The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 781-800

Chapter 781

Cherry was severely reprimanded by her mother, and had to apologize

sincerely, swallowing her pride.

“Last time at the club, I saw with my own eyes that your daughter picking a fight

with my daughter-in-law, and then two days later, here she is again, under my

nose, picking on my daughter-in-law.

Are the McMillians just easy targets? Even a kid can mess with us?”

Cynthia hadn’t expected the club incident to come up and then gave her

daughter a harsh slap on the shoulder, “Why are you always causing trouble?”

Enter title…

“I’m truly sorry, Jennifer. I’ve failed in disciplining my daughter,”

Cynthia bowed in apology, turning to Arabella, bending a full 90 degrees and

sincerely said, “I’m really sorry. I haven’t raised Cherry properly, but I promise

you we’ll work on it. It won’t happen again.”

“Mrs. Evert, you’re not the one who did wrong. There’s no need for you to

apologize on behalf of her’ Arabella’s voice was cold and clear, without any hint

of taking advantage of the McMillian’s influence.

Cynthia noticed that Arabella’s character matched Jennifer’s well as if she was

born into the McMillian family.

They truly seemed like mother and daughter.

“You’re kind and understanding, it’s all Cherry’s fault. She’s been spoiled rotten

by us.”

As Cynthia said that, she turned to her daughter and curiously asked her, “What

happened to the cake earlier?”

Cherry didn’t expect her mother to ask that and was at a loss for words.

Cynthia’s tone turned fiercer, “If the CCTV can’t find it, I have my ways. Better

tell the truth, or I’ll skin you alive!”

Cherry was frightened and finally mumbled with her head lowered, “I knocked it

over myself.’

Cynthia was furious and asked, “With what? How did you do it?”

“I was angry about the country club incident, so when I saw her passing by, I

knocked the cupcake over with my elbow.’

Cynthia then gave her a hard slap across the face.

Cherry was stunned, looking at her mother in disbelief.

“Is this how I have raised you all these years? You can dislike someone, avoid

them, not befriend them, but you absolutely cannot harm them! Today, not only

did you try to harm someone, but you also did it through despicable means!

How could you turn out this way? At eighteen, you’re an adult, yet you’re doing

these irrational things!”

Cherry was scared by her mother’s anger and started crying.

“Foolish! Anyone would think this is the Evert family’s usual behavior!” Cynthia

made her apologize again.

This time, Cherry couldn’t brush it off and apologized sincerely.

“What about you guys?” Jennifer angrily looked at Cherry’s friends.

The girls were terrified and hurriedly apologized.

“We’re sorry, Jennifer, sorry, Arabella. We did see Cherry knock the cupcake

over but didn’t stand up for Arabella, that was wrong of us.”

“It’s all my fault, please give me another chance.”

“We’re sorry, truly sorry.’

Seeing how scared they were, Arabella and Jennifer decided to let

it go and went upstairs for afternoon tea.

Cynthia quickly arranged with the restaurant manager to have a tab, meaning

that any expenses incurred by the McMillians or

Arabella in the restaurant would be charged to the Everts.

After that, she dragged Cherry home for a stern lecture. Chapter 782

A few days later.

After wrapping up his work, Romeo decided to take Arabella out for a movie


But as soon as he got home, he found Arabella all dressed up, ready to go out.

“Out with Mom again?” He asked.

“Yep, Aunt Jennifer asked me to accompany her while shopping,”

She replied.

Enter title…

That had been going on for days!

Once Arabella had left, Romeo couldn’t help but call Jennifer, “Mom, when are

you and Dad leaving for your trip?”

“We decided not to go; Jennifer’s voice sounded cheerful, “I realized that I have

more fun with Bella.”

Romeo asked, a hint of frustration in his voice, “Don’t you love traveling the

world? Weren’t you supposed to set off right after visiting Grandma and


“No, I prefer spending time with Bella than looking at the beaches of Maldives.

Bella won’t be home for dinner tonight, you’ll have to manage on your own. I

must hang up now, Bella might try to call me.”

Exasperated, Romeo recalled how a couple of days ago, he wanted to take

Bella to see the waterfalls, but his mom whisked her away with a single phone


Yesterday, he planned to show Bella the rolling clouds at the sea, but again, his

mom got there first.

And that day, he wanted to take Bella to a movie, but by the time he got home

and was ready to ask her, she was already dressed and out the door.

Sitting on his couch in his empty house, Romeo felt frustrated but didn’t know

who to vent to.

On the other side of town.

Arabella, arm in arm with Jennifer, had visited several luxury stores.

Jennifer was a top-tier VIP customer of many high-end brands, so every store

they walked into would close its doors to other customers, providing exclusive

service to them to make them feel as comfortable as it can be.

At that time, they were in a top-tier fashion store, filled with all types of clothing.

The store manager, along with several employees, enthusiastically followed

Jennifer and Arabella around, introducing various items and curiously wondering

about Arabella’s identity.

“We’ve never seen this young lady before; The store manager complimented

genuinely, “She’s incredibly beautiful and carries a unique aura.”

Jennifer loved hearing praises about her daughter-in-law, she chuckled and

asked, “Do we look like mother and daughter?”

Mother and daughter?!

The store manager chuckled, “Mrs. McMillian, you are too young for that. More

like sisters. But the young lady does have your extraordinary features and

elegant demeanor, she does look like a family member.”

“We are family; Jennifer said, then turned to Arabella and asked affectionately,

“Do you like this dress?”

“I have too many dresses already; Arabella didn’t want Jennifer to spend more,

she had already bought her so many things. Anything that was good-looking and

suitable, Jennifer had already bought it for her.

George couldnt even carry all the shopping bags, so he had the driver take a

car full of shopping bags home.

No matter what, she didn’t want Jennifer to buy anymore.

However, the store manager and the employees all said, “Please accept Mrs.

McMillian’s kind gesture.”

“We’ve never seen Mrs. McMillian bring any girl here before, let alone select

clothes for her. She must really like you.”

“Your skin is so fair. Wearing this dress would make you look like a fairy

descended from heaven.”

“If you wear this dress and walk with Mrs. McMillian, everyone can tell that

you’re family.”

In the end, the last comment captured Jennifer’s heart. She generously said, “I’ll

take this one in small.”

“Yes, Mrs. McMillian; The store manager was overjoyed and personally went to

wrap it up.seaChapter 783

“Mrs. McMillian, your taste is impeccable. You’ve picked out the crown jewel of

our store.”

“Mrs. McMillian must really care for you, splurging on such an elegant and

expensive dress for you.”

“I’m so envious.”

“Yes, you are indeed fortunate.”

Compliments flowed around Arabella. After a while, Jennifer had purchased

quite a few items. George, unable to carry any more, called their chauffeur to

Enter title…

ask where he was.

“Alright, I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance.”

After ending the call, George, weighed down by dozens of shopping bags,

turned to Jennifer as he said, “Honey, I’ll bring these bags to Gene first, then I’ll

come back to help you with your shopping.”

“Go ahead,” Jennifer picked a few more dresses, asking Arabella for her

opinion. She seemed intent on buying her the entire store.

Feeling neglected, George was about to take the elevator when a sudden pain

shot through his back, his old ailment flaring up again.

Arabella noticed and excused herself to Jennifer before rushing over to him.

“It’s nothing serious, just my old back acting up. I’m getting old. It’s only normal

for me to have these kinds of problems.”

“I can carry it.”

Looking at George’s arms laden with over thirty shopping bags, Arabella felt


“No need, I can handle it; George could never let his daughter-in-law carry the


“But your back.”

“It’s alright, really.”

Just then, a female voice squealed in disbelief, “Arabella?”

Turning around, Arabella saw Yolanda in a young man’s arm, looking at her in


“Bella, is this a classmate of yours?” George was about to greet them.

To his surprise, Arabella averted her gaze and said to George, “We’re not close.

Let me carry the bags.”

“But you’re still young, we can’t let you carry these.”

“lL insist.

“No, really, I can.”

Seeing Arabella still being her dismissive self, Yolanda felt a pang of irritation.

“Yoli, is this the sister you’ve mentioned before?”

Gerald had heard Yolanda talk about Arabella before, a woman who enjoyed

being spoiled by older men, using their credit cards to fulfill her vanity, and

scheming to put Yoli’s parents in jail. She was a woman who looked down upon

others and carried an air of arrogance.

He didn’t expect to run into her that day!

“Some people spend their lives relying on men to buy them luxury goods, and

not just any men, but married, older men. Yoli, don’t you think she’s pitiable?”

Gerald added, placing a supportive hand on Yolanda’s shoulder, looking down at

Arabella from his high horse.

Arabella and George were both speechless. Both had the same thought,

“What’s his problem??”

Yolanda didn’t know who that middle-aged man was, but his arms were laden

with dozens of luxury shopping bags, clearly showing he was wealthy.

She didn’t expect Arabella, who she thought had settled down, to be mixing with

an older man, and worse still, extorting him into buying her all those luxury


Even with Gerald’s decent financial status, he would never buy her so many

items at once.

She didn’t expect that older man to be so generous towards Arabella.

With those thoughts, Yolanda was eaten up with jealousy. Chapter 784

“Arabella, I can’t believe after all this time you’re still so flighty,”

Yolanda feigned shock, “You’re a woman betrothed.”

Couldn’t she ask Romeo to buy whatever she wanted?

Why the need to use other men’s credit cards?

Was it to flaunt her alluring charm?

Or had Romeo grown tired of her and no longer wanted to fund her shopping


Enter title…

As she pondered that, Yolanda saw a glimmer of hope. If Romeo took an

interest in her, then she could soon surpass Arabella!

Arabella didn’t expect Yolanda to still be so annoying after their time apart. She

didn’t even bother to look at her, took the shopping bags from George, and left

with him.

Because George had a sore back, Arabella walked slowly.

“My girlfriend is talking to you, are you deaf?” Gerald was quite displeased with

Arabella’s cold demeanor.

So, she was relying on her good looks, huh? She had been played by several

old men, and at that point she was putting on that icy, aloof act.

Did she still think of herself as a pure, innocent maiden?

“Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?” George was quite displeased with

the young ones’ attitude.

But Gerald found that amusing, “What, you’re brave enough to act but scared of

being talked about?”

“What have we done?” George was baffled by the young man’s baseless


Arabella interjected, “Uncle, don’t mind him.”

“Did you hear that? She’s calling you ‘uncle’. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself at

your age? Do you know how many men she’s been with before?”

“What did you say?” George’s anger flared, “Say it again!”

He dared to slander his daughter-in-law in front of him.

“I said this woman is like a whore.”

The next second, George’s fist swung hard onto the young man’s face without

any hesitation.

“Damn!” The young man didn’t expect that middle-aged man to lose his temper

and start a fight. Angrily, he retaliated, and they both went at it.

People around them screamed and retreated, and Jennifer, inside the store,

rushed out upon hearing the commotion.

At the same time, the mall manager hurried over with several security guards,

all puzzled by the situation.

But in just a few seconds, George had the young man pinned down, landing

punch after punch, and declared indignantly, “You’re so young and yet your

tongue is so poisonous, what do your parents do? How did they raise such a


“Stop, stop!” Yolanda was terrified. She didn’t expect the middle-aged man to be

stronger and more skillful than Gerald.

Gerald was so useless!

Just like any rich boy, he was like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to withstand

any hardship.

He couldn’t even best an old man on the brink of death!

The mall manager was taken aback by that scene and quickly dispersed the

crowd. He bent over to George and respectfully asked, “Mr. McMillian, what’s

the matter?”

“This brat insulted my daughter-in-law, and I intend to deal with him myself.

Everyone else stands aside.”

“Uncle, your back.”

Before Arabella could finish her sentence, George said, “I’m fine, I’m alright.

This brat just mentioned a whore? If he doesn’t need his mouth, I can sew it

shut! He only knows how to spew filth.”

Jennifer, who had just arrived, saw the scene, linked arms with Arabella, and

watched the fight, amused, “Let him have it.”Chapter 785

Arabella didn’t know what to say. She had seen George get the better of Gerald

a while ago, which was why she didn’t intervene.

She was just a bit worried about her future father-in-law’s back.

When Yolanda heard the middle-aged man being addressed as Mr.

McMillian by the mall manager, a sinking feeling began to creep in.

Could it be, was he Romeo’s father??

Just a moment ago, that man was accusing Gerald of being disrespectful

towards his daughter-in-law.

Enter title…

So, it turned out Arabella wasn’t with some older man but was accompanying

her future father-in-law shopping. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Arabella,

hand in hand, was her future mother-in-law?

Thinking that way, Yolanda felt doomed. Gerald’s family background was no

match for the McMillians.

She was really done for that time!

Just as she was planning to sneak away, she was quickly spotted by Arabella.

Arabella gave the mall manager a quick glance and ordered, “Don’t let her go.”

“My daughter-in-law wants you to catch someone, what are you waiting for?”

Jennifer chimed in.

Yolanda, overcome with fear, started running. But even as she sprinted with all

her might, she was quickly restrained by a few security guards. She started

yelling, “It’s not my fault.”

At that moment, Gerald was beaten to a pulp, barely hanging on.

George quickly discovered his background. He came from a family that owned a

garment factory. What was so special about that?

“I don’t see any need for that shabby factory to continue existing.”

George, panting after the fight, said to someone over the phone, “Short it, make

it go bankrupt.”

Having said that, he gave Gerald another kick, “Haven’t you apologized to my

daughter-in-law yet?”

Gerald, already on the brink of collapse, saw Yolanda trying to escape but being

dragged back, still insisting it wasn’t her fault.

Gerald suddenly realized that he had loved the wrong person.

“Yes, I’m sorry.’ Gerald weakly said, “Il, heard she’s been involved with several

older men.”

“You dare to continue with that made up story?” George threatened, raising his

hand to hit him again.

Gerald, terrified, instinctively used his hand to shield his head.

“Surely, you’re the one who spread these rumors? You know my daughter-inlaw? Yet you deliberately slander her,’ Jennifer, who was Standing by, coldly

stared at Yolanda, “What does your family do?”

“She’s the Yolanda I told you about before,’ Arabella added.

“Oh, so you’re the bad girl.” Jennifer realized, “Take her away, treat her well”

“Yes The mall manager immediately instructed a few security guards to take

them away.

“Bella, are you alright?” Jennifer finally checked on her daughter-in-law.

“I’m fine, but as for uncle.”

“Oh, my back.” George suddenly half-collapsed onto Jennifer, “Honey, it hurts,

could you rub it for me.”

Jennifer fell silent for a moment. Jennifer could tell he was faking it, but

considering he had stood up for their precious daughter-in-law, she still rubbed

his back a few times.

Arabella couldn’t help but grin. She was about to pick up the dozens of shopping

bags on the floor when the mall manager had someone help, even taking the

bag from her hand, “We’ll take care of these small matters. I’m truly sorry for

what happened in the mall under my management.”

“It’s good that you know!” Jennifer glanced at him, “From now on, don’t let them


“Yes, I got it.”

George was still half-leaning on his wife, but reluctant to put pressure on her,

simply enjoying that moment of bliss.

“I feel much better after you rubbed my back.”

“SO many people are watching, aren’t you embarrassed?”

“My back hurts, and you are helping me, why would I be embarrassed.” Chapter 785

Arabella didn’t know what to say. She had seen George get the better of Gerald

a while ago, which was why she didn’t intervene.

She was just a bit worried about her future father-in-law’s back.

When Yolanda heard the middle-aged man being addressed as Mr.

McMillian by the mall manager, a sinking feeling began to creep in.

Could it be, was he Romeo’s father??

Just a moment ago, that man was accusing Gerald of being disrespectful

towards his daughter-in-law.

Enter title…

So, it turned out Arabella wasn’t with some older man but was accompanying

her future father-in-law shopping. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Arabella,

hand in hand, was her future mother-in-law?

Thinking that way, Yolanda felt doomed. Gerald’s family background was no

match for the McMillians.

She was really done for that time!

Just as she was planning to sneak away, she was quickly spotted by Arabella.

Arabella gave the mall manager a quick glance and ordered, “Don’t let her go.”

“My daughter-in-law wants you to catch someone, what are you waiting for?”

Jennifer chimed in.

Yolanda, overcome with fear, started running. But even as she sprinted with all

her might, she was quickly restrained by a few security guards. She started

yelling, “It’s not my fault.”

At that moment, Gerald was beaten to a pulp, barely hanging on.

George quickly discovered his background. He came from a family that owned a

garment factory. What was so special about that?

“I don’t see any need for that shabby factory to continue existing.”

George, panting after the fight, said to someone over the phone, “Short it, make

it go bankrupt.”

Having said that, he gave Gerald another kick, “Haven’t you apologized to my

daughter-in-law yet?”

Gerald, already on the brink of collapse, saw Yolanda trying to escape but being

dragged back, still insisting it wasn’t her fault.

Gerald suddenly realized that he had loved the wrong person.

“Yes, I’m sorry.’ Gerald weakly said, “Il, heard she’s been involved with several

older men.”

“You dare to continue with that made up story?” George threatened, raising his

hand to hit him again.

Gerald, terrified, instinctively used his hand to shield his head.

“Surely, you’re the one who spread these rumors? You know my daughter-inlaw? Yet you deliberately slander her,’ Jennifer, who was Standing by, coldly

stared at Yolanda, “What does your family do?”

“She’s the Yolanda I told you about before,’ Arabella added.

“Oh, so you’re the bad girl.” Jennifer realized, “Take her away, treat her well”

“Yes The mall manager immediately instructed a few security guards to take

them away.

“Bella, are you alright?” Jennifer finally checked on her daughter-in-law.

“I’m fine, but as for uncle.”

“Oh, my back.” George suddenly half-collapsed onto Jennifer, “Honey, it hurts,

could you rub it for me.”

Jennifer fell silent for a moment. Jennifer could tell he was faking it, but

considering he had stood up for their precious daughter-in-law, she still rubbed

his back a few times.

Arabella couldn’t help but grin. She was about to pick up the dozens of shopping

bags on the floor when the mall manager had someone help, even taking the

bag from her hand, “We’ll take care of these small matters. I’m truly sorry for

what happened in the mall under my management.”

“It’s good that you know!” Jennifer glanced at him, “From now on, don’t let them


“Yes, I got it.”

George was still half-leaning on his wife, but reluctant to put pressure on her,

simply enjoying that moment of bliss.

“I feel much better after you rubbed my back.”

“SO many people are watching, aren’t you embarrassed?”

“My back hurts, and you are helping me, why would I be embarrassed.” Chapter 786

Reflections Mansion.

Kenneth and Louisa were utterly shocked upon hearing that George had lost his

temper and hit someone in defense of Bella.

In their eyes, George was not a man prone to anger or violence, especially not

in public.

“That just goes to show how much Mr. McMillian cherishes his daughter-in-law,

Bella. He can’t bear to see her treated unfairly; Edith, their housekeeper, said

with a grin, “Bella is truly blessed to have such caring in-laws.”

Enter title…

“I heard that a couple of days ago, Jennifer even stood up for Bella and put the

Evert family’s daughter in her place,’ Louisa added, feeling a wave of emotion. It

was clear to her that George and Jennifer saw Bella as their own daughter and

went to great lengths to protect her.

With such in-laws, she was confident that Bella would lead a happy life in the


“They’re coming over tonight. Edith, have you prepared everything I asked for?”

Louisa suddenly asked.

George and Jennifer were to visit that evening on Bella’s behalf.

Jennifer had arranged to go shopping with Bella to not only buy her things but

also to pick out gifts for Kenneth and Louisa.

However, Louisa was unaware of that.

“Madam, everything is ready;’ Edith answered, smiling, “The house has been

thoroughly cleaned, fresh flowers have been placed in the vases, and there’s no

shortage of pastries and fruits. We’re just waiting for their arrival.”

“Good, good,’ Louisa glanced at the clock, noting that they had two hours left

until the agreed meeting time. She was filled with anticipation.

At that moment, Serena entered the gate of Reflections Mansion, noticing the

considerable changes in and around the house. The garden was adorned with a

variety of new flowers, each blooming vibrantly.

“Serena, you’re finally here; Martha pulled her aside and whispered, “Have you

decided on the piece for tonight’s performance? And your dress? Do you need

my help?”

“Martha, I’m not here to steal the spotlight,’ Serena said, revealing her true

intentions to her, “I’m on vacation and I missed my parents, so I decided to stay

here for a few days. After I greet everyone tonight, I’ll just go to my room. I don’t

want to disturb them.”

“Serena, you’re still as stubborn as ever!” Martha exclaimed in frustration. She

was disappointed to see that Serena had changed so much ever since she was

frightened by an incident with Chasel and Myrna Gellar.

This evening presented a rare opportunity. If she could impress Romeo’s

parents, becoming the future daughter-in-law of the McMillian family wouldn’t be

a problem!

After all, even if Romeo loved Bella, could he really go against his parent’s

wishes and marry her directly?

“Mr. and Mrs. McMillian have watched you grow up all these years.

They surely feel more affection for you than for Bella.”

Yet, she was doing nothing on her behalf to grab that golden opportunity!

“Martha, didn’t you just say in our WhatsApp group that Mr. George and Jennifer

have already taken Bella’s side twice? They must really like her. I don’t want to

waste my time or compete anymore. There are plenty of men in the world

besides Romeo. Worst case scenario, I’ll remain single forever.”

“But he’s the best, the most capable, the most protective, and the most

deserving of you!” Martha said passionately, her voice heavy, “Serena, I’ve

watched you grow day by day. I truly can’t bear to see you fall from the pedestal

of a golden girl to an ordinary citizen.

Can you understand my feelings?”

Just then, Serena noticed Bella entering through the mansion gate.

“Alright, Martha, let’s leave it at that. I’m going to my room now: “Serena,

Serena.’ Martha called after her, frustrated by her nonchalance.

Just as Serena was about to climb the steps to the main building, she heard

Martha yelp. Turning back, she saw Bella standing coldly beside Martha, who

had fallen to the ground.

Rushing over, Serena helped Martha up, asking, “Martha? Are you alright? Did

you hurt yourself?”,Chapter 787

“Serena, it’s okay, I’m just getting old and clumsy. I lost my footing.

It’s not a big deal,’ Martha’s knees were scraped raw, and bruised.

From the sidelines, Arabella watched Martha’s poor performance and coldly

added, “Not only are you getting old, but your acting has gone downhill too, not

what it used to be.”

Martha didn’t expect Arabella to be so sharp-tongued. Suddenly, she groaned in

pain, clutching her waist.

Enter title…

“Is your back hurting?” Serena immediately became concerned, “Let me help

you inside to get some ointment, see if you can stand up.”

“Serena, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, ouch, it hurts,’ Martha managed to

stand up with Serena’s help, groaning in pain all the while.

Arabella, tired of watching her act, strode towards the house with her long legs.

“Arabella!” Serena couldn’t help but stop her, wanting to say something but

hesitating, finally blurting out, “What the hell happened?”

“She fell on her own.”

Arabella dropped that sentence as if she didn’t want to waste time with them

and walked up the steps into the main house.

Serena bit her lower lip, seemingly unconvinced.

“I’ve already told you; I fell on my own; Martha feigned again.

“But you were walking just fine on a flat and wide path, how could you fall like


“Serena, I don’t know how to explain. It’s okay if I suffer a bit, I mainly worry

about you,’ Martha slowly moved towards the side house, “Oh, forget it, if

people didn’t know better, they might think I was teaching you to be a bad


Serena didn’t say anything, just quietly helped her walk, already holding some

resentment towards Arabella in her heart.

“You’re already eighteen, there are some things you need to learn to judge for

yourself, Martha was helped to the side house door, “Alright, this is far enough, I

can go in on my own.”

“I can get some ointment for you.”

“No need, Gloria can help me.”

Serena watched her stumble away, thinking to herself that Martha was too old to

hurt herself on purpose just to slander a teenage girl, especially when she fell so

hard on the ground.

She was more excited than anyone about George and Jennifer’s arrival that

night. If she intentionally hurt herself, she wouldn’t be able to show her face in

front of them.

Given Martha’s nature, she would definitely praise Serena to George and

Jennifer, she wouldn’t miss that opportunity for the world.

But Arabella’s demeanor at that moment didn’t seem like she was lying.

Given Arabella’s nature, if she did it on purpose, she would surely admit it.

So, what really happened there?

However, after weighing everything, Serena still trusted Martha more, thinking

that Arabella must have pushed or bumped Martha.

The reason being that Martha had just been whispering to her, which Arabella

saw when she had returned.

It’s possible that Arabella was taking that opportunity for revenge.

At that moment, Serena’s phone vibrated again. When she looked at it, she was

stunned.Chapter 788

“Oh, by the way, the outfit that your parents are wearing today was a gift from

Arabella, and yours,’ Martha added once again, “you might want to take a look

at the seasonal wardrobe.”

The seasonal wardrobe, as the name implies, was where the unwanted and

unused clothes were temporarily stored. After a while, some of the better pieces

would be picked out for donation, a kind of charitable act.

The wardrobe was packed to the brim, taking up a massive space.

It was teeming with clothes, too many to count.

Enter title…

Serena could hardly contain her surprise. When she went to take a look, she

found her carefully selected pieces, some of which she had even paid a pretty

penny for a designer to tailor specifically for her parents, all shoved to the back.

They were not worn, not even once!

She felt a pang of disappointment.

Tonight, Romeo’s parents were coming over. Her beloved parents were wearing

the designs of Arabella and not the ones she gave them. Did this mean they

thought her gifts were not up to the mark?

“Serena, have you noticed that your fate is quite similar to these clothes?

Initially, you thought you could catch your parents”

attention, but it turned out that they didn’t even give those clothes a second


Serena’s eyes dimmed.

Meanwhile, a glint of complacence flashed in Martha’s eyes.

Yesterday, she had told Kenneth and Louisa that she would take Serena’s

clothes to be ironed. With their consent, she secretly moved these brand-new

pieces to the seasonal wardrobe, intending to let Serena see and


The clothes Serena gave this time were mainly black and white. To avoid being

found out, she took a few black and white pieces that Serena had given to

Kenneth and Louisa half a year ago, tried to make them look worn and old, and

asked if they wanted to keep them.

Naturally, they wouldn’t wear such clothes and allowed her to move them to the

seasonal wardrobe, intending to donate them.

Later, Serena hesitated before going downstairs. Louisa was arranging flowers,

and Serena casually struck up a conversation, pretending nothing was amiss.

After a while, she finally asked, “Mom, I was just moving some old clothes to the

seasonal wardrobe, and I noticed those black and white pieces I gave you.

Don’t you like them?”

“Oh.” Louisa suddenly remembered what Martha had said and gave her a

smiling glance, “The design is nice, but we can’t wear them anymore, dear.

You’re very thoughtful, but don’t spend so much on clothes for us in the future.”

Serena pressed, “Why can’t you wear them?”

“Well, the color isn’t quite right. They don’t look good on.” Louisa was puzzled by

her daughter’s questioning.

The color wasn’t right.

They didn’t look good on.

Serena pondered for a moment and then it clicked.

Of course, black and white symbolized ill fortune. They couldn’t wear these

colors for such an occasion.

But, they could save those clothes for later, right? There was no need to move

them to the seasonal wardrobe.

She looked again at Louisa’s beautiful dress. That was the color of celebration,

wasn’t it?

Finally, Serena accepted the truth. Martha wasn’t lying. Her parents really did


They had thrown her heartfelt gifts into the seasonal wardrobe.

Earlier in the seasonal wardrobe, she had even seen many of her favorite

pieces, discarded without her knowledge.Chapter 789

Martha said it was her parents’ command.

Could this household not accommodate both her and her clothing?

She refrained from asking further, exchanged a few words, and then she

ascended the stairs. Her retreating figure was somewhat dim and forlorn.

As Louisa arranged some flowers, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that

something was off with Serena today. Could it be that Serena was upset

because she had worn the dress gifted by Arabella instead of the one she had

given her?

Enter title…

With this thought, Louisa dialed Martha’s number again, “Martha, have you

ironed the clothes Serena gifted us?”

“Madam, are you referring to the recent batch from Serena? She gifts us quite a

number of clothes. Since they’re of fine quality, I didn’t want to ruin them by

ironing them myself. I’ve spoken to the professional ironing service you usually

use. They’ve agreed to take care of all the clothes Serena sent, but they’re a bit

busy, so they haven’t gotten to them just yet.”

Louisa was taken aback by this turn of events, “In that case, don’t bother ironing

them. Serena’s on leave these days and I’d like to wear some of them.”

“Madam, I’ve already sent them to the ironing company. Should I retrieve them?

I thought it would be best to get them ironed since the McMillians visit often. If

you want, I can fetch them right away.

Oh my.” Martha pretended to wince in pain.

Alarmed, Louisa quickly asked, “Martha, what happened?”

Martha chuckled, “Nothing serious. I just took a tumble today.”

“Oh? When did this happen? Where did you fall? Are you okay? Have you seen

a doctor?” Louisa’s concern overpowered any suspicions she might have had.

“No worries, it’s just old age catching up. In a couple of years, I’ll need to retire.”

When Serena’s glamorous wedding took place and her identity became public,

why would she continue as a housekeeper, enduring such humiliation!

She would quit and move in with Serena.

Louisa was reluctant to let her go, expressing her gratitude for Martha’s hard

work before ending the call.

The issue with the clothes wasn’t urgent. Louisa advised Martha to rest, and

Martha proceeded to text Serena via WhatsApp. After she found no

discrepancies on Serena’s end, her spirits lifted.

At 8 PM.

A jubilant servant announced, “The McMillians are here, and they’ve brought a

ton of stuff!!”

Merely the greeting gifts required eighteen bodyguards to carry them in, leaving

everyone stunned with their extravagance.

Kenneth and Louisa were about to welcome them when Edith swiftly ushered

George and Jennifer inside.

“Kenneth, long time no see.” George warmly greeted Kenneth, shaking his hand

and giving him a gentlemanly hug, chuckling, “I’ve been over the moon these


“Jennifer, you finally decided to grace us with your presence! It’s been ages

since we saw you last!”

“Oh, Jennifer’s been pampered by her husband.” Kenneth jested.

“I must say you two look younger, revitalized by your daughter’s return.” Jennifer

praised them, and the four of them invited each other to sit down.

The eighteen bodyguards carried in all the gifts, arranging them neatly on one


“Oh my, Jennifer, anyone who didn’t know better would think you were here to

propose a marriage, bringing all these gifts.”Chapter 789

Martha said it was her parents’ command.

Could this household not accommodate both her and her clothing?

She refrained from asking further, exchanged a few words, and then she

ascended the stairs. Her retreating figure was somewhat dim and forlorn.

As Louisa arranged some flowers, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that

something was off with Serena today. Could it be that Serena was upset

because she had worn the dress gifted by Arabella instead of the one she had

given her?

Enter title…

With this thought, Louisa dialed Martha’s number again, “Martha, have you

ironed the clothes Serena gifted us?”

“Madam, are you referring to the recent batch from Serena? She gifts us quite a

number of clothes. Since they’re of fine quality, I didn’t want to ruin them by

ironing them myself. I’ve spoken to the professional ironing service you usually

use. They’ve agreed to take care of all the clothes Serena sent, but they’re a bit

busy, so they haven’t gotten to them just yet.”

Louisa was taken aback by this turn of events, “In that case, don’t bother ironing

them. Serena’s on leave these days and I’d like to wear some of them.”

“Madam, I’ve already sent them to the ironing company. Should I retrieve them?

I thought it would be best to get them ironed since the McMillians visit often. If

you want, I can fetch them right away.

Oh my.” Martha pretended to wince in pain.

Alarmed, Louisa quickly asked, “Martha, what happened?”

Martha chuckled, “Nothing serious. I just took a tumble today.”

“Oh? When did this happen? Where did you fall? Are you okay? Have you seen

a doctor?” Louisa’s concern overpowered any suspicions she might have had.

“No worries, it’s just old age catching up. In a couple of years, I’ll need to retire.”

When Serena’s glamorous wedding took place and her identity became public,

why would she continue as a housekeeper, enduring such humiliation!

She would quit and move in with Serena.

Louisa was reluctant to let her go, expressing her gratitude for Martha’s hard

work before ending the call.

The issue with the clothes wasn’t urgent. Louisa advised Martha to rest, and

Martha proceeded to text Serena via WhatsApp. After she found no

discrepancies on Serena’s end, her spirits lifted.

At 8 PM.

A jubilant servant announced, “The McMillians are here, and they’ve brought a

ton of stuff!!”

Merely the greeting gifts required eighteen bodyguards to carry them in, leaving

everyone stunned with their extravagance.

Kenneth and Louisa were about to welcome them when Edith swiftly ushered

George and Jennifer inside.

“Kenneth, long time no see.” George warmly greeted Kenneth, shaking his hand

and giving him a gentlemanly hug, chuckling, “I’ve been over the moon these


“Jennifer, you finally decided to grace us with your presence! It’s been ages

since we saw you last!”

“Oh, Jennifer’s been pampered by her husband.” Kenneth jested.

“I must say you two look younger, revitalized by your daughter’s return.” Jennifer

praised them, and the four of them invited each other to sit down.

The eighteen bodyguards carried in all the gifts, arranging them neatly on one


“Oh my, Jennifer, anyone who didn’t know better would think you were here to

propose a marriage, bringing all these gifts.”Chapter 790

“Who arrives for a proposal so casually? But Bella’s really won me over,

Jennifer said, adding with a chuckle, “And not just me, George is quite taken

with her too.”

“Jennifer is spot on with that. It’s not just us, even the elders at home are quite

fond of her. She’s smart, beautiful, modest, and talented. She’s an artist,

calligrapher, pianist, and brand founder.

Honestly, the list just goes on,’ George laughed.

Jennifer chimed in, “And I heard she topped the national college entrance

examination! Louisa, you and Kenneth certainly know how to raise a brilliant

Enter title…


Kenneth and Louisa were taken aback. An artist and calligrapher?

When did this happen? Why didn’t they know?

“You said Bella is an artist?” Kenneth couldn’t help but ask.

“Calligrapher?” Louisa was equally surprised.

After their questions, they both turned their gaze towards Arabella, who was

coming downstairs, in complete astonishment.

When did their daughter acquire these new talents?

Arabella hadn’t expected to be revealed as soon as she came downstairs after

her shower, let alone that George and Jennifer would arrive early. She politely

greeted everyone present.

“Bella, you’re here!” Jennifer’s eyes were full of admiration and satisfaction as

she looked at her future daughter-in-law, casually dressed and looking

gorgeous. Jennifer couldn’t help but adore her.

“Come sit here.” Jennifer affectionately pulled Arabella to sit next to her.

After greeting Arabella, George turned to Kenneth and asked, “Didn’t you know

that? About Bella being Mirabelle.”

Mirabelle’s exceptional painting skills were renowned in the art world.

With her exquisite brush strokes, fluid style, and imaginative creativity, she had

single-handedly elevated the entire art world.

Each of her works embodied the perfect blend of form and spirit, radiating a

vibrant charm.

She was revered as a master in the art world.

“Don’t you have one of her paintings hanging there?” George pointed to a

painting on the wall, another masterpiece.

That was a painting Kenneth had won a year ago at an auction. He had found

the painting so captivating that he paid ten million dollars for it and hung it in the

living room.

But he had no idea that the painting was his daughter’s work.

His daughter had been home for quite some time but had never mentioned that

the painting on the wall was her creation.

This girl was far too modest!

In truth, Arabella wasn’t modest. When she didn’t know Kenneth and had

someone auction her painting, she had asked for an exorbitant price.

She had felt a twinge of guilt when she saw the painting later.

Suddenly, Kenneth remembered something else. On the day his daughter came

home, her gaze had briefly rested on the painting.

It was a renowned piece by the famous painter Mirabelle. Bella had suggested

then that he hang it in the study.

Thinking about it now, Kenneth found that the antique painting did look a bit out

of place among the modern art pieces in the living room.

Her suggestion to hang it in the study, where it would complement the other

pieces, was indeed apt.

She must have recognized it at first glance. Such discerning eyes.

“And Bella is also the calligrapher Labella.” Jennifer started talking about how

they had met her future daughter-in-law, growing more and more delighted.

Kenneth and Louisa hadn’t expected their daughter to have so many aliases,

nor that she would not only save her future mother-in-law by a twist of fate but

also win over the hearts of her future in-laws.Chapter 791

Fate was truly remarkable.

At that moment, Serena, fresh from a friendly gathering, had just reached the

entrance of the main building when she heard praises for Arabella’s talents. She

stood there, utterly flabbergasted.

She could hardly believe that the calligrapher, Labella, whom she had admired

for more than two years, was actually Arabella!

What’s more, all the paintings that she had tried so hard but failed to acquire

were all created by Arabella.

Enter title…

Arabella was Mirabelle.

She was not only a renowned painter, but also a famous calligrapher!

Why did Arabella have so many identities?

She was barely regarded in the Murphy family since she was a child.

Yet each of her identities could easily outshine Serena by a large margin.

Serena stood at the door for a long time, caught in a whirlwind of emotions. It

was only when Edith, who was delivering pastries, passed by and called her that

she came back to her senses.

Walking into the living room with a smile she had practiced over the years, she

greeted everyone present with the grace of a rich young lady.

“Serena, you’re back.” Jennifer looked at Serena with a warm dignified smile.

She had been neutral towards Serena before, neither liking nor disliking her.

Now, she greeted her amicably upon her return.

George also looked at Serena, asking with a cheerful smile, “Been out having


“Mr. George, Jennifer, it’s been a while. Yes, I was out with some friends. Just

got back.”

Serena responded with a smile, extending her greetings to them before turning

to her family with a graceful smile.

“Dad, Mom, sis, you guys carry on. I am going upstairs to shower.

Mr. George, Jennifer, please excuse me.”

Her every move was elegant and refined, showing no signs of anything amiss.

“Alright,” Jennifer noted that Serena seemed quite calm. It appeared that the

betrothal didn’t affect her much.

After all, having been pampered for eighteen years in the Collins family and

raised with good manners, she should know how to handle herself.

With that thought, Jennifer didn’t dwell on it.

“About Serena?” George looked at Kenneth, seeming to hesitate.

“Serena is a sensible child. She knows not to demand what isn’t hers. It’s all my

fault. If I had been more careful and cautious back then, we wouldn’t have had

such a big mix-up, forcing the two girls to bear burdens they shouldn’t have.”

Kenneth felt a deep sense of guilt, particularly towards Arabella.

Although Serena was not their biological child, she had been pampered in the

Collins family for eighteen years without experiencing hardship.

But Bella was different. The Murphy family rose to wealth later, and Bella had

suffered a lot growing up there. Her talents were honed through hard work and


Not just Kenneth, but the entire Collins family owed Bella too much.

“It’s fate. Now that Bella is back, there will only be more laughter in this house.”

George smoothly changed the topic with a smile.

At this moment, a servant came to report, “Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr.

McMillian has arrived.”

Romeo, dressed in a well-tailored suit, exuded a noble aura. As soon as he

entered, he explained, “Mr. and Mrs. Collins, I’m sorry for being late. There was

a last-minute issue.”Chapter 792

He turned to Arabella again, “You all set?”

“Yeah.” Arabella didn’t blame him, he was busy after all, and being busy was a

good thing.

“No worries, you don’t have to be on schedule when you come to visit us. It’s not

like you’re clocking in at work.” Kenneth laughed as he looked at his son-in-law,

the more he looked at him, the more satisfied he was. “Please have a seat.”

Romeo walked up to Jennifer, “Mom, come and sit with Dad.”

Enter title…

“You men sit together, and we women will sit together.” Jennifer held Arabella’s

hand tightly, seemingly reluctant to give up her spot.

Romeo looked at their closely held hands, “If you sit so close, Bella might feel


“Who says that? We’ve been shopping and strolling arm in arm lately.”

Romeo was speechless.

“It’s okay, the couch is spacious. You can sit here.” It was Arabella who spoke


Romeo’s eyes instantly lit up, as if to say “My fiancee loves me more.”

Arabella saw the laughter hidden in his eyes and couldn’t help but chuckle.


Romeo sat to the right of Arabella, while Jennifer sat to her left.

George sat alone on the opposite couch, which was meant for two, feeling oddly


Louisa watched this scene unfold, and smiled. She asked Edith to bring more

pastries and coffee.

“Louisa, you’re too kind! How did you prepare so much?” Jennifer looked at the

table full of fruit, pastries, and coffee, a mix of amusement and disbelief. “I’m

going to gain ten pounds after this.”

“No need to fuss next time. We’re just here to hang out.” George explained with

a laugh. “We’ve been abroad for a while so we didn’t have time to come visit.”

“I saw your Facebook, you’ve been to some beautiful places, so where do you

plan to go next?” Louisa casually asked a question that Romeo was dying to

know the answer to.

Romeo’s gaze naturally fell on his father, waiting for an answer.

George laughed, “Ever since we found out Bella is our daughter-in-law, we can’t

bear to leave. We want to spend more time with her, especially Jennifer. She’s

changed our itinerary so many times, and we don’t have any plans to travel


Romeo was shocked.

No Way!

He totally couldn’t accept that!!

“We come to tell you that we’re very pleased with Bella. We not only approve of

this marriage, we hope it happens as soon as possible.

Of course, the exact timing depends on Bella.” Jennifer said, casting an

affectionate glance at Arabella. If Bella didn’t want to get engaged and wanted to

wait till after graduation to get married, that was fine too.

Arabella chuckled, “It won’t be so soon.”

“Bella is still young.’ Louisa explained with a smile. Even though she was eager

to see the two of them get married, her daughter’s opinion was still the most


“No rush. We just wanted to express our stance, mainly because we like Bella

so much.” Jennifer looked at Arabella again, “Take this time to test Romeo a

little. Don’t let him off so easily.”

Romeo was in dumb silence.

Every other couple’s parents were supportive, except his.

Not only were they not supportive, they were actually holding him back.

Arabella laughed and looked at Romeo, “Alright.”

Romeo thought, ” Not alright!”

“I guarantee that now and in the future, every member of the McMillian family

will never mistreat Bella. Jennifer and I will treat her as our own daughter. We

will cherish her for a lifetime.” George also took this opportunity to express his

sincerity. Chapter 793

Standing on the second floor, Serena felt as if she were rooted to the spot,

unable to take another step.

She hadn’t expected George and Jennifer to be so taken with Arabella, nor had

she anticipated their words of praise.

It was hard to deny that Arabella was truly blessed!

She had just returned to the McMillian family and was immediately showered

with affection from her newfound parents and five brothers. From Grandpa

Phillip to the house staff, everyone seemed to adore her deeply.

Enter title…

Arabella was like a shining star, her brilliance causing twinges of pain in the

hearts of those who watched from the sidelines.

Serena felt as though she had been abandoned by the world, alone and


She looked at the happy families below. Once, she had dreamed of a future like


But now, Arabella was the leading lady, and she had been relegated to a mere


Meanwhile, Martha, who was resting in her room, heard from one of the maids

that Serena had been standing on the second floor for a long time, seemingly

crying and wiping away her tears in silence.

Having watched Serena grow up over the years, Martha understood her feelings

well. She quickly sent someone to comfort Serena.

Debby, who always followed Martha’s orders, quickly appeared with a change of

clothes for Serena, feigning surprise, “Serena, what’s wrong?”

Serena quickly covered her mouth, “Shush.”

Luckily, the people downstairs burst into laughter, their loud guffaws covering

any noises from the second floor.

Seeing Debby holding her change of clothes, Serena remembered that she was

supposed to take a bath, but she had been standing alone on the second floor

for what seemed like forever.

Was it because Arabella’s happiness was too dazzling? Or was it because she

felt so lonely after being abandoned by the world?

“Serena, have you been crying?” Debby asked, looking at her red eyes, “All of

this should have been yours.”

Serena shook her head, “Arabella is the real lady of the family. I was just

mistaken: “Serena, the etiquette education you have received since childhood

has made you a noble lady. You are way better than Ms. Bella in terms of

characteristics, taste and aesthetics, Ms. Bella is just.”

Debby didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she apologized, “I’m sorry, Serena. It

was out of place for me to say that.”

She handed Serena the clothes and respectfully retreated, leaving Serena with

more to ponder.

When George and Jennifer finished their visit and were ready to return home,

Kenneth and Louisa escorted them to the door, returning their gifts.

Arabella wasn’t sure when her parents had prepared these gifts, but she could

tell that both families valued her highly.

“Louisa, this is too much. We can’t accept them;’ Jennifer protested.

Louisa, however, insisted that her staff load the gifts into their car, “These are

tokens of our appreciation. You must accept them.”

Listening to their parents call each other in-laws and argue over the gifts,

Arabella was left in awe. In the end, Louisa won, returning most of their gifts and

keeping only a few.

Romeo then politely said, “You should rest early. I’ll take Bella back to school.”

But it seemed that Jennifer didn’t believe him.Chapter 794

Word on the street was that Romeo had bought a mansion near the university

district, and he was often seen there. One didn’t need to be a genius to figure

out what was happening.

But she didn’t call him out. Instead, she smiled and said to Louisa, “Let’s plan

another get-together soon, okay?”

“Sure.” Louisa’s smile was so wide it almost split her face. “You two should get

some rest. Romeo, take good care of Bella, won’t you?”

“No problem at all.”

Enter title…

Even though it was vacation time, Bella had many responsibilities.

There might be other things waiting for her at the university. Louisa didn’t pry

into her daughter’s schedule but watched them drive off with maternal love in

her eyes.

“Honey, I think George and Jennifer are really treating Bella like their own

daughter, Kenneth mused as he watched them leave, feeling a sense of relief

for their daughter’s future.

“But doesn’t it feel a bit like our daughter just visited us and is now heading back

to her in-laws? Do you feel it too?”

“Our daughter is grown up and will get married eventually.” While Louisa was

reluctant to let go, she knew that every generation would have its own

blessings. It was futile to dwell on it. “Let’s go in.”

In the following days, whenever Jennifer came across amusing jokes or videos

on the internet, she would share them with Arabella and they would have a good

laugh together.

After the vacation, Jennifer would often cook delicious meals and deliver them

to Arabella at her university. They would walk around the campus together, hand

in hand.

Jennifer would consult Arabella about everything, from what dress to wear to a

dinner party, to the color of her nail polish, and even her hairdo. Sometimes, she

would take Arabella out with her, treating her like a best friend.

Arabella would often receive notifications about large transfers from Jennifer. If

Arabella refused, Jennifer would nag her until she accepted.

Every time Arabella accepted the money, Jennifer would feel overjoyed. She

believed that Arabella saw her as family. If Arabella refused, Jennifer would feel

that shel was being too distant.

Time flew by and autumn arrived in the blink of an eye.

The campus was filled with students dressed in long-sleeved shirts and pants.

One day, while Arabella was in the university laboratory, Louisa called.

“Sweetie, your grandma has finally woken up! I’ll pick you up from the university

and we can go to the hospital together.”


Arabella remembered her mother telling her that her grandparents loved outdoor

activities. Once, during a hiking trip, her grandmother had slipped and fallen

down several steps. Her grandfather had tried to catch her, hurting himself in the


Both were in a deep coma when they were rushed to the hospital.

The CT scans had shown cranial fractures, brain injuries, and multiple fractures

throughout their bodies. Her grandfather’s condition was worse, with fluid in his

chest and intracranial hemorrhage. They were in critical condition with a high

risk of permanent disability or death.

Despite extensive medical efforts, their condition remained critical, and they had

to stay in the ICU.

During her last visit to the hospital with her parents, Arabella had taken their

pulse discreetly and found out about their condition.

The doctors had chosen a conservative approach because of their old age and

the lack of a guaranteed successful treatment. Thus, they had missed the best

window for treatment.

After taking their pulses, Arabella realized that their bodies were weak and the

brain injuries had severely damaged their central nervous system. They also

had respiratory infections, anemia, and electrolyte imbalance, requiring multiple


Basic IV therapy wouldn’t be enough.

Due to Serena’s presence, Arabella didn’t reveal that she was Dr.

Bell, but instead claimed to know a famous doctor who had the medicine for

their condition.

Upon hearing this, Kenneth and Louisa were overjoyed and urged her to contact

the doctor. Thus, Arabella started treating her grandparents more aggressively.

But thenChapter 795

She needed medication, one of them being special tranquilizers, which were

particularly beneficial for treating brain damage.

Tranquilizers were hard to come by and took several days to extract. At that

time, Kelly Piper had managed to get a hold of a tranquilizer pill in Northshire for

them. But due to an unfortunate series of events, it ended up under David’s

shoe and got crushed.

If they had taken the tranquilizer at that time, they could’ve recovered within a

month, instead of prolonging the situation…

Enter title…

Arabella finished her experiment. She recorded the data, grabbed her coat, and

said goodbye to Grandpa Beck. Then she left the lab.

Aiden pulled up at the school to pick her up.

Louisa saw Arabella, rolled down her window, and could hardly contain her

excitement. “Bella, get in quickly.”

Both Arabella’s grandparents had been unconscious for several months, and

finally, one of them woke up. Louisa was overjoyed.

After Arabella got in the car, Louisa cheerfully said, “Bella, call your friend. I

want to thank her personally.”

Arabella was stunned.

For the past three months, Arabella had been taking the medicine to the

hospital, so nobody had seen her so-called friend.

“Do you know that your grandparents were in a much more serious condition

than Phillip? Many doctors were helpless. Your friend is amazing, just three

months of treatment and your grandma woke up!”

Although Grandpa hadn’t woken up yet, looking at the situation, Arabella thought

it shouldn’t be far off.

“Oh right, did she accept the last payment? Did she find it insufficient?” Louisa

produced a card loaded with two hundred million dollars. “If it’s not enough, I

have more.”

As she spoke, she was about to pull out another card from her bag.

Arabella hurriedly said, “No need, she didn’t charge for the consultation.”


Louisa was a bit stunned. This person was a well-known doctor, treating two

elderly people for three months without charging a single penny?

Why would she do that?

Seeing her daughter about to say something but hesitating, Louisa suddenly

guessed something and asked incredulously, “The so-called friend wouldn’t

happen to be you, would it?”

Arabella knew she couldn’t hide it any longer and just nodded.

Louisa was absolutely astounded, “So, you are?”

“Dr. Bell.”

“Dr. Bell?”

It was common knowledge that Dr. Bell’s medical skills were phenomenal,

bringing people back from the brink of death. But he was elusive, and no one

knew his whereabouts.

Ever since the old couple was admitted to the ICU, Louisa and her family had

repeatedly tried to find Dr. Bell to treat them.

Some said Dr. Bell was already dead, others claimed he was last seen in the

triangular zone, and some said he had retired. As for the reliability of these

rumors, no one really knew.

All this time, Louisa only knew her daughter was a brilliant doctor who had

saved Phillip and Grace Murphy. But her daughter being Dr. Bell was beyond

her expectations!

“You have so many aliases!” Louisa was truly stunned, “No wonder you didn’t

charge for the consultation. You silly girl!”

It turned out that the one, who had been running around for three months,

providing treatment plans for the couple and supplying the expensive medicine,

was her own daughterChapter 796

Not too long ago, Jennifer was struck with the C30 virus, a fatal disease said to

be incurable worldwide. It was Bella who saved her.

At that time, Louisa hadn’t connected the dots between her daughter and the

infamous Dr. Bell.

After all, rumors had it that Dr. Bell was a man!

“No wonder Jennifer called you a mysterious treasure. How come you’re so

amazing, skilled at everything!” Louisa, brimming with excitement, cupped her

daughter’s face, praising, “If your grandparents knew that you cured their illness,

they’d be even more surprised and proud than I am!”

Enter title…

Who would have thought Bella could be so outstanding in every way?

Not to mention the McMillian family, if the Collins family were to encounter such

an exceptional daughter-in-law, they’d be over the moon!

Aiden couldn’t help but peek at Ms. Bella through the rearview mirror, recalling

the first time he drove her to the Murphy family.

She had effortlessly reattached a fallen car door.

Ms. Bella seemed to be competent at everything, which made her quite


“Oh, by the way, take a look at this data.”

The daily diagnostic data and doctor’s reports for the elderly couple were

updated in a software backend for Kenneth and Louisa to check at any time.

Louisa had noticed the data was gradually improving over the past few days, but

she couldn’t understand many of the professional terms and had to show them

to Arabella.

After reading them, Arabella smiled subtly, “Grandpa will wake up soon.”

“Really?” Louisa was amazed that her daughter had read through the

convoluted medical jargon and data reports in less than a minute. And the best

part, Arabella’s grandpa would wake up soon?

That was wonderful news!

“In a day or two.”

Upon hearing this, Louisa was overjoyed, “That’s fantastic. I need to tell your

father this good news!”

Before long, their car pulled into the private parking garage of the hospital.

Hatikvah Hospital was a high-end private hospital owned by the Collins family

where the elderly couple had been convalescing for a long time.

As soon as Arabella got out of the car, she saw another vehicle from their house

driving towards them. The people getting out were Kenneth and Serena.

Serena greeted her politely, explaining softly, “Dad was dealing with business

near Summerfield College, and when he heard that Grandma woke up, he

picked me up to come over.”

“Honey, you just mentioned in the WhatsApp group that Dad will wake up in a

day or two. Did that renowned doctor say that? Are you sure?” Kenneth was

dizzy with excitement. If this was true, it was like a double blessing.

“Before we talk about that, I have a secret to tell you!” Louisa, as if sharing a

shocking secret, said with great enthusiasm, “Actually, Bella is Dr. Bell!”

“Dr. Bell?”

“Surprising, isn’t it? Over these three months, the one providing treatment plans

and expensive medicines for dad and mom, and the ‘doctor friend’ we’ve been

talking about, is Bella!” As Louisa

revealed this, she put an arm around Arabella’s shoulder, praising, “Who would

have thought she was so modest?”

“Bella, you treated grandpa and grandma’s illness?” Kenneth looked at his

daughter in shock, not expecting her medical skills to be so advanced.

Arabella nodded and hummed, “I didn’t say it before because I didn’t want you

to worry.’

After all, a teenage girl using the medical knowledge she learned to save her

seriously ill grandparents would naturally cause concern.

Serena, standing to the side, turned pale. She could hardly believe it,

unconsciously clenching her fists.

She knew that Arabella was somewhat versed in medicine, but she never

expected her to be Dr. Bell!

Dr. Bell was a well-known figure in the medical world!

The last time when Arabella came to the hospital to visit her grandma, and her

grandma had a sudden complication, Arabella saved her by giving her an

injection. Serena had mocked Arabella for merely reading a few random medical

books and copying the techniques, and being lucky enough to save her


She never imagined that Bella was Dr. Bell!Chapter 797

Dr. Bell’s position was not to be despised by a layman like her.

But since it was Dr. Bell, why did she choose to attend such an ordinary school

like Westerly College? Could it be true what the admissions officer said, that

Arabella was drawn to the array of scientific equipment?

Arabella’s real purpose in attending Westerly College wasn’t to study, but to

conduct medical experiments.

She hadn’t lost her mind to studying, enrolling in a university even more

mediocre than Summerfield College.

Enter title…

If that was indeed true, then her previous mockery of Arabella felt like a slap in

her own face!

It was too painful, too loud, too embarrassing!

It was fortunate that she had stopped Martha from drugging Arabella in time.

Thinking about it now, had they gone through with it, Martha and she would

have been kicked out long ago.

Martha had even wanted to set Arabella up, making everyone think that Arabella

and her friend had killed their grandparents. Luckily, she had been too softhearted to harm her grandparents.

Otherwise, the ones at a disadvantage would have been her and Martha!

But how could Arabella be so strong and formidable?

A sense of unwillingness arose in Serena’s heart.

“Serena, Serena?” Kenneth called her name several times.

Serena snapped back to reality, only to see Louisa and Arabella walking toward

the elevator.

Only Kenneth was still waiting for her, “What’s going on with you?”

“I just didn’t expect Grandma to wake up so soon. I’m too excited, too surprised.

I didn’t expect my sister to be Dr. Bell. She’s truly exceptional.”

“Yeah, the Collins family is lucky enough to have such a treasure return.”

Kenneth stopped suddenly, realizing something, and quickly added, “Serena,

what I meant was, your sister is exceptional, but you’re not bad either. With your

grades and talents, you’re top among your peers.’

Serena chuckled awkwardly. Yeah, she was barely a standout among her peers,

but in front of Arabella, she was only fit to be beaten.

What should she do?

She really didn’t know Arabella had so many aliases.

At this time, Louisa and Arabella had arrived at the 22nd floor.

This floor was not open to the public. All the medical staff here only served the

Collins family. The head nurse saw them and greeted them respectfully.

“Mrs. Collins, Ms. Collins, the old lady has woken up. She’s in her room, and

she’s doing quite well.”

Serena, who had just stepped out of the elevator, heard the head nurse address

Arabella as Ms. Collins, her face changing slightly.

Once upon a time, there was only one Ms. Collins in everyone’s eyes, and that

was her, Serena.

But now things had changed.

The head nurse walked a few steps forward. She saw Serena, and called out

Ms. Collins.

This caused a subtle change in Serena’s mood.

At this moment, her grandma’s nursing worker, Julie, walked out of the room.

Seeing Louisa and Arabella, she hurriedly greeted them.

Her attitude towards Arabella was even more respectful and warm than before.Chapter 798

The last time Arabella had made an impromptu medical intervention, Julie had

doubted her skills. But after witnessing her successfully save her grandmother,

Julie had a complete change of heart, admiring Arabella’s medical prowess.

When Julie met Serena, however, she wasn’t as enthusiastic, merely greeting

her politely without the “admiration” and “appreciation” she showed Arabella.

Serena felt upset again, feeling that Julie was looking down on her, treating her

like an undercooked hamburger.

Julie had been dispatched by the old lady to pick them up. On the phone earlier,

Kenneth had mentioned to the old lady that there was a child who had been lost

Enter title…

but had returned to the family a few months ago, and would be brought to meet

everyone soon.

Upon hearing this, Cornelia had instructed Julie to pick them up.

Everyone was now assembled, and Julie, knocking on the door with a smile,

announced in a louder and jubilant voice, “Madam, Louisa and your

granddaughters have come to see you!”

“Come in, came a kind voice from inside the room.

After opening the door, Julie stepped aside.

The old woman on the hospital bed looked dignified and elegant.

She seemed to be glowing, full of life.

“Mom, you’re finally awake-”

Unable to contain their excitement, Kenneth and Louisa rushed forward and

embraced her, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

Cornelia Collins, smiling, her eyes radiating maternal warmth and love, said,

“Why are you crying?”

“Mom, you and Dad have been unconscious for so long. It scared us.’ Louisa

said with tears in her eyes. “You don’t know how long we’ve been hoping for you

and Dad to wake up, and finally, the day has come.”

Kenneth was also choking up, his voice hoarse, “You and dad have suffered.”

“Suffered? We just closed our eyes and ignored the world, but; Cornelia lovingly

looked at the two in front of her, “you must be tired, having to worry about us

and take care of the family.”

As Louisa’s tears flowed, Cornelia turned to her son. “Kenneth, what are you

standing there for? Your wife is crying, don’t you have some tissues?”

Kenneth, belatedly realizing, quickly brought over a box of tissues.

Hearing this, Louisa couldn’t help but laugh through her tears.

“Mom, he wouldn’t dare.”

“Yeah, Mom, I love her too much to hurt her.”

Seeing their enduring love and harmony, Cornelia couldn’t help but smile.

“Where is the child you were talking about?”

“She’s here.’ Louisa, remembering their mission, quickly waved Arabella over.

“Bella, come here. Let your grandmother have a good look at you.”

The young girl standing nearby had clear bright eyes, an elegant appearance,

and a charismatic demeanor. Her skin was fair.

She greeted her grandma politely, her voice pure and soothing, like the babbling

of a brook.

What a lovely young girl, thought Cornelia. Whether it’s her voice, her looks, or

her demeanor, she was truly a sight for sore eyes.

Cornelia’s eyes still sparkled with the same energy that had made her a force to

be reckoned with over the years, as well as the warmth and affection of an

elder. “You must be Arabella, my own granddaughter. Come over here.”

Cornelia patted the spot next to her.

Arabella obediently walked over and sat down.

“I heard about your story over the phone. I had a feeling something was not

quite right about that fire all those years ago. I secretly investigated for a while

without telling Kenneth and Louisa, But when I couldn’t find any leads, I gave

up. If I had persisted in my investigation back then, maybe you wouldn’t have

had to suffer like this.” Chapter 799

Cornelia clasped Arabella’s soft hand, seeming somewhat remorseful.

Arabella hadn’t anticipated that her grandmother had been so vigilant in her

youth, even resorting to private investigations for a while. Suddenly, she saw her

grandmother in a new light.

She offered an elegant smile, soothingly saying, “Grandma, you need not feel

guilty. I’ve been doing quite well all these years.”

Cornelia chuckled at her words, “Sweet child, you’re even comforting me now.”

Could she have been doing as well as being with the Collins family?

Enter title…

Word was that she was taken in by the Murphy family, where she faced many


“I’ve met many like-minded people and done a lot of things I wanted to do.”

It was much better than being a spoiled heiress.

“Besides, I’m back now, aren’t I?”

Cornelia looked at Arabella before her. Her features were picturesque, her

demeanor elegant, and she was surprisingly mature, understanding, and


Before seeing her, Cornelia had imagined a timid cautious girl who would feel

uncomfortable entering the ward, speaking in a soft voice, and possibly even

shedding a few tears out of grievance.

But the girl before her, graceful yet spirited, reminded her of a plum blossom in

the snow or a willow in the wind, making her feel extremely at ease.

“Thank God you’re back, giving us a chance to make up for the past.” Cornelia

patted her hand again, “When I am discharged from the hospital, I will prepare a

gift for you.”

Arabella laughed, “The best gift for me would be the good health of you.”

Cornelia was delighted. She didn’t expect Arabella to be so well-behaved and


She had heard that the Murphys were conscienceless, but they had raised this

child well.

At this moment, Cornelia’s gaze fell on Serena, “Serena.”

“Grandma.” Serena, who was standing in the corner, didn’t draw attention to

herself but waited until Cornelia noticed her. She seemed as gentle and

obedient as always.

“Come over here.”

Serena sat down beside Cornelia, her eyes filled with joy, “I’m so happy to see

you awake.”

Cornelia had heard that the family had finally decided to keep Serena and treat

her as Arabella’s sister, “The family can afford to feed you. Whatever your living

conditions were before, they will remain the same.”

In the past eighteen years, Cornelia had come to see her as a genuine

granddaughter, loving her deeply.

Though they were not related by blood, the bond they had was stronger than

any blood tie.

The Collins family was influential and wealthy, so they could definitely

accommodate one more girl.

Cornelia patted Serena’s hand, “I heard from the nurse that you often came over

while your grandfather and I were unconscious.

Good girl, you are very thoughtful.” Cornelia held Serena’s hand in one hand

and Arabella’s in the other. She turned to Louisa, “Now that we have another girl

in the house, it feels even more lively.”

Then Cornelia began to cough.

Seeing her cough, Arabella picked up the water jug beside her and poured a

glass of water, intending to hand it over.Chapter 800

It was just the very next moment.

Arabella’s movement halted mid-air.

Louisa sensed something was amiss, she couldn’t help but ask, “Bella, what’s


“There’s something wrong with this water.”

As soon as she uttered these words, everyone in the room was stunned. The

water was tainted? What was wrong?

“There’s a slow-acting poison in it.”

Enter title…

Arabella’s statement sent a wave of shock across the faces of everyone

present, even Cornelia was visibly taken aback.

This was the Collins family’s private hospital!

Every single healthcare worker on this floor catered solely to the needs of the

Collins family!

Under such circumstances, outsiders couldn’t possibly gain entry!

So, when could someone have possibly poisoned the water?

Arabella, clearly aware of this dilemma, asked Louisa, “Has anyone else been

here recently?”

“No one, just us, the doctors and nurses, and two nursing workers.”

Since Arabella’s grandparents were in the same room, they were looked after by

two nursing workers separately. Apart from them, no outsiders had been


Arabella’s gaze swept over everyone present. Serena noticed her scrutiny and

immediately felt a bit uneasy.

Was Arabella going to use this opportunity to slander her?

Out of the blue, why was Arabella looking at her?

However, the next moment, Arabella’s gaze shifted away from her and onto


Serena heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Arabella didn’t seize the opportunity

to create a scene.

“Ms. Bella, I had just replaced this water in the morning, it can’t possibly be

poisoned.” The one speaking was Julie, she had been diligently caring for the

old lady for months now and had come to regard her as family.

“What time did you replace it?” Arabella’s tone was gentle. She was seemingly

not intending to consider Julie a suspect.

“It was around eight. After the doctor’s morning rounds, I went to replace the

water. No one else had been here till you guys arrived.”

“So, you replaced the water for everyone in the room?”

“No, the water I replaced was solely for the old lady. Helen and I both fetch

water from outside. The old man’s water was replaced by Helen.”

Arabella then opened her grandfather’s water bottle. It wasn’t poisoned. Could it

be that the person who poisoned the water was targeting her grandmother


“Besides you two, who else knew that my grandparents use separate water

bottles?” Arabella inquired again.

“The doctors and nurses probably didn’t pay attention to these details. Apart

from us and the family, no one else should know.”

By this time, Helen’s face had turned somewhat unnatural. She knew Arabella

was knowledgeable in medical matters but she hadn’t expected that she could

instantly spot what was wrong with the water.

Now, Arabella turned her attention towards Helen. She was sitting beside her

grandfather, her head bowed, trying to keep a low profile. However, Arabella

could make out a hint of panic in her demeanor.

“So, Helen is the one who poisoned the water.”

Arabella’s words scared Helen, making her jump to her feet, defensively

retorting, “Ms. Bella, you can’t speak recklessly!”

Julie, who was standing by, jumped to her colleague’s defense, “It couldn’t have

been Helen. She’s always been devotedly taking care of the old man.’

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