The Palace Beast

Chapter 88 - Growled

John realizes he has been deceived by the physical look of the pale young man as its full-on fur sprouting from every inch of his body.

"What have I done?!" John cried out. He quickly jumped to his feet but at this time the young man was already standing by the entrance of the dungeon.

His once normal human hands undergo a gruesome transformation, becoming mangled and causing his skin to peel away like a banana. In their place emerge large, hairy, and dangerously clawed hands resembling those of a monstrous beast. As his new body parts materialize, a slimy substance resembling dog saliva oozes out, mixed with blood from his snapping joints. Not only does his physical appearance change, but his pupils also undergo a transformation. The previously ordinary pupils are replaced by glowing yellow orbs reminiscent of a predator, dilating like those of a wolf. His eyes lose their human essence and instead exude the fierceness of a hunter, often accompanied by exceptional night vision capabilities.

John, overwhelmed with terror, is rendered speechless. As the entrance door remains blocked, he finds himself unsure of how to proceed. Though he possesses powers, he struggles to activate them optimally.

The young man's entire body starts to reshape itself into that of a werewolf, typically surpassing the height and stature of a human while adopting a slightly hunched posture. Bones break, elongate, and forcefully protrude through the skin before realigning back into place, forming an entirely new skeletal foundation.

Once the repositioning of his bones commences, his skin also undergoes a necessary adjustment. While skin possesses a certain degree of elasticity, it is likely to shred in some areas and stretch in others. After the messy process concludes, a new, taut, and fully-formed layer of skin gracefully settles over his now stronger and more muscular physique.

As his transformation into a werewolf nears completion, John anticipates the growth of new pointed wolf ears, equipped with heightened hearing abilities, facilitating his stalking of unsuspecting prey. Unfortunately, this aspect of the transformation appears equally agonizing. His ears gradually extend from the sides of his head before assuming their final form.

John didn't know what next to do as the dreadful transformation of a young man he wanted to save terrified him. He has never witnessed the transformation of a werewolf nor has he seen a werewolf before. He swallowed a lump and leans on the wall of the dungeon waiting to be pounced on. Perhaps, this is how is life will end. This is one of the worst nightmares he has witnessed since he mysteriously arrived in this strange place of no destination.

As the transformation process nears its completion, the face of the young man, pushed forward and split away as a snout forms. His jaw dislodges to make room for a massive, deadly maw. It's as if someone just grabbed his face and yanked a new one straight out.

Every lycanthrope is sure to grow a brand new set of fangs, which usually begin forming at the same time as the snout. This is because as a werewolf he will be getting more teeth than his human mouth can possibly accommodate. His old teeth begin to elongate; they just fall right out of his face, as new fangs fit for a flesh-tearing burst through your gums.

As soon as his transformation is complete, he growled once more and pounced at John. As he was about to bury his claws into John's chest, John grabbed the hand of the werewolf. "Not today," he said. It was as if he's prepared for this moment. His eyes turned blue as usual; he can feel his strength is no longer like that of a human but of a god. He grabbed the werewolf by the snout with the other hand and pushed him off his body.

The werewolf didn't give up easily as he locked on his target and started charging towards John again. As the werewolf was about ramming into John, John floated up just as he did with Cerberus, but the difference this time is that he could control his movements. The werewolf rammed into the wall of the dungeon and fell.

At this time, the chief rushed in with Bonnie and a few of the imperial guards. He looked and saw that the young man has fully transformed into a werewolf. He glared at John who was still floating in the air. "What type of a god are you that torched down the wolfbane?!" yelled the Chief as his facial look changed. He was angry with John's action for burning the wolfbane. Although he wasn't sure it was him. He only suspects him and blames him for that. "What in the hell is a wolfbane?"

John descended before the chief. He had no idea of what wolfbane is all about and have never seen one. But he was aware the chief was talking about the herbs he saw but he just wanted to know what the herbs are for. "Wolfsbane adversely affects werewolves. Ingesting wolfsbane severely weakens them, making them appear feverish," said the Chief as he frowns at John.

It's now clear that the herbs John torched down were a means to weaken the werewolf and to stop him from harming anyone. Most wolfsbane will kill a Werewolf if it reaches their heart, though it can be cleared by ingesting the ashes of the exact same strain that poisoned them, or by literally burning out a wound that has been made by a wolfsbane-laced weapon if the correct type of wolfsbane is unavailable.

In the past, many frightened folks turned to wolfsbane for their protection, they know that werewolves could be repelled by the plant, or even tamed by it. Direct skin contact with wolfsbane causes them to be burned so severely that it causes their skin and mucous membranes to smoke slightly at the site of contact appearing from the contact area.

The werewolf drags himself up and started sniffing, "I smell vampire," he snorted with his eyes fixed on Bonnie.

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