The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 94


I took my most trusted warriors towards the building, finding a side door that was easily broken into. Slinking inside, we quickly shifted and put on our clothes, the hallways were too tight for our wolves and I needed to be as quiet as possible.

I have to give it to Mila, I’m honestly proud to have a Luna who would risk herself to save those other girls. I know she went about it the wrong way but how she snuck out and learned the warrior’s shift change. Even the way she used the watch to let us know her location…it was more than impressive.

I felt a little bitter that she didn’t go to me for help, but I knew she didn’t want to put me in a bad position with Rowan. But if I would have went, we would have gotten the girls and killed Marcus. Because there was no way in hell I would have let them take her, like I won’t right now.

Raising my hand, I halted my warriors, listening to our surroundings as I sniffed the air. My Luna’s scent, I knew it anywhere..but she wasn’t alone. Suddenly Hadeon stood up, his stance strong as we sniffed once more.

Lilacs and a fresh spring morning filled my senses, causing my eyes to go wide. F**, not here..not now.


Hadeon said firmly, his body rigid and his presence serious. I quickly pushed it away..if my mate was here, it could only mean one could only mean she was working with Marcus.

‘Alpha, I’m inside the warehouse, I just caught our Luna’s appears there is someone with her.’

I linked to Rowan, my voice strained and annoyance filling me.

‘Find her now, kill whoever has her.’

He said, his anger rising by the minute.

Why was I getting so angry though? Why did it feel like I was getting the shit deal here..I didn’t care, I made a vow the moment she became my Alpha’s mate to protect her no matter what. Maybe this is the biggest test of all, to prove to the moon goddess how much I would protect my Luna. If the sacrifice I need to make is killing my mate who works for this monster..then I won’t even bat an eye. I will do matter how cold-hearted that makes me..I don’t want a mate who doesn’t even have the morals and common sense of what the hell she is doing.

Hadeon laid back down, not saying another word as I signaled for my men to follow me. We passed through a hallway that led straight into a large room full of wooden crates. I slowly and silently guided them through the maze, catching that lilac scent and getting angrier by the minute. She definitely had Mila.. whoever the f**k this woman is.

‘Five of you go this way, we will circle around and cover both sides. Let’s trap them, that way they have nowhere to go.’

I linked, picking out five men and sending them in the other direction. I wanted no chance for whoever this was to escape with our Luna..once I had Mila in my sight, I knew Rowan would be able to finally breathe for the first time since this all happened.

I led my warriors forward, listening for any type of noise as the scent of dark magic wafted towards us..dark magic and b***d. I looked towards my men, having them ready in position as I peeked around a crate. No one, not a single person was around. Then I saw a woman lying on the floor in a pool of b***d. I made sure the coast was clear once more, walking over towards the woman.

‘This must have been the dark witch, she fits the description we got, we should be careful though, there could have been more than one.’

I linked, stepping around the witch as I looked down at her slit throat.

‘Who do you think did this Gamma sir?’

My warrior Ben linked while looking down at the body. Could Mila of done this? She doesn’t seem like the type..maybe it was the woman with Mila? The body was still warm, so it must have happened not that long ago.

‘I’m not sure, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier for us.’

I added as my men nodded in agreement.

‘Alpha, we found the dark witch dead that fit the description.’

I quickly informed Rowan.

‘Any sign of Mila yet? Marcus just ran somewhere, it looked urgent. I am trailing after him now.’

Rowan breathed into the link heavily.

‘No, we will find her though, her scent is still fresh.’

I linked back, signaling my men to continue forward as we stealthily made our way through the hallway where Mila’s scent led us.

Just then, I saw a door slam at the end of the hall, leading outside. I sprung into action, that had to be them.

I quickly ran down the hall, outpacing my men as I roughly kicked the door open. The sight of Mila’s chocolate hair weaving through the trees flashed past me.

‘Mila stop!’

I tried to link, unable to reach her for some reason.

I lunged forward, sprinting towards my Luna as the scent of my treacherous mate slammed into me.

No, I won’t let the mating bond distract me. Racing forward I weaved around the trees, their scent everywhere as my eyes searched wildly, needing to find Mila..needing to stop my mate from hurting her. Then I saw her, Mila’s wide green eyes meeting mine. Before I could even speak, I was tackled down, a woman with Strawberry Blonde hair climbed on top of me, baring her teeth as she growled down at me. A sharp knife in her hand that she now pressed against my throat, causing me to swallow hard. This was her..this was the woman..this was my mate.

“Sadie no!! He is a friend!” Mila shouted, weakly running towards us as my mate stared down at me, fire burning in her eyes. Pure f*****g beautiful fire…Holy shit..she was stunning.

‘Our Mate.’

Hadeon boomed, his tail actually wagging for the first time since I met him.

I went to open my mouth, to say something when she swiftly jumped off of me, keeping her knife in her hand as she walked towards Mila, helping her walk..

My mate..she was the one who killed the witch..she had been protecting Mila. F**k me…

“Tristan, Rowan is in trouble, Marcus, he has a silver dagger..he is planning something, they went this way. Please, we have to save him..this is all my fault.” She cried out, seeing my mate hold her more tightly as she looked at Mila with concern..who the hell was this girl?

“I will link him now, we have to get you to safety Luna.” I said quickly, stepping towards her as Sadie lifted her knife, still unsure about me. Examining her now, I noticed a long scar across her neck.


Hadeon growled angrily, furious at whoever hurt our mate before. I couldn’t agree more..who the hell could have done this? I needed to focus, I needed to warn Rowan first.

‘Alpha, be careful, Marcus has a silver dagger..I found Mila, she is safe.’

I linked to my Alpha, watching as Mila whispered something calmly to Sadie, making her lower her knife and put it away.

“We have to go to him, please Tristan..I have to be with him.” Mila begged me..her eyes full of tears as she stood shakily.

F**k..what should I do? If Marcus does have a dagger, he might need our help.

“Shit.” I yelled, running my hands through my hair.

“Fine, get on my back. We have to hurry.” I quickly shifted to Hadeon, watching through Hadeon as Sadie helped Mila climb on top of us. Her eyes met mine as she gently brushed against Hadeon’s fur for the briefest moment before transforming herself. Holy shit was she gorgeous..her wolf had strawberry blonde fur and was much bigger than I expected.

“We have to hurry.” Mila spoke, snapping me out of my trance. I hope I am making the right decision…I hope we get there before Marcus can do anything and I hope to the goddess that Rowan doesn’t kill me for bringing Mila..because I might have just found something worth living for.

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