The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 164: Catching the spaceship

"Oh for all that's good and holy, tell me it's not happening!" Taro cried.

"Unfortunately, it is." Thankappan replied.

"Why? Just why? And what even is that?" Taro squinted his eyes to get a good look at the thing that had been fastly approaching their area.

"Hmm, I don't know man. I can't make out what it is. But isn't this too familiar of a scene?" Thankappan asked as he stared at the sky.

"Night with a bright moon… Fucking hell, is it Scarlet again? It shouldn't be, right? He should be in the United States right now." Taro sounded extremely worried.

"Why are you asking me? How will I know if that's Scarlet?" Thankappan asked.

"What's happening?" Kunjan asked as he entered the scene alongside Gibli.

"Something's straight up coming towards us and I suspect that it's Scarlet." Thankappan replied.

"Hmm, where is it?" The plankton asked to which Thankappan pointed it out. "Well, I don't know if that's Scarlet or not, but I know one thing. It's a damn spaceship." Kunjan replied, trying his hardest to sound excited in his extremely monotonous voice.

"What?" The other three simultaneously gaped their mouths open.

However, Thankappan's reason of amazement was something totally different. "You had extreme eyesight?" He asked, staring the plankton in awe.

"Innate ability. Pretty useful skill." He replied.

"Screw that—respectfully, of course. But what else do you see there? Like, any abnormalities or anything to notice?" Taro asked.

"I don't know if it should be considered as an abnormality… Nah, surely it is. The way the ship is moving… It's obviously gonna crash land here." Kunjan replied.

"Fuck, no. There's literally civilians everywhere! What are we supposed to do now?" Thankappan panicked. "Should I call Lonappan?" He asked.

"Dang, wait! Didn't you learn anything in the MIB academy or whatever shit that is? Something substantial?" Taro asked.contemporary romance

"I learned to call the superior officer once you see this kind of impossible shit!" Thankappan spoke in a higher pitch.

"So, nothing that could help us in this situation, huh?" Taro asked.

Thankappan sighed. "Dude, I learned about how to deal with aliens with respect to their diplomatic relations and stuff like that—not how to catch a flying spaceship!" He replied.

Suddenly, Taro jumped around like he got a brilliant idea. "Catch… Of course, I can catch the spaceship! Nice one, Thankappan!" He spoke.

"... I didn't mean it like that, but yay!" Thankappan acted happy as he heard that.

"Wait!" Kunjan shouted.

"Dang, dude! You're too loud. What now?" Taro asked.

"Someone's following the said spaceship." He spoke.

"Oh no!" Thankappan's face looked grim.

"What happened? Come on! I don't like suspense! You know how I skip a movie to the final if the suspense is too good, right?" Taro asked.

"You do that? That's weird as hell, dude!" Gibli cried.

"Oh, man! This is the most unnecessary chat that I've seen!" Kunjan spoke.

"I talk when I'm nervous. And I talk about the most random shit. So, yea…" Taro shrugged. "Are you gonna tell me now?" He looked over to Thankappan.

"Is that a flying black car?" The MIB agent asked.

"... Yes. Yes it is." Kunjan replied.

"Whose is it?" Taro asked.

"MIB official vehicle. Are they doing anything though?" Thankappan looked intently at Kunjan.

"Not really. It seems like they're waiting on something." The plankton replied.

"Hmm. They're totally fine with the destruction of the whole area since they can always wipe it off people's memories, huh? So typical of them." Thankappan scoffed.

"So, what am I supposed to do now? I had planned to catch it but if I did that right now, it would only bring up more problems." Taro spoke.

"You're right. It'll totally mess us up. So, we can't do that." Thankappan agreed with Taro in that case.

"So what are we supposed to do? Just look at it or what?" Taro asked.

"I don't know man! It's fucked up now. The only thing we could do is to throw it into a freaking safe spot or something." Thankappan went ballistic.

"Of course, why didn't we think of it before?" Taro once again had that sparkling look on his face.

"What exactly are we talking about here?" Thankappan asked, confused about what Taro actually meant.

"We're gonna throw the ship into some safe place!" Taro replied excitedly.

"Wait, that's not practical. First of all, the trajectory would be totally off from the initial trajectory and this would make the ones in the black car doubt that. Secondly, they're gonna see ya if you do something like that." Thankappan put forth his doubts.

"Is that it? Then it's totally possible. It's gonna come down to the timing though." Taro spoke.

"How exactly?" Thankappan was still sceptical about it.

"Look. In about three minutes, the ship is gonna be real close to those electric post wires. Those are pretty strong wires, right? To the point, that it might actually sustain the weight of a ship and actually deviate it, right?" Taro winked.

"Oh, yea…" Thankappan nodded his head as if he could actually imagine something like that happening. "But what about them seeing you?" He asked.

"They simply will not." Taro replied with a smug look on his face.

"Care to elaborate?" Thankappan asked.

"I'll just do it at a speed that would only make them see a blur as it happens." Taro replied.

"What the hell? Are you fl*sh or what?" Thankappan stood astounded at hearing the statement.

"Meh, if you wanna think of me like that, please continue doing so." Taro smiled.

"This will work, right?" Thankappan asked.

"If everything falls right as I expected, then yea." Taro replied.

Two minutes passed like absolutely nothing. And with that, they could clearly see the ship and the person inside it. It was indeed Scarlet who was literally screaming.

But Taro was strangely calm. He had just the goal in mind to run the distance between him and the ship in the least time possible. He took a really deep breath as he opened his eyes and prepared himself for the madness to come.


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