The Palace Beast

Chapter 87 - Banquet

The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night. The full moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. The table is set and the banquet is about to begin. John walks into the banquet hall. Flaming torches were affixed to the walls with shields attached to each pillar of the banquet hall.

Bonnie joins John as they both walked up to the table set for them. The chairman of the banquet who is also the Chief of the Zaxson village poured wine into his cup and then rose to his feet with the cup lifted up, "To our new god who saved us and his companion with him."

All the guests cheered in excitement. They have no idea of who Bonnie is. They didn't see her fang out. Most of them seated has hunted vampires for quite a long time and have taken part in burning them to a stake after staking their hearts. Bonnie never dressed like a vampire and doesn't look like one unless she reveals that to anyone. She tries to blend in and not get killed by the humans. Although she still cares for a quite number of humans and tries everything she could to protect them.

The chief of the Zaxson village clears his throat and continues. "We are happy to be freed by a god who has had compassion on us. And to him, we owe our lives."

The guest cheered again in excitement.

John wasn't enjoying the banquet. He didn't want to be called a god. He's just a man like them but they don't see him as one. After he has had his fill, he whispered to Bonnie, "I am leaving." Without hesitation, he moved the chair backward and rose to his feet.

As he was about to leave, two hefty men dragged a pale-looking young man into the banquet hall. The pale-looking man has bruises on his face. "We have him!" roared one of the hefty men.

The chief looked intently at the pale-young man from where he was seated and ordered the two hefty men to chain him up.

"What's his offense?" asked John. To him, the pale-looking man deserves to be fed and not to be chained up. He looks like one who has been starved for months.

Standing to his feet, the chief fixed his eyes on John, "As a god, I thought you have a special ability to see what kind of creature he is."

Before John could open his mouth, Bonnie stood to her feet as she brought her mouth close to John's ear and then whispered, "He's a werewolf, let them do what they have to do or we all be dead." "I don't believe he is what you said he is."

"I have not lied to you since we met, I won't start now. Just let them do what they have to do. Please... I beg you."

John watches as the two hefty men dragged the pale-looking young man outside as the chief has instructed. He wasn't happy watching the innocent young man be humiliated and bruised.

However, Zaxson village for years has been amongst those who engage in vampire trials and werewolves trials. They kill every vampire and any werewolf that they come across. Their fear of being torn apart by these blood-sucking creatures triggered the massive killing of vampires and werewolves.

John excused himself to take a lick. He quietly followed the two hefty men that dragged the pale-looking young man. He was not noticed by them as he moved quietly. They took the pale-looking young man into a dungeon and chained him to the wall.

John believed everyone to be lying including Bonnie. He doesn't' want the pale-looking young man to die. He thought to himself, 'If indeed he is a werewolf, why is he not turning. The full moon is out already.'

His mind flashed back to more tales. A werewolf can easily transform during the full moon.

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He then sneaks into the dungeon after the men have gone. On seeing the pale-looking young man, he had pity on him. The young man was weak and couldn't lift his foot. The entire dungeon was filled with Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock. It's as if this herb was allowed to grow inside the dungeon. The pale-looking young man has beside him look-alike species of the same herb. It has purple flowers that are helmet- shaped.

Noticing the presence of John, the young man slightly raised his head as he could barely speak. He realized John didn't seem to be with the hefty men that just dragged him into the dungeon. "Help me," he said in a tiny voice. John could tell the young man is weak and needs help. He quickly approached him and held the chains. "How do I free you from these chains?"

"Just torch down the herbs around me and I can free myself," muttered the pale-looking young man.

John looked around and saw a flaming torch affixed outside the wall of the dungeon. Without hesitation, he rushed and grabbed the flaming torch.

After he had torched the herbs, the pale-looking young man gave John a fixed eye of gratitude as he firmly held the chains and growled.

His growling can be heard from the banquet hall. John realized what he had done and wanted to flee before he could get hurt but it was too late for him as the pale-looking young man pulled out the chains that held him bond and slammed John with it.

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