The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 16


‘Alpha sir, the warriors are all in position.’

I linked Rowan as Sadie and I began briefing our warriors on the situation we were dealing with. You can’t quite come out and say there is a jealous psycho ex running around..but every warrior of ours knows Chloe’s it doesn’t need to be said’s just a fact at this point.

‘Do we have two warriors stationed at every exit?’

I linked softly to my mate, her aqua eyes flashing to mine as she nodded her head and smiled. F**k me..I don’t know what the hell it is but since the moment we got here I am struggling..bad. Something about Sadie tonight is driving me absolutely wild. I don’t know if it’s the deep red silk gown she is wearing or the fact that her matching painted toes are peeking out of her strappy heels..I never thought I would be a feet guy but one look at those gorgeous toes and I swear I almost drooled.

F**k my princess looks gorgeous tonight..and for the first time ever she has been initiating things with me. Like earlier she reached over to straighten my tie. Then not too long ago her hand brushed up against my thigh..okay those might be the most subtle things in the world of intimacy but for us..that’s called f*****g progress.

‘Dude, Choe, and Ozzy coming in hot. Apparently they brought their own entourage of warriors with them. At least six men and they all look like douchebags.’

Blake linked me and I hastily informed our warriors, preparing then for what was to come. Do I think they are stupid enough to do anything? No way in hell..but the fact that they are bringing their own warriors shows me they are playing some type of game.

It might be an intimidation factor but we don’t take that shit lightly.

I looked over across the room as Rowan pulled out a chair for Mila, helping her sit down before bending over and giving her a deep k**s. As soon as he took his place next to her, I glanced back towards the door, watching as more Alpha’s and their mates filed into the room along with a few other select employees who were invited.

This dinner was meant to familiarize each other with our new partners and start to form a working relationship..well that was before Alpha Ozzy turned out to be a huge d**k and was mated with the spawn of Satan.

I don’t know what the f**k Blake was thinking when he met this guy and decided he would be a good fit for the company..I’m going to have to have a word with him about that..I’m sure Rowan is planning to as well.

‘Tristan, everything is set, we should take our seats.’

Sadie’s beautiful voice filled my head as she walked up to me and took my hand. I tried not to freak the f**k out as my eyes widened and I felt those sparks shooting straight through me and settling in a place I definitely didn’t need it to right now. F**k..the last thing I need is a distraction tonight but I can’t help and stare at my mate. I watched as her curvy athletic a*s swayed from side to side as she led me towards the table like I was some damn puppy following her around.

‘Bro, close your mouth, you’re drooling.’

Blake linked and it took every ounce of strength in me not to flip him off in front of everyone.

Once we got to the table, I sat next to Blake, and Sadie moved to the other side sitting next to Lottie.

Just as we sat down, the doors opened wide and in came that overbearing Alpha a*****e. His warriors followed on either side of him and Chloe, causing everyone in the restaurant to murmur in surprise. At least we were subtle about our protection..f**k.

‘This a*****e pisses me off so bad.’

I almost didn’t recognize that the person that linked me was Sadie, she did sound pissed and I couldn’t help but smile as she met my gaze and gave me a bored look.

‘Me too Princess.’

F**k!! I didn’t mean to call her that..shit..dammit I always try to keep that to myself. Now she is going to think I’m a real f*****g psycho..well I kind of am in some ways..but I don’t want her to think that.

I bravely glanced up, I swear my cheeks had to be an embarrassing shade of red as I cleared my throat and chugged whatever f*****g drink Blake just put infront of me.

Bad was pure f*****g scotch.

“Woah, slow down there buddy.” He laughed, glancing over at me with the smuggest expression on his face. He knew..he knew I was freaking the f**k out. That a*****e!

‘Are..are you okay?’

Sadie’s sweet voice echoed through me and I glanced up, nodding my head and drinking water now.

‘Just drank too fast.’

My lame excuse caused the most breathtaking smile to pull at her lips..I want to taste them so f*****g bad. I never wanted anything more in my life..

‘Gamma, you seem awfully distracted.’

Oh goddess, now Rowan was picking up on it. Was it that obvious?

‘Sorry Alpha.’

I quickly replied, glancing down the table towards where Alpha Ozzy and the psycho sat.

‘’s nice to see you smile like that..have you..well did she say anything about accepting the bond?’

Rowan asked carefully..Rowan and I actually talk about the weirdest shit out feelings and all that crap. It’s surprising how open we get with eachother but honestly I feel more comfortable telling him some things than Blake..because Blake can rarely keep his mouth shut..he is worse than our mothers on the gossip front I f*****g swear.

‘Well today she seems a lot more making moves..that’s why I’m a little distracted, sorry.’

I admitted, glancing towards Rowan who was smiling now and nodded towards me before reaching his arm over and gripping Mila’s hand.

‘I get it..well definitely don’t let the opportunity pass. If you need to duck out early just say so. Making your mate happy is more important than this boring shit.’

Rowan grumbled and I couldn’t help but swell with pride..seeing how amazing our Alpha is and how much he cares for his people. Ever since Mila came into his life its almost like she awoke a softer side to him..and softer doesn’t mean weaker..not one f*****g bit. It means he can relate to his people more and make decisions based on their well-being. That’s what a true f*****g Alpha does.

“Alpha Rowan, I thought perhaps we would be sitting together to discuss more of what direction the company was going in.” Alpha Ozzy’s loud voice boomed down the table, making Finn scoff as he took a sip of wine.

Great, that’s all we need..hostile drunk Finn picking a fight with the new Alpha. We all know that’s where this will end if he keeps drinking.

Sadie must of been thinking the same thing because she looked over towards me and nodded slightly.

‘Don’t worry, I will watch him.’

She informed me and for a moment the feelings of jealousy began to rise..the fact she was watching another male irked me for some reason..f**k these emotions drove me insane.

“This dinner was meant more as a social gathering, I would rather we put work on the side for the next hour.” Rowan said smoothly, his response calm and collected, but I knew better than that. I saw how tightly he was gripping Mila’s hand and the way she stroked him soothingly with her thumb.

“Well, then I wish to socialize with you and your Luna for the evening.” Alpha Ozzy countered, and I swear Blake, Finn, Sadie and I all shot him a look, causing Chloe to roll her eyes as she sipped her wine. Did I mention she looked fake as hell now? The platinum blonde hair and overly filled lips..not to mention I swear she went up a breast size. She was almost unrecognizable but that smug pompous better-than-you attitude was still the same, that’s for sure.

“Considering we are all already seated, perhaps next time would be better.” Mila suddenly chimed in, her smile soft and genuine but I could see the distaste she had for this guy as well..which made me smile. I f*****g love when Mila shows a little of that fire she has..

“Of course Luna Mila, perhaps you and Chloe can have lunch in Howling Cave one of these days, considering we are allies now.” Alpha Ozzy suggested, knowing all to well how much Mila and Chloe don’t get along..he f*****g had to unless Chloe lied out of her a*s once again..which is a huge possibility.

Mila just smiled and nodded, linking something to Rowan that apparently made him stifle a fit of laughter..I almost wish she had said it outloud..

The first course was just served and my eyes kept wandering their way over to Sadie..

Something about her being in red and the way she lifted her f*****g glass and took a sip..everything was s****l to me. Every damn thing..even the way she blinked her eyes was turning me on.

I don’t know if she felt this charge in the air..this electricity that was radiating off of us but I was buzzing. I quickly chugged down my wine, trying to numb this distraction as Sadie’s voice filled my head once more.


She began, making my hand freeze in place as I waited for her to finish..something about the way she spoke made my heart stop..what was she about to couldn’t be that..could it?

‘I think I’m ready..I want..I want to accept our bond.’

Well f**k me..the glass slipped from my hand, shattering on the table as everyone whipped their heads towards me as I stood up immediately.

“Come with me Princess.” My wolf spoke through me for the first time in a long f*****g time..right at that moment I didn’t care about a single thing..only this gorgeous woman sitting before me and the bomb she just f*****g dropped..Sadie would finally be mine..and nothing could stop that now.

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