The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 85



I stood there, clutching my baby to my chest. Maximus had just transformed into his wolf form and had taken down a few of the attacking group. But now there was silence and I didn't know what had happened. "What's going on?" I whispered, afraid to move.

Suddenly, I heard Maximus calling my name. I cautiously stepped out of my hiding place and approached him. He had returned to his human form and was surrounded by Kyle, Adrian, and Ava.

As I looked at them standing in front of me, I struggled to wrap my head around the fact that they had decided to come back after leaving us stranded in the middle of nowhere. "What are you doing here?" I asked them with a coldness in my voice. Ava spoke up first, her eyes darting around nervously, "We were being hunted," she said.

"Hunted?" I repeated, not quite understanding what she was saying.

"Yes," Kyle spoke up, looking as scared as Ava did. "Our heads were put on a bounty, just like Maximus"."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, the irony of the situation was too much for me to handle. "You left us because Maximus' head was at a price, and now yours too. Oh, the karma," I said, my voice laced with amusement. Maximus joined in my laughter, a wide grin on his face. "It's a small world after all," he said, chuckling.

Kyle looked offended by our amusement, "And what about you? Your head is at a price too," he pointed out.

I shrugged, still chuckling a little. "Well, I've already made my decision. I'm staying with Maximus, so my head was already at a price in my opinion."

Kyle and Adrian looked at each other, clearly taken aback by my response. I could see that they had expected me to be,frightened, angry or upset with them, but instead, I found their predicament amusing.

As they stood there in silence, I couldn't help but think about the strange turn of events that had led us to this moment. But one thing was for sure: nothing was ever going to be the same again. "After all that's happened, what do you plan to do now?" Maximus asked, looking at the group.

They looked at each other, their expressions revealing their mixed emotions.

They were clearly embarrassed, at that moment their faces were priceless, I giggled, it was so funny, who would have believed this turn of events. In any case not me

Kyle let out a deep sigh before speaking up. "We've decided that we're leaving with you to your castle."

Maximus looked surprised but pleased by their decision. "Excellent. You will be welcomed with open arms," he said, a smile forming on his face.

We all sat down to rest for a while, still processing the events that had unfolded. We ate some of our provisions and drank some water before getting back on our horses to continue our journey.

Adrian, Kyle and the others seemed to be getting along well with Maximus and me, and the tension that had been between us before was fading away.

As we walked, a man appeared out of nowhere, standing in front of us on the path. He wore a black cloak that covered his face, and his eyes glinted dangerously in the sun. I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and I knew instantly that this man was a bounty hunter.

"Maximus," he spat out, "I've been looking for you."

Maximus stepped forward, his hand on his sword. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The man removed his cloak, revealing a scarred face and a cruel smile. "My name is Zephyr," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And I'm here to collect the bounty on your head."

My heart raced as I watched the scene unfold. Zephyr was terrifying, and I knew that this would not end well.

Maximus didn't flinch as he drew his sword. "I have no bounty on my head," he said calmly. "You must have mistaken me for someone else."

Zephyr's smile turned into a snarl. "Don't play stupid, Maximus," he growled. "I know who you are, you're the Lycan king, and a price has been put on your head."

Maximus raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that bounty," he said dismissively. "I had almost forgotten about it. But you see, I have no intention of going with you."

Zephyr let out a roar, "You have no choice, Lycan King. Now hand over your sword and come with me peacefully, or I'll have to use force."

Maximus gripped his sword tighter. "I will not go anywhere with you, and I will not hand over my sword," he said firmly.

Zephyr's expression turned darker, and he unsheathed his own sword. "If that's how you want it, then so be it," he said, lunging forward to attack.

Maximus drew his sword, ready to fight, but Zephyr was quick and ruthless. He lunged forward, his own sword flashing in the sun, and two of our companions fell to the ground, their bodies limp and lifeless.

I screamed, my baby crying in my arms, as the rest of us scrambled to defend ourselves. Maximus fought with all his might, but Zephyr was too strong, too skilled. I watched in horror as he sliced through one after another of our companions, his laughter ringing in Maximus attacked him and prevented him from continuing to decimate us.

my ears.

What followed was a blur of swords clashing and grunts as they fought for dominance. I was rooted to the spot, unable to do anything but watch in terror. Maximus was a skilled fighter, but Zephyr was no slouch either, and it was clear that this would not be an easy fight.

"Felicity, run! Flee everyone! " Maximus yelled as he struggled to get up from the ground.

"No, Maximus, I'm not leaving you!" Felicity shouted back as she clutched her baby tighter.

Zephyr turned his attention to me and sneered, "How touching. I'll make sure to kill you last."

I trembled, fear coursing through my veins. I had never felt so helpless before. Maximus struggled to his feet, his shoulder bleeding from the wound.

"You're going to pay for that," Maximus growled.

Zephyr chuckled. "I look forward to it."

The two clashed again, swords ringing as they battled. I watched with bated breath, praying that Maximus would come out victorious. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not after everything we had been through.

As the fight went on, I could see that Maximus was starting to tire. His movements weren't as quick or precise, and Zephyr was taking advantage of every opportunity to strike.

"Felicity," Maximus gasped. "Take the baby and run. I'll hold him off."

"No," I protested. "I won't leave you again."

"Felicity let's go!" Ava said pulling my arm, Adrian and the others were already in front leaving.

"No! Leave, I'm staying here!" I refused, my voice cracked tears flowing from my eyes, I couldn't give up on Maximus, never.

"This isn't like before. I won't let him take you or our child. Go, Felicity. Run." Maximus reassured me.

With tears streaming down my face, i reluctantly accepted. "Please be careful."

"Always am." He said in a confident tone. And I could only believe him.

I turned and ran, my heart pounding, as I heard the sound of swords clashing behind me.

I didn't turn back, knowing that I had to trust Maximus to protect us. I prayed that we would make it out of this alive.

I heard footsteps and screams behind us, I didn't turn around, I knew it was Zephyr, I was exhausted but I had to run, I knew if he was behind us it meant that he had killed Maximus, and it broke my heart, but I had to keep running not for me, but for my little baby. Finally, we were backed up against a cliff, our backs to the edge. Zephyr stood in front of us, his sword dripping with blood. "Time to end this," he said, raising his sword to strike the final blow.

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