drain. Money was running out.

The boss just hung up too quickly.Chapter 814

An hour later.

The housekeeper announced with excitement, “Master, Madam, he is back.”

“Finally, the rascal decided to come back.” Louisa rose from the sofa, ready to

give him a piece of her mind.

“No wonder I saw smoke rising from the house all the way home,”

Clark Collins said as he slipped off his shoes and sauntered in, a mischievous

smile on his face. “Turns out it’s mom steaming with rage.”

Enter title…

“You little rascal!” As soon as Louisa saw him, she couldn’t resist landing a few

blows on him. “Finally decided to come home? Your sister’s been back for

months. Don’t you think as her elder brother, you should care a bit more? Hans

managed to find time despite his busy schedule to come back, Chasel rushed

home right after his secret mission, and even David has been keeping your

sister company for days. But you and your brother, not answering messages or

calls, spending all day dealing with dead people.”

“Mom, that’s my job.”

“What job? Hurry up and go upstairs to take a bath. Don’t stink up your sister!”

Seeing him head upstairs, Louisa couldn’t help but ask with a touch of curiosity,

“Wait, why are your hands empty? Where’s the gift for your sister?”

Clark, halfway up the stairs, answered a bit awkwardly, “Isn’t my coming home

the best gift for my sister?”

Louisa couldn’t help but give him a few more smacks, “Who cares about you,

girls want perfumes, jewelry, clothes, or at least a doll.

You, on the other hand, can’t be eaten, played with, or worn.”

“I can be a decoration.” Clark replied seriously, “Even if you bring a doll home,

it’s just a decoration. And I’m better than a doll, I can move. What’s more, how

can a doll be more pleasing to the eye than me?”

Seeing her handsome son’s serious face, Louisa clutched her heart, “You’re

going to be the death of me.”

Seeing his mother truly upset, Clark finally produced a small box and handed it

over with a charming smile, “I didn’t forget anyone.

This is for my beloved mother.”

“Really?” Louisa asked, half doubting, half hopeful, her anger subsiding a bit.

“The gift for my sister is still in the car. If you don’t believe me, go check.”

“At least you have some conscience!” Louisa opened the small box to find a

dazzling gem inside.

Knowing her son cared for both Bella and herself, Louisa finally felt a bit better.

“Where’s mine?” Kenneth inquired as he rushed in from the kitchen.

Clark tossed him a small box, “I’m going upstairs.”

Kenneth was somewhat excited, “He still has some shame, running off so

quickly. Honey, our boxes are identical. Do you think the contents will be the


“Open it and see.”

Kenneth opened the box, only to find a note inside that read: IOU.

Kenneth was in dumb silence.

What a great son.

After Clark had taken a shower and sat on the sofa for quite a while, his sister

still hadn’t shown up.

Instead, Serena, hearing of his return, rushed to his side as quickly as she

could, beaming, “Clark, you’re finally back!”

“Serena.” Clark leaned back on the sofa, his body radiating an untamed aura,

his handsome smile in place, “It’s been a while.

You’ve grown into a young lady.”

“Clark, it’s been so long since you came back.” Serena’s voice wavered, she

had truly missed Clark.

“Clark, it’s about time you came home. Serena has been talking about you nonstop, my ears are about to form calluses!” Martha, standing nearby, laughed,

“Sometimes Serena would flip through your old photo albums and start crying.”

“What’s there to cry about?”

“She misses you, of course!”

Clark’s gaze softened, “Come here, sit next to me.”

Serena eagerly took the spot next to him. Chapter 815

“Why didn’t you just give me a call?”

“I thought you might be busy, and I didn’t want to bother you.”

Clark looked even more handsome than before. His handsome face still held

that trace of defiant charm.

“Clark, can I take a few photos with you? That way, I can look at them when I

miss you.”

After getting his permission, Serena hurriedly took out her cell phone and took a

lot of photos with Clark, and she even posted some on Facebook.

Enter title…

“How have you been doing lately?” Clark asked with concern.

Serena didn’t know how to summarize her recent life. If she had to describe it in

one sentence, it would be “absolutely miserable-”

“Clark, isn’t this like stabbing Serena in the heart? Ever since Ms.

Bella came back to this house, how good can Serena’s status and situation be?”

Arabella was about to go downstairs, but stopped when she heard this. Was

Martha talking bad about her in front of Clark?

There truly was no moment of peace.

Clark picked up on the undertone, raising his gaze to ask lightly, “Is the young

lady difficult to get along with?”

Martha made a face that said it all, as if she was saying “extremely difficult.”

“And what about my parents? They don’t care about it?”

Martha’s expression said it all once again.

“What about Hans and the others?”

Martha sighed, “Now everyone revolves around her, only Clark, you’re the first

to care about Serena’s situation.”

Clark glanced at the girl next to him. She seemed a bit hurt, and her head was

always lowered like a discarded doll, but then she swept away the gloom in her

eyes, “Clark, are you hungry? I can get you something to eat.”

“Lam a bit hungry.” Clark smiled at her, “Get me a few things.”

“Alright.” Serena was about to go get it.

“Serena, let me go. You stay and chat with Clark a bit more.”

What a great opportunity!

She shouldn’t miss it!

“Martha, you stay.’ Clark’s smile was unreadable, “Serena, you go.”

“Oh, okay.” Serena glanced at Martha, a bit confused as she headed to the



Once Serena left, Clark’s gaze returned to Martha, “You seem to have a lot of

complaints about Bella.”

“Clark, you’re mistaken. I’m just upset seeing Serena being neglected in this

house, especially since no matter how hard she tries to please Ms. Bella, it’s

useless. Ms. Bella is always giving her the cold shoulder, so I just feel it’s unfair

for Serena.”

Arabella was standing upstairs speechlessly.

“Martha, you’ve been in this house for too long. Have you forgotten that

Serena’s place originally belonged to Bella?”

With one sentence, Clark completely silenced Martha.

“Bella has suffered for eighteen years outside and she finally returned to this

house. You say everyone revolves around her. That was because they wanted

to make it up to her, be good to her, and care for her. Isn’t this normal?”

Martha lowered her head in embarrassment, whispering, “Yes.”

“Serena has been living the life that Bella should have had for the past eighteen

years. Bella didn’t ask her to give it back, and even agreed to let her stay. That

shows Bella is a generous person who doesn’t hold grudges.” Chapter 816

Clark paused, looking at Martha. “Would you keep a potential threat around if

you were in her shoes?” he inquired.

Martha was taken aback, suddenly at a loss for words.

Indeed, if it were her, she wouldn’t tolerate such a threat hanging around,

competing for attention, adding stress.

Clark continued, “Serena wears the latest fashion and brandishes the newest

accessories. This indicates that, at the very least, this family doesn’t skimp on

providing for her materially.”

Enter title…

“I see your point, Clark.”

“As for emotional aspects, I often hear Mom and Dad mentioning Serena. One

moment Serena has won an award, the next she’s been accepted to

Summerfield College, then they’re planning to take Serena out for dinner, and

then visit her at school. Doesn’t seem like she’s being neglected.”

Martha had lowered her head, afraid to utter a word.

“When their biological child returns, they can’t just ignore her and continue to

shower Serena with love alone. That wouldn’t be fair.

Let’s say the love that Mom and Dad can give equals a hundred percent. Even if

they gave Bella sixty percent, leaving Serena with forty percent, you’d have to

understand. For the first eighteen years, Bella got nothing. Serena had their full

affection all to herself. As someone close to Serena, you should guide her, teach

her, and even yourself, to be grateful. Don’t bear such a grudge against Bella.

Your influence on Serena is more powerful than you think.”

Martha was filled with shame. “You’re right, Clark.”

“I’m not lecturing you,’ Clark calmly corrected her. “I’m just stating the facts. I

can tell you’re not fond of Bella. It seems she doesn’t exactly have an easy life

here, at least partly because of you.”

“Clark.” Martha was flustered.

“Bella could’ve used her newfound status to get rid of you, but she didn’t. Be

grateful for that. You’re only able to gossip about her because she gave you the

chance. Otherwise, you’d be long gone.”

Martha bowed deeply. “I’m sorry, Clark. I will adjust my attitude and stop

spreading rumors.”

“Clark, I brought you some food!”

At this moment, Serena entered with a platter of delectable dishes.

“The chef just made these. I grabbed a little bit of everything. Try it and see if

you like it. If you want more, I can fetch it.

After a few bites, Clark said, “Let’s take a walk in the garden.”

He didn’t want to stick around and see Martha’s face any longer.

As Serena tried to take the platter with her, Clark laughed, “No need for more

food. Let’s just enjoy the walk.”

Martha watched their retreating figures. She was filled with anxiety.

She was tempted to follow and eavesdrop, but feared being caught by Clark.

“Clark, is there something you want to talk about?” Serena asked, glancing

nervously at him as she walked behind him.

“Don’t be nervous, just keep up,’ Clark smiled at her. “Am I that intimidating?”

“No, not at all.” Serena quickly matched Clark’s pace, walking side by side with


“Do you and Bella have any disputes?”

Serena’s face fell at his question. “Did Martha tell you something?”

“She didn’t say a thing.”

“Then why would you ask that, Clark?”Chapter 817

“I’m just curious.” Clark noted her wariness, his smile intensifying.

“Seems like you two aren’t exactly getting along.”

Serena lowered her gaze, taking a moment before opting for honesty. “At first,

Mom and Dad suddenly brought her home without any warning. I wasn’t

prepared at all. That day, they had prepared a magical surprise for her. I thought

it was for me, and ended up making a fool of myself.”

Her eyes seemed to dim, “Then I found out she was the real daughter of this

family, and I was the adopted one. Her arrival divided my parents’ attention, and

even Romeo started to like her.

Enter title…

So, if I say I have zero resentment towards her, it would be a lie.”

Serena’s gaze dimmed for a while before she spoke again, “Afterwards, after

everything that happened, I suddenly wanted to be friends with her, but she

doesn’t seem to want to be friends with me.”

“What do you mean?” Clark seemed a bit puzzled.

“She doesn’t seem to care about these trivial matters.”

In Serena’s memory, Bella was either soaked in her lab doing experiments or

busy with her business across the country. She didn’t seem to care about

sisterly bonds.

“And what about her?” Clark asked again.

“Her personality is pretty neutral. She treats everyone the same. It’s not like

she’s targeting me.”

Clark was surprised to hear this. Unlike Martha, Serena didn’t take the

opportunity to badmouth Bella, but expressed her thoughts fairly.

“What about other aspects?”

“Other aspects?” Serena pondered for a moment, “She’s quite outstanding.

Anyway, you’ll know when you meet her, Clark.”

It seemed that his younger sister was not too bad in Serena’s eyes.

“You’ve grown up and can make your own judgments. I’m very reassured.” Clark

patted her shoulder, “You’re eighteen now and living in a dorm, I don’t think you

need Martha to take care of you.

Why not let her come to my place and help me out?”

“Clark, you want to move Martha to your place?” Serena quickly grabbed his

sleeve, “Can you get another maid? I’ve gotten used to having Martha around

me all these years.”

“Habits can be changed.”

“Clark.” This time, Serena realized something, “Did Martha say something to

upset you earlier? I’ll apologize for her. Can you please not move her away?”

Unable to resist Serena’s pleas, Clark finally conceded, “If you want her to stay,

fine, but you need to make your own judgments. If you have any problems, you

should ask me instead of always asking her.”

“I promise!” Serena quickly agreed.

“Also, Mom and Dad feel a deep guilt towards Bella, because they weren’t able

to give her anything in the past eighteen years. As her brother, I also feel that I

should make up for her, but this doesn’t mean you’re less important in this

family, understand?”

Serena was taken aback, but then nodded.

“You’re still part of this family, it’s just that now, we have one more family

member. We should welcome and accept her, not alienate or despise her.”

“I understand, Clark.”

“You’re a good kid. Remember, if we didn’t like you, we would’ve kicked you out

a long time ago.” Clark patted her shoulder, fearing that she might be led astray

by Martha. It seemed that he would have to keep a closer eye on Martha’s

actions from now on.

At least for now, Serena was still a kind and innocent child.

It was just that Martha held a deep prejudice towards Bella.

It would be best if it could be changed, but if not.Chapter 818

After a while, a servant came over and invited, “Clark, Serena, dinner’s ready.”

“Let’s go, it’s time to eat.”

Clark and Serena walked back side by side, laughing and chatting along the


From a distance, Martha watched them with a glint of obscure darkness in her


For some reason, each time she saw Serena getting along well with the Collins

family, a thorn seemed to prick her heart.

Enter title…

At the dining table.

Upon their arrival, Louisa immediately scolded, “Where have you been, Clark?

Bella’s been waiting for you for ages.”

Clark glanced at the girl seated at the table. The girl’s appearance, aura, and

physique all reminded him of a girl named “Alex” whom he had met earlier at the

security center.

“Let me introduce you. This is your sister, Arabella Collins, a student at Westerly


Looking at the girl’s stunning face and the barely noticeable smile on her lips,

Clark felt as if he had turned to stone.

“Bella, this is your brother, Clark. He often deals with corpses as a forensic


Forensic investigator?

Wasn’t he supposed to be Astronisia’s top hacker, Clark?

“Nice to meet you, Clark.” Arabella’s voice was as refreshing as a spring breeze.

Clark realized that not only did this girl look exactly like Alex, but her voice was

also identical. She was definitely the girl he had met at the security center!

“Aren’t you going to greet your sister back?” Upon noticing Clark’s lack of

response, Louisa playfully smacked him, whispering, “Did you grow ears or


“Are you Bella?” Clark tried to suppress his shock, quietly asking, “Have we met


“Of course you have. Remember the girl who was all over the news for topping

the college entrance exams in June and July? That’s your sister. She scored full


Clark was once again taken aback. He never expected his sister to be such a

prodigy, returning home with an array of skills.

Kenneth smiled, “Let’s have Clark sit next to Bella. He can serve her some


Upon hearing this, Martha moved Serena’s chair to Clark’s other side. “Serena,

you sit next to Clark as well. It’s only fair after all the times you’ve missed him.”

“Serena missed Clark?” Louisa was somewhat curious.

“Yes, she talks about him all the time. So much so that I’ve got calluses on my

ears from hearing it.” Martha and the others laughed.

Clark looked at the girl’s naturally beautiful face and unconsciously asked, “The


He spoke very softly.

Arabella smiled and casually asked, “Haven’t found a way to break it yet?”

It was her!

Clark took a deep breath. He was surprised to find out that his sister was the

hacker Alex, whose hacking skills surpassed his own.

His pride as a big brother lay shattered on the ground.

Louisa, seeing the siblings whispering to each other, assumed they were having

a pleasant chat. While she was pleased, she didn’t forget to remind Clark, “Don’t

get too caught up in your conversation. Serve Bella some dishes! Bella loves


I’ll peel a shrimp for you.” Clark picked up a shrimp, peeled it, and placed it in

his sister’s bowl.

“The shrimp isn’t completely peeled. Look, there’s still some shell left.” Louisa

noticed this and told Arabella, “Don’t blame your brother, Bella. He hasn’t peeled

a shrimp for anyone in years. He’s a bit clumsy.”

“Sorry, Bella. I’ll peel another one for you.” Clark picked up another shrimp.

“No need, Clark. I can do it myself.”Chapter 819

“How could I let you do that? As long as I’m here, you won’t have to lift a finger

to crack any shellfish.” Clark cracked a few more for her, but then fell silent.

He wanted to ask his sister, “How did you become such an expert hacker?

Where did you learn this? How can you manage your studies while being so

skilled at hacking?”

But with so many people around, he only asked, “Are you getting used to being

back home?”


Enter title…

“Is there anything you need to improve with regards to food, clothing, shelter, or


“Everything is good.”

Clark dropped the peeled shrimp into her bowl, “Nobody bullies you at home, do


At this, Martha quickly glanced at Arabella, afraid she might say something out

of line.

Arabella was a bit surprised. Why was Clark asking such a question? Was it just

a casual inquiry, or had he noticed something?

“If anyone bullies you, remember to tell me.”


Clark put the peeled shrimp into her bowl. He found her very obedient. Whether

it was the way she talked or ate, she was just too adorable.

At that moment, Serena placed a peeled shrimp into Clark’s bowl.

“Clark, you should eat too. The food will get cold.”

Clark only then remembered that he had another sister.

He had been so focused on peeling shrimp for Arabella that he had neglected


“You can peel shrimp now.” Clark saw the poorly peeled shrimp in his bowl. His

eyes softened, he placed the shrimp back into Serena’s bowl and didn’t eat it.

“You eat it. You’re too thin.”

“Do you think I peeled it ugly, Clark?”

“Not at all. I just can’t bear to eat it.”

“But this is for you, Clark. You have to eat it.” Serena placed the shrimp back

into Clark’s bowl.

Martha glanced at Debby, who immediately spoke up. “Serena is always

thinking about Clark, even peeling shrimp for him. What a wonderful sister. She

could be considered a sweetheart.”

In contrast, Arabella had never peeled shrimp for any of her brothers!

After a while, Serena served soup to their parents and Clark, earning more

praise from Debby.

“Serena is becoming more and more thoughtful. She not only thinks about her

parents, but also about her brother.”

The implication was: She was not like some people, who only think about


“Clark, these are your favorites, eat more.” Serena served more food to Clark.

“Having a sister like Serena, Clark is really lucky.”

“Debby, you talk too much.’ Clark lifted his eyes and looked at Debby, his voice

a bit cold. “Bella also served me a lot of food. Why haven’t I heard you praise


“Right, Miss Bella also did well.”

“Serving food is not a competition. If you serve me, should I have to serve you in

return, and it’s not okay if I serve less? Then what are we all eating for? We

might as well just serve each other.”

Seeing her son getting angry, Louisa was a bit startled. They were all eating

peacefully. Why did he start criticizing the help?

“I’m sorry, Clark. It’s my fault. I just saw Serena doing well.”

“If you want to praise, then praise all the people. If you pick one to praise, what

would the other think?”

At this, Louisa finally understood why her son was angry. It made sense. Debby

kept saying Serena was doing well, that Serena was a good sister, but what

about Bella? She must have felt terrible.

“Debby, if you don’t know how to talk, then keep silent. You can leave, we don’t

need your service here.” Louisa was also a bit upset.Chapter 820

Seeing Debby leave, Clark said to Arabella, “Don’t mind her. If you don’t want to

see her, I’ll simply fire her.”

Martha, standing off to the side, was utterly flabbergasted. She hadn’t expected

Clark to immediately defend his sister like this.

What about Serena’s feelings?

Serena was also a little stunned. When Debby had praised her earlier, she

hadn’t thought that such praise could hurt Arabella.

Enter title…

Yet Clark’s actions left her feeling hollow, as though Arabella’s feelings were the

only ones that mattered.

Did her achievements not deserve to be recognized?

Arabella looked at Clark in front of her. She was surprised that the usually

nonchalant Clark could see through Debby’s intentions and address them so


It seemed Clark was quite observant when it came to details.

“Listen up, everyone.”

At Clark’s words, the surrounding servants immediately perked up, ready to

listen attentively.

“Both young ladies of this household are to be treated equally. If I find out

anyone who tries to stir up trouble, play favorites, or intentionally sow discord

between the two sisters, that person will face consequences far worse than

being dismissed from this house. Understand?”

“We understand, Clark.’ The servants all bowed in unison, not daring to defy


“Alright, you may go.” Clark waited until they left before turning to Arabella,

“Finally, some peace and quiet. Here, eat some more.”

He served Arabella some food, and also a good amount to Serena, “You did well

earlier. My criticism of Debby wasn’t directed at you.”

Serena, who had been somewhat downcast, felt a tinge of warmth at Clark’s


He was saying this because he cared about her feelings.

It seemed she still had a place in Clark’s heart.

“We’re family, don’t let anyone use you as a pawn. Now, let’s eat.”

Kenneth and Louisa exchanged glances, suddenly realizing their son had grown

up and become more thoughtful.

After dinner.

“Come on,’ Clark tugged at Arabella’s sleeve, “I have a present for you.

Louisa had been curious about what kind of gift Clark would give to Arabella,

and why he didn’t just bring it inside from the car.

It wasn’t until Clark opened the trunk of the limousine that a multitude of pink

balloons floated out.

“Every single one of these balloons was blown up by me. Do you like them?”

He had seen someone do this online, and had taken note, wanting to give his

sister a surprise.

“How romantic.” Kenneth hadn’t expected his son to have such a romantic side.

And how did the trunk manage to hold so many balloons? It was spectacular!

Serena watched enviously as the balloons took flight, suddenly feeling that

Arabella was so lucky. Clark had never prepared such a surprise for her.

Arabella saw that each balloon had the words “Welcome home”

written on them. No doubt about it, the ugly handwriting must be Clark’s.

“All the hardships and unhappiness in the past are over. From now on, just stay

here in this home.’ Clark patted Arabella’s head. “As your family, we will take

good care of you.”

When all the balloons had flown out of the trunk, the fairy lights inside were still

twinkling, casting a dreamy glow. A string of words read, “Welcome home, my

dear sister”.

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