The Princess and the Paupers Novel Full Episode

Chapter 1081-1100

Chapter 1081

“We can’t prescribe all the medications at once. We’ll have to adjust the regimen

based on how Old Mrs. Griffith responds.”

Sampson, overwhelmed with gratitude, reached out and shook hands with her

once more.

“I can’t thank you enough. You have lifted a long-standing worry from my mind.”

Recently, he had been taking his mother to different doctors, with no

improvement in her condition. The burden was heavy, for he could not account

to the rest of the family.

Enter title…

All this was brought about by the girl standing before him. This was what they

called hope, right?

“Doctor, if Old Mrs. Griffith’s condition improves in three days and the

medications work, how long will it take for her to fully recover?”

“Between one to three months, depending on the situation.”

If they avoided surgery, the recovery period would be longer.

Surgery could speed things up but it would depend on her overall health and

whether she could withstand the operation.

On hearing this, Sampson felt a sense of dread. However, with this girl on their

side, he believed she could handle any situation.

“Alright, thank you, doctor.” Mark felt somewhat reassured after hearing the

doctor’s advice. “Do you have any plans after this? If you’re free, I can have

Sampson arrange accommodation for you. You could stay here for the time


“Yes, just stay here. Make yourself at home.” Sampson added warmly.

“I have some matters to attend back home.”

After all, Carol’s condition was more severe than Old Mrs. Griffith’s. If a cure

was not found soon, she might not hold on much longer.

“What about Old Mrs. Griffith’s follow-up treatment?” Mark asked again.

“In three days, let me know how she’s doing and I’ll instruct you privately on her

medication, Arabella said, standing up. “I’ll take my leave now.”

She had promised her mother that she would meet them today.

She wondered why her mother had suddenly asked her to travel abroad to see


“Are you in such a rush? I was hoping to take you out for a meal as a token of

our gratitude.” Sampson seemed reluctant to let her go.

But Arabella glanced at the wall clock and said softly, “Maybe next time.”

Her phone vibrated then. She took it out and saw it was a call from Jack.

“Boss, the company that Alberto Rollins left you has been infiltrated by our

people. Everything is running smoothly.” His subordinates are very loyal.

Knowing how much Mr. Rollins favored you, they are accepting of your takeover.

The old directors and shareholders have been supporting you in the company. I

mean, maybe we should find some time to show up at the company? After all,

you haven’t appeared there since you took over”

Every time Arabella thought about the hot summer after her college entrance

examination and the moment Grandpa Alberto left her sight, her heart ached.

“I’ll find some time to go, she said quietly.

“Great, I’ll let the directors and shareholders know that you’ll be visiting them

soon. It will give everyone a morale boost. When are you returning home?”

“Probably tonight, or tomorrow.”

“Alright, everything is normal back home. Our people have been guarding

Reflections Villa and Riverside Villa, and no suspicious individuals have been


“Okay, got it, bye.” After hanging up, Arabella noticed Sampson and Mark were

waiting for her.

It could be seen from her conversation that she always seemed busy.

What kind of person was this girl? She didn’t seem like an ordinary person at all.Chapter 1082

“I heard from Mark that you enjoy a good cup of tea. How about we skip the

meal and have a few cups of tea before you leave?” Sampson suggested


Arabella could see that he genuinely wanted to thank her from the bottom of his

heart, so she agreed, “Sure.”

Asmile spread across Sampson’s face. He led Arabella to the garden where the

best tea and pastries were being served.

Mark, who was accompanying them, sincerely thanked Arabella for her

compassionate care.

Enter title…

At that moment, the villa’s majestic front doors slowly opened, and eight

uniformed servants hurried out to welcome the incoming quests.

Arabella followed their gaze and saw a black car parked outside the entrance.

The driver opened the car door, and a man and a woman stepped out.

“My sister and her husband are here; Sampson said.

He had sent someone to pick them up from their hotel that morning, and they

were finally here. He knew they’d be thrilled to know that their mother’s condition

could be treated.

Sampson grinned, deciding to keep them in suspense for a bit longer. “You’ll be

surprised when you see my sister. You two look strikingly similar.”

“I’ll go welcome them. Wait here; Sampson stood up, smoothed out his suit, and

walked towards the entrance.

Mark also rose to his feet. “I’ll go say hello too. I’ll be right back.”

“Sure, go ahead,” Arabella nodded. Once they were out of earshot, she pulled

out her phone to reply to Romeo’s text.

As Louisa was led into the villa by the eight servants, she glanced at the garden

to her right and saw a young woman sitting at a table, engrossed in her phone.

“Is that my brother’s girlfriend? Whose daughter is she?” she asked one of the

servants, unable to hide her excitement.

The servant replied, “She came with Dr. Mark this morning. She’s his mentor.”

“She seems quite young. A mentor?” Kenneth chuckled, “Well, we don’t need to

worry about my brother’s future anymore.”

“It’s quite a relief? Louisa confessed, a smile playing on her lips. “With five sons

at home to look after, and a brother abroad, it’s good to see him finally settling


“Louisa, Kenneth,’ Sampson greeted, hugging both of them warmly.

“Mark, you’ve worked hard,” Louisa said, exchanging pleasantries with him.

Then, leaning in close to Sampson, she asked, “Be honest, who is that girl

sitting over there? Is she the one you mentioned before?”

Sampson chuckled, realizing his sister had misunderstood something. But he

decided to keep it a secret for a bit longer. “Come with me, and you’ll see.”

He couldn’t wait to see the look on Louisa’s face when she realized how similar

Arabella looked to her.

“And wait till you hear that Mom’s condition can be treated, all thanks to this

young woman. I can’t wait to see your reaction.”

“Let’s go. I want to see her, Louisa said. Planning to meet the girl as a parent,

but as she got closer, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity about the

young woman.

Just then, Arabella got a call. She stood up to take it, and her silhouette caught

Kenneth’s eye.

“She does remind me of Bella” he admitted.

“You think so too?” Louisa was surprised. “I was just thinking her fashion sense

is very similar to Bella’s.Chapter 1083

“Who’s Bella?” Sampson asked, clearly puzzled.

Arabella quickly finished her phone call and turned around. Louisa and Kenneth

stared at her in disbelief.

Sampson, seeing the expressions on his sister and brother-in-law’s faces, was

about to introduce Arabella when Louisa blurted out, “Bella, what on earth are

you doing here?”

“Mom?” Arabella looked surprised, then turned to Kenneth, “Dad? What are you

two doing here?”

Enter title…

“What did you just call them?” Now it was Sampson’s turn to be surprised.

When did his sister and brother-in-law have a daughter?

Even Mark, who was standing by, had wide eyes. What was going on?

“Mark asked me to come here and treat his friend’s mom. I was nearby, so I

came,’ Arabella explained, and then turned to her parents, “And you two?”

“You’re not referring to his mother, are you?” Louisa pointed at her brother.

Arabella nodded, a bit confused.

“That’s your uncle! His mother is my mom, your grandmother!”

At Louisa’s words, both Arabella and Sampson looked surprised. Uncle?

Grandma? This was a lot to take in.

Sampson was stunned. When did he get a niece? And she’s all grown up?

What was happening?

Kenneth managed to say, “Let’s sit down and talk this through.”

Louisa quickly explained the fire at the clinic years ago, how Bella was taken by

the Murphy family, and how Serena wasn’t their biological child.

Shocked, Sampson now understood why he felt a strange sense of familiarity

the first time he met Arabella, even a sense of closeness.

Subconsciously, he always felt she had some connection with his sister, even

wanted to investigate her.

“Because you’re usually busy, and you’re abroad, and Moms illness has been a

great burden, I was afraid if I told you and you told Mom, it might worsen her


So Louisa thought she’d keep it a secret for a while, until their mother’s

condition improved.

At the time, Bella had just been recognized, and Louisa didn’t want to announce

her identity to friends and family all at once. It was to avoid overwhelming Bella

with visits and to give her and Kenneth more time with their daughter. Moreover,

it was because the health of the elders in both families wasn’t good, and she

was afraid they would be upset.

“So how did you meet Bella? Did Mark introduce you?” Louisa asked her


Sampson replied honestly, “I saw her in a restaurant before and thought she

looked a lot like you. Then I saw her again on the cruise last night. She not only

saved me, but also helped me detox.”

When Louisa heard about the dangerous situation from last night, her heart

pounded in her chest, “You were being hunted down last night? Who did it? Who

dares to act so recklessly on your turf?”

“Thankfully Bella was there. She even calculated the time of the knockout gas,

which helped me find the mole quickly.”

Arabella was surprised to hear this. So the incident last night was caused by a


She also thanked him, “Uncle Sampson, you helped me and Kelly escape the

siege, and you gave me a very valuable medicinal herb.” Chapter 1084

Upon hearing this, Louisa was taken aback.

Her brother, he wasn’t one to just give things away, let alone such valuable


Only if he really admired and appreciated the girl would he be so generous.

So, their precious daughter had gained her uncle’s approval and affection before


Louisa was both happy and puzzled, “Bella, what do you need that for?”

Enter title…

“Someone close to me is sick and this is just the herb they need.” Arabella didn’t

mention the issue with Carol, preferring to let Clark confess to his parents


“Bella, have you had your grandma check it out? Is her condition tricky?”

Kenneth asked with concern.

Sampson smiled warmly, “Bella has already prescribed the medication for the

first three days. If all goes well, Mom should be completely better in one to three


“Really?” Kenneth and Louisa exclaimed in unison, they knew this child would

have a solution.

“I knew it, there’s no ailment in the world that can stump you. Every patient that

comes to you, no matter how serious, always seems to pull through.” Kenneth

was all smiles, earning him a pinch on the thigh from Louisa.

He nearly let out a yelp, and realized he had misspoke. He glanced at Bella, and

saw a flicker of sadness pass through her eyes as if she was reminded of

something from the past.

Kenneth quickly apologized, “What I mean is, your medical skills are superb,

there’s nothing you, Ah no, that’s not what I meant. I was just trying to

compliment you.”

“It’s okay” Arabella smiled lightly. It had been such a long time, she wasn’t going

to dwell on the past. She knew her Grannie Grace would be heartbroken to see

her upset.

“I’m just happy because your grandmother’s illness has been tricky, and despite

seeing many doctors, there hasn’t been any improvement. It’s a relief you have

a solution!”

Louisa quickly took Arabella’s hand and said gently, “You’ve done a great job.

You’ve done your best for every patient, and you have nothing to be ashamed


Sampson guessed that Bella must have encountered a patient she couldn’t save

in the past, someone very important to her. That was why Kenneth and Louisa

were so protective of her feelings.

Even Dr. Bella had patients she couldn’t save?

How desperate and heartbroken she must have felt.

Because she had reached the pinnacle of her profession, and if she couldn’t

save them, then other doctors must be at a complete loss.

That kind of despair was like falling into a bottomless pit, with no one to pull her


The poor little girl had to bear such pain at such a young age.

“Bella, your parents will be staying at your uncle’s house for a few days. Why

don’t you stay as well, at least long enough to see your grandmother?”

Sampson invited sincerely.

“Yes, stay with us for a few days and see your grandmother.” Louisa agreed, “I

hope you’ll stay too.”

“You mentioned earlier that you had other things to take care of. See if you can

rearrange them, even staying for just one or two nights.” Sampson really liked

his niece and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, looking for

opportunities to treat her well.

“It’s quite a coincidence that we bumped into each other. It must be fate.”

Kenneth chuckled, also hoping his daughter would stay, “We can all leave

together when it’s time.”

Arabella thought for a moment, then nodded, “Alright.”

“Great.” Sampson was thrilled. He called the butler over, whispered a few

instructions, and soon the entire staff of the house appeared in a neat line.

Sampson beckoned Arabella to his side, exuding the air of a family patriarch. He

looked at the dozens of servants and introduced Arabella very seriously, “This is

my niece, Arabella. Fromm now on, treat her as you would me, with utmost

respeChapter 1084

Upon hearing this, Louisa was taken aback.

Her brother, he wasn’t one to just give things away, let alone such valuable


Only if he really admired and appreciated the girl would he be so generous.

So, their precious daughter had gained her uncle’s approval and affection before


Louisa was both happy and puzzled, “Bella, what do you need that for?”

Enter title…

“Someone close to me is sick and this is just the herb they need.” Arabella didn’t

mention the issue with Carol, preferring to let Clark confess to his parents


“Bella, have you had your grandma check it out? Is her condition tricky?”

Kenneth asked with concern.

Sampson smiled warmly, “Bella has already prescribed the medication for the

first three days. If all goes well, Mom should be completely better in one to three


“Really?” Kenneth and Louisa exclaimed in unison, they knew this child would

have a solution.

“I knew it, there’s no ailment in the world that can stump you. Every patient that

comes to you, no matter how serious, always seems to pull through.” Kenneth

was all smiles, earning him a pinch on the thigh from Louisa.

He nearly let out a yelp, and realized he had misspoke. He glanced at Bella, and

saw a flicker of sadness pass through her eyes as if she was reminded of

something from the past.

Kenneth quickly apologized, “What I mean is, your medical skills are superb,

there’s nothing you, Ah no, that’s not what I meant. I was just trying to

compliment you.”

“It’s okay” Arabella smiled lightly. It had been such a long time, she wasn’t going

to dwell on the past. She knew her Grannie Grace would be heartbroken to see

her upset.

“I’m just happy because your grandmother’s illness has been tricky, and despite

seeing many doctors, there hasn’t been any improvement. It’s a relief you have

a solution!”

Louisa quickly took Arabella’s hand and said gently, “You’ve done a great job.

You’ve done your best for every patient, and you have nothing to be ashamed


Sampson guessed that Bella must have encountered a patient she couldn’t save

in the past, someone very important to her. That was why Kenneth and Louisa

were so protective of her feelings.

Even Dr. Bella had patients she couldn’t save?

How desperate and heartbroken she must have felt.

Because she had reached the pinnacle of her profession, and if she couldn’t

save them, then other doctors must be at a complete loss.

That kind of despair was like falling into a bottomless pit, with no one to pull her


The poor little girl had to bear such pain at such a young age.

“Bella, your parents will be staying at your uncle’s house for a few days. Why

don’t you stay as well, at least long enough to see your grandmother?”

Sampson invited sincerely.

“Yes, stay with us for a few days and see your grandmother.” Louisa agreed, “I

hope you’ll stay too.”

“You mentioned earlier that you had other things to take care of. See if you can

rearrange them, even staying for just one or two nights.” Sampson really liked

his niece and wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, looking for

opportunities to treat her well.

“It’s quite a coincidence that we bumped into each other. It must be fate.”

Kenneth chuckled, also hoping his daughter would stay, “We can all leave

together when it’s time.”

Arabella thought for a moment, then nodded, “Alright.”

“Great.” Sampson was thrilled. He called the butler over, whispered a few

instructions, and soon the entire staff of the house appeared in a neat line.

Sampson beckoned Arabella to his side, exuding the air of a family patriarch. He

looked at the dozens of servants and introduced Arabella very seriously, “This is

my niece, Arabella. Fromm now on, treat her as you would me, with utmost


“Yes, sir” The staff bowed in unison, then turned to Arabella and greeted her

respectfully, “Hello, Ms. Bella.”

“Hello, everyone.” Chapter 1085

Facing this crowd of staff, Arabella didn’t flinch. It was as if she was used to

such grandeur and her presence towered over everyone else.

Sampson could tell, this kid was definitely not ordinary. Such a young age and

yet, her presence was already so powerful.

He patted his niece on the shoulder, speaking in a tone of tender affection,

“Bella, from now on, this is also your home. Feel free to visit whenever you


“Thank you, Uncle Sampson.”

Enter title…

“Silly girl, don‘t be a stranger. I’m your uncle after all.” Sampson then instructed

his staff to prepare the largest room for Arabella to rest. Meanwhile, he sought

to catch up with his sister and brother-in-law about his niece’s situation.

Once settled, Arabella called Grandpa Beck to briefly fill him in on what had


Chuckling, Grandpa Beck said, “My dear, it’s all in the hands of fate. Destiny

brought you to meet your uncle and even save your grandmother. It’s all about

family, one way or another, you’ll always reunite. Just like a carousel, you will

eventually come full circle”

Arabella also found the concept of fate fascinating. No wonder she felt an

inexplicable sense of familiarity when she first met Sampson.

It turned out that he was her real uncle.

“Don’t worry about Carol’s illness. I’m already on it and I promise to have a

solution in a few days.”

With Nightshade, everything else was manageable.

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

“No trouble at all, sweetheart. I’ve got plenty of time on my hands, it’s nice to

have something to do. You stay there as long as you need and spend time with

your family. You’re always so busy disappearing for months at a time. Now your

uncle will have to wait for your visits.” Grandpa Beck laughed heartily.

After a bit more small talk, Arabella ended the call.

The room Sampson had set up for her took up half of the third floor, providing an

excellent view. The scenery was captivating.

Standing on the balcony, she could see her parents and uncle, still sitting where

they had been, deep in conversation.

The wind gently stirred her long hair and the servant, coming to deliver her

toiletries, froze at the sight.

This girl was breathtakingly beautiful, and so refined.

There was an air of grace and elegance about her that was utterly captivating.

Arabella noticed someone behind her and turned to see the friendly servant with

short hair.

“Ms. Bella, you are really beautiful.” The servant, May, put down the toiletries

and said cheerfully, “I was thrilled to hear you are Mr. Sampson’s niece. If you

need anything, just let me know.”

“May.” Arabella repeated her name and said softly, “Thank you.”

“You’re too kind, Ms. Bella. From the moment I saw you, I really liked you! Your

medical skills are amazing, and you’re so beautiful, not like any other rich girls.”

With that, May couldn’t help but ask, “Can I take a picture with you?”

Arabella smiled and nodded.

Delighted, May quickly took out her phone, “Don’t worry, I have lots of beauty


Of course, with Arabella’s natural beauty, she didn’t need any digital


But out of courtesy, May still opened a beautifying camera app and took a

couple of selfies with Arabella.

In the photos, Arabella was stunning. Her features were flawless, and her gentle

smile was captivating.

Standing next to her, May was smiling radiantlyChapter 1086

“Ms. Bella, can I add you on WhatsApp? Can I post our selfie on Facebook?”

May asked, hastily adding, “It’s okay if you don’t want me to.”

“Go ahead” Bella said, handing over her business card for May to scan, asking

softly, “How long have you been here?”

“I was taken in by Mr. Sampson when I was a child. I’ve been here for eighteen

years,” May replied, unable to resist asking, “Ms. Bella, you’re younger than me,

aren’t you?”

“I’m eighteen too.”

Enter title…

“So, we’re the same age.”

May took a shine to her and they chatted for a while before May left.

Downstairs, several servants busied themselves, gossiping about the newly

arrived Ms. Bella.

“Where did Mr. Sampson get a niece from out of the blue? Is she a blood


“What about Serena?”

“Didn’t you notice? Ms. Bella looks a lot like Mrs. Collins. She must be her

daughter. Serena, on the other hand, seems more like the outsider in this


“You think Serena might be the one who was switched at birth? Ms. Bella fits in

more with Mr. Sampson’s family.”

“Let’s not discuss Mr. Sampson’s family matters.”

The servants resumed their duties. After a while, someone spoke up, “Don’t you

find Ms. Bella impressive? Even Dr. Mark was helpless with the sickness. Ms.

Bella said it wasn’t a big deal and even prescribed some medicine”

“Dr. Mark said Ms. Bella is his teacher. This means her medical skills are

superior to his.”

“with her wealthy background, Ms. Bella must have been nurtured for her

medical talents from a young age.”

“The rich have it so good. They can make their kids so excellent.”

“I find Ms. Bella quite nice. She doesn’t put on airs.”

“Yeah, she may not talk much, but she’s friendly to everyone. Unlike Serena,

who appears gentle and generous, but actually…”

“Enough talk.”

The servants quieted down and returned to their work.

Not long after, Bella saw May’s post on Facebook.

[Shamelessly asked my lady for a couple of selfies! I really like her so much.

She’s beautiful and kind_]

She also posted the two selfies.

Bella was about to like the post when her phone rang. It was one of her

subordinates reporting on their work.

On the other side, Serena froze when she saw May’s Facebook post, chills

running down her spine.

May was an orphan that her uncle had taken in. She had grown up in her

uncle’s house along with several other orphans who were also servants.

Her uncle had paid for their education and they voluntarily worked in his house.

When May found out about the severity of Old Mrs. Griffith’s illness, she insisted

on staying by her side.

Serena had May’s Facebook because she was a “favorite” of her uncle’s, and

she could occasionally get information about her uncle from her.

But now, how come Bella was with her uncle and had even won over May?

Had her parents secretly met with her uncle and grandmother when they

suddenly went abroad yesterday, taking Bella with them?

Serena clenched her fists in anger. If her parents had told her about this openly,

she wouldn’t have been so upset and jealous.

But they were always sneaky, as if they were intentionally hiding things from her.

If she hadn’t seen May’s Facebook post, she would still be in the dark..

Chapter 1087

After a moment of frustration, Serena finally sent a WhatsApp message to


[Mom, when are you and Dad coming back? Christmas is the day after

tomorrow. I want to come home and spend it with you.]

Louisa quickly replied, [Did Christmas sneak up on us that fast? Your father and

I are visiting your grandmother overseas, So we might not be back in time. You

can hang out with your friends at school or spend the holiday with Martin, it’s

your first Christmas together after all. Enjoy!) Serena bit her lip, as expected,

Enter title…

her mother didn’t mention Arabella. It was Arabella who went to visit their

grandmother and uncle with their parents!

Was it possible that everyone was going to leave her behind this Christmas and

spend it with Arabella?

With that thought, Serena was fuming!

(Mom, how is Grandma? Is she feeling better?] Serena began to play the

emotional card, [I miss her so much, if only she wasn’t so far away, I would love

to visit her.]

If her mother still cared about her, she would surely ask if Serena wanted to join

them for the holidays.

But Louisa simply replied with a hearty laugh, [Don’t worry about your grandma,

she’ll be better soon. Once she’s recovered, we’ll all get together and make her


Tears welled up in Serena’s eyes, [I have to go to class now.]

She thought Louisa would sense her mood, but all she got was a simple emoji.

Serena was even more upset, her mother was clearly showing favoritism. She

couldn’t sit idly by!

She had to think of a plan.

On the other hand, when Sampson heard about his niece’s grievances at the

Murphy family, he was both heartbroken and upset.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the two heartless individuals from the Murphy family

were already in jail, he wouldn’t let them off so easily.

The only thing he was unsure of was what to give his niece as a gift on their first


His sister had told him that Bella was great at running the company. The

previous issues with the fashion company under his brother-in-law’s name were

all resolved thanks to Bella.

He had thought that his brother-in-law hired a competent person to turn the

company around.

He never imagined that all of this was the doing of a seventeen-eighteen-yearold girl.

Sampson thought for a moment, then made another call.

Arabella was resting in her room when she heard May knocking on the door.

“Ms. Bella, are you asleep? Mr. Sampson has something to discuss with you.”

Arabella opened the door, and May immediately flashed a radiant smile, “Mr.

Sampson is in the study on the second floor, please follow me.”

Arabella found May’s smile very infectious. When she smiled, it seemed like the

whole world lit up.

In the study, besides Sampson, there was also a man in a suit.

Arabella was somewhat surprised.

“Arabella.” Sampson got up from his seat, came over to Arabella, and

introduced the man to her, ‘Let me introduce you, this is my niece Arabella.”

“Ms. Bella has inherited all the best traits of the Collins and the Griffith families.

Beautiful and outstanding, simply enchanting.” The man quickly bowed, “Nice to

meet you, Ms. Bella, just call me Robin.”

“Hello.” Arabella greeted politely.

“Robin helps me manage several of my casinos.” Sampson said, then patted

Arabella’s shoulder, “From now on, she will be the boss of all my casinos.”

Upon hearing this, Arabella was taken aback. Was he planning to give her all his


“Yes, Ms. Bella. I will follow your orders from now on.” Robin was extremely

respectful towards her. Chapter 1088

“Today is just for you to meet her. You can leave now, Bella and I have some

things to discuss,’ Sampson told Robin.

Once Robin had left, Sampson produced a contract and said gently, “This is

your share of the company from me.

Consider it a welcome gift. I’m glad you’re back with the family.”

“You shouldn’t have, Uncle Sampson.”

“Take it Sampson insisted, pushing the contract into her hands. “You’re part of

the Collins family as well as the Griffith family. It’s only right that you have a

Enter title…

share in the Griffith family’s company.”

“But Uncle Sampson, I’m still a student.”

She didn’t have the time to manage such a large business.

“Robin will help you manage. And you have me too,’ reassured Sampson. He

then asked curiously, “Your dice-rolling skills are pretty good. Who taught you?”

Arabella briefly explained the story of her childhood. Sampson laughed heartily,

“Your grandfather sounds like quite the character. Quite entertaining indeed.”

Arabella thought back to yesterday when she had unintentionally won money

from her uncle. She felt guilty.

Back then, she thought Nightshade was with Murray, so she decided to help

Murray win a few games in exchange for it.

She never expected that it was one of her uncle’s businesses.

“From now on, you can go to any of my businesses free of charge,’ Sampson

said fondly. “When you have time, I’ll take you to meet the team.”

Arabella’s propriety and understanding warmed Sampson’s heart. “Once you’ve

rested, I’ll have May show you around the house.”

Next, May had the driver bring around a golf cart to pick up Arabella.

“The mansion is quite large. It would take a while to walk around.”

Once Arabella was in the cart, May began the tour. “This is the front garden, it’s

quite large with many rare flowers and plants. If you take your time, it can take

half an hour to tour.”

“This is the helipad. Mr. Sampson usually takes the helicopter if he has to go


“This is the vegetable and fruit garden. We grow a variety of produce here.”

“This is Mr. Sampson’s private golf course. He likes to play golf in his free time.”

The tour around the estate took until noon.

Sampson had the chef prepare a feast for Arabella’s arrival. She was greeted by

a table laden with dozens of exquisite dishes.

“This is your first meal in Lidaria with me. It should be a special occasion”

Not only was the food extravagant, but the table setting and the atmosphere

were also carefully arranged to create a warm and romantic ambiance.

“Sampson, you’ve outdone yourself.” Kenneth said, draping an arm around

Sampson’s shoulder. “You always put on such a grand spread.”

“No need for formalities, Kenneth, it’s just a few dishes.”

Then Sampson turned to Arabella, his expression softening. “Bella, feel at home

here. Help yourself to whatever you want to eat. Eat lots, make sure you’re full.”

“Bella isn’t shy.” Louisa said, her eyes crinkling in a smile. Once seated, she

insisted everyone toast to Sampson.

“It should be us toasting to Bella. We’re truly glad that she’s back with the family

and able to come here.”

The sound of glasses clinking together marked a joyful reunion.

Sampson watched as her parents served Arabella, guessing her favorite dishes

and serving her some himself.

“Since Bella is here, let’s let her rest today. Tomorrow, we’ll take her out and

show her around, Sampson suggested.

Chapter 1089

“Sure, where are we headed?” Louisa smiled at her brother, already thinking of

a day she could spend solely with her daughter.

“Tl plan it out.”

Laughter and conversation filled the room as they finished their meal in a jovial


Later in the afternoon, Arabella retired to her room only to be interrupted by a

frantic knock at her door.

Enter title…

“Ms. Bella, it’s me. Are you resting? The thing is, Old Mrs. Griffith woke up.

When Mrs. Collins told her about your background, she seemed to have a

shock. She couldn’t breathe properly and fainted again.”

Arabella rose to answer the door, “I’ll go have a look.”

In the master bedroom downstairs, Louisa was in a state of panic. If anything

happened to her mother, she would never forgive herself!

“Bella’s here!” Kenneth saw his daughter and felt a sense of relief wash over


Louisa also looked hopeful, “Bella!”

“It’s okay, let me check.” Arabella sat by the bedside, her delicate fingers on Old

Mrs. Griffith’s pulse. She was indeed in a state of shock, her condition had


Arabella opened her acupuncture kit, ready to administer the treatment.

“Is it very serious?” Louisa was frantic, “I saw your grandma awake, and I just

couldn’t help myself. I told her about your background. Has her condition


“We would have to tell her eventually. With Bella here, there’s no need to worry.”

Sampson comforted his sister, not blaming her for revealing the truth.

However, Louisa was still upset. If she had known, she would have waited until

her mother’s condition was stable.

It was all her fault.

As Arabella calmly inserted the silver needles into Old Mrs. Griffith’s body,

Louisa realized how mature and composed her daughter was. She truly was the

stabilizing force in their family.

Seeing her mother suffer due to her impulsiveness, Louisa felt a pang of guilt

and regret, which didn’t subside until Arabella finished the treatment.

“Grandma will wake up tomorrow,’ Arabella said soothingly.

“Why?” Louisa asked urgently.

“Her body is still very weak, and she had a shock. I’ll adjust her medication

later.” Arabella reassured her, “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”

“Does she have a life-threatening condition?”

“No, she doesn’t.”

Louisa breathed a sigh of relief.

“Let’s leave her to rest.” Arabella instructed the caregiver before leaving with the


“Thank goodness Bella was here today.” Louisa regretted her impulsiveness.

She had kept the secret for so long. Why did she reveal it now? If Bella wasn’t

there, what would have happened before the doctors arrived?

“Louisa, don’t blame yourself.” Sampson comforted her, “You just wanted her to

know about Bella’s existence.

We all understand. Bella has been back home for six months, yet her identity

was never revealed. We all feel guilty towards her.”

Louisa was upset. In fact, she was the one who wanted to reveal Bella’s true

identity the most. She wanted everyone to know that Bella was the rightful heir

to the Collins family, her and Kenneth’s biological daughter!

But her worst fear had come true.

Thankfully, her mother’s life was not in danger due to the shock.

Otherwise, she would never forgive herself.Chapter 1090

Hearing this, Arabella spoke softly, “Mom, it doesn’t matter to me whether my

identity is revealed or not. What matters is that we, as a family, are together.”

Whether her grandparents found out earlier or later didn’t make a significant

difference to her.

As for the perceptions and scrutiny of the outside world, they were as light as a

feather to her.

Being able to return to the Collins family, having the love of her parents, the

attention of her brothers, and the cherishing of Romeo, she was already


Enter title…

As for others, like Serena, she didn’t take them to heart.

“Good child, we’ve let you down all these years.” Louisa couldn’t help but

embrace her, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“It was my negligence. Back then, if we had been more cautious and tested the

parent-child relationship right after bringing the child home, things wouldn’t have

turned out this way.” Kenneth paused, guilt evident in his voice, “Bella, I have

failed you.”

Seeing his brother-in-law shouldering all the blame, Sampson added, “The day

the clinic caught fire, my sister and child were lucky to escape safely. After

carrying a child for ten months, who would suspect the child’s identity for no


They could only say that fate had played a cruel joke on them.

“Now, Bella has returned, and we need to double our efforts to make up for the

shortcomings of these years.

That’s what we need to do now.” Sampson reassured everyone, “This isn’t the

time to blame anyone. Everyone, relax. Mom will get through this, let’s stop

blaming ourselves.”

Arabella glanced at her uncle, suddenly feeling that this family had a warmer

touch compared to the Murphys.

In fact, there was no comparison.

The Murphy family would only blame each other and shirk responsibilities.

But in this family, everyone took responsibility upon themselves.

“Alright, stop crying, don’t scare Bella.” After comforting his sister, Sampson

smiled and said, “May, take Bella back to rest.”


May, who was deeply moved by the scene, took Arabella back to her room,

secretly wiping away her tears. “Ms.

Bella, you’ve suffered these years. Serena has enjoyed a life of luxury at your

expense. I heard Mrs. Collins say that you’ve faced many hardships outside.”

When May mentioned Serena, May’s face instantly changed. She quickly

checked her Facebook post, which was visible to all. Had Serena seen it?

Would it bring trouble to Ms. Bella?

Thinking this, she hurriedly adjusted the post to be visible only to herself,

regretting that she was too careless.

“Im sorry Ms. Bella, I was thoughtless, my Facebook post. I don’t know if Serena

has seen it.”

Arabella quickly understood her meaning, “Oh, it’s okay.”

After all, Serena would find out she was here sooner or later. There are no walls

that don’t leak in this world, knowing sooner or later doesn’t make a difference.

On the other side.

Seeing Louisa sitting alone in the garden, Sampson couldn’t help but approach

her, “Louisa, are you still thinking about Mom?”

“Sampson.” Louisa, with teary eyes, said, “You know, Mom always doted on

Serena. Now that she suddenly finds out Serena isn’t her biological

granddaughter, but Bella is, I’m a bit worried.” Chapter 1091

“Are you concerned that Mom might not have feelings for Bella and favor

Serena more?” Sampson voiced her worries, “Afraid of hurting Bella’s feelings?”

Louisa’s eyes reddened even more, “You know, Bella is such a sensible child.

Even when she’s upset, she doesn’t show it. I’m afraid that if she returns to this

home, and we do something wrong, it would hurt her again.”

Sampson chuckled.

“Louisa, you know what? The first time I met Bella, I thought she looked a lot

like you, with a standout personality that makes her noticeable in a crowd. As

we got to know each other, I found out that she’s cold on the outside but warm

Enter title…

on the inside. She’s a quiet one, but she’s kind-hearted and intelligent. She’s a

great doctor, a successful businesswoman, and when she saved me that day, I

found out that she’s also skillful. The prescription she wrote was so elegant. She

has so many strengths, I’m not worried about Mom not liking her.

But you’re right about one thing, Mom loves Serena. The love she’s given

Serena over the years is deeply ingrained. She won’t suddenly start favoring

Bella just because we told her about Bella’s identity. Everything takes time, and

you need to understand that too. As long as Mom treats them equally, things will

fall into place.”

Just as Sampson finished speaking, he saw Kenneth carrying a cup of coffee.

Seeing him, Kenneth smiled, “Sampson, why didn’t you go back to your room to

rest? Had I known you were here, I would have made another cup. I’ll make one

for you later.”

“No need to trouble yourself, Kenneth.’ Sampson’s gaze was gentle, “Every time

my sister is upset, you make her coffee. You’ve always been hands-on these

years, and I’m glad my sister married you.”

“Sampson, are you being distant with me again? Isn’t it normal to treat my wife

well? Otherwise, what’s the point of bringing a wife home?” Kenneth said, then

handed over the coffee with a smile, “Right, honey? It’s not hot anymore, I let it

cool down before bringing it over. Give it a taste.”

Seeing her husband trying to please her, Louisa couldn’t help but smile.

“Sampson always keep your favorite coffee at home, no matter which villa he is

staying in.” Kenneth didn’t forget to say something nice about his brother-in-law.

Louisa pouted, “Hmph, do we need you to praise our sibling relationship?”

“Okay, okay, the bond between you is stronger than gold, words can’t describe

how good you are to each other.”

The three of them chatted and laughed together.

In the evening, after dinner, Sampson suggested, “Bella said that Mom will wake

up tomorrow. Why don’t we take her out for a walk tonight? As her uncle, I also

want to buy her some things to show my affection.”

Kenneth hesitated, would it be inappropriate to go out and play before Mom

woke up?

“Bella said that Mom’s condition isn’t serious, and she’ll wake up tomorrow. I just

want to take my sister out to relax, and make Bella happy.” Sampson didn’t want

the atmosphere at home to be so heavy.

“I’ll ask your sister’s opinion.” Kenneth always listened to Louisa, and hurriedly

went to consult her.

Meanwhile, Sampson wanted to discuss the outing with Arabella. He saw her

sitting on the living room couch, one hand on her phone, exuding a powerful


As he approached, he saw his niece handling work matters. He was a bit

surprised. Did she know foreign language.

Had her business expanded this broadly? Even into Dawnstar?

At that moment, Arabella finished replying to a message and looked up at

Sampson, “Uncle Sampson, what’s up?”Chapter 1092

“See, I want to go out and about, but there’s no one to accompany me.”

Sampson studied his niece’s reaction, testing the waters, “Are you available?”

Arabella saw right through him, “Uncle Sampson, you’ve already given me so

many properties and shares, I’d feel guilty if you bought me anything else.”

She couldn’t bear to see her uncle spending any more.

“We won’t buy anything. It’s just a walk. Your parents are also going, consider it

relaxation. It’s your first time here, I want to show you around.”

“Let’s go then.” Arabella stood up.

Enter title…

“Let me check if your parents are ready.’ Having settled one side, Sampson

moved onto the next, “Louisa, Bella agreed to go out. The three of us should

accompany her, it’s a rare opportunity.”

Eventually, the four of them set off in a luxury limousine.

Sampson’s status in this country was very high, so whenever he went out, there

were four cars leading the way and four cars tailing.

Whenever people on the street saw this spectacle, they knew it was Sampson

out and about.

While waiting at the red light, people cast envious and curious glances.

“Is Lidaria’s night view pretty?” Sampson asked Arabella in the car.

“It’s alright”

“Whenever you come to this country, if there’s anything you cannot handle, you

can always turn to me. Of course, you can find me even if there’s nothing. I look

forward to your visit.”

“Alright, I will visit when I have the time.” Arabella promised.

“Bella, look, all the shops on this street belong to your uncle.”

After the car turned a corner, Kenneth pointed out the window, “The shops on

this street also belong to your uncle. In this country, your uncle owns a lot of


Listening to her father’s introduction, they soon arrived at the city’s largest luxury

shopping center.

“This mall also belongs to your uncle.”

Of course, not all of the high-end brands inside belong to Sampson.

Sampson wanted the staff to clear out the customers, but Arabella gently said,

“No need, let’s not disturb others. We’ll just look around.”

Even though Arabella didn’t want to make a spectacle, having twenty

bodyguards following them, plus the mall manager and management leading the

way, they attracted attention wherever they went.

“who is that girl? She knows Sampson at such a young age?”

“It looks like Sampson brought her shopping.”

“Who is she?”

“Bella, which brand do you like?” Sampson asked in a low voice.

“I thought you wanted to go shopping.”

“Right, right.” Sampson pondered, “Let’s go check out QY.”

He heard that a lot of young people liked the QY brand.

Kenneth and Louisa heard this and thought, wasn’t this Bella’s brand?

“Alright.” Arabella signaled her parents not to reveal this. If her uncle liked

anything, they would just gift it to him.

The manager of QY was informed that Sampson was coming and hurriedly

appeared. When she accidentally saw Arabella, her eyes widened.

As the regional manager and store manager of QY in Lidaria, she had the

fortune of seeing Arabella once in a video conference. She had a deep

impression of Arabella, and never thought she would meet Arabella in person


But she never expected that Arabella would appear with Sampson.

Could they be a couple?

“See if there’s anything suitable for him.” Arabella did not reveal her uncle’s

identity directly.

The manager heard this and quickly led Sampson to the men’s section.

Sampson walked around inside, with some bodyguards following. The other

customers couldn’t help but start gossiping.

“Is that Sampson? He’s so handsome!”

“Did he bring his girlfriend to shop?”

“His girlfriend looks so young, like a student.”

“She’s not even as pretty as me!”

A blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl confidently flicked her hair, revealing her

shoulders in a sultry manner, and walked up sexily. Chapter 1093

A couple of bodyguards stopped her in her tracks.

She flicked her hair back, seductively throwing a flirtatious glance at Sampson.

“Mr. Sampson, my name is Lucy. I’ve admired you for a long time. I’ve even

learned to play golf just for you.

Would I have the honor of getting your phone number?”

The surrounding customers were taken aback. They didn’t expect her to be so

bold. Sampson, on the surface, seemed like a gentleman, but in reality, he was

a tough guy.

Enter title…

But she dared to flirt with him unabashedly.

Unfazed, Sampson glanced at her before Louisa intervened. “Miss, if you could

keep your dignity in check.”

“Are you Mr. Sampson’s sister?” Lucy quickly put on a smile, “Nice to meet you,

I’m Lucy. I really like your brother.

Please give me a chance. I promise to make him happy for the rest of his life.”

Louisa was left speechless. What could this exotic girl offer to make her brother

happy? His money?

Lucy pointed at Arabella, standing up straight to accentuate her figure. “Don’t

you think I’m better than her?”

“Better than her?”

“In terms of dressing, figure, I surpass her in every way!”

At this, Louisa waved her off, “Have her escorted out.”

“What did I say wrong?”

Two bodyguards escorted Lucy out.

Lucy desperately tried to argue her case, “You don’t know me. Once you do,

you’ll see that I’m better than her.”

Louisa smiled, “I may not know you, but I Know her. You’re not even worth one

of her fingers. Goodbye.”

Once Lucy was escorted out, Louisa sighed, “Such a spectacle. It’s disgraceful.

And Sampson, you’re getting older, when will you find a girlfriend? I can’t always

be the one shielding you from these women.”

Sampson changed the topic, “Let’s check out the women’s section.”

“Did you not see anything you liked?”

There was nothing in the men’s section, clothes, accessories, shoes that he


“They’re all average.”

Kenneth and Louisa were speechless.

This was Bella’s design, and he just called it ‘average’!

“Sampson, listen to me. Louisa was interrupted by the store manager.

“Notify everyone to have this brand removed from our store overnight.”

“Sampson, what are you doing! This brand, QY, it’s.” Louisa was interrupted by

the manager’s panicked voice.

“Boss, what do we do?” the manager was frantic.

He had seen the boss and Sampson walk in together earlier and thought they

were a couple. But then, she called him uncle.

There seemed to be tension within the family.

And now, they were being asked to leave overnight.

He thought, was there no love in wealthy families, just business? Chapter 1093

A couple of bodyguards stopped her in her tracks.

She flicked her hair back, seductively throwing a flirtatious glance at Sampson.

“Mr. Sampson, my name is Lucy. I’ve admired you for a long time. I’ve even

learned to play golf just for you.

Would I have the honor of getting your phone number?”

The surrounding customers were taken aback. They didn’t expect her to be so

bold. Sampson, on the surface, seemed like a gentleman, but in reality, he was

a tough guy.

Enter title…

But she dared to flirt with him unabashedly.

Unfazed, Sampson glanced at her before Louisa intervened. “Miss, if you could

keep your dignity in check.”

“Are you Mr. Sampson’s sister?” Lucy quickly put on a smile, “Nice to meet you,

I’m Lucy. I really like your brother.

Please give me a chance. I promise to make him happy for the rest of his life.”

Louisa was left speechless. What could this exotic girl offer to make her brother

happy? His money?

Lucy pointed at Arabella, standing up straight to accentuate her figure. “Don’t

you think I’m better than her?”

“Better than her?”

“In terms of dressing, figure, I surpass her in every way!”

At this, Louisa waved her off, “Have her escorted out.”

“What did I say wrong?”

Two bodyguards escorted Lucy out.

Lucy desperately tried to argue her case, “You don’t know me. Once you do,

you’ll see that I’m better than her.”

Louisa smiled, “I may not know you, but I Know her. You’re not even worth one

of her fingers. Goodbye.”

Once Lucy was escorted out, Louisa sighed, “Such a spectacle. It’s disgraceful.

And Sampson, you’re getting older, when will you find a girlfriend? I can’t always

be the one shielding you from these women.”

Sampson changed the topic, “Let’s check out the women’s section.”

“Did you not see anything you liked?”

There was nothing in the men’s section, clothes, accessories, shoes that he


“They’re all average.”

Kenneth and Louisa were speechless.

This was Bella’s design, and he just called it ‘average’!

“Sampson, listen to me. Louisa was interrupted by the store manager.

“Notify everyone to have this brand removed from our store overnight.”

“Sampson, what are you doing! This brand, QY, it’s.” Louisa was interrupted by

the manager’s panicked voice.

“Boss, what do we do?” the manager was frantic.

He had seen the boss and Sampson walk in together earlier and thought they

were a couple. But then, she called him uncle.

There seemed to be tension within the family.

And now, they were being asked to leave overnight.

He thought, was there no love in wealthy families, just business? Chapter 1095

[Looks like dozens of shopping bags. That must have cost a fortune. She’s

buying all that from one store. This woman is way out of line, swiping

Sampson’s card like there’s no tomorrow.]

[Yeah, so shameless!]

[She should be a bit more reserved, she’s not even trying to hide her ambition]

[She’s got dollar signs in her eyes, hasn’t she?]

[I wish I could be Sampson’s woman. She’s so lucky, buying so much from just

one store.]

Enter title…

[And all those bodyquards and store staff following her around, so grand.]

At this point, Arabella had no idea she was the talk of the town, forcibly dragged

by Sampson into a jewelry store.

“Listen to me this time. You have to pick a few items!” Sampson said, not

forgetting to whisper to Louisa behind him, “Louisa, this brand isn’t one that

Bella founded, is it?”

Louisa, unable to help laughing, replied, “No, it’s not.”

“That’s good then.”

The shop assistants saw Sampson bringing in his young girlfriend to shop,

hurried forward to serve them, showcasing all the store’s treasures.

“Sampson, Chanel across the street has a new collection, I’ll go take a look, will

be back soon.” Louisa, not interested in the jewelry, headed across the street.

Kenneth hurriedly followed, with some of the bodyguards leaving too, leaving

Sampson and Arabella in the store.

The shop assistant brought out a dazzling necklace made up of 999 diamonds,

“This design is new with 999 diamonds, symbolizing eternity. It suits this lady’s

temperament: Hearing it could highlight his niece’s temperament, Sampson

immediately said, “Wrap it up.”

“This one can make this lady look even more stunning.”

Even more stunning?

Sampson didn’t hesitate, “Wrap it up.”

Just as Arabella wanted to reject, Sampson said, “If you don’t let me buy them,

I’ll buy the whole brand and put it under your name.”

Arabella was speechless.

But the seven or eight shop assistants all looked at her with envy. They thought,

“Mr. Sampson was so manly, so domineering. Having such a boyfriend, this girl

was still not content. Was she playing hard to get?”

“Mr. Sampson, what do you think of this set? It symbolizes peace and health.”

“Mr. Sampson, take a look at these diamond rings.”

Sampson bought quite a few pieces of jewelry in one go, then took Arabella to

their next destination.

Outside, many people surreptitiously took out their phones, capturing his

generous side.

Meanwhile, back at the dormitory, Serena had just finished applying her face

mask and was about to sleep when her roommate asked her.

“Serena, isn’t Sampson your uncle? His shopping spree with his girlfriend has

blown up on the internet. It’s the top trending topic, why didn’t you tell us you

have an aunt?”

Upon hearing this, Serena had a bad feeling. She hurriedly grabbed her

roommate’s phone to check.

Normally, after applying her face mask, she would never look at electronic

devices, as it could darken her skin.

But now, she saw a live video of Sampson and Arabella on a shopping spree in

the mall under his name, bodyguards carrying dozens of shopping bags.

Her face turned pale instantly.

“Why does this girl’s silhouette look so familiar?”

“We didn’t catch her face, but there’s something familiar. I thought I’ve seen her


“I have that feeling too.”

“Serena, who is she? Does her family have a lot of money?”

“I think she doesn’t have much money, look at how she’s swiping your uncle’s

card, just at QY, she bought so much. Look at the logo on the shopping bags.”

QY was Arabella’s brand, Serena knew that, but she actually took her uncle to

shop at her own brand. Wasn’t this just ripping off her uncle’s money? It was too

despicable.Chapter 1096

“If she becomes your aunt, God knows how she’ll squander the family fortune.”

“She’s too lucky to have caught your uncle’s eye.”

“Serena, can you tell me what your uncle sees in her? I’m dying to know what

kind of women rich men like. I want to learn from it~ Serena couldn’t focus on

what her roommate was saying anymore.

It was Christmas Eve tomorrow, and Christmas the day after, but she hadn’t

received a gift from her uncle yet.

Her uncle used to send her gifts ahead of time, always two at a time.

Enter title…

But this year, her uncle had time and mood to take Arabella shopping but forgot

about her, the niece he had lived with for eighteen years!

It was just too much!

On the other side.

Sampson had bought Arabella numerous gifts. He still wasn’t done, and it was

already midnight.

The mall was supposed to close at ten at night, but due to Sampson’s presence,

not a single brand closed early, all hoping that Sampson would spend money in

their stores.

All the shop assistants stood at the entrance, lined up, smiling, their eyes full of

anticipation, hoping that Sampson and his entourage would come in.

“Uncle Sampson, it’s midnight.” Arabella was a little sleepy. “I’m tired.”

Louisa yawned, “Let’s call it a night.”

“Sampson, I know you adore Bella, but it’s really late. Let’s stop for today.”

Seeing that the three of them were indeed tired, Sampson whispered to the mall

manager, “Have the rest of the stores send their new collections to my place. I’ll

continue picking tomorrow.”

Wasn’t this a bit too much?

“Yes, Mr. Sampson.” The mall manager bowed and obeyed.

Sampson didn’t forget to instruct his bodyguard, “Arrange for masseuses to

come over”

Tonight, he had to make sure his brother-in-law’s family was relaxed.

Back home.

Kenneth, Louisa, and Arabella were soaking in different hot tubs, with

professional masseuses helping them relax.

Meanwhile, Sampson was still on the phone, “Now and in the future, our malls

will always welcome QY, and from this moment on, all rents for QY are waived.

The best location in the mall will always belong to them.”

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a while

before asking in disbelief, “So, Mr.

Sampson, until when the rent is waived?”

After all, it was a considerable amount.

“Until my company goes bankrupt.”

The person on the other end was stunned again. Given the current growth of the

company, it wouldn’t go bankrupt even in five hundred years.

What had this QY done to get the boss’s favor to such an extent?

It was extraordinary!


At McMllian Corporation.

Romeo looked at the time and realized that he hadn’t seen the little girl for two

days. He pressed the intercom and called Carl in.

“We have a small project in Lidaria recently. Have the person in charge hand it

over to me. I’ll handle it personally.

Carl was taken aback when he heard this, “Mr. Romeo, this is just a tiny


Normally, Romeo wouldn’t even notice it! Chapter 1097

So now, was the boss bored out of his mind?

No, wait, he suddenly remembered that Ms. Bella had taken off to Lidaria a

couple of days ago.

Had she not returned yet? Was Mr. Romeo planning to follow her?

“But Mr. Romeo, didn’t Ms. Bella say before she left that she didn’t want you

tagging along?”

Carl, seated in the driver’s seat, remembered their conversation clearly.

Enter title…

With a straight face, Romeo replied, “I’m not going to chase her, I just don’t trust

anyone else with this project.”

Carl thought to himself, “Boss, will Ms. Bella buy that story? If you want to see

her, just say so. It’s not like she doesn’t know you.”

“Alright, I’ll have the project manager clear the schedule, Carl said, suddenly

pausing as a thought struck him.

He turned back with a cheeky grin, “Mr. Romeo, tomorrow is Christmas Eve,

and the next day is Christmas.

What about my holiday?”

“What does a bachelor need a holiday for?”

Carl was speechless, on the verge of tears.

Every time the boss had a date or a holiday, he was left with all the work.

Enough was enough. He had to stand up for himself!

“Got a problem with that?” Romeo’s gaze fell on him.

Carl replied with a forced smile, “No. I’m grateful for this opportunity. I’m thrilled.”

“If work makes you so happy, you can handle the workload for both Christmas

Eve and Christmas Day.”

Carl almost cried at the news, “Don’t worry, Mr. Romeo. I’ll get it all done.”

“Off you go.”

“By the way,’ Carl added with a sly grin, “I heard that on Christmas Eve, people

give gifts to their loved ones for safekeeping. Have you prepared any gift?”

Like maybe a little bonus for the hardworking bachelor.

“Would a pink slip do?”

“Mr. Romeo, I just remembered I have something urgent to attend to. I’ll get right

on it” Carl quickly exited the office.

The next morning.

When Arabella woke up, she found that it was snowing outside. The snowflakes

were gently falling, blanketing the world in a pristine white.

Every servant greeted her with a warm smile, “Merry Christmas Eve.”

Arabella wished them the same.

“Ms. Bella, you’re up so early.”

The heating inside was ample, and May, dressed in light clothing, ran up to her.

“They haven’t woken up yet. Mr. Sampson instructed that if you’re up first, you

should have breakfast. I’ll take you there.”

“You’re up this early too.”

“Mr. Sampson has plans for today. We all have to prepare early.’ May didn’t

reveal what the day had in store. She wanted to surprise Bella.

After breakfast, Arabella followed May to the wine cellar to choose the wine for

the evening.

Arabella hadn’t visited this place when she toured her uncle’s house the day

before. Now, when she entered the cellar, her gaze was instantly drawn to the

wines on the shelves.

“Mr. Sampson has a special affection for wines. He has several cellars, and this

one houses his favorites. Each bottle on the shelf has a number. Ms. Bella,

which wine would you like to have tonight?”

Each cellar was fitted with a centralized air conditioning system to monitor the

temperature and humidity. The lighting was strictly controlled. Every bottle

stored here was wrapped in paper and neatly arranged on the shelves.

When Arabella arrived, there were security personnel patrolling, with fire

extinguishers, smoke detectors, and surveillance cameras scattered about. It

was clear that her uncle held these wines in high regard.Chapter 1098

The security here might outrun that of a bank vault.

May chuckled to Arabella, “This wine cellar alone is comparable to a small bank

vault. I heard from the cellar keeper that the worth of just a few of these bottles

would be enough to buy a villa.”

Arabella wasn’t particularly fond of wine, but, influenced greatly by her

grandfather since childhood, she knew good wine when she saw it and had an

eye for quality.

“Let’s take these two,’ Arabella said, pointing at two bottles. May immediately

had them brought over.

Enter title…

“Ms. Bella, could wine be considered a form of investment, its value

appreciating over time?” May asked, curious.

“Fine wine appreciates quite rapidly.”

“No wonder there are so many members under Mr. Sampson’s vineyard.

They’re all collectors. After buying the wine, they store it in Mr. Sampsor’s cellar.

These members have personal wine racks engraved with their names, each

bottle of wine has a number. If they want to retrieve their wine one day, there are

people who will deliver it to them”

“Do you like wine?” Arabella asked.

“I’ve been allergic to alcohol since I was a kid. But I admire Mr. Sampson’s

business acumen. Being around him has really broadened my horizons.”

They chatted away. After getting the wine, Kenneth, Louisa, and Sampson had

already gotten up and finished breakfast.

“Bella, can you ski?” Sampson asked, visibly excited upon seeing her.

“I can a little”

“Great! It’s snowing today, let’s go skiing.” Sampson had the vehicles prepared,

and the group set off with great momentum.

In this country, Sampson owned multiple ski resorts. The largest and most

scenic one was the Ski Resort.

The mountain there looked like a ram’s horn.

There, the beautiful snow lines allowed skiers to overlaok the distant snowcovered villages, a true feast for the eyes.

The snow there was excellent, large and dense, soft and fine. The snow on the

ground was pillowy, attracting many wealthy people.

The key was that the skiing here was very smooth, even if you fell, it didn’t hurt.

When Arabella first arrived at the ski resort, a group of staff came to greet her.

“This is my dear niece. From now on, whenever she comes, notify me

immediately and take good care of her!”

Arabella responded with a smile.

Sampson had brand new skiing gear brought over.

Since those who came here were either rich or noble, there were not as many

tourists as in ordinary ski resorts.

Each skier could even enjoy a ski track all to themselves, making the

experience quite enjoyable.

Arabella changed into her gear and went skiing. Sampson watched her fiqure

from a distance, couldn’t resist taking out his cell phone to snap a few photos of


“This kid seems to be able to do anything,’ Sampson said to his sister beside


“She can do a lot more. Kenneth and I are going to play over there, you should

relax a bit too.”

Sampson asked the staff to keep an eye on Arabella and to attend to her needs

immediately if necessary.

Arabella slid down the high snow track, snow splashing around her like waves. It

had been a long time since she had had so much fun.

At the same time, a foreign man sitting in the cable car, looking at the imposing

Romeo in front of him, was at a loss for words.

The outside world was covered in snow, yet he was so nervous that he wiped

the sweat off his forehead.

Originally, the one who was supposed to negotiate with their group was a

business manager from the Lidaria Branch under McMllian Corporation.

But now, with Romeo personally stepping in, he was so scared that he couldn’t

utter a single word.

He didn’t understand why Romeo would personally negotiate with him. Was it

because the benefits he proposed were too small, or was there another reason?

Because he couldn’t figure it out, he was uneasy for a while.

At that moment, he inadvertently caught Romeo’s gaze, which was fixed on a

girl skiing beloChapter 1099

The girl was clearly a pro on the slopes, her moves agile and graceful. An idea

popped into Elgin’s head.

“Mr. McMillian, I know almost everyone who comes to this ski resort. That girl

down there, I can find out who she is and have someone send the information to

your room. How about it?”

Upon hearing this, Romeo, who had been watching the girl with a gentle gaze,

suddenly turned cold.

Elgin quickly corrected himself, “No, no, no, what I mean is, I can introduce


Enter title…

“Do you think I need your introduction?”

“No, no, I misspoke. With your charisma, you can certainly win her over.”

The atmosphere cooled once again.

Elgin was at a loss for what topic to bring up next. Ever since they came to this

ski resort, Mr. McMillian hadn’t said much.

He couldn’t figure out what Mr. McMillian was thinking.

He treaded carefully, trying to think of the next topic.

“Mr. MeMillian, “Shut up.”

All Romeo wanted was to quietly watch Arabella ski.

Arabella reached the bottom of the slope and suddenly felt a gaze on her. She

looked up and saw Romeo!

Arabella pulled out her phone from her pocket and called him, “What brings you


“Just talking business with a partner. Didn’t expect this coincidence.”

At that moment, the ski lift stopped. Romeo got off and strode towards her, while

Elgin cautiously followed behind him like a lackey.

Arabella glanced at Elgin before Romeo swept her into his arms.

“Merry Christmas Eve.”

Romeo dipped his head and gave her a kiss, confirming Arabella’s suspicion.

This guy was here to spend the holiday with her. Business talk and partners

were just excuses.

Elgin was taken aback seeing Mr. McMillian move so fast, spotting his prey and

immediately sweeping her into his arms. The progress was too swift.

Wasr’t it rurnored that Mr. McMillian was indifferent to wornen?


Hearing Romeo call him, Elgin hurriedly stepped forward.

Romeo still held Arabella, his gaze fixed on the girl in his arms, “This is my

business partner.”

“Nice to meet you, Merry Christmas Eve.” Elgin cautiously extended his hand,

intending to shake Arabella’s hand in a friendly gesture.

But a glance from Romeo made him retract his hand.

God, the big boss’s gaze was too intimidating, and his mood was so


“So you really are here for business.” Arabella said with interest, her tone


Perhaps afraid she would feel awkward, Romeo emphasized, “Just for a bit.”

Knowing she was with her uncle’s family and had to spend time with them and

this was their first Christmas Eve together, Romeo didn’t want to take up too

much of her time.

“Just for a short while.” Romeo’s gaze was hopeful.

“Okay: Arabella agreed, considering the lengths he had gone to be here, “I’ll see

how things go and let you know in advance.”

Romeo, pleased, leaned down and kissed her again. Chapter 1100

“Your business partner is waiting,’ Arabella teased with a playful tone.

“lll have to go then; Romeo said, patting her cheek affectionately. “See you


“Mm.” Arabella watched him leave.

Elgin nodded respectfully at Arabella before chasing after Romeo. “Mr.

McMillian, I already explained the project plan and the future revenue forecast

on the cable car ride. What do you think.?”

“Let’s see.”

Enter title…

Elgin’s heart skipped a beat. Trouble!

“Is there an issue with the project plan, or are you dissatisfied with the revenue

forecast?” Elgin caught up with Romeo again, nervously smiling. “We can

discuss any problems, as long as McMillian Corporation is willing to give us a

chance to cooperate.”

“We’ll see”

Romeo left the ski resort and drove away.

Elgin watched the disappearing car, completely puzzled. Had he said or done

something wrong? Or was Romeo just naturally enigmatic?

Arabella was about to continue skiing when she saw a group of staff members

running towards her, out of breath.

“Ms. Bella, is everything okay?”

According to Arabella’s original ski route, she should have arrived ten minutes

ago. But after waiting for a full ten minutes and seeing no sign of Arabella, they

had assumed something went wrong and started searching for her.

Arabella quickly reassured them, “I’m fine. I just decided to try a different slope.”

“Are you sure you’re not hurt?” the staff asked, their faces full of concern.

“I’m fine.”

The staff let out a sigh of relief. “Ms. Bella, if you decide to try a different slope

next time, let us know so we can keep an eye on you.”

“That won’t be necessary; Arabella said gently. “It’s not crowded here. I want to

enjoy some time alone.”

“If you need anything, feel free to call us.”

A staff member handed her a business card. “You also have a whistle in your

pocket. If your phone loses signal or runs out of battery, just blow the whistle

and we’ll be there right away.”

“Okay; Arabella said, appreciating their dedication. “I’ll be heading off now.”

“We hope you have fun, Ms. Bella.”

The staff members bowed respectfully as Arabella glided away.

After a while, Arabella was about to take a break when she heard a surprised


“Is that you?”

Arabella looked up to see Angela and a friend removing their helmets and ski

goggles, glaring at her.

They were also checking if Kelly was around.

“Isn’t Kelly with you?” Angela asked, her chin lifted high, looking down on

Arabella. How unlucky! She had planned to enjoy a peaceful Christmas Eve with

her friend skiing, but she didn’t expect to run into Kelly’s friend.

Arabella ignored them and continued skiing down another slope, planning to

rest somewhere else.

“Angela, she just ignored you!” Darlene was furious. “It must be because Mr.

Sampson spoke up for them on the cruise. Now she thinks she’s somebody, that

she has a powerful backer!”

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