The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 821-840

Chapter 821

There was a mountain of gifts piled up under the table. Clark handed one over

to Serena, “This one’s for you.”

“Thank you, Clark.”

“The rest are for Bella.” Clark hefted up a stack of a dozen or so gifts, “Don’t be

jealous. I’ve given you plenty before.”

Serena couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “Clark, you make it sound like I’m


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“Oh no! Neither of my sisters is petty!” Clark announced. Then, carrying the pile

of gifts, he turned to Arabella, “I’ll bring these to your room.”

“Clark, this is too much.” Arabella eyed the towering stack of gifts, which nearly

reached his nose. “Thank you, Clark.”

“Sweetie, no need to thank me. Wait until I bring these to your room and then

you can slowly unwrap them. If you find anything you don’t like, just toss it. No

need to force yourself to keep it. I just want you to be happy. Seeing you happy

makes me happy.”

Louisa, seeing her son’s thoughtful gesture, couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

No wonder he had left Bella’s presents in the car.

Carrying all these would indeed be inconvenient.

After the kids left, Kenneth couldn’t help asking, “Honey, do you think our gift for

Bella is too mundane? No surprise and romance.”

“We’ll have to plan something grand.” Kenneth felt outdone by his son’s surprise

today, so he decided he had to think about what to get next time.

Clark, carrying the gifts to Arabella’s bedroom door, asked, “May I come in?”

“Sure; Arabella replied generously.

“Can I put these here? This way you can sit and unwrap them.’ After getting his

sister’s approval, Clark placed the gifts on her coffee table. He then pulled out a

bank card and handed it over, “This is pocket money from me. Buy whatever

you like.”

Arabella, who had just been thinking that at least one of her brothers hadn’t

given her a bank card, was taken aback.

“Clark, that’s not necessary. You should keep it.”

“Take it. It’s a little gift from me.’ Clark insisted, pushing the card into her hand. “I

don’t really know what girls like. If I bought the wrong thing, you can buy

something you like or tell me, and I’ll get it for you. Feel free to use it whenever

you see something you like.

If the money runs out, I’ll transfer more.”

“You really don’t need to, Clark.”

“What I give you, you must accept. No refusing, got it?” Clark insisted she keep

it. When they were alone, he asked, “Who taught you hacking?”

Arabella quickly explained about those old men, leaving Clark amazed. “You

have quite the talent to reach that level with just a little guidance. You’re really


Certainly more so than him.

“You’re self-taught. That’s even more impressive.”

Great, he didn’t even know how to hack a firewall.

In front of his sister, he was feeling quite outmatched.

“Actually, all you need to do is.” Arabella, standing on her toes, whispered

something into Clark’s ear.

Suddenly, it clicked for Clark. So that’s how it works. Brute force was not the

answer. You He had to find a weak point.

He didn’t expect his sister to tell him her hacking secret. This showed that her

hacking skills were indeed superior to hisChapter 822.

Emerging from his sister’s room, Clark found himself lost in thought.

His sister was a hacker, known as Alex, who easily made a minimum of five

million dollars per task. Did that mean the pocket money he gave her was

insufficient? Should he consider transferring more?

His phone buzzed, drawing his attention to messages from his buddies.

[Have you seen your sister yet?]

[Isn’t she adorable?

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[Don’t wait for her to start a conversation. Be proactive and shower her with


[Be gentle and courteous when speaking to her.]

[She doesn’t like physical touch, don’t pat her head or touch her shoulder

without her consent.]

[No matter what happens, always put her feelings first.]

Clark replied with a smirk, [Do I really need your advice?]

He was about to go downstairs when Edith suddenly rushed up the stairs,

panting heavily.

“Ms. Bella, your grandfather has woken up. Would you like to visit him in the

hospital? Did you get some rest, Ms. Bella?”

Edith was knocking on Arabella’s door and didn’t notice Clark standing nearby.

Arabella opened the door, greeted Clark politely, and then turned to Edith,

“Grandfather’s awake?”

It was then that Edith noticed Clark, “Yes, the hospital just called.

He just opened his eyes.”

“Clark, would you like to come with me?” Arabella asked, turning her gaze

towards Clark.

This was the first time his sister had invited him, and his eyes softened, “Sure,

let’s go together”

His trip home was not only to see his sister but also to check on his


Half an hour later.

When Arabella and the others arrived at the hospital, a nurse rushed up to her.

“Ms. Bella, it’s good you’re here. Your grandpa suddenly started having

convulsions and fell into a coma.”

Arabella immediately hurried to the ward.

Another doctor saw her and volunteered to give a report, “When he woke up, we

did a full-body examination and found nothing unusual.

But suddenly, he started having seizures.”

Clark was puzzled as to why all the doctors and nurses were reporting to

Arabella. Did she have medical knowledge?

Arabella immediately went over to check his pulse, “Who has upset him? What

was said?”

Cornelia admitted, “It was me. I was telling him about your and Serena’s

background, and he became agitated. Bella, you must save him.”

Regret was written all over Cornelia’s face, “I shouldn’t have brought up the

subject before his condition stabilized.”

Arabella took out a needle pack, drew out a long silver needle, and inserted it

into several of his acupoints.

Soon, Arabella’s grandpa on the bed stopped convulsing and gradually calmed


“Bella, is your grandfather okay?” Cornelia was still a bit scared. She didn’t

expect that the revelation about the children’s parentage would affect him so


“He’s okay,’ Arabella said reassuringly. After she inserted a few more needles,

her grandpa slowly opened his eyes.

Clark was stunned. He hadn’t expected his sister to have such profound medical

knowledge. She had used just a few needles to revive their grandfather!

“Are you Bella?” Bernard Collins’ voice was still weak. His wife had told him that

it was their granddaughter who had saved their lives.

“My name is Arabella, your granddaughter.’ Arabella’s voice was calm.Chapter 823

The elderly man on the hospital bed struggled to breathe once again. Without

hesitation, Arabella inserted a few more needles, and his breathing was steady

graudally. Then he stopped twitching SO easily.

People around were left in complete awe, astonished by Arabella’s skill.

“You’re Arabella, my own granddaughter You’ve returned after eighteen years.”

Bernard examined the young girl before him. Her eyes were calm and serene,

and her features bore an uncanny resemblance to Louisa.

She was unmistakably a Collins.

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Upon hearing Arabella’s confirmation, Bernard took a few heavy breaths,

seemingly shocked. However, thanks to Arabella’s medical intervention, he

didn’t pass out.

He reached out with difficulty, holding Arabella’s hand.

“My child, you’ve suffered.” Bernard’s voice was weak, but his grip on Arabella’s

hand was strong. He was reluctant to let go. “We adults were so careless. We

didn’t pay close attention, and you were left to grow up in another family. You’ve

suffered for eighteen years.”

It’s fine, it’s all in the past now.”

Arabella’s magnanimous attitude made Bernard teary-eyed, “It’s good that

you’re back. We’ll make up for all the years you’ve missed. Who would have

thought that fate would play such a cruel joke on the Collins family.”

Arabella thought to herself, it wasn’t fate’s doing, but the massive fire from years

ago, which caused three families to swap their children.

But the cause of the fire remained a mystery, despite years of investigation.

Who was behind all this?

She realized that she needed to speed up the investigation.

“Serena, where is Serena?”

“Grandpa, I’m here!” Serena rushed forward.

Bernard extended his hand again, clutching Serena’s hand with difficulty. “My


He never imagined that the granddaughter he had doted on for eighteen years

was not his own!!

Looking at the beautiful, sensible, and obedient girl before him, Bernard felt a

heartache. How could this happen?

How could it be!

Every single member of the Collins family had cherished this child for eighteen


And now, they were telling him that she wasn’t his real granddaughter.

Bernard’s heart ached with sorrow, sadness, and pain.

“Mom and Dad and my sister Bella have been generous enough to let me stay

in this family. Rest assured, I am still your granddaughter. I will respect and take

care of you as I always have.”

Tears streamed down Bernard’s face, “Good, that’s good. You stay here, so I

can see you every day.”

Serena, knowing that her grandfather still cared for her, softened her gaze,

“From now on, you can see not only me every day but also Bella. We, as

sisters, will get along well and always accompany you and Grandma.

“Good, good child.” Bernard wiped away his tears, surprised to see the children

were more understanding than he had anticipated.

Cornelia, who was standing by, also wiped away her tears, lamenting the cruel

tricks fate played.

“Grandpa, you’re just recovering from a serious illness, so you shouldn’t get too

emotional.” Arabella brought a pillow, so he would have something to lean on

when sitting.

Bernard’s gaze once again landed on Arabella, “I heard from your grandma, you

saved us.”

“Not just me, the other medical staff also contributed. They took care of you

round the clock. That’s how this miracle happened.”

Bernard saw that she wasn’t a child who would hoard all the credit, and his

fondness for her grew.

Clark, standing aside, looked at Louisa, seemingly asking what was going on.

Why did they say that Bella saved Grandma and Grandpa?

“Bella is Dr. Bell. She provided the treatment plan for your grandparents, and

found the cure.”Chapter 824

Dr. Bell, perhaps unknown to the average person, but to the medical world, the

name Dr. Bell was a resounding one. It was hard not to know her.

Rumor had it that Dr. Bell was an old man, but it turned out to be his blooming

and beautiful younger sister.

Those who had spent a fortune to find Dr. Bell might die without knowing that

they got both the gender and age wrong.

The conditions of his grandparents were examined by Clark before, and they

were quite challenging. Not only did they have fractures all over their bodies, but

they also had multiple complications.

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It was not as simple as taking some pills.

Things that a whole ICU team couldn’t handle at the time, she managed to fix in

no time.

Not only was her hacking skills superior to his, but her medical skills were also

above his.

Clark felt his dignity as an older brother shattered once again.

“Take some medicine first, Arabella ordered someone to bring the brewed

medicine and fed it to her grandpa first.

Bernard’s brow furrowed as he cried, “So bitter.”

Bernard found his granddaughter was more like an aloofness doctor, which was

a bit intimidating. He had no choice but to obediently comply.

“Bella, can you change this medicine to something sweeter?”

Bernard pleaded.

“This is already the sweetest.”

She hadn’t even prescribed the bitterer treatment yet, fearing that the old folks

might drop dead on the spot.

“Grandma, you too?” Serena brought a bowl of medicine to Cornelia.

Cornelia didn’t want to drink it, but seeing so many people looking at her, she

had no choice but to down the medicine.

“Let me tell you, although this medicine is bitter, it is beneficial to your recovery.

This bowl costs around ten thousand dollars, so don’t waste it.”

Kenneth thought it necessary to inform them of the value of the medicine.

Otherwise, they might secretly dump it.

“A bowl costs ten thousand? That’s so expensive!” Cornelia was astounded.

“There are many rare herbs in it that Bella went through great lengths to get.

You must cherish them. Many people are begging Bella, this miracle doctor, to

save them, but Bella doesn’t even have the time to respond.”

Cornelia knew the medicine was not easy to come by, and that she and her

husband owed their recovery to Bella, so she patted her chest in assurance.

“Don’t worry, from now on, we will drink every bowl of medicine clean, leaving no


Upon hearing this, Arabella couldn’t help but smile, “When your condition

improves, we can change to other medicines.”

These medicines were indeed the most effective ones.

At least, there were no other alternatives in the market.

“We will listen to whatever Bella says,’ Cornelia promised, smiling.

“Grandma, Grandpa, I’m really happy to see you awake.” Clark finally spoke up

from the side.

“You little devil, it’s good to finally see you around. When we were at home, we

hardly saw you. You were always busy.” Cornelia couldn’t help but sigh upon

seeing him, “You’ve grown up, and become a handsome young man in just a

few months.”

“Now that Bella is back, as her big brother, you should spend more time with her

and take her out more often, got it?” Bernard advised.Clark grinned from ear to ear. “Don’t worry, as a big brother, I will definitely take

good care of my little sister! Wherever she wants to go, I will accompany her!

You two should focus on getting better and see if we can plan a family trip for

the holidays.”

“That’s a fabulous idea. Your grandmother and I love to travel and explore new


Bernard and Cornelia loved to stay active, enjoyed hiking, and were passionate

about traveling, but they wondered if they could still walk long distances due to

their age.

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Arabella noticed him fixated on his legs. She was lost in thought, and couldn’t

help but chuckle, “Don’t worry, Grandpa. In a while, you and Grandma will be

able to walk again.”

“Really?” Bernard’s eyes lit up instantly.

Arabella nodded, “I promise.”

Bernard felt a surge of vitality and started discussing where to go for the


They had been to some places and wanted to take Arabella to places they

hadn’t been. Some places were too cold, and they feared they wouldn’t be able

to handle it.

The entire family engaged in a lively discussion about various places. Then

Bernard said, “Let’s all calm down and ask Bella’s opinion first.”

Arabella laughed softly, claiming she didn’t have any particular preferences.

“That’s because Bella is considerate. She doesnt want to burden us. We’ll go

with the places I suggested. We can enjoy the snow, the scenery, hiking, and


After Bernard’s enthusiastic discussion, he started inquiring about his

granddaughters’ studies. When he learned that they were both in college, with

Arabella being the top-scoring student, he couldn’t help but praise her.

“Dad, Bella’s talents are not just limited to that. Have you heard of QY? She

founded it! Do you like Mirabelle’s paintings? She’s the one who painted them!

Are Labella’s calligraphy pieces still hanging in your study? They’re all her


This time, Bernard was so stunned that he couldn’t find the words to respond.

He hadn’t expected his granddaughter to be so talented: a master painter, a

calligraphy expert, and a business founder.

Clark, too, was dizzy with shock at Arabella’s multitude of talents.

He had thought the identities of “Dr. Bell” and “hacker Alex” were enough to

overshadow him, making him feel insignificant as a brother.

He hadn’t expected his sister to have so many other identities that he wasn’t

aware of.

Hans, Chasel, and David had never told him!

It took him a while to recover from the shock, then he pulled out his phone,

sending a message in disbelief, [You guys are really something, not telling me

that Mirabelle and Labella were Bella’s pseudonyms! If it weren’t for Mom and

Dad revealing it today, I would have continued to be in the dark!]

Hans: [Bella is the painter Mirabelle and calligrapher Labella? How come I didn’t


Chasel: [When did this happen?]

David: [Bella has so many pseudonyms? I only knew she was Melody and the

founder of QY.]

So, Bella also uses the pseudonym “Melody” as a piano prodigy!

Clark deeply inhaled, his eyes landing on the girl beside him. How did she

manage all these identities?

Each one was far more impressive than him as a big brother.

Was it too late for him to start over?

Meanwhile, Arabella, oblivious to Clark’s inner turmoil, borrowed a pen from the

doctor and started writing to show her grandfather.

“Yes, yes, Labella writes the word ‘Labella’ like this. You really are Labella.”

Bernard was thrilled, “Write a few more for me. I love your handwriting.”

Only God knew how much he adored Labella’s calligraphy, sharp and vigorous.

They said handwriting reflecting the personality, Bella must be as refined and

impressive as her handwriting, elegant and noble. Chapter 826

Arabella penned for him a few poems, one per page, leaving Bernard overjoyed,

rereading them time and time again.

“I want some too.” Cornelia, influenced by her husband’s enthusiasm, also fell in

love with Arabella’s handwriting.

Arabella then wrote a few pages for her.

The paper was just regular printer paper, gotten from the doctor, but once

graced with Arabella’s writing, it seemed precious.

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“Bella, your handwriting is so beautiful.” Cornelia admired her script, lavishing

praise generously.

“So, isn’t Bella beautiful?”

As soon as Clark made this comment, Cornelia smacked him lightly, “You’re just

jealous. Bella is of course beautiful, unless someone was blind and couldn’t


“Bella, can you sketch something else for me? Anything at all!”

Bernard adored Arabella’s artwork so much, he held out a blank piece of printer

paper, hoping Arabella would sketch something.

“A piece by Bella is worth a fortune. She can’t just sketch anything on a whim!”

Kenneth worried his precious daughter would be exhausted, “Wait till you’re

discharged, and when Bella has time to visit you, she’ll bring you some of her


“Just a quick sketch to whet my appetite.” Bernard still held the printer paper, his

eyes full of expectation as he looked at Arabella.

“Give Bella a break, look at the time.” Kenneth glanced at the clock and found

that it was almost 1am, “Alright, alright, you guys should rest now, we’ll visit you

again tomorrow.”

“No need for you to come, let Bella represent us.”

Kenneth never expected to be dismissed by his own father!

Arabella took the paper, randomly sketched a few lines, and a majestic sketch

appeared on the paper.

Perhaps they didn’t expect her sketching skills to be so good, she completed a

piece in just a few minutes, Bernard couldn’t stop praising, “Wonderful! I’ll have

this framed when we get home.”

“This is nothing. I’ve seen Bella draw with sand.” Kenneth took out his phone,

showing the previously captured artwork to Bernard.

Arabella herself didn’t know she had drawn with sand, until she saw the artwork

in the photo, then she recalled a long time ago, while answering a call at

Reflections Villa, she kicked around in the sand out of boredom.

At that time, the garden was being renovated, there was a pile of sand there,

who would have thought it would become her “tool” for drawing.

It was captured by Kenneth.

“Send me this sand drawing. I want to save it as my phone wallpaper.” Bernard

had no idea sand could be used for drawing, and it was executed so beautifully.

Actually, Arabella could use many mediums to create art, but no one knew it,

because the pieces she drew with a pen were already enough to amaze people.

“Bella, we’ll be discharged in a few days, you must come.” Cornelia held her

hand, saying sorrowfully.

“Don’t worry Grandma, I’ll definitely come.” Arabella said gently, “It’s late, you

and Grandpa should rest now.”

Cornelia glanced at her husband, who was still happily appreciating Arabella’s

sand drawing.

Arabella smiled, “I’ll sketch some for you next time.”

Just now, she only drew for her grandpa, and she hadn’t drawn for her grandma

yet, but it was getting late, she didn’t want to disturb the old couple’s rest.

“Thank you, my sweet granddaughter.” Cornelia was all smiles, “After we’re

discharged, you should come over and play the piano, we have a lovely grand


“You’re trying to exhaust Bella.” Clark couldn’t help but laugh, “Alright, get into

bed, I’ll tuck you in.”

Reluctantly, Bernard had to put his things away into the bedside drawer and lie


After Clark tucked them in and gave some reminders, he prepared to leave.

“Hold on!” Chapter 827

Bernard sat up suddenly as though he had remembered something.

“What is it now, grandpa?” Clark asked, his tone laced with good-natured


“Does anyone have Bella’s number?”

“As a matter of fact, I don’t have it either.” Cornelia chimed in, reaching for her

phone to record the number.

From the sidelines, Serena watched as her grandparents fawned over Arabella,

their affection for Bella souring her mood. Why did Arabella always manage to

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steal the spotlight so effortlessly?

After Arabella shared her number, Bernard and Cornelia carefully noted it down,

repeating it back to her to confirm.

“Bella, are you on Fall Break right now? What time do you usually wake up?”

Bernard asked, recalling a landscape painting he had once done in an attempt

to mimic Mirabelle’s style. He wondered if Arabella could offer some feedback.

“I usually wake up at six.”

“Six? Why don’t you sleep in a bit?” Cornelia asked with motherly concern.

“You’re finally on break and you usually have so much school work. Don’t tell me

Kenneth is preventing you from catching up on some much-needed rest?”

“On my honor, Mom, I’d love nothing more than for Bella to get a good night’s

sleep.” Kenneth quickly defended himself.

“I’m just used to waking up early, it’s not anyone’s fault; Arabella explained.

Cornelia heaped praises on Bella. “It’s rare to find youngsters who can maintain

such good habits these days.”

“Alright, time to get back in bed; Clark finally intervened, reaching to switch off

the light.

“But Bella, I’ll call you tomorrow.’ Bernard protested, feeling that their

conversation had been cut short.

“Dad, Bella has a lot on her plate, managing her own corporation and juggling

other commitments. She doesn’t have too much free time. Why don’t you focus

on getting better first?” Kenneth suggested, worried about his daughter’s

already packed schedule.

“Don’t worry. Call me whenever you want, Arabella reassured them gently.

“In that case, I’ll add you on WhatsApp later. Make sure to accept my request!”

Bernard added, which prompted Clark to remind him again to get some rest.

After a few more words exchanged between Arabella and the elderly couple, the

room finally settled down for the night. Everyone wished each other goodnight

and tiptoed out of the room.

“It’s obvious Mom and Dad are very fond of Bella,’ Kenneth remarked with a

pleased grin. After all, how could anyone not appreciate such a remarkable

young woman?

Arabella, however, was engrossed in her phone, responding to messages and

didnt notice their conversation.

Serena, on the other hand, had heard every word and couldn’t help but feel a

touch of melancholy. If it weren’t for Arabella, she would be the apple of her

grandparents’ eyes.

“Texting someone?” Clark noticed his sister’s preoccupation with her phone.

“You can continue. Just follow me.”

Arabella politely declined Jennifer’s invitation for a late-night snack.

Jennifer had noticed Arabella’s absence in the past couple of days and

wondered if she had become a nuisance. She messaged Romeo to find out that

that girl had been busy visiting her grandparents who had recently awakened

from a coma. Jennifer’s Spirits instantly soared upon hearing the news.Chapter 828

The next morning, bright and early.

Jennifer was pulling George along with her, heading to the hospital to visit

Bernard and Cornelia.

“I’m so thrilled to see you both awake.” Jennifer’s smile was graceful and

charming. “I heard that Bella was the one who saved you. Her medical skills are

simply extraordinary. She saved me once too.”

Jennifer started to recount the incident when she was betrayed by her best

friend, poisoned with a dangerous toxin, and Bella was her savior. Otherwise,

the consequences would have been disastrous.

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“That friend of yours is truly devious.” Cornelia couldn’t help but sympathize with

Jennifer. “You treated her like family, and yet she betrayed you like this.”

“Eventually, she couldn’t find a competent doctor to detoxify her and got what

she deserved.” Jennifer’s gaze dimmed momentarily.

Noticing a sketch on the bedside table, she couldn’t help asking, “Is this Bella’s


“How can you recognize that?” Bernard seemed slightly surprised from his

hospital bed.

“I can recognize Mirabelle’s style anywhere.” Jennifer picked up the sketch to

admire it. She was amazed that someone could create such a masterpiece with

just a ballpoint pen and a piece of A4 paper. “It’s profound and lifelike. Bella’s

artistic prowess is truly impressive.”

“She’s also a renowned calligrapher.’ Bernard added with a chuckle.

“I know. Bella has so many talents. It’s hard to keep track. You two are truly

blessed to have such an exceptional granddaughter.”

Jennifer couldn’t help showering Arabella with praises. “She’s beautiful,

intelligent, modest, kind, and well-behaved. George and I adore her.”

“Indeed, having such a daughter-in-law is a blessing for our McMillian family.”

George echoed Jennifer’s sentiments. “Rest assured, Bella will always be

treated well in our family.”

“Romeo wanted to come too today, but something urgent came up at the

company.” Jennifer then gestured towards the gifts nearby.

“These are from Romeo. He wanted to show his respect to you both.”

“That’s very kind of him.’ Cornelia knew that Jennifer and George’s visit and

Romeo’s generous gifts were all because they approved of Arabella.

Honestly, Cornelia was overjoyed that her granddaughter was being so well

received by her future in-laws. However, she couldn’t help but think about

Serena. No matter how hard Serena had tried in the past, she had never been

favored by the McMillian family.

In the end, Arabella was simply far superior to Serena. Arabella carried the

blood of the Collins family.

Serena did not.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

“Grandpa, Grandma.” Arabella entered the room, surprised to see it So lively.

“George, Jennifer, you’re here too!”

“Bella!” All four people in the room were delighted to see her.

Jennifer personally went up to Arabella, holding her hand and asking her how

she was doing. George didn’t forget to mention how his wife had been talking

about Bella at home. Bernard was eagerly waiting for Bella to show him her new

artwork, and Cornelia was chatting about how Carson had stayed up all night

admiring Bella’s artwork.

Seeing how popular Bella was, Serena, who was following behind, could only

say hello to the elders.

Only then did the four people in the room notice her.

“Serena, you’re here too. Come in and sit down.”

Serena followed them in.

Bella sat in the chair between the two hospital beds, with Jennifer holding her

hand and Cornelia also holding her hand. Everyone laughed and chatted, but

Serena’s eyes dimmed.

She seemed to be easily overlooked. As long as Bella was around, she became

the least noticeable one.

After Clark greeted everyone when he entered, he patted Serena’s shoulder,

“Let’s go make some tea for them.”

With Haley not in the room, Serena could only help make tea and serve it to


“You’re telling me George even hit someone for Bella? Good for him!” Bernard

became so excited that he even started waving his hands around. “If I were

there, I would have hit him tooChapter 829

“Indeed, that’s way over the line. He deserved that punch!” Jennifer chuckled.

Cornelia was too stunned to say a word, never expecting the usually reserved

George to throw a punch for his future daughter-in-law.

“Here’s some tea.” Serena served them their drinks, “Grandma, grandpa, you

too. Bella, this one’s yours.”

“Let me help you.” Jennifer took a cup of tea for Arabella, finding the cup a bit

hot, she placed it on the bedside table, “Wait a bit before you drink, it’s still a bit


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“Bella, could you help me check my phone? I think it might be broken.” Bernard

fumbled for his reading glasses and shakily opened his phone, “I sent you a

friend request on WhatsApp last night. How come you haven’t accepted yet?

Did I do something wrong or add the wrong person?”

Arabella couldnt help but smile, pulling out her own phone, “I just haven’t

accepted it yet.”

It was late last night and she was worried that if she accepted, Bernard would

keep chatting and not get a good night’s sleep.

She originally planned to accept it this morning but forgot as soon as she woke


To Serena, this seemed like Arabella was being standoffish, deliberately not

accepting her grandpa’s WhatsApp request.

“Oh, so that’s the case. Well, you should accept it now.” Bernard leaned over to

see whether Arabella had accepted his request, “There it is, there it is! Is this

your profile picture? This silhouette is really beautiful.”

Arabella’s profile picture was a black silhouette. One couldn’t see specific facial

features, but from the shape, one could tell it was definitely her.

“| also think Bella’s figure is incredible. I’ve gained weight since I’ve been home!”

Jennifer patted her own face.

“Where did you gain weight? I’ve been bedridden for months, I’m the one who’s

gained weight. Look at my belly. oh, | can’t even compare.” Cornelia patted her

own belly.

“Actually, it’s pretty easy to lose belly fat. Once you’re able to walk, I’ll take you

to yoga!” Jennifer said enthusiastically.

“Really? But the yoga poses are so hard, I’m afraid I’ll hurt my back.”

“No, no, there are personal trainers. They’ll base the difficulty on our age and

physical condition, teaching us the most suitable poses.”

“Then let’s make a date for next time.”

“Sure: After Arabella accepted her grandpa’s friend request, Bernard slowly

started typing, wanting to give her a nickname.

“Let me do it.” Arabella laughed and took his phone.

“Then you can nickname me: Bella.”


“Can you pin you to the top? That way it’ll be easier for me to find you.”


After Arabella had set her nickname and pinned herself, she patiently explained

how it worked.

Serena, who was sitting to the side, felt completely ignored.

She couldn’t stay any longer. She pushed open the balcony door and stepped

outside for some fresh air.

Cornelia started adding Arabella as a friend, setting a nickname and pinning her

as well.

Jennifer laughed and said, “I’ve had Bella pinned for a while now, looChapter 830

“Both my wife and Bella are my top priorities,’ George said with a chuckle.

Their voices reached Serena, making her feel even more downcast.

Clark handed Serena a cup of freshly brewed coffee, whispering,

“Someday, when you find the right person, you’ll be cherished just like this by

your in-laws.”

Serena looked up, surprised that Clark had noticed her inner thoughts, feeling a

bit embarrassed.

“Clark, am | really that bad?”

Enter title…

“Everyone has different strengths and blooms at different times;

Clark seemed to guess her thoughts, standing by her side, smiling.

“Bella’s success is due to the unimaginable amount of hard work she has put in.

While you were shopping, having spa days, and attending parties, she has been

quietly striving.”

Serena seemed to be enlightened, looking up at Clark.

“If you feel that you’re not good enough, it’s never too late to start working hard.

When your time comes, people will admire and look up to you.”

“Clark.” Serena felt a sudden realization that she had been wallowing in self-pity

without ever considering change.

“Can | become like her if | work hard?” Serena looked at the girl who was the

center of attention in the room.

“| can’t guarantee what kind of achievements you’ll have or if you’ll surpass

Bella, but at least, you’ll definitely surpass who you are now.’

Wasn’t surpassing your current self also a kind of progress?

Clark stood beside her, “Serena, do you know? You have a better chance of

success than others because of your current status. You can easily access the

best resources. For instance, if you want to learn piano, our parents will hire the

best teacher and buy the best piano for you. You can focus solely on learning.’

But in many parts of the world, there were people who wanted to learn the piano

but could only watch from afar without even having an ordinary piano.

“So, with these resources and talents you have, you should strive to shine for

everyone to see. | believe in your success.”

After listening to Clark’s words, Serena nodded, “Clark, from now on, | won’t

give up easily anymore.”

“In fact, you’re already much better than most people your age.”

Clark smiled at her, “Keep going. It’s never too late to start.’

In the hospital room.

Arabella was laughing while discussing her childhood piano practice, but others

were heartbroken, thinking her training methods were too harsh.

“| knew this kid must have put in a lot of hard work to achieve what she has


“Exactly, no one becomes successful easily. Such harsh piano training methods

are too hard for a child.”

“Bella persisted, and that’s why she’s become a star.’

When Serena entered, she didn’t know what they had been talking about, but

hearing these conversations, she subconsciously looked at the shining girl in the


Success didn’t come easy, so Arabella must have put in a lot of hard work to

achieve her current status, right?

With this thought, she secretly made up her mind to change herself!

After visiting with her grandparents, Arabella, and Jennifer left the hospital room.

They arrived at the garage.

Having finally met her beloved daughter-in-law, Jennifer was in an even better

mood than before.

“I’ll text you when we get home. Be careful on the road, and call me if anything


Arabella nodded, “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, my sweet girl!” Jennifer patted her head and got in the Car.

Serena watched with genuine envy, then got into Clark’s car and went back to

Reflections Villa with Arabella.

That night, Clark wiggled his phone mysteriously, smiling, “Bella, Serena’s gone

out with her friends. I’ve got two movie tickets. How about we go watch a

movie? | heard it’s really good.”

“I’ve already made plans.”Chapter 831

“What? You’ve got a date? With whom? A guy or a girl? Right now? What for?”

No sooner had Clark finished speaking than a servant announced,

“Ms. Bella, Mr. McMillan is waiting for you outside”

“OK” Arabella glanced at Clark, “I’m leaving now, Clark.”

“Hey, wait!”

Seeing his sister’s retreating figure, Clark felt a pang of unease and quickly

followed her.

Enter title…

From afar, he saw a man patting Arabella’s head, seemingly whispering sweet

nothings to her.

“Hands off my sister! Did you even wash your hands? She just washed her hair


Just as Romeo looked up, Clark pulled his sister behind him.

“Do you always treat women like this, Mr. McMillan? Touching them without


“Clark, you are back.” Romeo seemed unfazed, “Bella is my fiancée.”

He had only patted her head. Was that too much?

“Whether she’s your fiancée or not, the ink hasn’t even dried yet!”

Clark said this, and then turned to his sister to ask quietly, “Are you going out

with him? Are you two officially dating? Is he reliable?”

Although he had heard that the two of them were in love, he hadn’t

really considered Romeo’s character as a brother.

Whether or not his sister’s lifelong happiness was worth entrusting to such a

man depended on his performance!

“Don’t worry, Clark, he’s absolutely reliable.”

Clark looked at the man in front of him, who was smiling with the warmth of a

jade, and couldn’t help but feel that he wasn’t reliable at all.

“What are you guys going to do?” Clark turned back to ask the girl behind him.

“To watch a movie.”

Suddenly, Clark was filled with jealousy, “Which one? | want to come too!”

Romeo and Arabella were both speechless.

“Bella, you’re still young and can’t judge people clearly,’ Clark said softly to the

girl in front of him. “Take me with you. I’ll keep an eye on things for you. If he’s

really good to you, I’ll agree with both hands!”

He was afraid that Romeo was only interested in the novelty, or had other


He couldn’t let his sister stake her lifelong happiness on a fleeting romance.

In the end, Arabella had no choice but to bring him along due to Clark’s


In the car.

Clark, sitting in the back seat, noticed Romeo occasionally glancing at the

passenger seat, and couldn’t help but say, “Keep your eyes on the road.”

What was he looking at his sister for?

“Clark, the road is not as good-looking as Bella.” Romeo looked at the girl in the

passenger seat again, and during a red light, he took out a bottle of lemonade,

unscrewed the cap and handed it over.

He seemed to have done this countless times.

But Clark immediately snatched it away, “Bella can’t drink cold stuff”

“This is at room temperature.”

“Room temperature is not OK either!” After saying this, Clark opened his own

shoulder bag and took out a lollipop. He tore open the wrapper and handed it

over, “Here, Bella, this is for you.”

This was what girls should eat!Chapter 832

Arabella took the item and said, “Clark.”

“Hey, you feeling thirsty or hungry? Besides candy, what else do you want to

eat? I’ve got a whole pantry in bag.” Clark was always prepared for anything.

“Give me back that bottle of lemonade you took.”

“This one?” Clark glanced at the bottle in his hand, a little reluctant to part with

it. “It’s sour as hell. Do you really like it?”

“| do’

“Well, | will get you more next time.”

Enter title…

Romeo thought, “Didn’t you say she couldn’t drink room-temperature


“No need.” Arabella said gently, “Romeo has plenty.”

“We don’t need his stuff.”

Arabella and Romeo exchanged a glance, trying to suppress their laughter. Was

Clark not the cutest?

On the way to the cinema, Clark led the way, his handsome face serving as a

barrier between the two of them.

“I’m on leave recently. If you guys want to go somewhere or do something, just

call me.’

Arabella chuckled, “Sure.”

“Don’t be polite with me. After all, we’re family.” Clark said, shooting a glance at

Romeo, who was driving. Romeo bring a tad more handsome didn’t mean he

was any better.

Upon reaching the cinema’s parking lot, Clark unbuckled Arabella’s seat belt

and opened the car door for her, shielding her head with

his hand. “Easy now, be careful.”

As soon as Arabella got out of the car, before Romeo could take her hand, Clark

had switched places with Arabella, placing himself between them, and even held

onto the hem of his sister’s dress.

“The mall is huge. Stick with me, so you won’t get lost.”

Romeo was speechless.

At the cinema, Romeo went to collect the tickets while Clark asked Arabella

what she wanted to eat. Seeing that she was not picky, he bought one of

everything the concession stand sold.

“I have got it all. Whatever you want to eat, just take it. Here, hold onto my shirt

and follow me.” With his hands full, Clark couldn’t hold onto her dress.

The cinema was packed that day. When Romeo returned with the tickets, he

told Clark, “Sorry, I couldn’t get seats together. You’ll have to sit in the back row.”

Upon hearing this, Clark was not having it.

He handed all the food to Romeo and went to the front desk, only to find out that

there was indeed only one seat left. Clark then approached a couple seated

near Arabella and somehow managed to convince them to swap their tickets

with him!

Having secured a seat next to Arabella, Clark smirked at Romeo.

Romeo was again speechless.

Finally, the movie started. Clark held up a soda straw for Arabella to sip from,

then put on disposable gloves, and offered her some popcorn.

“Clark, I can eat by myself.”

It was a bit embarrassing to be fed by Clark at her age.

Clark seemed to have expected this, so he handed her a pair of disposable

gloves. He alternated between offering her popcorn and hot dogs.

He even took out his phone to take a selfie of just the two of them, and sent it to

all their siblings.

Each picture was attached with the same caption: Watching a movie alone with

sis! She’s so well-behaved and obedient. She is such a sweetheart.

Hans: [No way, Bella doesn’t seem like the type to act cute.]

Chasel: [Romeo’s there, isn’t he? I can see his hand.]

David: [Clark, you’re shameless. Clearly, Romeo is there with you, yet you claim

you’re alone. I knew Bella would never watch a movie alone with you! You’re so


Upon seeing their comments, Clark was puzzled. How did they know Romeo

was there?

Had something in the picture given it away? Chapter 833

As he thought about it, he enlarged the photo to take a closer look, and

suddenly noticed that Romeo’s hand had sneakily found its way onto Arabella’s


During the photo session, there was an unexpected masculine hand on his

sister’s shoulder, adorned with a ring identical to Arabella’s!

At this, Clark immediately swatted Romeo’s hand away, “You’re crowding Bella.

She’ll be uncomfortable.”

“There’s a scary scene coming up soon. I need to protect her.”

Enter title…

“She doesn’t need your protection. She’s my sister, I can take care of her.”

Arabella couldn’t help but chuckle, “Clark, you’re overreacting.”

“Huh, really? I don’t think so.’ Clark was unexpectedly rebuffed by his sister. He

sullenly handed Arabella something, only to find Romeo’s hand, once again,

intertwined with his sister’s!

This was simply too much. He couldn’t bear it any longer, so he came up with a

plan, “Bella, this will keep your hands warm.”

He pulled out a hand warmer from his bag.

“No need, my hand can keep hers warm.”

“Is your hand better than a pocket warmer?” Clark forcefully stuffed the little

heater into Arabella’s hand, giving Romeo a challenging lift of his eyebrow.

Let’s see where he put his hand now!

Romeo smirked and asked the girl next to him, “Is the popcorn good?”

“It’s alright.”

“Let me try.”

Arabella handed him a piece of popcorn, which she casually placed by his


Seeing this intimate gesture, Clark felt a heartache, “I want to taste the popcorn


“Don’t you already have some?” Arabella glanced at his left hand, still holding a

bucket of popcorn.

Clark immediately put it down, “Mine doesn’t taste good. Let me try yours.”

While she found him childish, Arabella handed him a piece of popcorn. Clark

savored the popcorn fed by his sister, the sweetness was simply indescribable.

He looked at Romeo triumphantly, ‘You want to compete with me? I was born

when you were still in the womb!”

Romeo took a sip from Arabella’s drink.

Clark’s blood pressure almost shot through the roof, “Don’t you have your own

drink? Why are you drinking Bella’s?”

“Bella’s tastes better.”

“But still, it’s unsanitary!”

“I don’t mind; Romeo calmly replied.

“Well, I do!” Clark immediately got Arabella a new drink, “This is Bella’s. Don’t

steal her drink.”

“Bella, Clark seems to dislike me.”

Perhaps he never expected Romeo to be so straightforward, Clark was at a loss

for words!

“Clark.” Arabella looked at him and Clark immediately backed down, “I’m

watching the movie.”

He hadn’t expected Romeo to be so petty!

How could he entrust Bella’s future happiness to someone like this?

With these thoughts in mind, Clark looked up at the big screen. The couple in

the movie was also at a movie theater watching a horror film.

In the horror film, the male protagonist was sweeping the floor.

When he tried to sweep under the couch, the broom suddenly got stuck. He

bent down to look and saw a woman, her face covered in blood, lying under the

sofa. She was holding the broom and laughing at the protagonist.

Clark cursed under his breath, jumping in his seat from the scare.Chapter 834

People around them in the movie theater jumped in surprise.

Although Clark’s heart was thumping wildly, he instinctively shielded Bella’s view

with his hand.

“Bella, don’t be scared. I’ll block it for you.”

Seeing Clark’s eyes tightly closed, not daring to glance at the big screen, Bella

found it funny, “Clark, are you afraid of ghosts?”

“Of course not, I fear nothing.” Clark glanced at the big screen, trying to prove

his bravery. But just as the ghostly woman’s head fell to the ground, Clark let out

Enter title…

a yelp, “Oh my God.”

Seeing Clark’s long legs pull up to the chair in fear, Bella couldn’t help but laugh,

“Clark, don’t be scared. It’s all fake.”

“How can I be scared? I’m just worried for you.” Clark didn’t expect a romance

film to have such terrifying scenes. He wondered who the producer was,

thinking he should have a word with him later.

Bella and Romeo were engrossed in the film, laughing and discussing the plot.

Clark was surprised, “Bella, aren’t you scared?”

“It’s quite funny, actually.”

“Funny?” Clark widened his eyes in astonishment.

“Didn’t you find it hilarious when her head suddenly fell off?”


Clark couldn’t conceal his shock. How was it that his little sister was braver than


Where was he supposed to place his dignity as her big brother?

Finally, when there were no more horrifying scenes in the movie, Clark relaxed

his feet.

In the film, the male lead drove the female lead to a hilltop to enjoy the view.

When they arrived, it started to drizzle. They didn’t get out of the car, choosing

to wait for the rain to stop inside.

As the rain grew heavier, the male lead turned on some music. The atmosphere

in the car gradually grew tense. Unable to resist, the male lead lifted the female

lead’s face and kissed her.

“Disgusting!” Clark couldn’t help but comment, “This guy’s intentions are not

pure. Taking advantage of the mood to make a move on her, what if something

changes in the future?”

People around him threw him a glance, and Clark had to quiet down. After a

while, he saw the male lead starting to undress the female lead.

“Pervert!” Clark couldn’t help but comment again, “Bella, guys like this are the

least trustworthy. They only think about their own pleasure, never considering

things from a woman’s perspective.

This is a classic example of irresponsibility! In the future, you have to keep your

eyes wide open and never give yourself away lightly.”

Bella raised her eyebrows. Was Clark hinting at something?

“You have to protect yourself. Look at the female lead, she doesn’t know how to

protect herself, and she’ll regret it.”

Later, the male and female leads were forced to break up due to family reasons.

The female lead started dating a more conservative guy, and when they were

about to get married, he found out about her past relationship and called off the


The female lead was left facing judgment.

“See how much malice society has towards women.” Clark took the opportunity

to educate, “Bella, listen to me. You must protect yourself before marriage!”

“As far as I know, they eventually get back together after a lot of twists and

turns. It’s a case of true love prevailing,’ Bella added.

“That’s a rare exception! Without such a plot, the film wouldn’t have box office

success! Think about it, in the real world, there are countless cases of breakups

leading to complete estrangement.”

Bella raised her eyebrows, “Clark, you seem to have a lot of experience.”

“What experience can I have.”

After the movie ended, Clark made sure to collect their trash and dispose of it.

As they left the movie theater, they passed a trinket shop with all sorts of knickknacks.

“Bella, look, this phone case is pink and very suitable for you.” Clark picked up a

cute phone case, “Do you like it? I think it looks good: Just as Bella was about to

decline, she saw Clark put the phone case into the shopping basket and went to

pick other things.

“This strawberry hairpin is so cute. It suits you perfectly.’ Clark put the hairpin in

Bella’s hair. It was incredibly adorable!Chapter 836

Romeo then went to pay for his items, filling in his delivery address and contact


After he left, a customer approached the delivery staff.

“Excuse me, could you please give me the contact of that handsome guy just


The staff apologized, “Sorry, young lady, as you saw, he has a girlfriend. It’s not

nice to try and steal someone away.”

“I just want to be his friend!”

Enter title…

“Sorry, but we can’t disclose our customer’s privacy.”

No matter how much the young girl pleaded, the staff refused to reveal the

delivery details.

“Can you give me her brother’s contact then? He’s also very handsome: “Sorry,

can’t do that either.”

As Clark stepped out of the jewelry store, he realized he had misplaced


“Bella, why don’t you go ahead and look around? I seem to have lost something,

I’ll catch up with you.”

Seeing him somewhat worried, Arabella couldn’t help but ask, “What did you


“Just. a good luck charm.”

“A good luck charm?” Arabella was surprised, as Clark seemed too carefree to

carry such a thing.

“I’ll go look for it.”

Clark, looking very anxious, returned to the jewelry store.

Not knowing exactly where he had lost it, Clark searched the store and even

asked several employees. No one had seen his charm.

Clark then retraced his steps back to the cinema.

He had bought a lot of snacks at the cinema and wondered if he had dropped it

while taking out his wallet.

“Hello, did anyone see a red triangular good luck charm, about this big?” Clark

gestured, “It looks a bit old.”

“Sorry, haven’t seen it; the popcorn seller regretfully said.

Clark had to search for himself. He looked around the hall number 1, but didn’t

find the familiar charm near their seats.

Clark remembered the girl’s bright and cheerful smile, and the gentle way she

had handed him the charm.

He felt a deep sense of loss.

As he left hall number 1, Clark was a bit dazed until a janitor asked, “Did you

lose something?”

Clark perked up and asked, “Did you see a red triangular charm?”

“Is this it?” The janitor took it out of his pocket.

Clark recognized his lost charm and was overjoyed, “Yes, that’s it!

Thank you so much!”

He immediately opened his wallet and wanted to thank the janitor properly.

But the janitor declined, “This was just a small gesture, I can’t accept the


“You don’t know how important this charm is to me. you must take this money!”

Finally, Clark stuffed the money into his pocket and quickly left.

Seeing Clark’s joy, Arabella knew the charm held a special meaning for him.

“Did you find it?” Arabella softly asked.

“I found it!”

Clark was so happy, he put the charm in his wallet and swore to himself that he

would never lose it again.

At 10 p.m., the mall was about to close.

Romeo drove Arabella and Clark back to Reflections Villa.

“Bella, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

On hearing this, Clark instantly disagreed, “Bella finally has a day off, let her

sleep in tomorrow. Don’t disturb her rest.”Chapter 837

I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Are you always this free? At your age, shouldn’t you be focusing on your career

to give my sister a more secure future? Young people can’t always focus on

love. You need to think further ahead.”

After lecturing him, Clark turned to his sister with a grin, “Where do you want to

go tomorrow, Bella? I can accompany you.”

“Romeo has some time.”

“He should spend his time focusing more on work. I’m on vacation.

Enter title…

I have plenty of time.”

In the end, Romeo could only say, “Tomorrow, Bella and I are going to walk the

glass bridge. I heard you have a fear of heights, Clark.”

“Who told you that? Fear of heights? Absolutely not!” Clark retorted stubbornly,

“I’m going too!”

Romeo and Bella were in dumb silence.

“So it’s settled then!” As Clark walked into the house tugging at his sister’s

sleeve, he whispered, “I still haven’t evaluated this guy’s character. We’ll

continue tomorrow.”

“Clark, shouldn’t you spend the day at home with Mom and Dad?”

“I’ve been with Mom and Dad for over twenty years. Now that I have time, I want

to spend it with my little sister.”

Alright, then.

On the other hand.

When Romeo got home, he sent a WhatsApp message to Bella updating her on

his whereabouts, then found David sent him a message.

[I want to hire the most famous screenwriter in the country to tailor a new series

for you, one that’s guaranteed to be a hit.]

[I also want to hire the best international dance team to choreograph a new

dance for you, one that can dominate the dance scene.]

[I also want to hire the best music team to produce a new song for you.]

David quickly sent a few question marks back and added, [Unsolicited favors

often signal ill-intent! I’m telling you now, I won’t do anything shady!]

[The new series, if you accept, will have a pay of 30 million dollars.

There’s not much dialogue. All you have to do is maintain a cool demeanor.]

In other words, just look good and keep a cool face.

David seemed tempted, [What do you want from me?]

Before Romeo could answer, David added, [I’ve declined all party invitations. I’m

going home for Christmas to be with my sister!

Don’t think about taking her away!]

There was no room for discussion on this matter! End of story!

[Just need to ask you something.]

David was even more surprised, “[What is it?]

[Does Clark have a girlfriend?]

[When did you start caring about Clark’s personal life?] David was surprised, but

then understood, [Oh, I get it. Clark always interferes with your dates, so you

want to find him a girlfriend? Don’t bother, Clark’s heart is already dead.]

[What do you mean?] Romeo was curious.

[Clark had a secret girlfriend a long time ago. Suddenly, one day,

she broke up with him and vanished! Clark searched for her for a whole year but

found nothing!]

Clark was Astronisia’s top hacker, and there was no one he couldn’t find!

But that girl seemed to have evaporated!

No matter how hard Clark searched, there was no trace of her!

[Send me her information.]

Seeing Romeo’s request, David was surprised, [You want to help Clark find her?

Even Clark couldn’t find.]

How could Romeo find her?

[I’ll have Shadow Council and Group S look for her.]

David’s eyes widened, even the Shadow Council was getting involved.

The Shadow Council, as the name suggested, consisted of shadows that

Romeo maintained in the dark. It was said that there was no person this

organization can’t find.

This group used to collect all kinds of evidence to help Romeo solidify his

position. Chapter 838

Who would’ve thought that for the sake of Arabella, Romeo would even get the

Shadow Council involved?

This was definitely true love.

The following morning, Serena was surprised to find two delivery men standing

at her front door.

After inquiring, she found out that Clark and Romeo had purchased a bunch of

items for Arabella the previous night, amounting to a whopping six large boxes,

each one bearing the logo of a well-known boutique.

Enter title…

Serena was familiar with the prices at this boutique. Even a simple hairpin could

cost several dozen dollars, due to its unique design and girly charm. It was no

surprise that many of her friends liked to shop there.

While it was natural for Romeo, Arabella’s fiancé, to occasionally shower her

with small gifts, Serena couldn’t comprehend why Clark would buy Arabella so

many items.

This amount, coupled with the eighteen gifts Clark had given Arabella when he

last came home, exceeded the number of presents Serena had received from

Clark over the years.

Feeling a surge of resentment, Serena headed to the dining area, where she

saw Clark fussing over Arabella. Her feelings of jealousy intensified.

“Serena, you are awake. Here, have some milk; Clark said, pouring a glass of

milk for her as he saw her enter the room, his face beaming with a smile.

“Clark, I don’t feel like having milk today; Serena responded, sitting down with a

dejected expression.

“Do you want a sandwich? Maybe with some grated cheese like old times?”

“No, Clark, I’d rather have some porridge.”

Sensing Serena’s gloom, Arabella looked up from her meal. In her eyes,

Arabella saw hostility.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you sleep well?” Clark asked, serving Serena a bowl of

oatmeal, and placing it in front of her. “Who upset you?”

Serena remained silent, eating her oatmeal.

“Girls can be so hard to figure out;’ Clark said, smiling as he went to serve

Arabella another bowl of oatmeal. “Eat up, Bella.”

Arabella’s phone buzzed in the middle of breakfast. It was a video call invitation

from her grandfather.


“Good morning, Bella. Are you having breakfast? Why do you always get up so


On the other side of the video, Bernard, her grandfather, was smiling cheerfully

with a pair of reading glasses perched on his nose. “Your grandma and I should

be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Can you come pick us up?”

“Sure; Arabella responded gently. “I will be there to pick you both up tomorrow.”

“Great, we’ll be waiting for you. Let your parents know, but if they’re busy, you

can come alone.”

Arabella smiled, “Alright.”

“Last night, I went through my phone’s photo album and finally found some

landscape paintings I drew. They were inspired by your works. I’ve sent them to

your WhatsApp. Have a look and feel free to critique.”


“Well, finish your breakfast first. We’ll talk later.”

As Bernard was ending the call, Cornelia said, “Don’t keep texting and calling

Bella all the time. Let her enjoy her vacation.”

“I just want to chat with her.”

“Make sure she checks the pocket money I sent.”

Bernard then said to the person on the phone, “Bella, your grandma said she

sent you some pocket money. Make sure you collect it.

And about the pocket money I transferred to you last night, do you think it’s not


“No, Grandpa, I have my own money. It’s enough.”

“That’s your money. This is a token of love from your grandma and me. You

must accept it. If you don’t, it would mean you’re being formal with us.”

Considering Serena was present, Arabella could only respond, “Okay.” Chapter 839

“Don’t forget to check, okay?”

After ending the video call, Arabella resumed her breakfast.

Sitting across from her, Serena’s mood took a deeper dive. She hadn’t expected

her grandparents to be so dependent on, and indulgent towards, Arabella.

They even transferred her pocket money!

Every time Arabella’s phone vibrated, Serena couldn’t help but glance at it,

curious to know how much her grandparents had transferred and what secrets

they were sharing with her.

Enter title…

With her slender fingers, Arabella was commenting on her grandfather’s work.

Serena’s dissatisfaction grew. Was there really a need to act so busy while just

having breakfast?

Clark noticed Serena’s sullen expression and texted her.

[Bella just got home. It is normal for grandparents to give her a bit of allowance.

They’ve always given you plenty too.]

If this had been any other day, Serena would have felt ashamed after reading

this. But today, she couldn’t help responding, [You always take sides, Clark.]

[How am I taking sides?] Clark was puzzled, not knowing what he had done


[Why can’t you all just be honest and tell me you don’t like me anymore? Isn’t it

tiring to keep pretending every day?]

After sending this message, Serena stood up. [I’m full.]

She threw her spoon back into her bowl with a huff, not caring about the

etiquette of a lady, and stomped off.

“Hey Serena.” Clark started to get up to follow her, but his phone vibrated. It was

a message from Romeo.

[I’m here.]

Clark had to say, “Bella, Romeo’s at the door. I’ll go get some food and drinks

ready. Take your time eating, don’t rush, and make sure you eat plenty.”

Serena ran upstairs and waited, but Clark never came up to cheer her up.

Hmph, he was just pretending!

He promised to treat her like a sister, yet he bought so many things for Arabella

and hovered around her like a nanny!

Had Arabella ever given him a second glance?

He didn’t even buy her a small gift last night, not even a hairpin!!

At this moment, Martha, who had noticed the commotion, slowly walked upstairs

and asked with concern, “Serena, are you crying?”

“I’m not.” Serena wiped her tears away, still in a huff.

“Look outside.”

Serena didn’t understand what was so interesting outside. When she looked,

she saw Clark with a backpack, opening the car door for Arabella. It looked like

they were going to go out and have fun with Romeo.

“You’re up here crying, and they’re all happy, about to walk the glass skywalk.

What does that tell you? Clark doesn’t care about your feelings.”

Serena’s jealousy flared uncontrollably.

“Do you know what the maid found when she cleaned Ms. Bella’s room this


“What?” Serena asked, huffily.

“Clark’s personal black card, right on Ms. Bella’s desk. What does that tell you?

Clark has given his personal black card to Ms. Bella!”

Martha added fuel to the fire. “Has Clark ever done that for you?”

Hearing this, Serena felt even worse.

“Never mind how much Clark earns each year, just his monthly dividends from

the Collins Group are more than he can spend. And it’s all for Ms. Bella! Serena,

they are real siblings. There’s a difference between you and a stranger with no

blood relation.”Chapter 840

Tears welled up in Serena’s eyes and began to roll down her cheeks.

“You heard it yourself; Martha started, “They’ve been giving spending money to

Ms. Bella. They were bedridden for months, and the first thing they did when

they woke up wasn’t to check on you, but to transfer money to Ms. Bella. What

does that tell you?

They care more about their real granddaughter. To them, you’re nothing more

than a stranger.”

Serena’s heart ached even more.

Enter title…

“They’re family, after all. Ms. Bella only visited them a few times, yet their bond

is so strong. They text and call each other every day.

Look at your phone, how many messages, calls, or monetary transfers have

they sent you since they woke up?”

The light in Serena’s eyes dimmed. The answer was none. Not a single one.

They hadn’t transferred any money to her, nor had they sent her a single

message of care.

Martha sighed, “Serena, you’ve been protected too well all these years. You

don’t understand the complexities of society and the wickedness of people. I’ve

tried to warn you many times, but you wouldn’t listen. If you had been more

realistic back then and fought for your share, you wouldn’t be left with nothing


Serena looked at her blankly, “What share are you talking about?”

“Of course, I’m talking about the company dividends. Don’t you want to receive

a monthly dividend from the company just like your brothers? It’s a substantial

amount of money. And while your parents still hold a bit of affection for you, you

could ask for more properties, more storefronts. Whatever you can get now is a


Your wedding gift will depend on their goodwill. Or at the very least,

get them to buy you a few limited-edition supercars, branded bags, and luxury

watches. If you ever need money, you can sell those for a good price.”

Serena’s eyes dimmed again, “But what I want is their love.”

“Oh, Serena! Can’t you see it yet? With Ms. Bella back, they won’t treat you the

same way as before! It’s better to secure some assets for yourself, at least you’ll

have money!”

What’s the use of love!

Summerfield was one of the wealthiest cities in the country, where even a

modest villa went for millions.

After eighteen years of relationship, wouldn’t Kenneth and Louisa be willing to

give her a few villas?

And each of the storefronts in Summerfield cost tens of millions, an amount

most people would have to work their entire lives to accumulate!

Now, all she needed to do was ask, but Serena refused!

She only cared about love!

Such a fool!

“Martha, I need some time alone.”

The image of Clark opening the car door for Arabella, lowering himself to do so,

pained her.

“Alright, take your time to think.” Martha gently patted her shoulder, “No matter

what happens, I’ll always be by your side. Over the years, I’ve come to see you

as my own daughter. I’ll be genuinely happy for your happiness.”

“Thank you, Martha.” Serena lifted her eyes and gratefully said, “Thank you for

always considering things from my perspective for all these years. Sometimes, I

even feel like you’re better than my real mom.”

“Serena, your words are too kind. And thank you for treating me like family all

these years, giving me a sense of home.”

Martha choked up a bit, “Whatever decision you make in the end, I’ll support

you. If you want to fight for your share, I’ll help you. If you just want a place in

this family, I’ll stay with you.”

Moved, Serena couldn’t help but hug her and cry, “Martha.”

“Silly girl, don’t cry. Things aren’t at their worst yet.’ Martha comforted, “There’s

always a chance.”

Everything lied in her decisions.

Whatever she wanted, she could definitely get.


Clark was holding an umbrella for his sister. It was autumn, but the day was still

a bit hot, and there were many tourists.

He made his way through the crowded streets, took out a portable fan from his

bag, and started fanning his sister.

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