The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 1041-1060

Chapter 1041

Arabella found herself puzzled. She skimmed through their past conversations,

but couldn’t find any agreed-upon secret code. Could it be that they had

arranged it privately without her knowing?

[Please state the code.] The stranger sent another message.

Arabella suspected that they might have sensed her confusion. She handed the

photo to Romeo, “Can you figure out where this place is?”

“Let me see.” Romeo took her phone. The photo captured a lakeside setting,

with no other significant clues except for a single pink camellia.

Enter title…

Using an app developed by his company, he managed to narrow down the

location to Summerfield. After he searched for similar sites, a few potential

matches appeared on the screen.

“These two locations are too far. From Summerfteld College, it would take at

least two hours to reach, so we can rule them out.” Arabella analyzed, “Of the

temaining three, two have camellias. Where could Joyce and Mavis be?”

It was hard to tell.

“We should get on the plane first.” Romeo took her hand, leaving the masked

man for Carl to handle.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The henchmen waited but received no code from the masked man.

Suspecting that he might be in danger, they decided to stick to the original plan

and brought Joyce and Mavis to the lakeside.

Tied up and dragging stones, the girls struggled to move, constantly stumbling

and falling.

With a shaky voice, Mavis pleaded, “Sir, we have no grudges against each

other. Why are you doing this? If it’s money you want, I can call my family for a

ransom of $1,000.”

Joyce was also scared, “If we’re to die, at least let us know why.

“Where have we offended you, or what is it that you want? At least tell us.”

The masked men ignored them, pulling them up and forcefully pushing them

forward each time they fell.

“Ouch.” Mavis fell again, her knee grazed by the stones. Another masked man

roughly pulled her up.

Although her arms and legs were bound, Mavis instinctively clung onto the

man’s clothes, “Please, tell us the truth before we die”

“Is someone ordering you to do this? Who is it? We’re about to die, we won’t be

able to hold anyone accountable, just tell us.”

No matter how Joyce and Mavis pleaded, the men remained silent.

Mavis was dragged to the lakeside, despite her struggles. “Let me go!”

Joyce darted forward and knocked the man aside. “Mavis, don’t be scared”

“Joyce, I don’t want to die.” Mavis sobbed, but then a sound echoed from the


The noise startled the masked men. They looked up to see a helicopter.

Could it be a rescue team?

The system on the helicopter quickly detected seven or eight figures on the

ground, indicating the presence of people.

“Could it be someone here to rescue us?” Mavis didn’t care anymore and

screamed at the top of her lungs, “Help! Please, help us!”

Her cries were drowned out by the noise from the helicopter, but it reminded the

masked men that they were running out of time.

As the helicopter was about to land, the strong wind forced the men to shield

their eyes. The wind was too strong, and the noise was deafening.

One of the masked men picked up Mavis’ stone, ready to throw it into the lake.

“No!” Joyce quickly got up and knocked him down.

He was furious and punched at Joyce, but Mavis saw it and rammed her head

into him. “How dare you hit my friend! I’ll kill you!”

Seeing the girls become more and more defiant, the masked men threw their

stones into the lake.

Mavis and Joyce were immediately dragged into the water by the weight of the

stones. Chapter 1042

The chopper was hovering just above the lake when Arabella, without a second

thought, ordered the cabin door to be opened and jumped out.

Joyce and Mavis were sinking fast, weighed down by rocks.

Arabella swam with all her might towards the deep, soon spotting the familiar

figures of Joyce and Bella sinking further into the lake.

Both Joyce and Mavis were bound by ropes, their struggle to stay afloat

becoming more and more futile as they held their breaths for what seemed like

an eternity. Would they die here?

Enter title…

Tears sprang to Joyce’s eyes. She had no understanding of how she ended up

in such a situation.

Her distress caused her to involuntarily gulp in a mouthful of water. The

suffocating feeling overwhelmed her, she was desperate for help, anyone to

save her.

Just when she had given up hope, she felt a tug on her rope. She widened her

eyes to see Arabella!

Arabella was cutting the rope that bound her to the rock, but the water slowed

her movements.

Tears streamed down Joyce’s face. She couldn’t believe Arabella was risking

her life to save her.

She wanted to cry out but held back, fearing it would make their rescue more


Suddenly, several people dived into the water, swimming towards them.

The fastest swimmer was Romeo, who helped cut the ropes off Joyce and then

tried to pull Arabella to the surface. But Arabella was insistent on saving Mavis.

Meanwhile, Romeo’s men swam towards Mavis, cutting her ropes and pulling

her away from the lake bed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they all managed to reach the surface,

gasping for fresh air.

Joyce was a whirlwind of feelings, her head spinning.

“Let’s get to shore first,’ Arabella said, guiding her towards the shore with

Romeo close by, offering help when possible.

Back on solid ground, Joyce was shivering from the cold and Mavis, who had

swallowed a lot of water, was still unconscious.

After chest compression from Arabella, Mavis coughed up water and clung to

Arabella, crying uncontrollably.

“Bella.” Mavis seemed oblivious to the others, sobbing, “Those men were so

cruel, tying rocks to us, punching us. Joyce’s face is all swollen.”

Looking at Joyce’s swollen face and broken lips, Arabella felt a pang of

sympathy, “Don’t worry, we’ll get back at them for this.”

“Who were they? They wouldn’t tell us anything, just pushed us towards the

lake. I even scraped my knees and they just grabbed me and then they hit us.”

Mavis was crying her heart out.

Arabella comforted her like a child, speaking softly, “It’s over now, let’s get out of


“Thank goodness you came, thank you for saving us.” Mavis clung to her,


Romeo noticed the deep trust and affection the girls had for Arabella. And the

way she comforted them was so gentle.

“Alright now, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” Arabella finally managed to soothe them.

Joyce threw herself at Arabella, “Bella, you came just in time. Thank you for

saving us”

If Arabella were a minute late, they would have drowned.

After they had calmed down, Arabella led them to the helicopter.

Romeo draped a blanket over Arabella, helping her dry her hair, “Be careful not

to catch a cold”

“I’m fineChapter 1043

“First, let’s get you to my place to change your clothes. You don’t want to catch a


The helicopter wasn’t like their private jets. It didn’t come with private bedrooms

or wardrobes. Romeo had them fly to the nearest resort at breakneck speed.

It was a resort owned by McMillian Corporation. The helicopter landed directly at

the resort, where staff members were already waiting in droves.

“Mr. McMillian, Ms. Bella!”

Each staff member had a clean, plush towel at the ready.

Enter title…

Romeo took a towel, draped it around Arabella, and whispered, “You go take a

hot shower and change your clothes. We’ve sent some up to your room already”

Knowing that she still had friends to look after, Romeo didn’t accompany her.

“Ms. Bella, ladies, please follow me,’ the resort manager personally escorted

them to the presidential suite.

On the way, Arabella called Mya, “We found them.”

Mya was so ecstatic she nearly jumped for joy, her eyes welling up with tears.

“It was Mr. McMillian who found you, wasn’t it? I knew it. With his resources,

he’s bound to find a way. Are they okay? Are they injured?”

“Just a few minor injuries” Arabella replied softly, “You’re clever. You guessed

what I was implying”

“At first I was completely stunned, I couldn’t remember what you had scribbled

on my back. It took me a while and several attempts to finally decipher it.”

“So, the real savior is you.”

Mya gripped her phone tighter, moved by the sentiment, “When are you guys

coming back? Are you on your way now?”

“We’ll be back in a bit? Arabella whispered, “You go ahead and grab something

to eat at the cafeteria, and remember, don’t leave the campus.”

Even though the bad guys were either dead or injured, it was always better to

be safe than sorry.

“Alright, I’ll stay on campus and wait for you guys.”

“Good, I’m hanging up now.”

Arabella arrived at the presidential suite, the manager bowed slightly, speaking

in an ultra respectful tone, “Ms. Bella, should you need anything at all, please

don’t hesitate to ring the bell. I am at your service 24/7. Here is the first aid kit

you requested.”

“Thank you,’ Arabella nodded, accepting the first aid kit and ushering the girls

into the suite.

Mavis was still shaken from the earlier scare. She saw the luxurious suite, and

remembered the man who was with Arabella earlier, who looked a lot like the

world’s richest man, Romeo.

And then she recalled that this resort was a McMillian Corporation property.

“Bella, that man earlier, could he be your boyfriend? Is his name Romeo?”

Mavis asked, still stunned by the presence of such an influential figure.

“Yes, you girls sit down, I’ll tend to your injuries, Arabella motioned for them to

take a seat on the couch.

Mavis was utterly shocked, “You’re dating Romeo?”

“What’s so surprising about that? Bella’s awesome, who else is more deserving

to be with Romeo than her?” Joyce chimed in before adding, “Bella, how did you

know we were in danger? And how did you know we fell into the lake?”

As Arabella dressed their wounds, she explained what happened.

But she left out the parts that involved Doom.

The fewer people who knew, the safer they were.

“So that’s what happened.” Joyce seethed after hearing the story, “To force you

to show yourself, they’d stoop so low.”Chapter 1044

“Bella, you said you inadvertently spoiled their plans, so they’re looking for

payback. They can’t find you, so they nabbed us to force you out.”

Joyce fretted, “Are you in some sort of danger then? What should we do?

Should we call the cops?”

Arabella wanted to tell her that things had escalated beyond the point where a

simple call to the police could fix everything. But some things were meant to be

kept to oneself, so while tending to Joyce’s knee wound, Arabella reassured her,

“Dont worry, this will all blow over soon.”

Enter title…

“With Mr. McMillian around, there’s nothing we can’t handle. Let’s just leave it to


After her declaration, Joyce turned her gaze back to Arabella, “Mr. McMillian

seems to care about you a lot. He was wiping your hair the whole journey, afraid

you’d catch a cold. He even wrapped you up in a blanket and had us flown to

the nearest resort. He wanted you to take a hot shower. Why don’t you go

freshen up?”

“Yes, my knee isn’t that serious.’ Joyce didn’t want Arabella to catch a chill while

tending to her wound.

But Arabella, feeling a bit guilty, started to apologize, “All this happened because

of me.”

“No, no, no. Don’t think like that. If they captured us, that means they see us as

a threat to you. That means we’re good friends! Being seen as your friends is

something to be proud of. We are not ashamed!” Joyce laughed, showing no

signs of blaming Arabella.

“Exactly, friends share the good times and the bad. Yes, I was scared and felt

hopeless when they threw us into the water. But when I saw you swimming

towards me, I was moved to tears.”

Joyce added, “The bad guys are at fault, not you. Don’t take this to heart.”

Arabella gave a grateful smile, deeply moved by their understanding.

After tending to their wounds, Arabella went to take her shower.

As the hot water cascaded over her, she noticed a few cuts on her arms and

legs. The pain was negligible to her. Looking up, she let the water wash over her


On the surface, it seemed like Doom’s influence was nearly eradicated. But how

many more hidden threats were there? How many more incidents like today’s

would occur?

She could save them once or twice, but could she do it a hundred times?

It was time to take quicker action.

However, some people were so well hidden that until they revealed themselves,

she wouldn’t know if they were friend or foe.

When Mavis was about to take a shower, she noticed the presidential suite had

a large outdoor hot spring tub.

The sight of the misty hot water and the beautiful mountain scenery left her


This was too beautiful!

If it weren’t for the wound on her knee, she would have loved to soak in the tub.

“Living like this is just too enjoyable.” Mavis was rooted to the spot, completely


“If you want to take a bath, you can. Just keep your injured leg out of the water”

“Right, why didn’t I think of that? Joyce, come with me!” Chapter 1045

Finally, unable to resist Mavis’s pleas, Joyce agreed to join her for a dip in the

hot tub.

“This is so relaxing.” Mavis closed her eyes, savoring the moment, “When I

make a fortune, I’m definitely bringing my mom here.”

Joyce chuckled, “You are a good daughter .”

“But my mom’s best friend conned her into being a guarantor for her loan.

She ran off with five hundred thousand dollars, and my mom’s factory was taken

away to pay off the debt. My mom had to pay back three hundred thousand

Enter title…

herself, “You know, when I was ten, three hundred thousand seemed like an

astronomical figure. My mom couldn’t reach her friend, so she had to work

multiple jobs to pay back the debt. It took a toll on her health. That’s why I want

to become a doctor, to help my mom get better.”

Hearing this, Joyce asked softly, “Did you manage to pay off the debt in the


“We paid back a little over a hundred thousand. Her friend was arrested for

fraud, and the loan company was exposed for shady dealings. So, the debt was

eventually written off. Later, my mom started an online shop, selling clothes she

designed. In my free time, I heip her pack orders and model her designs on

social media. Last month, I managed to give my mom a hefty bonus from my

earnings, and this month, I treated myself to a Louis Vuitton bag.”

Her cherished LV bag was left behind in a restroom at Summerfield College

when she was held hostage.

She wasn’t sure if she’d ever get it back.

“Don’t worry, Mya will get it back for us. I left my keychain in the bag.”

“By the way, Joyce, what do your parents do?”

Upon hearing this, Joyce turned gloomy.

“My dad runs a food company, mainly producing cookies and candies. My mom

passed away when I was very young.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up a sore subject.” Mavis apologized, “But your

family seems well-off.”

Joyce always dressed modestly, so everyone assumed she came from a

modest background.

“Since I turned eighteen, I haven’t used a cent of my family’s money, including

my college tuition. I earned it all through part-time jobs.”

“Why?” Mavis asked, puzzled.

“My dad married a new wife the year my mom passed away. She brought along

a pair of twins, who were the same age as me. That’s when I found out they’d

been together before my mom died. The twins are studying at our college.”

“What? Your dad was cheating even before you were born. That’s awful!”

Mavis was shocked and sympathetic, “You must really hate your dad, that’s why

you’re adamant about not using his money”

“Not exactly. That woman controls my dad’s money. When I was in high school,

paying tuition always involved listening to her nasty comments.”

Mya felt even sorrier for her.

“So, I don’t go home anymore and don’t ask them for money. I don’t even

consider that man my father.’ After sharing her story, Joyce felt a sense of Telief.

Apart from Mya, she had never told anyone else about this. Chapter 1046

Arabella and Kelly were often not in the dormitory, so Mya became her best


If anything happened, she would be the first one to tell Mya.

“So why did you choose to study medicine?” asked Arabella.

“Because my mother passed away due to unsuccessful resuscitation. That

feeling of losing a loved one and being in deep sorrow was painful. I hope as

few people as possible have to experience it. If I can learn more skills, I can

save more people, and there won’t be more families torn apart by illness.”

Enter title…

“You’re just like Bella, aiming so high.” Mavis sincerely admired, “! believe in

you, you will definitely become an amazing doctor in the future!”

“You too, let’s work hard together.” Joyce encouraged her.

After taking a shower, Arabella stood by, hearing their conversation, she was

teminded of a long time ago during military training, when Joyce had red eyes

and seemed absent-minded.

Had Joyce been bullied back then, but chose to bear it in silence?

If that was the case, her situation was somewhat similar to what Arabella had

experienced in the Murphy family.

Arabella couldn’t help but feel sympathetic. Gently, she knocked on the glass


“Bella!” Joy saw her and instantly lit up, “Do you want to join us in the hot tub?”

“Come on, it’s so relaxing here. Let’s chat!” It was a rare opportunity, so Mavis

extended an invitation to Arabella.

Arabella gave a light smile, “I’ve showered”

“You can still join us after your shower. We just finished sharing our secrets”

Before Mavis could finish, Arabella interrupted with a smile, “I heard everything.”

Mavis was surprised but also laughed, “You’ve been standing there since the

beginning? Now it’s your turn. What does your family do? Any secrets you can


Joyce, knowing Arabella’s special status, promptly changed the topic, “I bet you

want to dig into her relationship with Romeo.”

“Exactly, I’m dying to know how you and Romeo ended up together. Did you

chase after him or did he pursue you? Who fell in love first?”

Mavis could barely contain her curiosity, “Someone like Romeo, a big-shot,

actually appearing in our lives and he’s so close to me! The key point is, he’s

nothing like the rumors. He’s so attentive and gentle towards you.”

Arabella sat next to the hot tub, smiling, “What are the rumors about him like?”

“I heard he’s quite stern and strict with his subordinates, not really amiable”

Joyce added, “It must have been Romeo who fell in love first! With Bella’s

personality, there’s no way she would chase after him. Just look at how Romeo

dotes on her, Bella must have been so outstanding that Romeo couldn’t resist

falling for her.”

“So how long have you and Romeo been dating? When will you meet the

parents? If the relationship is stable, would you marry him?” Mavis couldn’t help

but ask.

Marry him??

Arabella hadn’t thought that far ahead, but if the relationship was stable, “I

suppose I would”

Upon hearing Arabella’s answer, Mavis burst into mischievous laughter, “Bella,

you’re blushing. Have you never thought about marriage?”

“Really?” Arabella touched her face, which didn’t feel hat at all, it must be the

heat from the hot tub.

“You are indeed blushing! You look so cute when you blush. If I had my phone

with me right now, I’d snap a picture of you and sell it to Romeo!”Chapter 1047

“Mavis, you’re such a tease,’ Joyce splashed her with water.

“So, when are you guys meeting the folks?” Mavis couldn’t help but ask.

“They’ve already met. But remember, it’s a secret. You can’t tell anyone when

we get back,’ Joyce warned.

“Relax, I won’t spill the beans about Bella’s love life. But I’m curious, what’s it

like to date a billionaire? Do you dine in upscale restaurants, booking the whole

place, and take spontaneous romantic trips?”

As Mavis was daydreaming, Bella chuckled, “Pretty much.”

Enter title…

“Did I really quess it?”

Just then, Bella’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out and was surprised to see it

was a voice call from Barry. He rarely contacted her.

When she picked up, she heard Barry’s voice on the other end, “Bella, I heard

Joyce got into some trouble. You went to save her, is she okay? I tried calling

her multiple times but she didn’t answer.”

Bella could hear the worry in his voice. She smiled, “She’s right here, I’ll let her

talk to you.”


Bella handed the phone to Joyce. After their conversation, Bella teased, “So, are

you two dating?”

“No way.” Joyce quickly explained, “It’s just that during the military training,

Noreen pushed me into the water, and Barry saved me. We added each other

on WhatsApp and have been chatting quite often.

“I heard Barry’s family is super rich, they have deep roots in Summerfield. So

many girls in our school fancy him! He’s tall, handsome, cool, and aloof. He’s

like a dreamy prince charming. When are you going to date him?” Mavis


“He hasn’t pursued me.” Joyce’s face turned a deep red.

“He’s so concerned about you. He even called Bella when you didn’t answer.

This shows he cares about you a lot. If he asks you out, would you go?”

Joyce confessed, “I’ve never thought about that.”

“Well, you better start thinking,” Mavis couldn’t help but say, “He’s a keeper.

Rich, handsome, and genuinely cares about you. Those are rare.”

“We’ll see.” Joyce’s face turned even redder.

Mavis burst into laughter. Arabella joined in with a soft chuckle. She saw a

WhatsApp message from Romeo and stood up, “I’ll step out for a bit. You guys

carry on.”

“Must be Mr. McMillian. those in love are so lucky. Having someone think about

them all the time.” Mavis sighed, “Makes me want to be in a relationship too.”

Joyce’s face was still burning. She remembered Barry messaging her on

WhatsApp every day for the past month, inviting her out.

Could he be interested in her?

Meanwhile, Arabella had just stepped out of the presidential suite when she was

lifted up by Romeo.

Before she could understand what was happening, Romeo said, “I should’ve

noticed sooner. I didn’t realize you were injured.”

Arabella thought about the small cuts on her leg and arm. She laughed, “I

must’ve grazed some rocks when I was getting out of the water. No big deal” Chapter 1047

“Mavis, you’re such a tease,’ Joyce splashed her with water.

“So, when are you guys meeting the folks?” Mavis couldn’t help but ask.

“They’ve already met. But remember, it’s a secret. You can’t tell anyone when

we get back,’ Joyce warned.

“Relax, I won’t spill the beans about Bella’s love life. But I’m curious, what’s it

like to date a billionaire? Do you dine in upscale restaurants, booking the whole

place, and take spontaneous romantic trips?”

As Mavis was daydreaming, Bella chuckled, “Pretty much.”

Enter title…

“Did I really quess it?”

Just then, Bella’s phone vibrated. She pulled it out and was surprised to see it

was a voice call from Barry. He rarely contacted her.

When she picked up, she heard Barry’s voice on the other end, “Bella, I heard

Joyce got into some trouble. You went to save her, is she okay? I tried calling

her multiple times but she didn’t answer.”

Bella could hear the worry in his voice. She smiled, “She’s right here, I’ll let her

talk to you.”


Bella handed the phone to Joyce. After their conversation, Bella teased, “So, are

you two dating?”

“No way.” Joyce quickly explained, “It’s just that during the military training,

Noreen pushed me into the water, and Barry saved me. We added each other

on WhatsApp and have been chatting quite often.

“I heard Barry’s family is super rich, they have deep roots in Summerfield. So

many girls in our school fancy him! He’s tall, handsome, cool, and aloof. He’s

like a dreamy prince charming. When are you going to date him?” Mavis


“He hasn’t pursued me.” Joyce’s face turned a deep red.

“He’s so concerned about you. He even called Bella when you didn’t answer.

This shows he cares about you a lot. If he asks you out, would you go?”

Joyce confessed, “I’ve never thought about that.”

“Well, you better start thinking,” Mavis couldn’t help but say, “He’s a keeper.

Rich, handsome, and genuinely cares about you. Those are rare.”

“We’ll see.” Joyce’s face turned even redder.

Mavis burst into laughter. Arabella joined in with a soft chuckle. She saw a

WhatsApp message from Romeo and stood up, “I’ll step out for a bit. You guys

carry on.”

“Must be Mr. McMillian. those in love are so lucky. Having someone think about

them all the time.” Mavis sighed, “Makes me want to be in a relationship too.”

Joyce’s face was still burning. She remembered Barry messaging her on

WhatsApp every day for the past month, inviting her out.

Could he be interested in her?

Meanwhile, Arabella had just stepped out of the presidential suite when she was

lifted up by Romeo.

Before she could understand what was happening, Romeo said, “I should’ve

noticed sooner. I didn’t realize you were injured.”

Arabella thought about the small cuts on her leg and arm. She laughed, “I

must’ve grazed some rocks when I was getting out of the water. No big deal” Chapter 1048

“I’ll take you to get this sorted.” Romeo cradled her in his arms as he made his

way to another penthouse suite.

The manager on duty this floor caught sight of them, his eyes bulging in

surprise. Mr. McMillian was rumored to be a private man, so it was quite a shock

to see him so affectionate with a young girl.

Could the whispers be true? Was Mr. McMillian secretly dating someone?

Was this girl the one he was rumored to be dating?

She didn’t look more than seventeen or eighteen, probably still in high school.

Enter title…

Mr. McMillian certainly didn’t seem to mind.

Not having time to contemplate the situation further, the manager hastily walked

over to them, pulling out his master key card to unlock another suite.

“Fetch the first-aid kit,’ Romeo instructed, his voice calm.

“Yes, sir”

Only then did the manager notice the faint scratches on the girl’s shin. Upon

closer inspection, they seerned to be just a few minor cuts, probably from small

stones or the like.

The manager thought, “Oh, how vulnerable these young girls were nowadays.

A tiny scratch and she needed Mr. McMillian to carry her. She couldn’t even walk

on her own. Such a spoiled girl.”

As Romeo entered the room, he noticed the manager’s lingering gaze and

turned back to ask coldly, “Still staring?”

“I was just checking Miss Bella’s injuries to see if we need more medical

supplies. I’ll go get them right away.” The manager, scared out of his wits,

hurriedly left.

Romeo placed Arabella gently on the couch, noticing the scratches on her shin

and arm.

This girl was always getting hurt. He would have to look into getting some sort of

on-the-go first aid kit.

“Don’t worry, they’re just minor scratches, Bella assured him with one glance.

“It’s nothing serious”

“You always say it’s nothing.” Romeo looked at her injuries, his mind flashing

back to when she’d plunged into the lake to save someone. Despite his frantic

efforts to reach her, she’d swum faster than him. Thankfully.

He remembered the fear that gripped him as he chased after her, terrified that at

any moment she might disappear from his sight.

“Next time, try not to get hurt, okay?” Although Romeo knew that Arabella

always put herself in harm’s way without a second thought, he still wanted to

hear her promise to be more careful. Every scratch avoided was a victory.

Arabella smiled at him. “Are you worried?”

“Yes, every time I see you hurt, I wish the injuries were on me instead”

Romeo crouched down, cradling her injured foot. “Look at your soft delicate

skin. These cuts will take days to heal.”

“This kind of pain is nothing to me. It’s like a tickle. If it worries you, I’ll be more

careful next time.”



Moved and overjoyed, Romeo leaned in, gently pressing his lips against hers.

“Mr. McMillian, I’ve got the first-aid kit!” The manager burst in like a whirlwind,

stopping short when he saw Romeo and Arabella kissing. He regretted his hasty

entrance, realizing he’d interrupted a tender moment.

Romeo glared at him mildly. “You’re quite quick.”

“I, Lwas just concerned about Miss Bella’s injuries.” The manager quickly set

down the first-aid kit. “I’ll leave you alone now. Call me if you need anything.”

Watching the manager retreat hastily, Arabella couldn’t help but laugh. “You

scared him off again”

“He has no sense of timing.” Romeo opened the first-aid kit and carefully placed

Bella’s injured foot on his lap. He attentively cleaned and bandaged her wounds.

Watching him diligently tend to her injuries, Bella teased, “You’re getting quite

good at this.”

“That’s because you keep getting hurt.” Romeo was gentle and careful with his

ministrations. He looked up at her, his handsome face filled with concern. “Does

it hurt?”Chapter 1049

Arabella shook her head.

“The resort stocks only the usual over-the-counter medicines. They don’t have

any special stuff. Some might sting your wound, if it hurts, let me know. I’ll have

someone fetch some different ones.”

“No need to go to all that trouble.” Arabella smiled, “I’ll be heading back soon.”

“You’re already here. Why don’t you invite your friends for dinner before you

leave?” Romeo wrapped up the wound on her calf, then disinfected the one on

her arm.

Enter title…

Holding her soft hand, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of discomfort seeing the

wound on her delicate fair skin.

Arabella thought of her two friends enjoying the hot springs. By now, they must

be starving.

“Alright, we’ll grab something to eat before we leave.”

There probably won’t be much to eat when they return to the campus.

After Romeo finished dressing her wounds, he pulled her into a warm embrace.

“I haven’t seen you much these past few days.” He looked into her eyes, a hint

of regret in his voice. “You’ve been really busy.”

“Aren’t we together now?” Arabella smiled at him. “Get up. The floor is cold.”

Romeo remained kneeling on the floor, greedily inhaling her scent, unwilling to

let her go.

Arabella lightly patted his back. “The hairpin you gave me is really useful. I’ll

always keep it with me.”

“I’d prefer if you kept me with you.” Romeo lowered his gaze to look at her, once

again succumbing to the urge to kiss her lips.


Joyce, helping a limping Mavis, found them in this intimate moment, and was

instantly stunned.

She quickly recovered and said, “We must have gotten the rooms mixed up.

Manager, could you show us the way? We were enjoying the hot springs in

which room again?”

The manager outside the door was confused. Weren’t these girls just asking him

for directions to find Ms. Bella?

Ignoring Joyce’s frantic eye signals, he heard Arabella’s voice from inside the


“Let’s all go grab a bite to eat.”

Romeo looked at the girl in front of him, struggling with a sudden longing for

some alone time with her.

“No need, we’re not hungry.” Mavis didn’t want to intrude. She realized now why

Arabella had excused herself from the hot springs earlier. She’d come to be with


The image of Romeo kneeling and kissing Arabella filled Mavis with a rush of

envy. She had no idea the two were so attached in private.

And the surprising part was, Romeo wasn’t the overbearing CEO type, but more

like a lovestruck puppy in private. His affectionate demeanor was incredibly


In comparison, Arabella was like a queen, sitting back and enjoying his


“You guys carry on, we’ll head back. We haven’t finished our hot spring bath.”

Mavis, still limping, hurriedly pulled Joyce away.

“Your friend said we could continue.” Romeo once again leaned in to kiss

Arabella, their passion deepening.


Joyce and Mavis returned to their presidential suite, hearts still racing.

For the uninitiated in love, the scene they’d just witnessed was shockingly

intimate and sweet.

“Bella is so impressive, capturing such an outstanding man. Romeo’s eyes were

full of her just now. It’s clear, he really likes her.” Mavis commented sincerely. Chapter 1050

“I think it’s Bella’s own excellence that attracted the equally remarkable Romeo

to her. Haven’t you noticed? They both surpass their peers by a mile; Joyce

shared her perspective.

“Bella certainly outshines us all. How does she do it?” Mavis couldn’t help but

wonder. “For me, trying to carve out a future in medicine seems so challenging,

like there’s no end in sight. Yet, Bella already demonstrated her surgical skills in

today’s competition: This only happened because the med students from

Summerfield College baited Arabella into showing off her skills on stage.

Who knew what other skills she was keeping up her sleeve.

Enter title…

“Bella is unique and talented. She was spotted by a mentor at a very young age

and she’s put in more effort and time than most people, which is why she’s

achieved so much. If you ever need help with anything medical, don’t hesitate to

ask her. She’s always happy to share her knowledge.”

Hearing Joyce say this, Mavis couldn’t help but say, “I’m so envious that you get

to share a dorm with her. My roommates are the worst. One of them constantly

watches reality TV shows on her tablet at full volume, another never does her

laundry or showers, leaving her clothes to rot and stink in the bin, and yet

another loves to gossip behind people’s backs.”

“Well, why don’t you ask your advisor to switch dorms? I find our roommates

quite easy to get along with. Although Bella and Kelly are usually not in the

dorm, leaving just Mya and me, we make a great team when it comes to tackling

any problems.”

Hearing this, Mavis became even more envious, “Can I come hang out with you

guys for dinner or class when Bella and Kelly are not around?”

“Absolutely!” Joyce enthusiastically invited her. “Even when Bella and Kelly are

back, you’re always welcome.”

Just then, Arabella knocked on the door and smiled, “Let’s go grab something to


“Bella, are you done?” Mavis’ eyes lit up when she saw her, “Is that a hickey on

your neck?”

Joyce also couldn’t help but laugh and added, “And your lips are swollen.”

“Romeo really went for it, huh? Didn’t leave anything behind. Impressive.

“Do you guys enjoy gossiping?”

“With you like this, It’s hard not to.” Mavis couldn’t help but hold Arabella’s hand

like a concerned parent, “Romeo’s feelings for you are obviously intense. I think

you two should get engaged. He’s Romeo after all. Someone might snatch him


“So you’re saying I’m not as good as him? Should I propose to keep him?”

Arabella raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

“Of course not, I’m just saying in case. In case some vixen tries to seduce him,

using some underhanded methods. You can guard against one or two, but not

hundreds. It’s always best to strike first.”

“That’s up to him to decide,’ Arabella said with a smile, “No amount of guarding

can prevent that.”

“No, no, no, I still think.”

“Why don’t you worry about yourself!” Joyce interrupted her, taking Arabella’s

other hand and continued the gossip, “Come on, tell us. Who made the first


Just as they were leaving the penthouse, they saw Romeo standing outside,

seemingly waiting for a while.

Mavis and Joyce’s faces froze instantly. Why was Romeo here?

They all turned to look at Arabella, who had a sly smile on her face. Was Romeo

waiting outside since Arabella showed up?

Mavis was at a loss for words. She had just told Arabella to get engaged to

Romeo in order to prevent any vixens from snatching him away.

Had Romeo heard everything?

And Joyce was also feeling a bit embarrassed. She had just asked Arabella who

made the first move when they were kissing. Chapter 1051

“What a cheeky question! It’s okay to gossip about it in private, but now the

person in question heard it”

“I was just gossiping aimlessly.” Joyce was at a loss for words.

“Me too. Don’t take what I said seriously.” Mavis was worried that Romeo would

think less of her and not let her be friends with Arabella anymore.

“No worries, it’s just a friendly joke among classmates. To be honest, Joyce, I

think your suggestion is quite thoughtful. Maybe Bella could consider it”

Romeo looked at Arabella with an indulgent smile.

Enter title…

Mavis was stunned. Could it be that Romeo agreed with her suggestion?

Did that mean he actually hoped to be engaged to Bella?

That would mean he really liked Bella, wouldn’t it?

Oh my God, why did this feel so sweet?

“It’s always been me taking the initiative between Bella and I.” Romeo turned to

Joyce, satisfying her gossip-loving heart.

Joyce was taken aback. She didn’t expect Romeo to answer such a question.

She was both surprised and thrilled. Oh my God.

“You go ahead first.’ Arabella stepped forward, “We three are injured, and we

need to walk slowly.”

“Do you want me to carry you?”

“Keep your distance.”

Arabella thought he was doing it on purpose, letting her classmates know how

close they were.

“Well, I’ll go downstairs first.” Romeo looked at her with a smile, tousled her hair,

and turned to the two girls behind Arabella. “I’ll leave Bella in your care.”

“No problem; Joyce replied subconsciously.

After Romeo left, Mavis couldn’t help but exclaim, “Oh my God! I’m still in a

daze, Bella. Romeo is so good to you. He listens to you, and does whatever you

ask him to do!”

“And the way he was just now, answering our questions. He’s so obedient.”

Joyce too couldn’t hold in her excitement.

The two of them gossiped all the way to the restaurant downstairs which was

completely reserved.

There was an array of delicious dishes on the table. Joyce and Mavis were

stunned. Wasn’t this a bit too extravagant?

“Bella, we can’t eat all this.” Mavis felt it was such a waste. There were at least

twenty dishes, right?

“with Romeo here, even if he doesn’t order this much, the resort manager would

definitely prepare this much,’ Arabella explained.

Romeo’s status was evident, and this resort belonged to him. Who would dare

to serve his guests with only a few dishes?

“But where is Romeo? Isn’t he eating?”

Just as Joyce was wondering, the manager stepped forward to explain, “Mr.

McMillian is dining elsewhere. He thought his presence would make you


“Oh my God, he’s so considerate” Chapter 1052

Romeo wasn’t around, so Joyce and Mavis could eat to their heart’s content.

“Mmm, this is delicious. Is it coated with salted egg yolk? It smells so good.”

Mavis always shared the tastiest bites with Arabella.

When Joyce came across something scrumptious, she’d share it with Arabella

too. “Such a pity, If only Nydia was here, she’s such a foodie.”

“No problem, we can pack some for her.”

“Bella, you’re the best! But won’t we embarrass you? Won’t the manager think

we’re like starving ghosts reincarnated, acting as if we’ve never seen good food

Enter title…


Not only were they feasting like kings, they were also planning on taking some


“Sharing good food with friends is nothing to be ashamed of.” Arabella didn’t see

a problem and even showed her support, “If there’s anything else you like, I can

have it packed for you.”

“Bella, you’re too kind”

In the end, they left with full bellies, and the manager had the kitchen prepare

some extra dishes for them to take away.

A helicopter ride back to school would have been too conspicuous, so Romeo

arranged for a car to wait for them at the resort’s entrance.

Knowing that Arabella was taking her classmates home, Romeo gently cradled

her face and said, “Let me know once you’re done with school stuff, and I’ll

come pick you up.”


“Doom’s gang will likely make a move soon, so stay cautious.” Romeo looked

into her bright eyes, warning her, “If there’s danger, find a way to contact me like

you did today.”

“I got it”

“Try not to get hurt.” Romeo continued, still holding her face, “Take care of your

wounds, don’t let therm get wet, and change the bandages later.”

Arabella couldn’t help but laugh at his fussing.

Romeo caught on to her amusement and chuckled, “Am I nagging too much?”


Romeo leaned down to give her a quick peck on the lips, his eyes filled with

reluctance, “Alright, you should go now.”

Arabella finally got in the car.

Romeo personally closed the car door for her, reminding her to message or call

him once she arrived.


Arabella knew he had to deal with the guys they caught today, so she motioned

for him to get back to work.

“So, Mr. MeMillian, shall I depart now?” The driver was eager to start the car, but

wasn’t sure if Romeo was done with his instructions.

“Make sure you get them safely back to school” Romeo advised, “Drive slowly

on the way.”

“Okay, Mr. McMillian”

Arabella waved at him, and it wasn’t until Romeo’s figure had shrunk to a dot in

the distance that Joyce and Mavis began to tease her.

“Bella, Romeo really cares for you, he’s giving so many instructions for such a

short journey.”

“1 feel like even our driver, Hans, is feeling the pressure, I can teil he really

cares about you.”

“You better call him once we get back.”

Half an hour later.

As soon as Arabella got back to school, she received a call from Grandpa Beck.

“Hey, Arabella, where are you? We’ve made some progress on Carol’s antidote.

I’ve had a major breakthrough”

Chapter 1053

The voice of him echoed through the phone, “Huh, kid, you thought you could

stump me so easily?”

Arabella couldn’t help but chuckle, “I’ll be there in a bit”

She had barely hung up the phone when she saw Barry, Adair, and Mya racing

towards them.

“Bella.” Barry and Adair greeted Arabella in unison, both panting, as if they had

just heard some news and had hurried over to meet them.

Arabella nodded in acknowledgment.

Enter title…

Barry’s gaze immediately fell on Joyce’s face, “What happened to your face?

Who hit you?”

“I tripped and hurt myself.”

“Liar. That clearly looks like a punch. Who was the lunatic who laid hands on

you?” Barry barely touched Joyce’s injury when she winced in pain and let out a

stifled gasp.

“Who the hell did this?” Barry looked angry, as if he was both sympathetic and

ready to stand up for Joyce at any moment.

Recognizing his concern, Arabella knew he must have feelings for Joyce. She

softly added, “The guys who did this have already been dealt with by my men.”

“Why did they attack Joyce?”

“Why do you have so many questions? It’s so annoying!” Joyce stomped her

foot and walked ahead.

Barry followed her, “You’re injured and can’t I even ask? What are you carrying?

Let me hold it.”

Joyce refused, but Barry snatched it from her anyway, “Even when you’re hurt,

you’re hoarding food. You’re such a foodie.”

“You’re the foodie! This is for Nydia.”

“Have you had dinner yet?”

“We just had, Bella treated us to a feast!”

“Was it good? Can I have some?” Barry wanted a taste of the feast she was

talking about.

“No, all of this is for Nydia””

As they continued to bicker, Mya covered her mouth in shock as she listened to

Mavis quietly share the details of their abduction.

Only Adair stayed by Arabella, “Bella, what’s going on?”

“Some people have been causing trouble for me. They couldn’t find me, so they

kidnapped Joyce and Mavis. Tell Barry to be careful. If possible, look after Joyce

and Nydia for me: “Who dares to mess with you?” Upon hearing this, Adair

rolled up his sleeves, “Bella, tell me who they are. I’ll deal with them.”

“They’re not ordinary people.” Arabella didn’t elaborate further, “Just be careful.

If you notice anything strange, call me.”

“But Bella, what about you?”

“I can protect myself”

“Alright, Barry and I will look after Joyce and Nydia. Be careful.”

“I’m heading to the lab first.”

Seeing the other two still bickering and Mavis and Nydia deep in conversation,

Arabella decided to head to the lab alone.

Adair didn’t understand why Bella spent so much time in the lab. But he’d heard

about how she led a team to a competition at Summerfield College today. Her

surgical and suturing techniques had left all the judges in awe.

She must have honed these skills in the lab.

As Arabella opened the door to the lab, she heard the excited voice of Grandpa

Beck, “Bella, come here and check this out. The upgraded detox pill is

interacting with the toxic blood. See, the toxins are disappearing bit by bit.”

Arabella moved closer to the apparatus and watched as the two substances

reacted and the toxins indeed started to fade.

“Yes! This is the result of several days of my research. When the upgraded

detox pill meets this toxin, it’s like a downpour meeting a fire. Watch closely, this

fire is about to be extinguished.” Grandpa Beck’s excitement was palpable, and

then his laughter abruptly ceased.Chapter 1054

“Wait a second. Why is this last bit of poison not totally cleaned out.”

Grandpa Beck bulged his eyes, looking incredulously at the stubborn spot on

the screen. Despite the vigorous attack from the upgraded detox pill, this spot

remained entirely unmoved, not shrinking or disappearing.

Arabella analyzed, “It appears that even the enhanced detox pill can’t entirely

eradicate the poison in Carol’s body. But, compared to the previous versions of

antidotes, this one seems to be an improvement”

“This is not possible. I clearly removed all the toxins in this morning’s

experiment. Could the toxins regenerate?” Grandpa Beck went back to review

Enter title…

the experiment process.

“It’s also possible that a certain ingredient in the antidote can’t entirely suppress

and eliminate this kind of toxin. If the toxins can regenerate, it means we need

to adjust the components of our antidote again.”

Arabella had already put on her lab coat, ready to start the experiment. Her

phone vibrated at this moment. Checking it, she saw a call from an old


“Professor Bell, I have a patient here and 1 was hoping you might take a look”

The caller’s tone was obscure, treating Arabella with a delicacy and respect, “It’s

my friend’s mother. I wouldn’t bother you if the situation wasn’t so difficult.”

Without a second thought, Arabella declined, “I’m sorry, I can’t make it. I’m too


She had too much on her plate right now.

Plus, the Doom’s forces kept a close watch on her, exploiting every opportunity.

If she went, she might implicate an innocent family.

“I understand that you are very busy. I was moved seeing my friend cry, so I

dared to ask for your help. The patient’s condition is becoming increasingly

difficult, and I’m out of ideas concerning medication. I would appreciate it if you

could help, even a word or two would mean a lot to me and my friend.”

The caller seemed to eagerly await Arabella’s help.

There were too many people in the world who needed her help, but she was

only one person and she couldn’t save everyone.

With the compassion of a doctor, Arabella finally said, “Send me the medical

records. I’ll take a look when I have time.”

“Thank you, Professor Bell, I’ll send them to your email.’ The caller thanked her

profusely for a while before saying, “I’m looking forward to your reply.”

Right after Arabella hung up, Jack called.

“Boss, based on Dennis’s description, we’ve been investigating large

households with French-style architecture from a decade ago. Through various

comparisons and checks, we’ve narrowed it down to thirty-nine households. Are

we going to collect hair samples from all of them?”

“What do you think?”

“What if among these thirty-nine households, one is indeed Carol’s biological


Would she return to her roots?

Given Carol’s status, could she even return to her original home?

Perhaps she might not even be allowed in the front door.

Like the boss, she might encounter a crazy bitchy sister after identifying her


“That’s not for us to consider.’ Arabella calmly analyzed, “We’re just helping

Carol find her biological family. Whatever happens next is beyond our control.

Whether she goes back to her original family or not is up to Carol.”

“Once I have results, I’ll tell you immediately.”Chapter 1055


“You sure get a lot of calls, kiddo. I might just finish this report by the time you’re

done.’ Grandpa Beck chuckled, pointing at the screen as he spoke, “Look at

this, the toxin is regenerating. I knew it! This morning’s experiment showed the

toxin eliminated. How could it regenerate? As you suggested, something in the

antidote might not suppress the toxin but instead provoke it. This could be a

significant finding.”

“I suddenly remembered an old medical textbook you had me read as a child.

It mentioned an ingredient that could inhibit the growth of toxins.”

Enter title…

“Of course! How could I have forgotten about that?” Grandpa Beck exclaimed

joyfully, “Seems like having you scribble notes as a child paid off”

Arabella smirked, “In addition to scribbling notes, I recall a few other things.”

“Oh no, let’s not bring up the past.” Grandpa Beck feared she’d bring up old

grievances. “When you were a child, you were so adorable. I couldn’t help but

be fond of you. But I couldn’t just let you be. I had to be a bit stern while

teaching you. You wouldn’t have improved otherwise.”

Grandpa Beck laughed slyly.

Arabella raised an eyebrow, “Just a bit stern?”

Grandpa Beck hastily replied, “I was never like those other grumpy old men. I

never physically punished you. The worst I did was make you copy medical

texts or recite them upside down.”

Arabella nodded with interest, “Anything else?”

“No, no. That was it. Let’s not dig up the past. Your friend Carol’s health is more

important.” Beck sounded a bit guilty.

As he turned away to continue his work, Arabella chuckled, “Grandpa, I will

always remember the kindness you and the other grandfathers showed me.”

“No, no.’ Grandpa Beck dropped his tools in surprise, quickly turning to explain,

“Don’t remember the times I was stern with you. Remember the times I was


Arabella tried to hold in a laugh, “I didn’t mean to hold a grudge.”

“That’s good. You scared me there. You were so talented as a child. We all

wished you’d succeed immediately. We worried a lot about you. Now that you’re

successful, you’ve attracted a lot of trouble. You will indeed be envied by

others.” Grandpa Beck couldn’t help but worry.

Arabella knew he was referring to the Doom incident, “Don’t worry, Grandpa.

It will be over soon.”

“You’re an adult now. You make your own decisions. I know I can’t persuade

you. But as long as I’m alive, I’ll do everything I can to protect you.”

Watching his back as he rambled on, Arabella felt a surge of emotion.

Without these grandfathers teaching and guiding her, she might have been just

an ordinary girl.

“I don’t need your protection anymore.” Arabella smiled, her eyes shining with

confidence, “I can protect you now: Grandpa Beck turned around, his eyes

welling up with tears. He was surprised to see Arabella being unusually mature.

He wiped the corner of his eyes and turned back to his work.

“Find out where we can get that ingredient. If you find some, bring me a few.”

Arabella was already on the phone, giving instructions.

Grandpa Beck quickly wiped away his tears and went back to his experiment.Chapter 1056

It was late into the night.

The lights of the Reflections Villa had dimmed, no longer as stunningly opulent

as before, only leaving a few dozen passage lanterns, emitting a warm yet faint


The villa was eerily quiet, everyone had already retired for the night. Martha left

her room, ensuring there was no one around, she took a detour and arrived at

another room. Before turning the knob, she looked around cautiously.

Seeing no one was following, she quickly entered and locked the door behind


Enter title…

The man inside noticed her arrival, his voice filled with reproach, “Why are you


“I’ve looked around, no one’s following me.”

Martha poured herself a glass of water. After gulping it down, she angrily

crumpled the disposable cup.

“A cheap tart, thinking she’s so important’ The man’s eyes flashed with a hint of

murderous intent, apparently extremely dissatisfied with Alma’’s actions.

“Isn’t that right? I can’t swallow this anger!” Martha said angrily, “She bullied

Serena again and again. She really treats Serena like a pushover!”

“For these kinds of things, just send me a WhatsApp, no need to come all this

way.” The man said, reminding her.

“I just missed you.” Martha suddenly came closer and embraced him, showing a

hint of a girlish demeanor, “You haven’t come to see me in months.”

It seemed that ever since Serena’s college entrance examination and summer

vacation, he didn’t show the same enthusiasm as before.

The man was somewhat resistant to her approach, saying coldly, “Stop it, we

have important things to do”

“Yes, it’s late and quiet. We should do something important.’ Martha began to

undo her nightgown.

The man quickly fastened it back for her, “Hurry back, if someone found out.”

“No one will find out.’ Martha said, suddenly noticing a hint of pink fabric under

the covers?

She couldn’t believe it. As if realizing something, she wanted to rush over and


“It’s time to go.” The man pushed her, not letting her near the bed, “Rest early.”

Martha angrily stomped on his foot. Taking advantage of his pain, she rushed

over to lift the blanket.

Underneath, a completely naked panicked woman set Martha’s anger ablaze.

It was the newly hired maid, Nina.

“Very good, you little tart. You even seduced my man.” Martha went straight to

hitting her.

“Ah, Martha, I didn’t know Erik was your man.” Nina covered her face in pain,

quickly begging for mercy, “If I knew, I would never have gotten into his bed:

“Watch how I deal with you, you shameless little tart!” Martha hit her fiercely,

choking her, “You like to play innocent. When Mr. Collins won’t fall for it, you

moved your wicked thoughts to Erik!”

Nina screamed in pain.

“Martha, stop it!”

This time, Erik angrily pulled Martha off the bed.Chapter 1057

With her hair undone and her body trembling, Martha pointed at Erik in a fit of

tage. “Erik, have you no conscience? Who have I been toiling for all these

years? How dare you do such a thing! Either let me vent my anger today by

beating this little hussy and kicking her out, or I’ll go to Mrs. Collins and tell her

everything about what happened back then!”


“Do you think I won’t do it?”

Martha’s hysterical ranting made Erik feel like a deflated balloon. In the end, he

just stood there, silent, casting a blind eye on the scene.

Enter title…

Martha knew he had backed down. She rushed forward to confront the mistress,

relentlessly pinching her and slapping her across the face.

“You little tramp, just because you’re young and attractive, you think you can

seduce anyone you want? I’ll teach you a lesson today!”

“Ah. stop hitting me, Erik, help me.’ Nina struggled, and in the process,

accidentally knocked off Martha’s wig.

She froze instantly, tears welling in her eyes, “So, everything Erik said was true.

You really are bald.”

“You little tramp.” Martha was infuriated and started hitting her even harder.

After a while, the sound of a car reached their ears.

Nina, who was being beaten helplessly by the window, noticed Arabella driving

back home.

In a hurry, she said, “It seems like Ms. Bella is back! Martha, let me go, Ms.

Bella is always smart, if she hears us.”

Martha looked out and indeed, it was that annoying Arabella. She couldn’t have

chosen a worse time to come back!

She pinched Nina even harder, “Whatever you heard tonight, keep it to yourself.

Find an excuse to resign tomorrow and if I find out you have any other ideas.”

“No, no, I’ll resign tomorrow and I won’t say a word I’m not supposed to. I will

leave, taking all the secrets with me!”

A murderous glint flashed in Martha’s eyes. She pushed Nina away, shot a

fierce glare at Erik, and then turned to leave.

Arabella parked the car in the garage and then took the elevator to the first floor.

Today, she received news from Kelly that Nightshade will be auctioned off at an

underground auction in Zion City. Only their old members could enter, and they

had to verify their assets before entering.

Kelly was a regular at all the big auction houses and was a VIP member, so she

could bring friends along. But she had something to take care of, so after

bringing Arabella in, she had to leave. Therefore, Arabella planned to make a

trip to Zion City tomorrow, to attend the auction tomorrow night and bring back


She wanted to go home and pack some things, but as soon as she stepped out

of the elevator, she saw Martha sneaking back into the living room.

“Ms. Bella, you are back.”

Martha’s tone seemed to carry a hint of sarcasm.

Arabella looked at her coldly. “What are you sneaking around here for in the

middle of the night?”

“Ms. Bella, you are joking. What can a servant like me do so late at night?

Instead, all the young ladies are asleep at this hour. Why are you coming home

so late?”

Arabella caught the sarcasm in her words and replied coldly, “Idle people should

go to bed early. There’s no point in wandering around here in the middle of the

night. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were sneaking around.”

Martha seemed a bit annoyed. “Ms. Bella, let’s talk.”

“Talk about what?” Arabella responded coldly. “Should we talk about why you

keep wearing a wig? Or should we talk about the hidden story between you and

Serena?” Chapter 1057

With her hair undone and her body trembling, Martha pointed at Erik in a fit of

tage. “Erik, have you no conscience? Who have I been toiling for all these

years? How dare you do such a thing! Either let me vent my anger today by

beating this little hussy and kicking her out, or I’ll go to Mrs. Collins and tell her

everything about what happened back then!”


“Do you think I won’t do it?”

Martha’s hysterical ranting made Erik feel like a deflated balloon. In the end, he

just stood there, silent, casting a blind eye on the scene.

Enter title…

Martha knew he had backed down. She rushed forward to confront the mistress,

relentlessly pinching her and slapping her across the face.

“You little tramp, just because you’re young and attractive, you think you can

seduce anyone you want? I’ll teach you a lesson today!”

“Ah. stop hitting me, Erik, help me.’ Nina struggled, and in the process,

accidentally knocked off Martha’s wig.

She froze instantly, tears welling in her eyes, “So, everything Erik said was true.

You really are bald.”

“You little tramp.” Martha was infuriated and started hitting her even harder.

After a while, the sound of a car reached their ears.

Nina, who was being beaten helplessly by the window, noticed Arabella driving

back home.

In a hurry, she said, “It seems like Ms. Bella is back! Martha, let me go, Ms.

Bella is always smart, if she hears us.”

Martha looked out and indeed, it was that annoying Arabella. She couldn’t have

chosen a worse time to come back!

She pinched Nina even harder, “Whatever you heard tonight, keep it to yourself.

Find an excuse to resign tomorrow and if I find out you have any other ideas.”

“No, no, I’ll resign tomorrow and I won’t say a word I’m not supposed to. I will

leave, taking all the secrets with me!”

A murderous glint flashed in Martha’s eyes. She pushed Nina away, shot a

fierce glare at Erik, and then turned to leave.

Arabella parked the car in the garage and then took the elevator to the first floor.

Today, she received news from Kelly that Nightshade will be auctioned off at an

underground auction in Zion City. Only their old members could enter, and they

had to verify their assets before entering.

Kelly was a regular at all the big auction houses and was a VIP member, so she

could bring friends along. But she had something to take care of, so after

bringing Arabella in, she had to leave. Therefore, Arabella planned to make a

trip to Zion City tomorrow, to attend the auction tomorrow night and bring back


She wanted to go home and pack some things, but as soon as she stepped out

of the elevator, she saw Martha sneaking back into the living room.

“Ms. Bella, you are back.”

Martha’s tone seemed to carry a hint of sarcasm.

Arabella looked at her coldly. “What are you sneaking around here for in the

middle of the night?”

“Ms. Bella, you are joking. What can a servant like me do so late at night?

Instead, all the young ladies are asleep at this hour. Why are you coming home

so late?”

Arabella caught the sarcasm in her words and replied coldly, “Idle people should

go to bed early. There’s no point in wandering around here in the middle of the

night. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were sneaking around.”

Martha seemed a bit annoyed. “Ms. Bella, let’s talk.”

“Talk about what?” Arabella responded coldly. “Should we talk about why you

keep wearing a wig? Or should we talk about the hidden story between you and

Serena?” Chapter 1058

At the mention of this, a shade of unease crossed Martha’s features, her hand

unconsciously fluttering up to smooth down her hair.

This small gesture did not go unnoticed by Arabella, only serving to confirm her

suspicions. Just as she had suspected, Martha was indeed wearing a wig.

The living room was dim, the only source of light being the faint glow filtering in

from the garden lamps outside. It gave the room an eerie feel, setting one’s

nerves on edge.

Martha hadn’t expected Arabella to have been investigating her, let alone be

privy to certain information.

Enter title…

How could this be? How did Arabella find out about those well-guarded secrets

from the past? Or was Arabella just bluffing, fishing for a reaction without

actually possessing any concrete evidence?

“The one outside, come in. I know it’s you,’ Arabella called out, her words

causing the person lurking outside to hold their breath in a sudden wave of


Martha glanced uneasily towards the door. “Miss Bella, I think you may be

mistaken. There’s nobody outside”

“Oh, do you think that by hiding, I wouldn’t know who you are? Erik, your acting

skills are subpar at best. Did you really think you could fool me in my own

house?” Arabella retorted, her voice cold as ice as she gazed in their direction.

“I’m not in the mood for a game of hide and seek. If Serena wants to continue

living here, then she better behave herself.”

After all, she would only be here for a few more years before getting married

and moving out. Out of sight, out of mind.

“But if you continue with your little schemes…”

“What schemes?” Martha interjected, feeling wronged. “Miss Bella, you’re

making accusations without any evidence. How can you treat people like this?”

“Serena’s sudden change in behavior. You’re telling me that you had nothing to

do with it? She was on the right path, and you led her astray. Not only that, but

you involved innocent people too.”

“Miss Bella, you’re overthinking this. What happened in the past was just a

coincidence. If you don’t believe me, you can investigate it yourself.”

“Listen here, my patience is wearing thin. This is your last warning.” With that,

Arabella turned on her heel and headed upstairs.

Martha watched her retreating figure, a chill settling in her heart. Why did it feel

like Arabella, despite her young age, seemed to know everything.

The person hiding outside didn’t dare to reveal themselves, fearing they would

be caught red-handed, and swiftly made their escape.

Martha clenched her fists. No more delays, she had to act now!


Louisa was having a restless night, vaguely hearing the sounds of an argument

in the distance.

Soon after, a phone call jotted her awake. Seeing that it was her mother calling,

she hurriedly answered.

“Mom, what brings you to call me today?” She slipped out of bed, tiptoeing to

the balcony as she spoke in hushed tones.

“Louisa, darling, the sun is shining so brightly today, it reminded me of the day

you were born. It was a day just like this, clear and bright. I just couldn’t resist

calling you. I hear that it’s 12 hours ahead over there. Are you sleeping now?”

“No, Kenneth and I haven’t gone to bed yet. How are you feeling lately, mom?”

Louisa asked, concern lacing her voice. Chapter 1059

“Yesterday, I noticed your brother’s eyes were all red and puffy. Things must not

be going well. But they didn’t tell me.’ The elderly woman on the other end of the

phone chuckled, her tone light and carefree as if she had accepted her fate. “A

while back, I saw a girl who looked just like you.”

She’d had a flare-up of her illness at the time and couldn’t take a good look.

By the time she woke up and asked her caregiver, she was told the girl was just

a passerby who had helped her.

The girl looked exactly like Louisa when she was young.

Enter title…

“Mom, are you missing me? Kenneth and I were just thinking of visiting you.

Are you still in Dawnstar?” Louisa asked, concern etching her voice.

“Yeah, I moved to Lidaria this month. They say there’s a brilliant doctor here

who’s saved a lot of lives. Maybe he can help with my condition, though I don’t

have much hope.”

The elderly woman had grown weary from her long battle with the illness, the

light in her eyes dimming.

“Mom, you can’t think like that.” Louisa’s voice was strained, “Tomorrow I’ll ask

my brother. If the doctors there can’t help, maybe someone from our family can”

“Our family? Do we have a doctor?” The elderly woman sounded surprised, then

laughed, “Oh, you mean Clark. How’s he doing? Is he busy with work?”

“Mom, Clark’s a forensic scientist, I was talking about.” Louisa stopped, torn

between wanting to share her thoughts and fearing the impact on her mother’s

health. But she couldn’t resist mentioning Bella, whose medical skills had saved

so many people. She was sure Bella could help!

“Let’s do this, tomorrow we’ll head to Lidaria. We’ll arrive the day after and then

we can talk. Prepare yourself.

“What kind of doctor is so mysterious that you and Kenneth need to make a

special trip? I might not be in Lidaria for long, I might need to move again.”

“No, we haven’t seen you in a long time. You’ve been unconscious, and my

brother’s been taking you around looking for treatment. Kenneth has been

saying he wants to visit you. That’s settled, we’ll come tomorrow.”

“Louisa, you really don’t need to go to all this trouble.”

At her words, Louisa’s eyes filled with tears. She covered her mouth to keep

from sobbing, struggling to keep her emotions in check.

Kenneth noticed her on the balcony, talking on the phone. He quickly grabbed a

robe to drape over her.

It was December, and the wind outside was so cold it hurt.

Seeing his wife on the verge of tears, Kenneth rushed to her side, rubbing her

back and guiding her inside.

“Alright Mom, we’ll leave it at that for now. Have your lunch and take a nap,

Kenneth and I will leave tomorrow and be there the day after. If you’re not

feeling better by then, I’m going to have a word with my brother!” Louisa

managed to laugh at her own joke.

The elderly woman laughed along, “Alright, I’ll be waiting. You kids are so


After hanging up, Louisa quickly messaged her brother on WhatsApp to ask

about their mother’s condition, and then shared the news with Kenneth.

Things didn’t seem promising.

“Why don’t we bring Bella with us?” Kenneth suggested.

It would be a good opportunity for them to formally meet, and Bella could also

help with the diagnosis.

“We’ll just have to see if Bella has the time. We’ll ask her tomorrowChapter 1060

Early the next morning, Kenneth and Louisa were up and about, sitting in the

living room, their eyes occasionally darting upstairs.

Seeing their attention constantly divided, Edith couldn’t help but ask, “Are you

waiting for Ms. Bella to wake up?”

Louisa nodded, “We thought we’d have breakfast together.”

“Ms. Bella left before dawn with a backpack on her shoulders. It looked like she

was planning a long journey.”

Enter title…

“Bella’s already left?” Louisa expressed surprise. It was barely past seven in the

morning. Where could the young girl be heading off to with her bag packed?

“Do you think she might have gone to school? Did she pack some clothes to

change into?” Kenneth offered, “Why don’t you give her a call?”

If nothing was going on at school, maybe she could take some time off and join

them abroad.

Louisa dialed Arabella’s number, only to be met with the automated voice

message: The number you have dialed is currently switched off.

“We should get going,’ Louisa turned to Kenneth, “My brother mentioned last

night that mom’s condition isn’t promising. I’m anxious about any unforeseen

circumstances, so I’d like to see her as soon as possible.”

“I was hoping Bella could take a look. Maybe there’s a chance for improvement?

Let’s wait a bit longer. Bella might be in class and unable to answer her phone.

Why don’t you send her a message?” Kenneth held onto a glimmer of hope in

his daughter’s medical skills.

Louisa sent another text, waiting in silence for two hours. Arabella’s phone

temained off. Eventually, she stood up and said, “Let’s head abroad. Once Bella

replies, if she can, I’ll ask her to join us there.”

“Sounds good; Kenneth placed a comforting hand on his wife’s shoulder, “Don’t

worry too much. I’ll get in touch with a few more doctors and ask them to meet

us abroad to help mom: Louisa looked at him appreciatively. Ever since her

mother fell ill, her husband had been going out of his way to help, both

financially and otherwise. There was simply nothing to fault him on.

Over the years, she had been pampered by her husband to the extent of living a

carefree life.

Meanwhile, Arabella sat in the first class cabin of a plane, going through the

medical records Mark had sent her. With over thirty pages of complicated

medical history, her patient’s condition was indeed a tough nut to crack.

If they were aiming for full recovery, it was going to require multiple medications

and a lengthy process. As she perused the documents, she remained oblivious

to the messages and calls from Louisa.

In Lidaria, a gentleman sat somberly in his own garden. Despite being in his

thirties, his chiseled handsome face and distinctive aura still radiated a strong

personal appeal.

“Sir, don’t be too upset.” a pixie-haired servant attempted to comfort him, “Mrs.

Griffith will surely overcome this hurdle. She’s a survivor.

“That girl you encountered last time, are you sure she’s a Solterra?”

Sampson’s attractive gaze fell on the servant.

She nodded in affirmation. Last time, when she and the driver were taking Old

Mrs. Griffith for her check-up, their car got rear-ended by a bus. Old Mrs.

Griffith suffered a heart attack and it was a passing Solterra girl who came to

their aid.

“She’s stunningly beautiful, the kind that would easily stand out in a crowd.

She has her hair tied up in a bun and carries a rather aloof demeanor. She

doesn’t talk much and I’ve never seen her smile. But there’s a genuine kindness

in her voice”

The servant could still recall Arabella’s distinct features. Her exquisite face and

elegant demeanor were unforgettable. If only she were more skilled with her

hands, she would have loved to draw a portrait of her.

“She’s truly remarkable. She administered a few acupuncture treatments and

Old Mrs. Griffith was able to breathe again. She even knew that Old Mrs.

Griffith was fragile and advised us to be extra careful when caring for her.”

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