The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 95


It started with a command, the rain still falling around us as I heard Marcus giving some bullshit speech about taking back what was his. How he would kill the Alpha of Black Stone and be the new leader. Letting the rogues take what they wanted and be their own pack. He was claiming that Alpha Marcus was the true ruler of this territory and they have been beaten down and stolen from for far too long. It took everything in me not to run up there and try to kill him on the spot..but we needed to make it seem like we are we can get through as many rogues as possible, so we can truly leave him defenseless.

A loud piercing howl filled the sky, calling all the rogues to line up. I glanced over at my warriors, every person here was more than ready to fight, ready to give their lives to save their protect their pack.

‘We leave no survivors, this is it..this is the time we prove what Black Stone is capable of.’

I linked, my voice powerful and full of confidence.

‘For Black Stone!!’

The warriors chanted back, their voices booming as the thrill of the fight filled every single one of us. Then they started to come, we knew there would be many, but they were weak and inexperienced. They had no idea what we were capable of, how my twenty warriors could easily kill every single one of them. So the fact that we had thirty more waiting for my command was almost thrilling.

Marcus pointed out towards us, acting like a f*****g general or something as he stood back, making these rogues do the work for him. Instantly thirty wolves launched toward us, their movements sluggish and sloppy.

Without a word, my men knew exactly what to do. Ten of our wolves raced forward, colliding with the incoming rogues as they took down their opponents easily. The look on Marcus’s face was just as satisfying as I thought it would be. He quickly sent out twenty more, trying to bombard us as we were ready to unleash hell.

‘Blake, come up from the rear, I want you to flank the wolves waiting.’

I instructed my brother, who was just as worried about Mila as I was. When I told him about what happened, he was devastated..he wanted to hunt for Marcus himself, trying to help out in any way he could. The love we have for Mila is indescribable, not only is she my mate, the woman I will one day marry and have pups with..she is a sister, a daughter, and a friend..she is so much more than she realizes now.

After the fourth wave of rogues, I joined in, making my way towards Marcus, weaving through slumped over rogues as my men continued to do their job. So far there are no casualties on our end, and honestly, I don’t expect there to be. This is nothing compared to the training we do at our own camp. I don’t know what the hell Marcus was thinking but his mistake will cost him his life.

Bain slammed his paw down, knocking out a rogue cold as he tore his way to Marcus. Seeing the panic in those eyes that were identical to my own..but I had never shown fear like this. Marcus was weak, he couldn’t even hold an Alpha presence like I do. No way in hell would Mila ever fall for that shit. I looked to my left as three more rogues raced towards me. Compared to Bain, they were nothing..he took his claws out, slashing their sides as they yelped, falling to the ground.

We must have killed ten rogues on our way to Marcus like it was nothing. Every strike fueling me to go further, one more rogue closer to ending this.

Looking across the way, I saw Blake’s wolf Eris tackle down two rogues at once. His large paws slammed down like it was nothing, man was he huge. He howled loudly, causing a few rogues to cower in fear.

‘I’m heading for Marcus, I get the feeling the prick is running soon.’

I linked to Blake, slamming a rogue down in the process.

‘Why hasn’t he shifted yet? Maybe that transformation spell f****d something up, or he might think he will actually win this.’

Blake scoffed, I was thinking the same thing..why hasn’t he shifted? Something is going on..he has two larger rogues guarding him too..he can’t seriously be that much of a sit back and watch his so-called army get wiped out within minutes…

Just then I saw movement in the corner of my eye. Marcus reached up, clutching his chest as he staggered back like he had just been pierced in the heart. Suddenly he looked around the field, like he was searching for someone, and ran towards the building. Shit…Mila…I need to see if Tristan has found her yet.

‘Any sign of Mila yet? Marcus just ran somewhere, it looked urgent. I am trailing after him now.’

F**k..please let him find her..maybe Marcus had her moved somewhere else?

‘No, we will find her though, her scent is still fresh.’

He linked back quickly…maybe Marcus just realized he can’t win and has decided to way in hell am I letting that happen.

I ran towards where Marcus took off, seeing two rogues running towards me as I was about to pounce when Ian’s wolf Puck sideswiped them, making a clear path for me. Bain pushed forward, turning the corner sharply as Marcus’s fading scent led us toward the woods.

I took off, wondering how the hell he was so fast on foot as the unrelenting rain pelted down, making my vision limited. Every sense was now rendered useless…I had to go purely on instinct while Marcus’s scent was washed away with each step. Bain wasn’t going to give up…Bain was a f*****g predator and Marcus our weak little prey.

Sliding to the right, I found footprints leading through the mud as I spotted the two wolves that were guarding Marcus previously. I quickly caught them off guard, lunging onto one’s back and snapping his neck. The other whimpered, backing up slowly as fear filled his eyes..there is no room for mistakes..there is no way I would let one of these men go to potentially hurt my Mila in the future..

Bain growled possessively, showing this rogue how huge of a mistake he has judgment day is now upon him and he will pay for the crimes he has committed..

Bain snapped out, his jaw latching into the cowering rogue’s shoulder as he dragged and pulled him. Shaking him in our teeth until he went limp beneath our grasp. Now to find Marcus and end this.

The rain had finally let up, and the sound of heavy panicked breathing drifted toward me. The sound of a f*****g coward…the evil man who has taken what is mine..who has hurt what is mine..

Bain stepped forward silently, making sure not to make a single sound as I narrowed in on where he was hiding.

The air was thick and filled with tension, my ears perked up as I heard his body scraping against the tree. Bain crouched down, ready to pounce as every muscle inside of him engaged. All of that aggression boiling up to this point. All of those tears my mate cried, all of that fear she felt..those dreams he forced her to have..everything he took from her..this moment was for that.. for all of those times this monster had hurt my love, the reason why I was even put in this world. This was for her…

‘Rowan, be careful, Marcus has a silver dagger…I found Mila, she is safe.’

Tristan linked, right as I pounced, Bain’s jaw went straight for Marcus’s neck as he clamped down..his eyes wide with fear. Fear of the realization that it was over, that he wouldn’t win this. He would never get her, he will never even see her again..the last thing he will see are my fangs ripping his throat out, killing him once and for all.

“NO! If I can’t have her..then neither will you.” He croaked, his mouth gurgling as Bain bit down, piercing his flesh with our jaw.

Realization finally hit from Tristan’s warning as I slammed Marcus down..a sharp pain shooting through my chest. The feel of a cold silver blade slashing my skin as Bain jerked his head, snapping Marcus’s neck and killing him instantly.

She was Mila was finally safe..that’s all that mattered. That my love was free from this monster…

Bain stood up, his movements were sluggish as he quickly became weak, shifting us back as I looked down at my chest..a silver dagger pierced me as I staggered backward, slamming hard into the ground.

“Rowan!! Rowan No!!” The cries of my mate reached me..her voice, her sweet soothing voice surrounded me as darkness overtook everything. If this was the end, if this was it for me, I am glad I got to spend it protecting you…my Mila.

“I love you.” The only words I could speak as my last and final breath left me..she was worth it all. Every little thing..she was worth it.

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