The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 17


My body was physically shaking..ever since Genevieve asked if Tristan had marked me yet, It was weighing heavily on my mind. Why was I waiting? What was I even waiting for? Was I still afraid that he might change his mind? I knew that was the answer to everything..all of my life, every single person I have ever cared about has been taken away from me. What if I’m cursed..what if something happens to Tristan because he is with me. I could never live with myself if that were the case.

‘Sade..we have to stop living in fear. Please..we need need him.’

My wolf Savanah whispered, her words sinking in as I stared across the table at this man who is perfect in every single way possible.

‘I think I’m ready..I want..I want to accept our bond.’

I closed my eyes, taking that terrifying leap as I suddenly heard glass crashing against the table. Glancing up, I met Tristan’s burning gaze and he spoke with such power and authority it made my whole body quiver.

“Come with me Princess.” His eyes flashed black and his words were followed by a deep growl.

Right now?! Oh my Goddess..I didn’t expect that..but before I knew it, my legs were moving on their own and I was now standing as Tristan walked around the table and took my hand in his before pulling me along with him.

I didn’t care to look around the room and see who was staring. As soon as Tristan gripped my hand and I felt those butterflies fluttering in my stomach..I knew what I wanted..I wanted to be his..I needed to be his.

We rounded the corner, making our way through the dining room as Tristan led me toward the back door. Before we could even reach it, he jerked my arm forward, making me crash into his firm chest as my eyes widened from the impact. He was so well toned and firm that it was hard not to melt into a damn puddle right before him.

He reached his hand up, gripping my chin firmly as he tilted my head back and connected our gaze. His eyes were like pure fire, the desire and wanting burning deep inside of him that it caused my center to tighten as desperation consumed me. My arousal filled the air around us as he inhaled deeply, his eyes flashing black once more before he inched his way down, giving me the opportunity to pull back if needed.

I wasn’t going to..not this time..this time I was going to be selfish..I wanted Tristan, I wanted every single part of him.

“You are unlike any woman I have ever met.” He whispered, mere inches from my lips as my breathing began to quicken.

“Tell me you will be mine Princess..tell me you belong to me.” His lips grazed against my flesh, my head falling further back as I slipped into those deep hazel eyes, getting lost inside of them as I nodded my head softly.

‘I am yours.’

I gasped into the link, my words demolishing any sense of doubt that remained as Tristen pressed his lips to mine. Igniting a fire I never knew existed deep inside of me as his fingers threaded through my curly locks, holding my head in place as he kissed my breath away. Every part of my existence that I once knew shattered into a million pieces as Tristan turned my world upside down and then slowly put me back together one piece at a time with one single k**s. I knew my purpose now..I knew it involved him and that this was where I was supposed to be..he was where I was supposed to be and I vowed to never leave his side for as long as I lives.

‘I need you Sadie..I need all of you.’

His voice was vulnerable and full of emotion as I mindlessly nodded my head once more. He could take me right here and now and I couldn’t care less. I was so far gone I didn’t even know how to find my way back..everything has changed..everything.

‘Come on Princess, this way.’ He whispered into our link, tugging my hand as I blinked my eyes in confusion. When did we get back to the hotel?

Before I could question anything, I was pulled into the elevator and pushed against the wall as Tristan slammed his lips against mine once more, throwing me into that oblivion as passion and l**t consumed my very soul.

‘Red, you look so f*****g good in red.’ He grumbled against me, his mouth trailing it’s way down my throat as I gasped for air, unsure of how long we had been kissing this time.

‘I..I wore it for you.’ I admitted, my body trembling from his touch as his hands slid up and began feeling my body greedily. He was just as desperate as I was..

‘You are so good for me princess.’

He g*****d, his palms making their way behind my back and settling on my a*s as he squeezed me tightly. The doors quickly opened and I suddenly found myself in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist.

His mouth fused to mine once more, his tongue stroking and rolling against mine as they danced together in a natural rhythm. Everything felt so natural..every touch, every k** all felt so right.

Before I knew it, we were in our room and I was being thrown back on the bed, my hair fanning out around me as Tristan scanned my body slowly. His eyes sparkled with excitement as I bit my l*p nervously..

“I never knew right until this moment..that this..this is what I have been are what I have been missing.” He whispered, taking a step forward as his hand reached out, caressing my cheek gently as I closed my eyes, basking in his warmth and absorbing those tingles that make me feel so alive.


I whimpered, his hand lowering down as one of his sharp claws extended out and began ripping through my dress, causing me to frown.

‘Don’t worry, I will buy my mate all the red dresses she could ever want..’

He smirked, making my cheeks warm as I felt like my heart might just beat right out of my chest at any moment.

He dragged his claw down, ripping the silk fabric cleanly in half before he reached down, pulling it off of me slowly.

All that was left now were the red lace panties I had on and I heard Tristan let out a sharp gasp.

“Absolutely breathtaking.” He mumbled, his fingers reaching up to my collarbone as he placed his palm flat against my skin, right above my scar.

“I have never seen such raw beauty.” His words seeped inside of me as it took every ounce of strength not to turn my head and look away in shame. My scars..that and not being able to speak were my biggest insecurities..and yet with Tristan..he made me feel special because of them..

He began to trail his hand down, his calloused palms tracing the curves of my breasts as goosebumps prickled my skin, causing my back to arch.

Tristan lowered his head, his smooth lips making contact with my flesh as he began exploring my body with delicate k****s.

“Stunning.” He breathed making me turn my head and squeeze my thighs together, his slow yet intoxicating torture driving me mad as my core flooded with desire.

“F**k aren’t making this easy.” He g*****d, his hands gripping my thighs as I whimpered into our link.

He continued his agonizingly slow trail of k****s, reaching my navel now as I wriggled my h**s uncontrollably. I wanted something..I needed something to satiate this feeling that is building and building deep inside of me.

‘Tristan please.’

I whined into our link, making him chuckle against my belly button as he rubbed his hands up and down my thighs slowly.

‘Sadie, we need to take this slow. I know it feels like torture for you but I am getting your body ready.’

He explained, making me blink down at him as he slid his hand up my thigh, close to my panty covered core.

“Let’s see how wet my Princess is.”

He said cooly, remaining in control as his fingers slipped past my panties and grazed my entrance, causing me to buck my h**s.

“F** are dripping wet.” His voice was deeper now, his eyes growing dark as he looked down at my body with a deep hunger…maybe this is just as much torture for him as it is for me now.

He slid his fingers up again, rubbing my wet p***y as he let out a low growl, causing me to throw my head back and shut my eyes tight.

“Do you like that beautiful? Do you want more?” He asked deeply, causing me to nod my head yes as he spread my legs further apart and pulled down my panties before ripping them completely off.

“F**k are perfect.” He g*****d, and before I knew it he was between my legs with his arms wrapped around my thighs holding them in place.

“I have dreamed about tasting this sweet p***y since the moment I met you.” He declared, his eyes locking onto mine as I swallowed hard and didn’t even know what to expect at this point. My head was spinning out of control as the need for Tristan to touch me overrided any rational thoughts I might have had.

Tristan bent down, his long hair tied back behind him as his eyes stayed on mine the whole time.

“Watch me worship you how I treasure every inch of you.” He whispered before pressing his mouth against my core.

My mouth fell open as I watched Tristan lick and suck me slowly, the feeling of pleasure making my legs shake as this new sensation consumed me completely.

‘oooh Tristan.’

I m****d and g*****d into the link, verbalizing every ounce of pleasure into his mind as I cried his name out.

His mouth latched onto my swollen clit, sucking and pulling me until I was wound so tight I began thrashing my head from side to side. Unsure of what to do as I pawed at the sheets desperately, my fingers turning into claws as the sound of ripping fabric filled the room.

“Let go, Princess, cum for me.” It was as if his words solved every problem I ever had, making my body flood with pure f*****g bliss as raw pleasure crashed through me unlike anything I had ever felt in my life. Wave after wave of ecstasy coursed through my veins as I opened my eyes and realized Tristan was now naked above me.

“Sadie please, I need to claim you now.” He growled, all of that restraint he once had fracturing right before my eyes.

He lifted my thigh, his lightly tanned smooth chest hovered above me as I admired his strong toned muscles. He looked a piece of art that was sculpted by the goddess herself.

His long hair fell over his shoulders as it created a wall around us, shielding us from the world and making everything that much more intimate.

‘You are so beautiful.’

He linked me, his lips pressing against mine roughly as that urge to claim me took him over.

Suddenly I felt something hard at my entrance, my thighs spreading further open as I welcome my mate eagerly..I want him to be mine just as much as he wanted me..I was ready for this.

Tristan wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me as close to him as possible as he continued to k**s me fervently.

“You are mine.” His words echoed through me as he thrust his h**s, slidding his hard c**k inside of me slowly. My mouth opened wide as I inhaled a sharp breath, those sparks and tingles igniting my flesh as a sharp pain throbbed through me. He continued to k**s my body, trailing down my throat as he g*****d out. Every moment sliding him deeper inside of me as his eyes locked onto mine.

“You are doing so good f*****g good.” He whispered, pushing deeper inside of me as my body slowly became accustomed to his size.

Suddenly his movements began to pick up, that desperation filling us both as my finger dug into his back while my h**s began to move on their own, meeting each thrust equally.

‘Tristan..yes..oh goddess yes it feels so good.’

I cried out into our link, throwing my head back as he began to glide in and out of me fully, his movements smooth and graceful as he reached down, licking and kissing my neck lighty.

“You are my world now everything.”

He growled against me, and before I could absorb those words fully, I felt his canines pierce my skin, the intensity of his mark throwing me into complete oblivion as an earth shattering o****m tore through me and made my body shake uncontrollably. My eyes filled with a blinding light as my body engulfed with a burning pleasure that connected my soul to his..

“” He choked out, his own release close as I reached up and bit into his flesh, my teeth clamped down, making him cry out as my mark burned into his flesh. I extracted my canines and lapped at his skin, feeling him jerk and buck his h**s as he emptied himself inside of me.

His eyes rolled back as he g*****d and m****d with pleasure, our connection pumping those waves of pleasure though our bond as we both shook and trembled against one another..trying to gain control once again but failing miserably.

Tristan collapsed on top of me, his body rolling to the side as he pulled me close to his chest and held me tight. Our breathing was labored and erratic as our mouths fused together once again, kissing and tasting one another until we broke apart, gasping for air and trying to tame our racing hearts.

“F**k Princess..I think you almost killed me.” He laughed, making me fill with embarrassment as I buried my face against his chest, causing him to k**s the top of my head and rub my back lovingly.

“That was are incredible.” He whispered, kissing my naked shoulder as he continued to hold me tight..

‘You are finally mine.’

I linked, looking up at him as his eyes gleamed with excitement. He lowered his head down, pressing his lips to mine as he kissed me softly.

“And I will never leave your side.” He added, making my heart burst as the realization of what just happened was finally setting in. Thank you moon goddess..thank you so much for this gift..thank you for my mate.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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