The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 96


I felt the dagger enter my mate before I saw him, the feeling of that blade piercing my skin..the pain he felt coursing through me..and yet..he was happy. How could he be happy when this tragedy was unfolding right before me? How could he feel relief as my world was now crumbling to pieces. This man who had every single part of me was slowly fading and I needed to get to him, I needed to find him now.

“Tristan please hurry.” I cried out, tears staining my cheeks as I gripped his fur tightly.

Looking up ahead I saw him, his naked body limp on the floor with that dagger I saw so many times in those dreams in his chest.

“Rowan!! Rowan no!” I screamed, jumping off of Tristan as I raced towards my mate. My legs giving out as soon as I was by his side.

A soft smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he closed his eyes, turning his head to the side.

“I love you.” He breathed, his chest no longer moving as I didn’t know what to do..what do I do? How do I save him? How do I take this all do I never leave that night.

“No no no..please no.” I cried, my hands reaching for the dagger, it needed to come out..this will fix him, this will make him better.

Tristan slumped next to Rowan, watching me as my hands yanked the dagger out and threw it to the side. My palms slid over the gaping wound as I tried to cover it..I tried so hard to fix him, to make it all better.

Then I felt that string, that tether that bound began to pull, it began to fray and pull threatening to snap as I gripped tighter.

“Don’t leave me, you can’t leave can’t do this to me.” I sobbed, cupping his face as I tried to wake him up. Why wasn’t he waking up?

“Mila..Mila he is gone.” A voice said, a voice I didn’t know who it belonged to. Hands were touching me, trying to pull me away but I wasn’t broken yet..that wasn’t broken. If he was gone I would be dead..I would die with him, there was no other way. There had to be something else..there had to be a way.

“No! Let me go!” I yelled at the blurry faces trying to pull me away from him.

I slumped over my mate, my hands wrapping around his neck tighly as I sobbed hysterically..I would never leave him, never..I would rather die here than leave my mate alone in these woods.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive..please wake up..I promise I will never do that again..I will never leave you again.” I whispered into his ear, trying so desperately to wake him. That string was ready to snap as I began kissing his face, trailing from his cheek to his lips. My tears falling on his pale skin.

“Please Moon Goddess, please give me back my mate..I promise I will do better..I will be better.” I whispered against his lips, kissing him softly..praying to the goddess to give me another chance, to give our love a real chance..a chance to grow and a chance to live together.

When the final thread of that string was ready to snap, I then felt a bright light, a healing light forming deep inside of, not was forming inside of Rowan.

I began pulling back, unsure if what I was feeling for was real or was this what it felt like to die from a broken be free of that pain and go to the other side to meet my mate. Suddenly I felt his warm breath fanning against my lips, causing me to jolt back, scanning his face as my hands began touching every inch of him, trying to feel some type of indication that this was real, that what I felt was real.

‘You didn’t believe I would leave you just like that did you?’

His voice filled my mind and I collapsed onto him, crying out with relief as my mate’s hand slowly rose, stroking my hair gently.

“Oh, Rowan..I love you..I love you so much.” I sobbed..He was alive..oh thank the goddess..thank you for bringing back my Rowan..thank you for bringing back my purpose.


I felt my soul slipping into that darkness..into a place where I knew I would never return if I didn’t fight..I needed to fight for her, I needed to stay with her.

“You will be soon enough.” An angelic voice spoke, surprising me as I tried to look around in that darkness. Trying to find who was speaking.

“I have been watching you for a long time Rowan.” The voice said again, surrounding me as a bright blinding light made me flinch.

“Who are you?” I echoed into the endless blinding light.

“I am someone who watches over all of you, the mother who created your kind.” The voice was now behind me as I turned, seeing a beautiful woman with silver hair and emerald green eyes. She wore a robe made of shimmering moon beans covered in stars. The moon goddess, I had no doubt in my mind who this was.

“Why am I here?” I asked, wondering if this is where all werewolves went when we die.

“You are here because you have kept something very precious to me safe..something your family has done for sweet Renea started it daughter created from your kind..unable to live here with me. I had to watch from above as she grew, wanting to intervene but unable to. Your great-grandfather saved my daughter, giving her the chance to live by sacrificing his own life.” The words she spoke shocked what my grandpa said was true..the moon goddess really did have a daughter.

“Not only a daughter my boy..that daughter grew to have her own children, and they too had children as well. I had to watch as each one was hunted down, wanted as a prize by the most wicked of people..but I knew you would be perfect for my granddaughter. I knew you would be able to protect her just like your grandfather before you did with my daughter. He saved a child selflessly, not because he knew she was my daughter, but because he was a good man and had a good heart. That is why I gave him the gift of a second chance at life.” She continued..Holy shit..Mila was related to the moon goddess? Looking into the moon goddess’s eyes, they were the exact same color as Mila’s.

“So all those years ago, my great Grandpa saved your real daughter.” I was blown away, the story was true..and Mila was related to that girl all along.

“Yes, it was true, and you too Rowan, I will give you a second chance. But you have to promise me something.” She said seriously, walking towards me as she placed her hand on my cheek gently.

“Promise to always watch over your Mila, and to keep her safe..promise to hide this from her for as long as you can..that you will hide it from everyone. Her father knows, but he too has sworn not to tell a soul, or she will be in great danger.” She warned, making my chest tighten as I nodded my head.

“I promise, I will always take care of her..I will always love her, I swear it.” I said firmly, meaning every word as the moon goddess let out a chuckle.

“Love, I do not doubt my boy. The love you have for her is one written in the is one so pure it was always meant to be, even before you were born. You two were made perfectly for one another without a single is the purest love I have ever seen.” The moon goddess smiled softly, reaching down as she inched closer to my face.

“Now we don’t have much time, you must get back to your mate before it’s too late.” And with that, she pressed a soft k**s against my cheek, causing a warm light to radiate from her lips and settle into my skin. The feeling was ethereal and pure as it traveled through me. Waking up my senses as that white light disappeared.

“I will be watching over you two, I can’t wait to see the full life you are destined to have.” Her words echoed through me as I felt like I was falling down.

Without warning, I crashed into my body, feeling my mate’s lips against mine, her tears falling delicately on my skin as those sparks from her touch warmed me. My goddess, I needed to let her know I was still here but couldn’t move. I hoped her link was now working and tried that way.

‘You didn’t believe I would leave you just like that did you?’

I teased her, hearing those sobs was breaking my heart..knowing how much this hurt her and scared her. She fell on top of me, my hand being the only thing I could move right now as I stroked her hair lovingly..

The moon goddess’s words settled into my now racing heart as I too couldn’t wait to see the full life my Mila and I would live..

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