The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny(Book 2) – Chapter 15

(Rowan pov)

It was now six o’clock in the evening and we had the private dinner scheduled for seven at the restaurant, Nebu’s. It was connected to the hotel and was known for its quality service and high-end food.

We rented out the whole place for the night, considering our group was pretty large and werewolves are known for eating a lot..we wanted to prepare the staff ahead of time.

Mila and I just got out of the shower when I heard my phone ringing, looking down at the screen I saw Finn’s name and answered it quickly.

“Hello?” I said while placing a gentle k**s on Mila’s bare shoulder, watching as she brushed her long beautiful hair in the mirror. It was hard not to be mesmerized..

“So, how are we going to handle this guy?” Finn suddenly blurted on the other end of the call, causing all the stress from earlier to rush back in. F**k me..can’t we just have one normal night without some type of drama.

“What do you mean handle him?” I asked, trying not to seem exasperated by this whole conversation.

“I don’t like how he was looking at with this whole Chloe shit..don’t you think she is up to something?” He began to rant..and it was taking everything in me not to snap at him for being concerned about MY mate..but I knew why he was..I knew why most people were drawn to her and felt a need to protect I understand it all a little more..except that prick Harry..I still hate him with a passion.

“WE aren’t going to do anything Finn. I have doubled the guards and made sure those two are sitting as far away from us as possible.” I explained, walking out of the bathroom as I went towards the closet where our clothes were neatly arranged.

“Wait..did I call the wrong number? Is this really you Ro?” He asked in mock confusion, making me roll my eyes as I picked out a royal blue suit for me and a matching royal blue dress for Mila.

“Shut the f**k up..” I quipped, placing our clothes on the bed as I grabbed a black leather belt to match.

“Seriously though, how the hell are you not freaking out? This guy pretty much groped her with his eyes and yet you almost kicked my a*s for barely glancing at her in the past.” He scoffed, making a low growl rumble out of me for the choice of words he used.

“Well, that’s definitely not helping the situation.” I said between gritted teeth, trying to not let Mila hear me.

“I’m just trying to get this damn dinner over with so I can start my real vacation with my mate..this is the last f*****g obstacle in our way and I won’t let anything ruin it.” My voice began to rise, that anger I was trying so f*****g hard to keep from spilling over doing just that because this wasn’t helping one bit.

“Okay, okay I get it..I just wanted you to know I’ve got your back..that’s all.” He muttered, making me pinch the bridge of my nose as I let out a sigh. The feel of Mila’s arms wrapping around my waist from behind made my skin tingle with excitement and made me calm immediately as I tried to get control of that anger completely.

“Yeah..I get it, I appreciate it Finn..we just have to get through it without any incidents and then we’re fine.” I expressed, not really giving a shit if Chloe was there or not because she was nothing to me. She was more annoying than anything and I dreaded having to hear her shrill voice the whole damn night. Did I really think she was a threat to my mate tonight? No way in hell..Chloe isn’t brave enough to try anything and me and my men won’t let her. Plus I saw the way Sadie was looking at her. Mila must have informed her about Chloe because Sadie looked like she wanted to slit her throat. That is one person I would hate to be on their bad side..Sadie is f*****g deadly.

“Just know I’m here for you and Mil, you guys are like family.” Finn added, making me feel slightly relieved to know he has gotten over his Mila was bad for a little while but now I think he really just cares about her well-being and came to his senses about the whole thing.

“Thanks Finn, really..we will see you downstairs in an hour.” and with that, we said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.

I tossed my phone onto the bed before turning around and pulling Mila to my chest tightly.

“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to..” She whispered, looking up at me with those big emerald eyes. I couldn’t help but melt beneath her gaze..f**k was she stunning.

“It will just be one dinner, we can do this.” I bent down, placing my lips against hers, needing to lose myself completely in her sweet mouth as the taste of her made my heart beat erratically. She was how I would get through this. Tonight needed to happen because I have to see who Alpha Ozzy really is and what his motives are. Why the hell did he pick Chloe as a Luna? I have a feeling there is more to this man than we know..

“Come on baby, let’s get dressed so we can go downstairs and meet up with everyone.” I reluctantly pulled away, kissing her on the tip of the nose as she smiled brightly and went to grab her dress.

The dress I picked had a ruffled off the shoulder neckline with a form-fitting fabric on the bodice. She looked positively breathtaking as she went to the mirror and swept up her hair into a high ponytail, letting two curly stands fall onto the side, framing her face.

As she was about to dig through her small bag of jewelry, I snuck up behind her, slipping her mom’s necklace around her neck. She smiled brightly, reaching her hand up as she touched the golden flower and met my gaze in the mirror.

“Thank you baby.” She smiled, but before she could turn around to k**s me, I pulled a small box from my pocket and placed it on the counter next to her.

“A gift for my Luna.” I whispered while bending down and placed a soft k**s against her neck sweetly.

“ didn’t have to do this.” She gasped, looking with wide eyes at the small blue box on the counter.

“Open it.” I wrapped my large hands around her waist pressing my palms against her stomach as I couldn’t take my eyes off of her for a single second.

She slowly reached down, taking the small box in her hands as she glanced up at me once more, causing me to nod my head encouragingly and smile widely at my sweet little mate..f**k was she adorable..

She popped the top open, causing a gasp to escape her perfect pink lips as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

“I had them specially made for you, to match your necklace perfectly.” I breathed against her flesh, causing goosebumps to prickle her skin as she gazed down at the gold earrings in her hand.

“Rowan..there..there perfect.” She whispered, turning in my arms quickly as she flung herself against me. The action causing me to laugh as I lifted her up by her a*s and felt her legs wrapping around my waist.

“So you like them?” I inquired, smirking wildly as she nodded her head vehemently.

“I love them.” She declared, slamming her lips against mine as she kissed me passionately.

Her happiness coursed through our bond as I absorbed every emotion willingly. Having my mate be happy fueled my own happiness even more as I deepened our k**s, my tongue slipping inside of her as I began to explore and taste every inch. F**k did she taste good..I crave this so damn much..I crave her, unlike anything else in this damn world..She is all I need to survive..she is absolutely everything.

“Put them on baby. I want to see how they look.” I pulled away, caressing her back lovingly as she nodded her head and placed the box in front of her.

She oh so carefully opened the box before taking one out at a time and placed them into her ears. I don’t know how it’s possible but she looked even more stunning..I can’t help but stare at her with my mouth gaping wide open, absorbing the whole view of her as she looked up and smiled at me shyly.

“Mila baby, if you start looking at me like that..there is no way I can leave this room without f*****g you.” My voice came out deep and raspy as her eyes sparkled with excitement and her teeth dragged across her full bottom l*p before biting down sensually.

“Maybe I want to give you something too, to say thank you baby.” She said smoothly, hopping down off of me as she slowly lowered to her knees before me. My eyes widened in anticipation as I watched my mate lick her lips and reach her small hands for my belt.

“Let me taste you baby.” She cooed, making my head fall back as I let my mate claim my c**k with her mouth.

I never last long with Mila’s mouth on my c**k..but at least this way we won’t be late..that’s one way to look at it.

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