The Lycan’s King Breeder

Chapter 71

Felicity POV.

"Yes, Maximus," I said, smiling at him. "He saved my life." "Did he-" Kyle started to say.

But I cut him off, "Maximus saved me, he didn't hurt me."

Their relief was palpable and they both let out a sigh. But I knew they still had their reservations about him, especially after everything that had happened.

The others were placed there, uncomfortable not understanding anything.

"Feli! What happened?", Kyle asked, her voice sounding full of concern.

Maximus cleared his throat, and spoke in a deep, authoritative voice. "I'm sorry for how I treated Felicity. I was wrong. I want to make it up to her and start over. I hope you can all forgive me."

Ava and Kyle stared in disbelief. " abused her and treat her poorly," Kyle said.

I stepped forward, placing a hand on Maximus's arm. "He's changed, and I believe him," I said firmly.

Ava looked torn, chewing on her bottom lip. "I don't know what to think."

Maximus remained calm, his jaw set. "I understand that it will take time for me to prove myself, but I am willing to put in the work. I am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right with Felicity."

Kyle scoffed, "You're so naive, sis. He'll break you even more and you'll only have your eyes to cry." He laughed nervously, not wanting to admit that his sister could trust someone who had hurt her so badly. I shot Kyle a sharp look. "Don't undermine me, Kyle. I know what I'm doing."

Kyle shook his head in disbelief. "You're just like mom and dad, always seeing the good in people even when they don't deserve it."

I ignored him, turning back to Maximus. "I believe you, and I think we can move forward from here. But, Kyle, if you can't support me in this, then maybe it's best if you leave the HQ."

Kyle's face twisted in anger. "How can you even ask me that? He's the one who hurt you! You're putting him before your own family!"

"Enough, Kyle!" Ava spoke up, her voice firm. "We need to give Maximus a chance to prove himself. If he can't, then we can reevaluate the situation. But Felicity deserves to be forgiven if she wants to try and move forward." Kyle looked between us, his face red with anger. "Fine. But I won't let my guard down around him."

With that, he stormed out of the room and slammed his door shut. Ava sighed, looking between Maximus and I. "I hope you know what you're doing, Felicity."

"I do," I said firmly, knowing that I had made the right decision.

As soon as Kyle left, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They streamed down my face, and I felt a lump in my throat. Maximus put a hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off.

"I'll be fine," I said weakly, wiping my tears away.

Ava gave me a sad smile, then made her way to Kyle's room. I watched her go and wondered what they were talking about.

Meanwhile, Adrian had been silent through the entire ordeal. But now, he spoke up.

"I have to agree with Kyle," he said softly. "Maximus is going to break you. You deserve better than that, Felicity."

I looked at him with hurt in my eyes. "I thought you were my friend," I said through gritted teeth.

"I am your friend," he replied. "That's why I'm telling you the truth. Maximus is not the right guy for you."

I could feel my anger rising, and I stood up from the couch. "I can't believe you're saying this!" I shouted. "You're supposed to be on my side!"

"I am on your side!" he said, also rising to his feet. "But sometimes, the truth hurts."

And with that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I was left alone with Maximus, who looked more embarrassed than ever.

The others slipped away one by one, all of them more uncomfortable than ever. I couldn't blame them - I had made a scene, and now they were all caught in the middle of it.

I looked at Maximus and felt a pang of disappointment. Maybe Adrian was right - maybe he wasn't the right guy for me after all.

I couldn't believe the way Kyle and Adrian had reacted. I felt like I had lost them both in that moment. I turned to Maximus, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I didn't think it would go like this."

Maximus pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. "It's okay," he said. "We'll get through this. Together."

I felt a little comforted by his words, but the pain of losing my brother and best friend was overwhelming. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were right, that Maximus would hurt me again.

But then he spoke, his voice so gentle and loving. "I'll leave, if that's what you want. I don't want to cause any more pain for you."

"No!" I cried out, gripping him tightly. "Please, don't leave me. I need you."

He held me closer, his lips pressing against my forehead. "I'll always be here for you, Felicity. You're my family now."

As soon as Kyle left, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They streamed down my face, and I felt a lump in my throat. Maximus put a hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it off.

I sniffled, wiping away my tears. "Thank you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

We sat there for a while in silence, just holding each other. I knew things would never be the same with Kyle and Adrian, but I also knew that I had to make a choice. And my choice was to stay by Maximus's side, no matter what.

Eventually, he pulled away, looking at me with a small smile on his face. "Things will get better," he said.

I nodded, feeling a small glimmer of hope. "I just need some time to convince them that you're different now."

He took my hand in his. "I have faith in you," he said.

We both stood up, ready to face whatever lay ahead. As we walked towards my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty. But I also felt a strong sense of belonging, of being with the one person who had been there for me through the toughest times. "Thank you," I whispered to him as we entered our room.

He turned to me, his eyes full of love. "For what?"

"For being here for me," I said. "For loving me."

He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. "I will always love you," he said, his voice rough with emotion.

I pulled away from him slightly, looking up at him. "Can you repeat that?"

He gave me a small smile, clearly understanding my request. "What do you want me to repeat, love?"

"The part about loving me," I said quietly.

"I love you," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "More than anything in this world."

I felt the butterflies in my stomach, my heart racing with the intensity of his words. Without a word, he bent down and kissed me tenderly, with passion, desire and love. His lips moved against mine, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes, succumbing to the beauty of the moment. It was like time had stood still, like nothing else mattered except for the two of us. Our love was all-encompassing, all-consuming, and it was beautiful.

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine, catching his breath. "I love you," he said again, his voice husky with emotion.

"I love you too," I whispered, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "So much."

And in that moment, I knew that no matter what happened, no matter who was for us and against us, we would always have each other. Our love was the strongest thing in the world, and nothing could ever break it.

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