The Luna's Hidden Destiny

The Luna’s Hidden Destiny – Chapter 7

‘Fight him Mila!’

Calypso growled out angrily, and I quickly began kicking and scratching the man as he straddled my waist. His eyes were feral and glowing red as he looked down at me with a wicked grin.

“My little wolf is a feisty one.” He gritted through his teeth before lashing his hand out and hitting me across the face, causing my vision to blur.

“Shhh it’s’s okay sweetheart.” He began whispering, his rough palm now caressing my cheek as he looked at me with wild eyes. This guy was completely psychotic!

He pinned my arms above me with one of his large hands. His gaze now wandering my body erratically as they suddenly flashed black, as if his wolf were fighting to come out.

“We can’t wait to claim you as our own, mark you and make you ours.” His teeth flashed as he grinned wildly.

‘Mila, you have to catch him off guard, wait until he starts to relax.’

Calypso spoke to me hastily, coming up with a plan to get us out of this.

“Does your wolf want to come out and meet mine? He has been waiting to claim a mate.” He leaned down, his gross hot breath filling my nostrils, causing my stomach to wretch.

I stopped fighting, listening to what Calypso said as the huge man brought his hands down, caressing my body. His mouth crashing against mine causing bile to reach the back of my throat.

His breath was hot and vile as I closed my eyes tightly. His sharp teeth biting down on my l*p, causing me to cry out and open my mouth as he shoved his tongue inside. He violently licked and probed me, his grunts feral and his movements sporadic. I felt him hard against my stomach, the weight of him crushing me as the urge to vomit rose.

“Good little wolf, let me f**k you now. I promise I won’t let the others have you, you will only be mine.” He whispered harshly, as his hand trailed up my shirt, finding my breasts and groping them roughly.

I couldn’t help the whimper that left me, disgust filling me as this man inched his hand down, entering my waistband as his grip on my hand loosened.

‘Now Mila!’

Calypso shouted, making me snap back to reality and yank my hands out of his grasp while slamming my head forward, headbutting the man in the face. He cried out, and I quickly rolled him off with my h**s, standing above him and kicking him right between the legs. He let out a b***d-curdling scream as his hands gripped right where I landed the hard blow.


Calypso yelled, making me quickly turn and run. I soon realized my left shoulder must have been dislocated because I couldn’t lift it at all. Pain shot down my arm and back as I sprinted away. The adrenaline keeping me upright as I fought through that pain, knowing if I stop for even a moment it would all be over..

“Get the f**k back here!” The man yelled furiously as a loud howl soon followed, causing a chill to shudder through me. Shit, he shifted.

‘To the river now Mila, we can hide our scent.’

I nodded my head, running as fast as I could holding my arm as the river neared. I didn’t care how cold it would be, the will to survive was the only thing propelling me forward as I crashed into the raging rapids. A sharp gasp left me as every breath of air escaped my body, the temperature was so cold my legs instantly went numb. I dove under, washing my scent away as I let the water carry me. Suddenly the current began to pick up even more, the water becoming too deep as I tried to keep afloat with one arm. Kicking frantically as the rapids took me away.

“It’s going too fast.”

I gasped, struggling to keep my head up as I was swiftly slammed into a rock. The dark night made it almost impossible to see as I continued to slam into rocks and logs lodged between them. I tried to catch my footing but couldn’t grip the slippery stones beneath me. I wasn’t sure how long I had been in the river, but we must have traveled pretty far down. I started to shiver uncontrollably, my teeth chattering as I slammed into another rock, this time gripping it firmly and pulling myself on top of it. My lower body still halfway submerged under the water as I tried to catch my breath.

‘You have to swim across Mila, you have to get to the shore.’

Calypso breathed, her strength dwindling as I clung to this rock, trying to find a way out of this. The only positive was losing that man, it had to have been more than twenty minutes since we last saw him. Looking around, I saw a clearing up ahead, it looked like the water slowed and a rocky shore was ten feet away.

I let go, drifting further down the rapids, feeling the current slow as they came to an end. My feet kicked beneath me, pushing me towards that rocky shore as my body shook uncontrollably. The tremors making my shoulder stiffen and pain shot through me, trying to fight the urge to cry out in pain. I slowly dragged my heavy water-logged body out. My heart beating rapidly as I collapsed onto the firm ground beneath me.

‘Rest, we need to rest.’

Calypso spoke weakly, her breathing turned into panting as I lay on the cold ground. Looking over, I saw the sun slowly rising, the sky turning a light pink as the pastel colors warmed me. Such a beautiful sight, please goddess, if I could just ask one last thing if this is the end… Please let my father be okay, please let him survive and find happiness. That is all I ask..that is all I want. My eyelids began to grow heavy, the weight of them too much to bare as they began to close. Would this be the end? I’m sorry Dad, I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough.

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