The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 1061-1080

Chapter 1061

“Moreover, she mentioned that the medicines she took aren’t helping Old Mrs.

Griffith’s current condition. Besides, she pointed out some of the medications

should be replaced with alternatives, as they might add to Old Mrs. Griffith’s

physical burden, causing her to feel fatigued and drowsy with a bitter taste in

her mouth and chest discomfort. If she wasn’t a medical expert, how could she

carry an acupuncture kit with her and instantly name the medications Old Mrs.

Griffith was taking, along with their side effects?”

After all, among the medications the old lady was on, the three she mentioned

were present.

Enter title…

These three were special effect drugs, yet to hit the market, but she knew just

by checking the pulse.

Her medical skills must be outstanding!

“I asked her then about possible alternatives, but she just mentioned that Old

Mrs. Griffith’s condition can’t be cured overnight. There was a chauffeur who

treated her with respect, addressing her as ‘Miss; even reminding her to get into

the car. I guessed she must be the daughter of a wealthy family, probably

dealing with some urgent matters. I thought, in this country, there’s nobody you

can’t find.”

As the short-haired girl reached this point, her voice dwindled.

“But the license plate number you gave me turned out to be fake, untraceable,”

Sampson said in a soft voice. “She must be someone powerful, all the

surveillance footage from when she appeared has been wiped clean”

“What?” The short-haired girl seemed surprised, “Now what?”

She had thought that finding the girl would give Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition a

chance to turn around.

Now, even the brilliant Dr. Mark was at a loss regarding Old Mrs. Griffith’s


At that moment, Dr. Mark approached them. Sampson asked in a soft voice, “Is

she asleep?”

“Yes, I gave her an injection. She finally fell asleep.”

Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition had deteriorated to the point where she couldn’t

sleep peacefully. Every time she lay down, she felt breathless and had to sit up

panting heavily.

“Did the impressive doctor you mentioned respond yet?” Sampson asked again.

Seeing the dejected look on Sampson’s face, Mark replied truthfully, “She’s

always busy. But she promised to make time to look at the medical history.

All we can do now is wait patiently.”

“But we’re running out of time,’ Sampson said, lifting his eyes. “Please ask her

again for me.

“Well” Mark hesitated, “If we rush her, it might backfire. Tonight, I will ask her

again. If she still hasn’t had the time to review the medical history, we can’t teally

push her. We’ll just have to wait.”

“Is she really that irritable?” Sampson asked.

“It’s not that she’s irritable. She’s just very busy. She doesn’t like being

disturbed. There’s a lot she has to handle personally. I’ve known her for many

years, and this is the first time I’ve asked her for help. I believe she will help: “It

would be great if she could come here.”

After all, only by seeing the patient in person can a better treatment plan be


“She mentioned she’s been busy lately and doesn’t have time to come over, but

she should be able to provide some verbal guidance.”

If they could get guidance from that doctor, it would definitely be of great help to

Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition.Chapter 1062

“Let me know when you have any news tonight,’ Sampson said.

“Alright; Mark replied, looking at Sampson’s gloomy expression. “There’s

another solution, though. A drug was once up for auction back home. It stirred

quite a commotion. It’s said to be made by a venerable pharmaceutical expert. It

works wonders for heart conditions.”

Sampson looked up, hope glinting in his eyes. “HeartEase?”

“Yes, many heart patients who were given terminal prognosis showed significant

improvement after taking HeartEase. But Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition isn’t purely

heart-related. This drug can only do so much for her.

Enter title…

I’m thinking of combining HeartEase with a new drug I’m working on.”

If Professor Bell didn’t come up with anything, he would have to find a way to

keep Old Mrs. Griffith alive.

He couldn’t just stand by and watch her suffer.

“HeartEase hasn’t been available back home for a long time, but it appeared

twice in our local auctions recently.”

“I’ll make a call.” Sampson took out his phone and quickly dialed a number.

After a while, Mark heard him say, “Tonight at nine, in a club in Zion City, there

will be an auction for HeartEase. They have only one pill”

“One is enough.”

Mark was surprised that Sampson, who was usually efficient, had such good

news so quickly.

Sampson nodded, “I’ll go there tonight.”

Twelve hours later.

Arabella’s plane landed at a foreign airport. As soon as she turned on her

phone, she received a slew of messages.

Among them, Louisa’s WhatsApp messages and call were the first ones

Arabella dealt with.

However, her phone indicated that Louisa’s was turned off.

Arabella then opened WhatsApp, where Louisa had sent her three messages at

seven-thirty in the morning.

[Bella, I heard that you left early this morning, are you at school?] [Are you in

class? Can you text me when you’re done?] [I need to speak with you] Arabella

quickly replied, [Mom, I’m sorry, I’m abroad. I had some things to take care of.

What do you need?] After she sent the message, before she could get a reply

from Louisa, her phone vibrated. It was Kelly calling.

“Bella, have you arrived? I’m waiting for you at exit A.”

Arabella, carrying her backpack, walked out. “I see you.”

“Bella, over here!” Kelly jumped up and waved when she saw her.

To avoid being recognized, Arabella was dressed in black casual wear, a black

baseball cap, and exuded a cool aura.

A large black mask covered most of her face, leaving only her clear and

beautiful eyes visible, which were incredibly charming.

“How many hearts are you planning to steal with this look?” Kelly walked over

and took her hand, “We still have some time before the auction. Let’s grab

something to eat. I have some business to take care of during the auction.

You’ll be alright on your own, right?”

“What could go wrong?” Arabella smiled, “What big job did you take on this

time? Joyce said she hasn’t seen you at school in ages”

“I barely have time for my side gigs these days. My dad said I should either take

over the family business or find a boyfriend. Obviously, I chose the former!”

Kelly said without hesitation. “The former brings money, the latter wastes time

and affects my mood. I’ve been busy taking over some of my dad’s companies,

and it’s been exhausting.”

She felt bitter thinking about her recent experiences.

“You’ll see the benefits of having a boyfriend once you have one; Maybe then,

she wouldn’t work herself to the bone. Chapter 1063

“Guess I won’t live long enough to see you having a boyfriend then.” Kelly said

this and couldn’t help but be confused, “Wait, that’s not right. You advocating for

relationships. I can’t believe this is coming from you, Romeo really changed


Arabella brushed it off, “Did he?”

“Can’t you see that you’re completely different now? You seem to have become

vulnerable, your way of doing things has also changed. But speaking of which,

where is he? Didn’t he come with you?” Kelly teased.

Enter title…

Arabella told the truth, “I didn’t want him to take time off work for me. There’s no


“But does he want to come?”

“He actually did, but I threatened him not to.”

“Ah, it would’ve been nice if you let him accompany you, at least I wouldn’t have

to worry about your safety.”

Kelly was worried that this trip abroad would give miscreants an opportunity to

take advantage.

“I’m just going to get the ingredient and I’ll be leaving tommorrow. There won’t

be any problems.”

Kelly unlocked the car and chivalrously opened the door for her, “Since Romeo

isn’t here today, I’ll act as him and take good care of you.”

The two chatted and laughed as they arrived at a Sky Restaurant.

The restaurant had a fantastic view and overlooked the beautiful night view of

the city.

Kelly would occasionally come here to eat in the past, she knew that the people

who came here were either rich or noble, it offered more privacy than normal

restaurants and was less conspicuous.

“What should we eat?” Kelly opened the menu, suffering from a bit of


Although she’d been here a few times, she never knew what to order.

“Order what you like.”

Arabella saw that her mother still hadn’t replied to her message, but she did

receive a WhatsApp message from Romeo.

On the way to the restaurant, Arabella had already reported her whereabouts,

now seeing Romeo sending a picture of him working in the office, Arabella

urged him to go eat and not forget due to work.

“Bella, how about we order a grilled black pepper steak, seafood pasta, panseared shrimp, black truffle beef fried rice, and two corn chowders?”

“Sounds good.”

Even though Kelly was the one picking the dishes, everything she heard was

her favorite.

That’s what good friends do, they think about you in every aspect, even down to

the meals catering to your taste.

At this moment, it seemed like a VIP had arrived, a number of waiters

immediately rushed over to welcome them.

Kelly looked up, she didn’t see the VIP, but from the respectful demeanor of the

seven or eight waiters, she could guess that the person was of high status.

“Mr. Sampson, this floor is a bit crowded. I’m afraid it might affect your dining

experience, would you please follow me to the top floor?” The manager bent

over to lead the way.

The top floor had a few glass rooms with the best views, they were specifically

reserved for VIPs.

Sampson followed the restaurant manager upstairs, leaving behind numerous

sighs of admiration.

They were all praising his handsome looks, wealth, and power.

“Aren’t we going to eat?” Arabella saw Kelly still looking over there and couldn’t

help but laugh.

“I wonder who the VIP is.” Kelly said nonchalantly, “It’s 7 PM now and the

auction is at 9 PM. We have time to eat, there’s no rush.”

On the top floor, Sampson ordered his meal and texted his sister, [I have

something to do tonight and I can’t pick you and your husband up. I’ve already

sent an assistant. You guys can rest at the hotel under my name for the night.

My people will pick you up tomorrow.]

Mainly because after a twelve-hour flight, Sampson didn’t want his sister and

brother-in-law to endure more fatique.Chapter 1064

An hour passed.

Sampson finished his meal, rose from his booth, and made his way downstairs.

“Mr. Sampson, how was your meal tonight? Any feedback regarding our service

or any other aspect of the restaurant?” the manager asked, leading the way with

a bow and a carefully crafted smile.

Meanwhile, a girl of remarkable poise got up from her seat.

She was wearing a baseball cap and a black mask, leaving only her cool, clear

eyes visible.

Enter title…

At just one glance, Sampson, standing on the spiral staircase, was somewhat

taken aback. This girl, in both shape and demeanor, reminded him of his sister

when she was around seventeen or eighteen.

However, she seemed to have a stronger aura, more attention-grabbing than his

sister had been.

“Mr. Sampson?” The manager, noticing Sampson’s silence, followed his gaze

with a puzzled look.

“Is that young lady a regular here?” Sampson suddenly asked.

The manager quickly recognized Kelly, who was behind him, busy arranging her


“That’s Ms. Kelly. She dines here occasionally.”

As for Arabella who was leading the way, he hadn’t noticed her.

“Kelly?” Sampson murmured the name.

The Piper Group was a top financial conglomerate, making waves domestically.

He’d heard of them but had never collaborated with them.

He didn’t expect their daughter to bear such a resemblance to his sister in her


Even more than Serena.

This was somewhat unusual.

His phone rang at that moment. It was a call from his assistant, Danny.

“Mr. Sampson, the car is here.”

“Alright: Sampson put away his phone and looked again in the direction the girl

had left. She was gone.

On the other side.

A luxurious yacht was docked at the shore, ablaze with lights.

It was a high-end private club, heavily guarded, offering strong privacy. Only a

select few of the wealthy had the privilege to enter.

Usually, celebrities and elites of the upper echelons of society would socialize


Once a month, an auction would also be held here.

Those outside could only see a collection of luxury cars along the shore and the

lavish, dignified individuals entering the yacht.

But they couldn’t get a glimpse of what was inside, as those allowed in had to

meet two criteria: they had to be members, and they had to have their assets


Kelly had her face and assets verified, as did Arabella after removing her mask

and having her face recorded.

They were then invited in.

Guests could choose a private room or take a seat in the public viewing area.

To avoid attracting attention, Kelly and Arabella chose a private room.

The room was on the ninth floor of the yacht, considered one of the best rooms


All items in the upcoming auction would be projected onto one wall of the room,

providing a panoramic view.

“Ladies, please follow me,” said a staff member leading the way.


Suddenly, a displeased voice rang out.

A well-dressed heiress, surrounded by a group of close friends, blocked their

path. Chapter 1065

Arabella didn’t know who the rich heiress was, but the staff greeted her

courteously, “Ms. Angela.”

Kelly looked at her, her brows expressing some displeasure, “Move.”

“My family is one of the hosts, and you’re telling me to move?” Angela looked

down at Kelly, and then turned her gaze to Arabella.

“Dressed in a baseball cap and black mask at night, are you here to rob?”

At her words, her friends laughed, looking disdainfully at Arabella’s outfit.

Enter title…

Everyone boarding the yacht was dressed to the nines, as if they wanted to

wear their wealth on their sleeves.

But people like Kelly and Arabella dressed in casual wear were a first.

“Their outfits show a clear disrespect for our auction. I demand they be kicked


The staff was in a quandary. Who would dare to kick out Miss Piper?

Setting aside her family background, she was a top VIP member of the club.

But Angela crossed her arms over her chest, arrogantly saying, “We’re abroad,

not back home. Our family helped finance this yacht. As one of the hosts, if I say

they’re not qualified to be here, then they’re not qualified!”

“Ms. Angela. Miss Kelly is a reqular of our club.”

Before the staff could finish, Angela sneered, “I’m also a regular, and I have the

power to fire you. I want you to kick them out within a minute, or you can get out

of here!”

Kelly scoffed, “Whether we’re qualified to be here isn’t up to you! Your family

may be one of the hosts, but what does that have to do with you? Do you

believe that I could call your dad and have him deal with you?”

Angela, knowing her father’s temper, was instantly angered.

“Stop showing off. When you’re capable enough to be a host on your own, then

you can bark at me. You’re still wet behind the ears and already causing a


The surrounding guests were laughing, and her friends were anxiously trying to

think of a comeback for her.

“You…” Angela was so angry that her face changed color.

“When Angela says you’re not qualified to be here, you’re not. If you’re smart,

you’ll get out of here, or I’ll have security throw you out, and you’ll be the ones


“Yes, that’s right. Who gave you the nerve to upset Angela?”

“This isn’t your home turf, the Piper family cant run wild here, get out.”


“Is this how you treat guests behind closed doors?”

At that moment, a dignified voice reached their ears.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, their faces changing. The staff

was scared stiff and quickly stepped forward, respectfully greeting, “Mr.


Sampson’s power in this country demanded respect from everyone.

Arabella’s gaze landed on Sampson. She found him vaguely familiar, but

couldn’t remember where she’d seen him.

He looked young, but he exuded a mature and steady aura, with a strong

personal charm that was very attractive.

“So, doesn’t your club need quests anymore?”

As soon as Sampson finished speaking, Angela hurriedly explained, “Mr.

Sampson, you misunderstood, she and I were.”

“Angela.” Sampson’s meaningful gaze fell on her, “There’s a limit to being willful”

Angela was at a loss for words, ‘I understand, Mr. Sampson.”

Perhaps she hadn’t expected Sampson to speak up for them. Her father always

spoke highly of Sampson, saying he was a formidable character who deserved


She dared not act rashly in front of her elders, and could only signal the staff.

The staff quickly apologized, “We’re sorry, Miss Kelly and Miss Arabella. We’ve

neglected you. Please come with us.”

Kelly turned back and thanked Sampson. Arabella also nodded at him before

leaving. Chapter 1066

Sampson only noticed Arabella when the two girls turned around. He hadn’t

realized that one of them was the girl he’d met at the diner, the one who bore a

striking resemblance to his sister.

Before Sampson could say anything else, Angela quickly apologized in a

hushed tone, “I’m sorry, Sampson. I just had a little falling out with Kelly. I

wanted to put her in her place. I usually treat the patrons of the club with


Upon hearing the name Kelly, Sampson couldn’t help but picture Arabella’s face.

“Don’t bother them anymore.”

Enter title…

“Do you know them?” Angela was surprisingly upset. She hadn’t expected Kelly,

that infuriating hussy, to have so many connections, even Sampson standing up

for her.

“Do you remember when you threw a tantrum and your father cut off your

allowance for three months?”

“Sampson, these are my friends, why are you bringing this up?” Angela turned a

bit red, clearly embarrassed.

“You’re grown up now. Pick your battles wisely.”

“Yes, I will heed your advice”

As Sampson made his way to the private room, Danny, his trailing assistant,

couldn’t help but whisper, “Mr.

Sampson, did you happen to notice that the girl we just passed looks a lot like

your sister? Could it be possible that the big fire from years ago?”

“I’ve had my suspicions too,’ Sampson admitted in a low voice. “But she’s a

Piper. If there was a mix-up, the Pipers wouldn’t have been able to keep it a

secret for all these years.”

“Could it be possible the Pipers never noticed?”

“Look into it.”


Kelly and Arabella were led to private room 9111 by the staff.

“So, what’s the deal between you and Angela?” Arabella asked casually.

“We went to the same school. She always liked to compete with others, and

we’d sometimes run into each other at parties our parents took us to. We’ve had

a few unpleasant encounters.”

“Seems like we’ve both made some enemies.”

“No, she’s not even qualified to be my enemy. Kelly glanced at the time and

patted Arabella’s shoulder, “The auction starts in twenty minutes. I have to go.”

She had some business to attend to.

“Alright, be careful out there.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve traveled far and wide. You, on the other hand, should watch

out for Angela. We don’t want her causing you any trouble.”

“I think she’s pretty scared of Mr. Sampson. I should be fine.”

“Still, better safe than sorry.’ With a few words of caution, Kelly left.

Arabella sat down on the couch in the room, exuding a boss-like aura. She sent

Romeo a message on WhatsApp.

After a while, there was a knock at the door.

Arabella instantly became alert. “Who is it?”

“Ms. Bella, it’s me. I’m sorry for the earlier inconvenience. I’ve brought a fruit

basket and two bottles of red wine as an apology.

Arabella opened the door to find the staff member from before. She stepped

aside to let him in.

The staff member pushed his cart into the room and began unloading the items

onto the table. “I’m really sorry for the unpleasant experience earlier. These are

on the house. I hope you and Miss Kelly can overlook tonight’s incident.”


“If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my way.” The staff member left after delivering

the items.

On the table in front of Arabella were a fruit basket, two bottles of red wine,

some pastries, and lemon water.

She poured herself a glass of lemon water, gave it a sniff to make sure it wasn’t

spiked, and took a sip.

Suddenly, there was a noise from the balcony. A person dropped onto her


As the curtains billowed in the breeze, the person stepped into the room. Chapter 1067

Arabella was about to make her move when she recognized the man standing

before her. It was Mr. Sampson, the same man she had seen earlier.

He had managed to escape from the neighboring balcony, clutching his injured

arm. His white shirt was spotted with blood, and a group of seven or eight men

were trailing behind him.

Perhaps not expecting to run into Arabella here, Sampson was surprised. The

girl wasn’t wearing a mask. Her striking features were exposed, and she bore a

striking resemblance to his sister.

Enter title…

The group of men quickly lunged at Sampson. Arabella, with her swift and agile

movements, stepped in to help.

The auctioneer’s voice boomed excitedly from the speakers on the wall,

“Nightshade for the first call at 3 million!”

Upon hearing this, Arabella turned her gaze to the auctioneer who was gripping

his gavel, eager to finalize the sale.

As two men lunged at her with their knives, Arabella kicked their wrists away,

swiftly knocking them to the ground.

“Nightshade for the second call at 3 million!”

Arabella’s eyes darted towards the button next to the couch. Just as she was

about to press it, two more men swung their knives at her.

“Nightshade for the third and final call at 3 million, sold! Let’s congratulate Mr.

Murray for successfully bidding on today’s first rare item– Nightshade! Let’s give

him a big round of applause!”

The camera focused on Mr. Murray, who was smiling and nodding under the


Arabella was speechless.

Sampson could see the frustration and disappointment in the girl’s eyes. Had

she come tonight intending to bid on Nightshade?

The next lot was quickly introduced.

Arabella had already taken down four or five men.

Sampson was surprised at the girl’s abilities. It seemed that these men were no

match for her.

The remaining three or four men, realizing they were outmatched, jumped

overboard and swam away.

“Are you alright?” Sampson asked with concern.

Arabella glanced at him, “You’ve been poisoned.”

“You mean my wound is poisoned?”

“Including your scent. You must have inhaled something. You’re weak.”

Given that this man had stepped in to help them on the deck earlier, Arabella

placed her slender fingers on his pulse.

“As I suspected”

Sampson was intrigued. He did feel weak, which was why those low-level thugs

could seize an opportunity.

At that moment, the door was kicked open revealing a wounded Danny with a

dozen of his men.

“I apologize, sir. I was foolish to fall for their diversion.”

Earlier, he had heard a commotion on the balcony. When he arrived, he saw

several suspicious men attempting to flee.

He immediately pursued them, leaving his boss alone in the room.

It was only later he realized he had been duped.

Seeing Arabella, he was taken aback. This girl bore an uncanny resemblance to

his boss’s sister.

However, he didn’t forget his duty and quickly apprehended the unconscious

thugs on the floor.

“It’s a simple hypnotic scent. It needs to be dispersed in the air two hours in

advance. You should check who entered your room two hours ago.”

After saying this, Arabella took out a small spray bottle from her backpack. She

sprayed the antidote onto Sampson’s wound.

“What are you doing?” Danny became tense.

“The wound is poisoned. This is the antidote.”

After spraying the antidote, Arabella bandaged Sampson’s wound with a white

bandage and said, “Give me your hand.” Chapter 1068

Sampson extended his hand.

The girl poured a tiny white pill into his palm.

“This will counteract the poison in your system. In half an hour, the weakness

should dissipate.”

“Are you a medic too?”

Sampson suddenly found this girl quite unique. Not only did she possess a

remarkable aura and agile skills, but she also had a proficient knack for treating

wounds and carried a significant amount of medicine.

Enter title…

“What would happen if I don’t take it?” Sampson asked genuinely.

“You’d grow weaker until you die.”

Danny was shocked. Could the consequences really be that severe?

“How poisonous is my wound?” Sampson questioned further.

“If not treated in time, it could be deadly.”

Arabella slung her backpack over her shoulder, put on a baseball cap and mask,

preparing to negotiate with Mr.

Murray to see if he’d sell her Nightshade.

“Thank you, Kelly.” Sampson watched her leave, expressing his gratitude.

Arabella halted. Kelly? Was he mistaking her for Kelly?

Yet she didn’t deny it. “It was nothing.”

Seeing her leave, Danny couldn’t help but whisper, “Sir, are we just going to let

her go?”

“What else can we do?”

Arabella arrived at the auction hall. She was informed that Mr. Murray had

already paid for Nightshade and left.

Nightshade was gone too.

“Do you know where he went?”

“I’m sorry, miss, we aren’t privy to our clients’ whereabouts.’ The staff member


Arabella hacked into the surrounding CCTV cameras and spotted Mr. Murray

getting into a black car, heading toward a floating casino.

A haven for the wealthy.

Dozens of glistening, golden buildings stood on the water, with boats weaving

through them. Beautiful women danced enticingly on the decks.

Inside were the playgrounds of the rich, where they could enjoy the thrill of

spending fortunes. Afterwards, there were luxurious saunas, Michelin-starred

restaurants, and opulent suites waiting for them.

Arabella hailed a taxi towards the casino. As she reached the entrance, a staff

member politely stopped her, “I’m sorry, miss.”

Due to Arabella’s youthful appearance and clothes that starkly contrasted the

regular patrons, the staff member felt compelled to remind her, “This is a place

for adults.”

Arabella was like a kid, dressed in casual clothes, sporting a baseball cap, and

carrying a backpack.

She looked like a diligent student who had just left an after-school class and had

wandered into the wrong place.

Arabella pulled out her phone and showed her bank balance to him. The staff

member was taken aback—before he could even count the zeros, Arabella had

already walked past him.

“Miss, do you have a preference for any game? Would you like us to find a

companion for you?” The staff member hurriedly led the way.

Male and female companions stood in two lines, waiting for quests to choose.

The men were handsome; the women were dazzling.

Some wealthy patrons would bring several women with them as they indulged in

their extravagant games.

A line of men looked at Arabella expectantly.

The usual patrons were older, with some level of status. A young and beautiful

girl like Arabella was a rarity.

“No need, Arabella responded coolly. “What does Mr. Murray usually play?“ “He

plays everything, but he always ends up at the dice tables.” The staff member

led Arabella into the main hall and pointed, “He prefers the table on the left.” Chapter 1069

A handsome, blond-haired, and blue-eyed man sat unabashedly at the table,

holding a poker chip in his left hand and a lady on his right. His triumphant

demeanor clearly suggested that he had just won a substantial amount.

There were quite a few patrons around him, some standing, some sitting, all of

them with significant clout.

Arabella headed towards him.

The dealer rolled the dice and when they stopped, many patrons quickly placed

their chips on the table. Some bet high, others bet low.

Enter title…

Murray had won quite a bit earlier and was on a high. Eqged on by the woman,

he pushed his $3 million in chips onto the section marked “High”. The crowd

was stunned.

“Darn, he’s got guts betting $3 million just like that.”

“And if he wins, he’ll get a return in the hundreds of millions.”

“Such a big spender.”

Many complimented his generous bet. The woman who came with him felt quite

proud and even planted a kiss on his cheek.

“You’ve bet wrong.”

Suddenly, Arabella’s voice was heard.

Murray glanced at her, and the woman beside him looked at Arabella from head

to toe with a disdainful gaze.

Who was this young girl popping out of nowhere? Was she trying to get

Murray’s attention by showing off?

Thinking this, the woman wrapped her arms around Murray’s neck, looking

provocatively at Arabella as if to say: Mr. Murray is mine, no one else should

even think about him!

Murray, on the other hand, didn’t seem to take the new girl seriously. He

gestured to the dealer to lift the dice cup.

The three dice, when added up, only made 5.

Murray’s face suddenly turned sour, and the woman beside him couldn’t believe

it. $3 million gone in an instant.

Seeing the chips being taken away, the woman turned gloomy as well.

Just now, Murray had said that he would give her 10% of the winnings.

If she had known, she wouldn’t have encouraged Murray to go all in.

Now, she couldn’t get a single cent. It was infuriating!

Murray, having lost, was in a bad mood. He pushed the woman away and got up

to leave.

“Mr. Murray.” The woman quickly caught up with him, wrapping her arms around

his waist, blaming, “It’s all that girl’s jinx, causing you to lose.”

“Mr. Murray, can we talk?” Arabella called out to him without changing her


Murray stopped in his tracks, finally giving Arabella a proper look. Late at night,

she was wearing a baseball cap and a face mask, and carrying a backpack.

He thought, “Where did this student not study at home but come to find him?”

“I know you’re upset about losing, Mr. Murray. I can help you win it back.”

Upon hearing this, the woman burst out laughing, “Just by you? Mr. Murray, I

think this girl is after your money, trying to get your attention.”

Having lost $3 million, Murray didn’t have much interest left.

Arabella continued, “I know you’re out of chips. I can lend you $1 million. You

can pay me back after you win.”

Murray, who was originally not in the mood, perked up at her words.

There was someone willing to lend him money?

Was there such a good deal in the world?

“What do you want?” Murray asked bluntly.

Arabella replied frankly, “I’ll help you win three rounds, and you give me


So she was here for Nightshade.

Murray let out a wicked smile, two of his shirt buttons undone, making him look

even more roguish and playful, “Do you know how much Nightshade costs?” Chapter 1070

“Did you just snag that item for three million at the auction?”

The man’s grin broadened, “Alright, let’s see what you’re made of.”

They returned to the table where the dealer was rolling the dice.

As the dice came to a stop, some bet “high’, others “low”.

Arabella didn’t bother exchanging for chips. Instead, she opened her phone,

revealing a bank account with a balance of only one million dollars, and placed

her phone on the “high” side.

Enter title…

All eyes were on her, some even peeking at her phone screen. A million dollars?

This was her first bet?

Young people, so quick to take risks.

The dealer, accustomed to high stakes, had seen people bet with house deeds

and car keys before. As long as it had value, they would accept it.

“Bets are closed.” The dealer announced after everyone had placed their bets,

before lifting the dice cup.

The total was 12.

All eyes shot to Arabella, surprised that she had placed the right bet on her first

try, doubling her earnings.

She had initially bet a million dollars and now, she received two million dollars,

the earnings and the principal combined.

She pocketed her phone and tossed out the remaining million dollars, betting

‘high’ once more.

The dealer shook the dice, lifted the cup, and revealed a total of 13. Arabella

had won again, earning another two million.

Murray and the woman by his side were stunned.

They hadn’t expected her to be this good.

In the third round, after the dealer had shaken the dice and everyone had

placed their bets, Arabella tossed out two million dollars, betting “low”. The total

was 6. Arabella had won again.

Two million had turned into four million.

Everyone watched Arabella in disbelief.

She pushed the four million in chips towards Murray.

Murray was stunned, as was the woman. In less than two minutes, this woman

had won four million dollars.

“Help me win three more rounds!” Murray pleaded, “Just three! If you win, we

can talk about anything.”

Arabella felt that he was being greedy, but Carol needed the ingredient, her

condition couldn’t wait.

So, Arabella looked at the dealer, who shook the dice as Arabella said “low”.

Murray quickly placed all four million on “low”.

Seeing this, others followed suit and bet “low”.

Soon, the dealer lifted the cup and the total was 5.

Murray had won again!

This time, he had won eight million dollars including the principal!

Soon, eight million turned into sixteen million, and sixteen million turned into

thirty-two million.

The dealer was unsettled because not only had Murray won so much, but other

patrons had also earned a lot by following suit.

This was a significant loss for them.

Murray was ecstatic. He looked at Arabella excitedly, “How did you do that?”

Arabella didn’t elaborate, instead, she looked into his blue eyes, “Time to keep

your promise.”

“Are you interested in joining me?” Murray extended an olive branch, “Name

your price.”

If Arabella could win every time, he’d be set for life. Who needs to run a

company or conduct business?

Making money this way would be so much easier!

“You’re cheating.”

The other patrons at the nearby tables were green with envy, “There’s no way

you can guess right every time”

“I demand a body search, she must be carrying some cheating device.”

“Maybe she’s in cahoots with the dealer.

The dealer and Arabella were both speechless.

“Do you think a cheater could walk out of here?” Arabella didn’t take the

surrounding accusations seriously.

Instead, she looked at Murray, waiting for him to fulfill his promise. Chapter 1071

Others were relentless, “How can you prove you didn’t cheat?”

“If you can’t present any proof today, you have to let us search you to prove your


“Just a random girl who popped up out of nowhere, she thinks she can beat us?

We’ve been playing here for decades! Why can’t we always win?”

“That’s because you’re not skilled enough.” Arabella responded with a look of

disdain, “Listening to the sound and guessing the number isn’t that hard.”

“What did you say? You can quess by the sound?”

Enter title…

“I don’t believe it. Show us, or we have every right to suspect you.”

“You can tell the numbers within the dice cup? I’ll kneel and call you dad!”

Arabella looked at him with annoyance, “I don’t need a son like you.”

She had to prove her innacence, right?

Arabella picked up the dice cup, grabbed three dice at once, and shook them


Her shaking technique was swift and cool, a visual pleasure even just to watch.

The three dice produced a crisp sound under her shaking. When Arabella

stopped, all eyes fell on the dice cup in her hand.

“6s Arabella announced the number first, then opened the dice cup. The sum of

the three dice was indeed 6, just as she had said.

Everyone was dumbfounded in disbelief.

Could she really guess by the sound?

People with such incredible skills have only appeared twice before.

One was an old gambling king, and the other was the owner of this place.

Arabella picked up the dice again, shook them once more, and placed the dice

cup steadily on the table, casually announcing a number.

“ye When the dice cup was opened, the sum of the three dice was exactly 7!

Everyone was incredulous at the sight of this miraculous girl.

How did she do it?

“No, I don’t believe it, unless you shake a 13 as I said!”

“Yes, shake a 13 . Let’s see what trick you can pull off.”

“Shake a 13! 13!”

Arabella picked up the dice. Wasn’t she supposed to pull off a trick?

The three dice clinked in the cup, and after a while, Arabella lifted the cup.

The three dice had formed a column. Arabella took them out one by one, the

numbers facing up added up to precisely 13!

Everyone in the room was stunned, then erupted into thunderous applause,

completely in awe.

It was amazing.

She could even shake the dice into a column.

“Are you the daughter of the gambling king? Or his apprentice?”

“The dice seem to obey your commands in your hands, you can shake out any

number you want.”

“That’s amazing. How did you do it?”

She was using the dice cup and dice from the house, not her own, and she

could shake out any number she wanted.

With so many people watching her, if she were cheating, they would have


So, how did she do it?

It was unbelievable!

They were all shocked with admiration.

When she was a child, her grandfather would shake a dice to make her guess

the number to persuade her to do something. Every time she said big, the

number her grandfather shook out was small, and when she said small, he

shook out a big number.

Each time she was defeated and had to do as her grandfather said and

complete the tasks he assigned her.

But she always felt a little unconvinced, even suspecting that her grandfather

was cheating. Otherwise, how could he always win?

Later, she discovered that as long as she mastered the shaking force and angle

and practiced more, she could shake the dice to any number she wanted, even

forming a column wouldn’t be difficult. Chapter 1072

With enough practice and a keen sense of hearing, one could even guess the

numbers on the dice just by the sound they made inside the cup.

In her quest to beat her grandfather at the game, she practiced relentlessly,

gradually increasing the difficulty level. To this day, she could roll ten dice and

have them all stand on their ends.

It wasn’t trickery or luck that got her this far, but pure skill.

“Miss, would you be interested in joining me for a game?”

Enter title…

“Name your price. As long as you’re willing to team up with me, money is no


“Why don’t you play with me? Any losses are on me, but we’ll split the winnings.

You take seventy percent and I take thirty percent.’

Many were vying for a chance to team up with Arabella, some even resorting to


Seeing his chance, Murray stood up and said, “Miss, may I have a word?”

Arabella followed him out to a small bridge.

“I must confess, Nightshade was bought at a high price not long after I arrived in


The light in Arabella’s eyes turned icy. So, they played her for a fool?

“Let’s split the $32 million. I’ll take half” suggested Murray earnestly.

But Arabella’s eyes remained cold.

She was here for Nightshade.

Sensing her displeasure, Murray hastily added, “How about I take thirty

percent? or, how about I take twenty percent?”

Seeing her expression unchanged, he steeled himself and said, “You take ninety

percent. I can’t go any lower!“

“Who did you sell it to?” Arabella’s voice was as cold as ice.

“A big shot whose name I cannot reveal. Once he wants something, there’s no

way we can get it back. But, I can

help you find another Nightshade. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who should

have one. Let me contact him, see if he can deliver it tomorrow. If he can, I’ll

give it to you for free!”

Arabella took out her phone, “Your nurnber””

Murray quickly rattled off his digits.

After noting them down, she dialed his number, “This is mine.”

Murray saved her number immediately, a little in awe. He cautiously asked, “So

about our partnership, will you

consider it?”

Arabella sent him a string of bank account numbers, “Transfer ninety percent of

the money to my account first.’

Murray was taken aback but quickly agreed, “No problem.”

As Arabella prepared to leave, Murray couldn’t help but blurt out, “I’ll transfer the

money shortly. Please give it

some thought. Don’t consider anyone else. They’re not as reliable as me! Any

losses are on me, and we’ll split

the winnings. You can get ninety percent!”

Arabella walked off the bridge, ready to leave Watertown, when a group of ten

staff members hurriedly stopped her.

“Excuse us, miss, could you wait a moment?”

Arabella raised an eyebrow, were they sore losers, looking to cause trouble?

“I apologize for the inconvenience.”

The manager was on the phone, seeking instructions from higher-ups on

whether they should let her leave.

Arabella looked coldly at the ten frail staff members, if a fight broke out, they

would be at a disadvantage.

But her presence in Watertown had already drawn a lot of attention, any more

commotion could attract unwanted company.

She didn’t want to bring trouble upon herself, especially if Murray could deliver

Nightshade tomorrow, she could return home the day after. There was no need

to engage these people and stir up unnecessary trouble.

“How long do I have to wait?” Arabella suddenly asked.

The ten staff members were taken aback. She was more cooperative than they

expected, given her icy demeanor.

They underestimated her because of her youth, and they were clearly shaken.

Chapter 1073 “Just a moment,’ the leading staff member said.

“Alright, bring me something to eat and drink.” Arabella strolled onto an empty

boat, settled down, and began to appreciate the scenery on the water.

Several resplendent golden buildings reflected on the water, like an enchanting


The staff were taken aback by her audacity. Wasn’t this young lady afraid of the

potential danger of staying behind?

Nonetheless, they brought her food and beverages, attending to her diligently.


The manager urgently dialed Danny’s number.

“Danny, we’ve got a big problem! A girl just walked away with 32 million dollars

from us. What’s more, others started to win as well! We’re taking a huge hit


“What?” Danny’s voice held a note of surprise. “A girl?”

Not a seasoned gambler, but a girl?

“Yes, she looks around seventeen or eighteen, but her dice rolling skills are

comparable to yours back in the day!”

“How dare you!” Danny scolded, “Comparing anyone to me? Can she discern

the dice by sound, can she roll the dice into a column, can she roll whatever

number she wants?”

“She can do all of that!”

“What?” Danny realized that this girl was not ordinary and calmly asked, “Send

me the surveillance footage. Let me see.”

Soon, the manager sent over the live surveillance video.

Upon seeing the girl’s familiar outfit, Danny was shocked. “Mr. Sampson, look.”

It was the girl from tonight!

Dressed in casual attire, wearing a baseball cap and a mask, her dice-rolling

actions were as smooth as flowing water.

Sampson gazed at the girl, and he said appreciatively, ‘This girl is remarkable.”

“Mr. Sampson, have you noticed anything unusual?” Danny focused intently on

the video but couldn’t see any signs of cheating.

Sampson replied with interest, “I never expected her hands to be capable of

saving lives and gambling.”

“Mr. Sampson, do you think she’s cheating? At her age, how could she be so

skilled?” Danny was still skeptical of the girl’s abilities. He scrutinized the screen

so hard that he might have drilled a hole in it, but he couldn’t find any evidence

of cheating.

Sampson dismissed his concerns, “With enough practice, anyone could do it.”

“So will we just let her go?”

She just won 32 million dollars from Murray!

It was not thousands or tens of thousands, but 32 million dollars!

Asum that large.

If they didn’t investigate.

What if she came back?

“She won fair and square, why shouldn’t we let her go?” Sampson said with a

grand gesture, “We should not only let her go but also treat her courteously and

welcome her back.”

“Welcome her back?” Danny was incredulous. With her winning streak, wouldn’t

they go bankrupt?

“Where is she now?” Sampson asked.

“According to the manager, when we stopped her, she was unfazed. She even

went on a boat to enjoy the scenery and asked for food and drinks.”

Danny had never heard of anyone like her. This young girl, surrounded by

dozens of people, didn’t cry or show any signs of fear.

Instead, she leisurely went on a boat to enjoy tea and the moonlight. This was

entirely different from what he had imagined.

Such composure was indeed praiseworthy.

Chapter 1074 “Take care of her. It’s on the house.”

Upon hearing that, Danny couldn’t help but marvel at the young woman’s good

fortune to have caught the favor of the gentleman.

Not only did she walk away with thirty million, but she was also enjoying herself

on the boat and it was all free of charge!

The boat was outfitted with plush sofas. Arabella leaned back, her hands laced

behind her head as she looked up at the moon.

The boat rocked gently on the shimmering lake, like a soothing cradle lulling its

occupants to sleep.

The scent of flowers from the shore wafted over, carried by the breeze, invoking

a sense of peace and tranquility.

Coffee, pastries, and snacks were arranged next to the sofa. Arabella would

nibble at them from time to time, a picture of contentment.

Ten employees, upon receiving the message, scrambled to pull the boat back to

the next docking point.

“Miss, we apologize for any inconvenience. You’re free to leave now.”

“If you wish to stay a bit longer, you could try your luck at our casino. We can

provide you with five million in chips to play with. Any winnings are yours, any

losses are on us. Or we could arrange accommodations for you.

We offer a variety of scenic rooms for you to choose from.”

Arabella rose lazily after they had conferred with their superiors. Their respectful

demeanor amused her. “No, thank you”

“Whenever you wish to visit us again, Miss, you’re always welcome.” Ten

employees fawned over her, akin to a swarm of bees around a queen. They

escorted her to the exit, asking, “Do you need a ride? Shall we arrange a car for


“No, thank you.”

A Rolls Royce from the hotel she had booked was already waiting outside.

Upon seeing the driver in The Royal Hotel’s uniform, everyone knew that she

was no ordinary guest.

The Royal Hotel was well-known in their area, with over three hundred rooms,

the cheapest of which cost a thousand a night.

The most expensive suite was on the 52nd floor, a luxurious space with floor-toceiling windows that offered a 360-degree view of the city’s skyline.

The hotel also had a private spa, an oversized crystal bathtub, and other

amenities that ensured guests had an unparalleled experience.

Once Arabella arrived at the hotel, she collected her key card and rode the

elevator to the 52nd floor. She swiped her card and entered one of the opulent


Sensors detected her presence and the lights automatically came on. The

curtains gradually drew back, revealing the stunning cityscape.

Arabella removed her cap and mask, tossed her backpack onto the sofa, and

walked onto the balcony to take in the view.

She rarely had the opportunity to stand silently and appreciate such a sight.

The wind played with her long hair, eliciting a sense of comfort.

After a while, her phone pinged with a notification from her bank.

She had received twenty-eight million and eight hundred thousand, Murray’s


She smirked, surprised that he had kept his word.


After a twelve-hour flight to Lidaria, Louisa switched her phone on to see a

response from her daughter.

She relayed the message to Kenneth, “Our little girl’s abroad. She said she had

some business to attend to.

Should we still ask her to come? Wouldn’t that be too much of a hassle?”

She couldn’t bear the thought of her daughter being worn out.

Louisa replied, [Bella, my darling, which country are you in? Can you make a

trip to Lidaria?]

Arabella was somewhat surprised upon receiving the message. Her parents

were abroad? In Lidaria?

Chapter 1075 [Are you here on business, or just travelling?] Arabella lightly tap

the screen with her slender fingers and replied quickly, [I’m near Lidaria. Shall

we meet tomorrow?

Upon seeing the response, Louisa was overjoyed and quickly responded,

[Absolutely, what time suits you tomorrow?

[Might be in the evening.]

[Fine, I’ll send you the location before you come]


In an effort to strengthen their bond, Louisa sent her daughter a playful emoji.

A warmth spread through Arabella’s heart, and she responded with a similar


Meanwhile, Dr. Mark held his phone, pondering his message for a long time.

Finally, he typed, [Prof, have you had a chance to look at the patient’s medical

history? I apologize for troubling you with such a trivial matter.]

Upon typing this, he hesitated, knowing how his mentor disliked long-winded


He restructured his message, cautiously asking, [Prof, are you awake? I’m sorry

to bother you this late.]

After considering his words, he felt too formal and deleted the message to

rewrite it.

[Prof, about my patient.]

Would it be too abrupt?

It seemed a bit rude.

So, Mark continued to type, delete, and rephrase, never satisfied with his words.

Arabella, fresh from her shower, took the initiative to message him.

Upon receiving the message, Mark was ecstatic, promptly calling Sampson,

“Sampson, are you awake? Great news, my mentor is nearby and she’s

available to consult on Old Mrs. Griffith’s case tomorrow afternoon!”

“That’s good news.” Sampson asked, “What does she like to eat and drink? I’ll

have it prepared in advance. How much should I prepare for her consultation


“I’m not certain about her preferences. As for the consultation fee, my mentor

may have her own standards.

Let’s wait until she arrives.”

Regardless of the cost, as long as their mentor could make a visit, there was

hope for Old Mrs. Griffith’s recovery!

“I’ll pick her up tomorrow.” Mark, overjoyed, messaged Arabella, [I’m extremely

grateful that you can spare the time to visit. Whenever you’re ready tomorrow,

let me know, and I’ll come to get you.]


After responding, Arabella sends a message to Romeo via WhatsApp,

summarizing the day’s events.

“Are you hurt?”

Romeo was concerned when Arabella mentioned a man being chased into her

box at the auction, and how she nonchalantly saved him and knocked out a few


“Will the man you saved today cause you any trouble? Do you need me to send

more people to escort you back home?” Romeo asked, worried.

“I’ll be fine.” Arabella dismissed his worries, “They’re no match for me. Once I’m

done tomorrow, I should be able to head home the day after”

“Is that Murray reliable? If he doesn’t get the Black Heart from his friend by

tommorrow, haw long do you plan to stay there?” Romeo asked again.

“He assured me that he could deliver the Black Heart to me by tomorrow. He

seers eager to collaborate with me, so I don’t expect any issues.” Arabella was

quite confident in Murray.

“So, you’re not going to collaborate with him?”

Arabella chuckled, “Who would be so dumb as to stay and help others make


She thought, “Wasn’t it better to make money on your own?”

Romeo laughed lightly, “Then you should rest early and come back soon, I’ll be

waiting for you at home.”


Arabella chatted with Romeo for a while longer before hanging up the phone. Chapter 1073

“Just a moment,’ the leading staff member said.

“Alright, bring me something to eat and drink.” Arabella strolled onto an empty

boat, settled down, and began to appreciate the scenery on the water.

Several resplendent golden buildings reflected on the water, like an enchanting


The staff were taken aback by her audacity. Wasn’t this young lady afraid of the

potential danger of staying behind?

Nonetheless, they brought her food and beverages, attending to her diligently.

Enter title…


The manager urgently dialed Danny’s number.

“Danny, we’ve got a big problem! A girl just walked away with 32 million dollars

from us. What’s more, others started to win as well! We’re taking a huge hit


“What?” Danny’s voice held a note of surprise. “A girl?”

Not a seasoned gambler, but a girl?

“Yes, she looks around seventeen or eighteen, but her dice rolling skills are

comparable to yours back in the day!”

“How dare you!” Danny scolded, “Comparing anyone to me? Can she discern

the dice by sound, can she roll the dice into a column, can she roll whatever

number she wants?”

“She can do all of that!”

“What?” Danny realized that this girl was not ordinary and calmly asked, “Send

me the surveillance footage. Let me see.”

Soon, the manager sent over the live surveillance video.

Upon seeing the girl’s familiar outfit, Danny was shocked. “Mr. Sampson, look.”

It was the girl from tonight!

Dressed in casual attire, wearing a baseball cap and a mask, her dice-rolling

actions were as smooth as flowing water.

Sampson gazed at the girl, and he said appreciatively, ‘This girl is remarkable.”

“Mr. Sampson, have you noticed anything unusual?” Danny focused intently on

the video but couldn’t see any signs of cheating.

Sampson replied with interest, “I never expected her hands to be capable of

saving lives and gambling.”

“Mr. Sampson, do you think she’s cheating? At her age, how could she be so

skilled?” Danny was still skeptical of the girl’s abilities. He scrutinized the screen

so hard that he might have drilled a hole in it, but he couldn’t find any evidence

of cheating.

Sampson dismissed his concerns, “With enough practice, anyone could do it.”

“So will we just let her go?”

She just won 32 million dollars from Murray!

It was not thousands or tens of thousands, but 32 million dollars!

Asum that large.

If they didn’t investigate.

What if she came back?

“She won fair and square, why shouldn’t we let her go?” Sampson said with a

grand gesture, “We should not only let her go but also treat her courteously and

welcome her back.”

“Welcome her back?” Danny was incredulous. With her winning streak, wouldn’t

they go bankrupt?

“Where is she now?” Sampson asked.

“According to the manager, when we stopped her, she was unfazed. She even

went on a boat to enjoy the scenery and asked for food and drinks.”

Danny had never heard of anyone like her. This young girl, surrounded by

dozens of people, didn’t cry or show any signs of fear.

Instead, she leisurely went on a boat to enjoy tea and the moonlight. This was

entirely different from what he had imagined.

Such composure was indeed praiseworthyChapter 1074

“Take care of her. It’s on the house.”

Upon hearing that, Danny couldn’t help but marvel at the young woman’s good

fortune to have caught the favor of the gentleman.

Not only did she walk away with thirty million, but she was also enjoying herself

on the boat and it was all free of charge!

The boat was outfitted with plush sofas. Arabella leaned back, her hands laced

behind her head as she looked up at the moon.

Enter title…

The boat rocked gently on the shimmering lake, like a soothing cradle lulling its

occupants to sleep.

The scent of flowers from the shore wafted over, carried by the breeze, invoking

a sense of peace and tranquility.

Coffee, pastries, and snacks were arranged next to the sofa. Arabella would

nibble at them from time to time, a picture of contentment.

Ten employees, upon receiving the message, scrambled to pull the boat back to

the next docking point.

“Miss, we apologize for any inconvenience. You’re free to leave now.”

“If you wish to stay a bit longer, you could try your luck at our casino. We can

provide you with five million in chips to play with. Any winnings are yours, any

losses are on us. Or we could arrange accommodations for you.

We offer a variety of scenic rooms for you to choose from.”

Arabella rose lazily after they had conferred with their superiors. Their respectful

demeanor amused her. “No, thank you”

“Whenever you wish to visit us again, Miss, you’re always welcome.” Ten

employees fawned over her, akin to a swarm of bees around a queen. They

escorted her to the exit, asking, “Do you need a ride? Shall we arrange a car for


“No, thank you.”

A Rolls Royce from the hotel she had booked was already waiting outside.

Upon seeing the driver in The Royal Hotel’s uniform, everyone knew that she

was no ordinary guest.

The Royal Hotel was well-known in their area, with over three hundred rooms,

the cheapest of which cost a thousand a night.

The most expensive suite was on the 52nd floor, a luxurious space with floor-toceiling windows that offered a 360-degree view of the city’s skyline.

The hotel also had a private spa, an oversized crystal bathtub, and other

amenities that ensured guests had an unparalleled experience.

Once Arabella arrived at the hotel, she collected her key card and rode the

elevator to the 52nd floor. She swiped her card and entered one of the opulent


Sensors detected her presence and the lights automatically came on. The

curtains gradually drew back, revealing the stunning cityscape.

Arabella removed her cap and mask, tossed her backpack onto the sofa, and

walked onto the balcony to take in the view.

She rarely had the opportunity to stand silently and appreciate such a sight.

The wind played with her long hair, eliciting a sense of comfort.

After a while, her phone pinged with a notification from her bank.

She had received twenty-eight million and eight hundred thousand, Murray’s


She smirked, surprised that he had kept his word.


After a twelve-hour flight to Lidaria, Louisa switched her phone on to see a

response from her daughter.

She relayed the message to Kenneth, “Our little girl’s abroad. She said she had

some business to attend to.

Should we still ask her to come? Wouldn’t that be too much of a hassle?”

She couldn’t bear the thought of her daughter being worn out.

Louisa replied, [Bella, my darling, which country are you in? Can you make a

trip to Lidaria?]

Arabella was somewhat surprised upon receiving the message. Her parents

were abroad? In Lidaria?Chapter 1075

[Are you here on business, or just traveling?]

Arabella lightly tap the screen with her slender fingers and replied quickly, [I’m

near Lidaria. Shall we meet tomorrow?

Upon seeing the response, Louisa was overjoyed and quickly responded,

[Absolutely, what time suits you tomorrow?

[Might be in the evening.]

[Fine, I’ll send you the location before you come]


Enter title…

In an effort to strengthen their bond, Louisa sent her daughter a playful emoji.

A warmth spread through Arabella’s heart, and she responded with a similar


Meanwhile, Dr. Mark held his phone, pondering his message for a long time.

Finally, he typed, [Prof, have you had a chance to look at the patient’s medical

history? I apologize for troubling you with such a trivial matter.]

Upon typing this, he hesitated, knowing how his mentor disliked long-winded


He restructured his message, cautiously asking, [Prof, are you awake? I’m sorry

to bother you this late.]

After considering his words, he felt too formal and deleted the message to

rewrite it.

[Prof, about my patient.]

Would it be too abrupt?

It seemed a bit rude.

So, Mark continued to type, delete, and rephrase, never satisfied with his words.

Arabella, fresh from her shower, took the initiative to message him.

Upon receiving the message, Mark was ecstatic, promptly calling Sampson,

“Sampson, are you awake? Great news, my mentor is nearby and she’s

available to consult on Old Mrs. Griffith’s case tomorrow afternoon!”

“That’s good news.” Sampson asked, “What does she like to eat and drink? I’ll

have it prepared in advance. How much should I prepare for her consultation


“I’m not certain about her preferences. As for the consultation fee, my mentor

may have her own standards.

Let’s wait until she arrives.”

Regardless of the cost, as long as their mentor could make a visit, there was

hope for Old Mrs. Griffith’s recovery!

“I’ll pick her up tomorrow.” Mark, overjoyed, messaged Arabella, [I’m extremely

grateful that you can spare the time to visit. Whenever you’re ready tomorrow,

let me know, and I’ll come to get you.]


After responding, Arabella sends a message to Romeo via WhatsApp,

summarizing the day’s events.

“Are you hurt?”

Romeo was concerned when Arabella mentioned a man being chased into her

box at the auction, and how she nonchalantly saved him and knocked out a few


“Will the man you saved today cause you any trouble? Do you need me to send

more people to escort you back home?” Romeo asked, worried.

“I’ll be fine.” Arabella dismissed his worries, “They’re no match for me. Once I’m

done tomorrow, I should be able to head home the day after”

“Is that Murray reliable? If he doesn’t get the Black Heart from his friend by

tommorrow, haw long do you plan to stay there?” Romeo asked again.

“He assured me that he could deliver the Black Heart to me by tomorrow. He

seers eager to collaborate with me, so I don’t expect any issues.” Arabella was

quite confident in Murray.

“So, you’re not going to collaborate with him?”

Arabella chuckled, “Who would be so dumb as to stay and help others make


She thought, “Wasn’t it better to make money on your own?”

Romeo laughed lightly, “Then you should rest early and come back soon, I’ll be

waiting for you at home.”


Arabella chatted with Romeo for a while longer before hanging up the phoneChapter 1076

Early the next morning.

Arabella was rudely awakened by a call from Kelly.

“Bella, a guy named Mr. Sampson had some Nightshade delivered to the Piper

Group, specifically for Kelly. He claims it’s a token of gratitude for her saving his

life last night. Can you tell me what the hell is going on?” Kelly was completely

in the dark.

Arabella, just out of bed, was still a bit dazed. “What did you say?”

Enter title…

“You didn’t manage to get the Nightshade last night, did you?” Kelly guessed,

“Did you save someone and in gratitude he bought the Nightshade for you?”

“Could it be that Mr. Sampson?” A handsome man surfaced in Arabella’s mind.

Last night, he had mistaken her for Kelly and thanked her for saving his life.

Arabella briefly explained the situation to Kelly, who then understood.

“I knew it! I was on a plane the whole time last night, I didn’t save anyone. I

guessed it was you.”

Now it made sense why someone would send Nightshade to the Piper Group

and specifically ask for them to be delivered to Kelly.

“So that Mr. Sampson mistook you for me.” Kelly couldn’t help but laugh, “Even

though you didn’t get the Nightshade last night, it seems like your misfortune

turned into a blessing. It’s like they say, good things happen to good people.”

Arabella didn’t expect that the Nightshade Murray said had been bought by a big

shot would turn out to be Mr.


What a coincidence.

But, how did he guess that she wanted the Nightshade and was willing to give

them to her?

Could it be because she helped him deal with those goons and detoxify him?

“Bella, did Mr. Sampson take a liking to you?” Kelly couldn’t help but ask, “He

seems to be quite interested in you.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“He knows what you like.”

Arabella sounded lazy, “Have the Nightshade delivered to Grandpa Beck at the

university, I’ll go back tomorrow and study them.

“Sure, no problem. Kelly couldn’t help but gossip, “Bella, how old is this Mr.

Sampson? Is he young? Handsome?

Sounds like he’s quite generous.”

“You’ve seen him. He was the one who helped us on the cruise ship.”

“Oh, it’s him.” Kelly immediately pictured the courteous figure, “He does look

alder than Romeo. But he’s pretty handsome and charming.”

“Why are you comparing him to Romeo?” Arabella chatted with her for a bit

longer before hanging up.

After washing up and eating breakfast, Murray called her.

“I’m very sorry, my friend’s contact also doesn’t have any Nightshade. If you can

wait a bit longer, I’ll do my best to find some for you.” Murray sounded


“No need.” Arabella sounded lazy, “I don’t need it anymore.”

Murray thought she was upset, so he hurriedly said, “The Nightshade my

friend’s contact usually has were bought at a high price. If you can wait a few

more days, I promise I’ll find some for you.”

Arabella found it amusing, “I really don’t need it anymore, I don’t want the

Nightshade, I have other things to do, talk to you later.”

“Wait, wait.”

Murray didn’t expect her to hang up so quickly. Did she think he was lying to


What if she refused to cooperate with him in the future?

While feeling anxious, Murray thought of another solution.

Not long after, Arabella received a transfer of three million dollars. She checked

the sender’s name, and it turned out to be Murray. Chapter 1077

Has this guy lost his mind?

Immediately after that, Murray sent her a message.

[This $3 million is a small token of apology for not being able to deliver

Nightshade to you today as I promised.

Please accept it.]

Arabella was taken aback. Was this really happening?

[I’ll keep looking for Nightshade. Hold on to this $3 million for now and consider

it as my apology. You don’t have to pay me back. What I give to you is yours.]

Enter title…

Arabella was speechless. She tried to transfer the money back to him but was

blocked by him.

[Don’t try to transfer it back. You must accept it.]

Only by accepting it, there could be possibilities for future collaboration. That

was what Murray thought.

Arabella was at a loss for words, fine, since it was his “apology” to her, she’d

accept it.

It was free money after all, why not?

After a while, she finished reading the last few pages of the medical records,

then sent a message to Mark, saying he could pick her up earlier.

Mark was having breakfast, when he received the message, he stood up

excitedly, left his breakfast unfinished and drove out.

At the hotel entrance, Mark craned his neck looking for Arabella, when he saw

her coming out, he shouted excitedly, “Professor!”

He hurried over, wanting to help Arabella with her luggage.

“No need, I can carry it myself”

“Professor, don’t be a stranger, let me handle this minor task.” Mark insisted on

carrying her luggage and even respectfully opened the car door for her.

Arabella got in the car. Mark happily returned to the driver’s seat, glanced at the

rearview mirror and said, “Honestly, I never thought you’d be around and took

the time to come here, I’m really grateful.”

“I’ve reviewed the patient’s medical records. Multiple drug therapies are needed.

It’s not a big issue”

“Do you think there’s a chance of recovery?” Mark couldn’t help asking,

emboldened, “What are the chances according to you, Professor?”

“About ninety percent.” Arabella didn’t want to sound too sure, but she was

actually fully confident.

Mark was overjoyed, as always, no matter how complex the disease was, the

professor always had a solution.

The professor was really amazing!


Before Mark could finish his sentence, Arabella corrected him, “Just call me

Arabella, I don’t deserve the title of professor.”

After all, she was younger than Mark.

Mark knew, calling her “professor” was his wishful thinking.

Years ago, in a highly complicated surgery, Mark was lucky enough to witness

Arabella’s medical prowess. Her surgical skills revived a life, leaving him deeply


Since then, he shamelessly started calling Arabella “professor”. Considering his

eagerness to learn, Arabella did give him some guidance from time to time.

But she never expressed the intent of accepting him as a student.Chapter 1078

“I can’t tell you how grateful we are that you’re willing to help, Professor, Mark

pled earnestly. “If you won’t accept any payment, we’d feel as if we’re taking

advantage of your kindness. Please, take something more to make us feel


Paying her more than necessary?

“Fine,” Arabella relented with a sly smile, ‘I’ll decide how much later.”

Arabella didn’t specify how much, but this reassured Mark. He believed that Old

Mrs. Griffith was going to be saved!

Enter title…

Half an hour later.

They arrived at a grand and beautiful mansion.

The mansion was a combination of a dozen buildings, surrounded by a

sapphire-blue lake, vast lawns, and an inviting swimming pool.

There was even a helipad.

Just standing at the entrance, one could sense the extraordinary wealth and

status of the owner.

This was no ordinary rich family.

The owner of such a mansion must hold a high position in society.

Six butlers in uniform greeted Arabella at the entrance with well-trained courtesy

and respect.

Upon hearing Mark had brought the Professor, Sampson, who was leisurely

sipping tea in the garden, got up and walked towards the entrance to welcome


His maid, a short-haired young woman, followed him. From a distance, she

spotted a slender, charming young woman entering the mansion.

The young woman wore her hair in a bun and had a strikingly beautiful face that

was hard to ignore. Her beauty and charisma were.

The short-haired maid was thrilled.

“Mr. Sampson, that’s her! The Solterra girl I told you about!”

She was the one who helped Old Mrs. Griffith when she had trouble breathing.

She reminded them that Old Mrs. Griffith was frail and needed extra care.

She said that those pills won’t help Aunt’s condition and suggested other


“Mr. Sampson, you found her?” The short-haired maid was overjoyed, “So, Old

Mrs. Griffith is going to be saved!”

“So, the Solterra girl who helped when Old Mrs. Griffith’s health deteriorated

after the bus accident is her?”

Sampson seemed a bit surprised, “Are you sure?”

“I’m absolutely sure! This face, how many like it could there be in the world? I’d

recognize her even if she turned to dust!” The short-haired maid greeted

Arabella happily as she arrived, “Hi, we meet again”

Arabella didn’t recognize her. She tried to recall, but couldn’t.

“I was the one screaming for help on the roadside when the bus accident

happened. You stopped and helped Old Mrs. Griffith,” the short-haired maid said

with a sincere smile, hopeful eyes on Arabella.

Ah, so it was her. Arabella remembered now.

She had been desperate.

No one was willing to stop and help.

She and the driver stood by the roadside, screaming for help.

So, it turned out Old Mrs. Griffith needed medical attention?

Arabella had checked Old Mrs. Griffith’s pulse at the time. The medical condition

was complex and required multiple medications. When the short-haired maid

asked for advice, Arabella couldn’t give her a specific Prescription.

Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition required constant adjustment of medication.

“I’m glad to see you again,” Arabella nodded at her, acknowledging her


The short-haired maid was overjoyed. She hadn’t expected their second

meeting to be like this. This girl was so gentle and polite. She was adorable.

“Professor, let me introduce you to my good friend, Sampson,” Mark introduced

with excitement. “Sampson, this is the amazing Professor I told you about. She’s

known as Dr. Bell in the medical area.Chapter 1079

So, this was Dr. Bell?

The same Dr. Bell who was famed for performing medical miracles?

Sampson was stunned. He didn’t expect that the wonderful doctor Mark

mentioned would turn out to be her.

She was so young, yet she was already an ace physician.

The short-haired maid was equally surprised. So, it wasn’t Mr. Sampson who

found her, it was Dr. Mark.

She must be pretty significant then.

Enter title…

No wonder she carried a medical bag around. She was a renowned doctor!


She was not only beautiful but also a well-known doctor.

If only Mr. Sampson wasn’t in his thirties, she’d definitely play matchmaker!

“We meet again,’ Sampson’s tone softened, his impression of the girl improving.

Now it was Mark’s turn to be surprised. He glanced at Sampson, then at

Arabella, and asked, “You’ve met before?”

“Mr. Sampson helped me and my friend out last night” Arabella stated succinctly.

“Last night, Miss Bell saved my life and even detoxified me,’ Sampson extended

his hand formally, “Thank you, Kelly.”

“Kelly is my friend. You can call me Arabella,’ Arabella was surprised to meet

him again in such circumstances.

She shook his hand, “Thank you for the nightshade”

Now it was Sampson’s turn to be surprised. So, her name wasn’t Kelly and she

wasn’t the Miss Piper from the Piper Group. So, he had given the nightshade to

the wrong person?

The assistant, standing aside, was also confused. Did they still need to

investigate her identity? He had seen her with Mr. Sampson’s sister who looked

somewhat similar. He thought Mr. Piper of the Piper Group had mixed up his


“So, is Arabella your real name?” Sampson asked, masking his surprise with a


“Yes, it is.”

“It’s a beautiful name.” Sampson gestured her to move ahead, “I’m sure you’re

aware of my mother’s condition, do you have any suggestions?”

At this point, Mark seemed to remember something. He blurted out, “Oh,

Professor. There was a medicine at a domestic auction called HeartEase. It was

created by a brilliant pharmacist. It’s said to be highly effective in treating heart


He continued, “Many patients, who were deemed untreatable by doctors,

improved significantly after using HeartEase. Although Old Mrs. Griffith’s illness

isn’t purely a heart disease, this medicine could potentially help some. So, I was

thinking of mixing HeartEase with a new medicine that I’m researching. Not sure

if it would help her condition.”

“Oh;’ Arabella listened to him and simply said, ‘That stuff won’t work for Old Mrs.


“Why not?” Mark asked, puzzled.

Sampson was equally confused, “I managed to get it last night.”

“Oh, that’s just leftover scraps from making HeartEase. It won’t significantly

help. Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition is a bit complex. It requires multiple


This revelation stunned everyone.

Mark stared at her incredulously, “Professor, are you the famous pharmacist,

Ms. Aria?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

Mark held his breath. So, it turned out he had bought her medicine last night.

Sampson was surprised but his respect for the girl increased. He hadn’t

expected her to be so versatile at such a young age, being Dr. Bell, Ms. Aria,

skilled, and even good at rolling dice. she was extraordinary.

Arabella asked casually, “How much did you spend on it last night?”

Sampson replied honestly, “Two million for a HeartEase pill, and half a million

for a bottle of HeartRevive.”

“You overpaid. Next time you can get a discount from me.” Chapter 1080

Through the grand living room, Arabella followed Sampson to the master

bedroom on the first floor.

The moment they walked in, they were greeted by the sight of a garden that

seemed to be right out of a fairy tale, visible through the large floor-to-ceiling


The room was set up as a cozy tea room, with a walk-in closet and an

expansive bathroom beyond, and only then did they reach the bedroom.

On the spacious luxurious bed lay a kind elderly woman, with various medical

devices by her side providing real-time updates on her health.

Enter title…

A caregiver and a servant stood quietly nearby. On seeing visitors, they stood

up and bowed respectfully.

“This is the famous doctor we’ve invited,” Sampson introduced Arabella,

glancing at the two women, “Tell her about any recent changes in Old Mrs.

Griffith’s condition.”

“Yes,’ the servants replied, showing great respect for Sampson. They turned to

Arabella and in unison called out, “Professor.”

“Just call me Arabella, she said, sitting down to hear their report. Her delicate

fair fingers reached out to take Old Mrs. Griffith’s pulse.

Mark held his breath in anticipation of his teacher’s verdict.

Sampson watched her too, his emotions slightly tense.

He had never expected that he would be able to invite Dr. Bell.

Previously, people said that Dr. Bell was elusive, and getting her to treat a

patient was as difficult as climbing to heaven.

Arabella always maintained a calm demeanor. After carefully taking the pulse,

she said softly, “It’s not a big deal.”

Sampson and Mark breathed a sigh of relief, their faces lighting up with joy.

The caregiver at the side was a bit surprised. Many experts had been helpless

in the face of the Lady’s illness, including Mark, who was known as a miracle


Arabella was the first to say that it wasn’t a big deal.

She looked to be only in her teens, and if it weren’t for her cool aura and

confident demeanor, one might suspect her of being a quack.

But, if she were a quack, how would she dare to deceive in front of Sampson?

All she could say was that the girl was very capable.

“We need to use multiple drugs.” Arabella asked for pen and paper and wrote

down three prescriptions, “These are the medicines that need to be made in the

first three days. I’ve noted the order, method, and duration. Just follow my


The servant quickly took the prescriptions and showed them to Sampson.

Sampson, seeing the vigorous and bold handwriting on the prescription, felt a

strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere.

He hadn’t expected the girl’s handwriting to be as extraordinary as her person,

so refreshing and elegant.

“Do as she says.” Sampson handed the prescriptions to the caregiver, having

complete faith in the medications prescribed by Arabella.

Mark quickly leaned in to see the contents. Having studied medicine himself, he

was amazed at the first prescription alone and praised it profusely.

“Genius! Why didn’t I think of combining these!” Mark marveled, utterly admiring,

“The prescriptions from Professor not only make the medicine work best but are

also very gentle for the patient. Unlike the medicines I prescribed earlier, which

caused side effects.”

He knew at the time that Old Mrs. Griffith would feel chest tightness and

bitterness in her mouth, and would easily fatigue after taking his medication, but

there was no better alternative.

He had also obtained Sampson’s approval at the time and, out of desperation,

used those medicines to temporarily keep Old Mrs. Griffith alive.

Later, when a bus rear-ended them, Arabella happened to lend a hand and

pointed out the side effects of those medicines on Old Mrs. Griffith. He didn’t

dare to continue giving them to her and immediately stopped.

But afterward, he couldn’t find a better substitute.

Luckily, he found Arabella, who had time to drop by.

Now that he saw Arabella’s prescriptions, he realized that his own skills were

simply inferior.

It seemed that he still had a long way to go in medicine.

“This is the medicine for the first three days. For the following prescriptions, I will

prescribe according to Old Mrs. Griffith’s physical condition and symptoms,

Arabella said.

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