The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 165: Saving Scarlet

"You ready?" Thankappan asked, glancing to his side.

Taro took a deep breath before looking back at the MIB agent. "Yup." He nodded his head.

"Cool. Brace for impact in five… four… three…" Before the count reached two, he disappeared from their side and was before the spaceship, which was so close to the electric line.

Taro actually forgot one thing. He thought that this would be easy, but he forgot that it wasn't a spaceship made on Earth. And this meant that the ship was hella heavy.

However, since he began it, he didn't want to end it on a bad note. He mustered up all the strength that he could and forcefully threw the ship into the open ground that the Heavenly Flame School had.

But the thing is this. He was actually planning to throw it much farther away to an actual barren land. So, even though he threw it to an open space, a huge explosion would occur once the ship touches the ground. So it wasn't over for him.

Thankfully, the MIB vehicle had a ten second delay and that was all the time that he needed. It truly was lucky that Scarlet had a ten second head start on them or else, the situation would've been way more complicated.

After throwing the ship to the school grounds and landing safely, Taro wasted no time and ran towards the school, jumping over the protective fences with relative ease and was actually able to reach the point of impact before the ship.

The Wadorian was tired—at least his arms were after the feat of strength that he did just a second or two ago. And hence, he couldn't just deadlift the spaceship for a second time. So, rather than completely stopping the ship, he thought of slowing the momentum of the ship.

The problem was this. He couldn't think of a way to slow it down. Things were hectic and his brain stopped functioning for a split second. And this had implications at crunch time. Knowing this he just caught the ship by his bare hands again and started going on a mad swing.

The swinging motion was really fast the first time, however, once the initial round was done, he was somehow able to slow it down before literally banging the ship to the ground.

After taking a one second breath, the Wadorian smashed open the ship's door and was met with an astonished gaze of Scarlet.

"Who the hell are-" Taro didn't even give Scarlet a chance to complete their sentence, as he literally sliced Scarlet's hand with his bare arm—not into two, but a lot of blood poured out.

"Don't ask any questions and don't make any noise. You'll get the reason later." Taro spoke.

Scarlet, who bit their lips in pain, nodded along to the stern command.

Upon seeing this, Taro wasted no time as he took Scarlet's hand and made it pump out blood into the cockpit. After that was done, Taro literally ran around grabbing Scarlet's hand with all his might. And this made Scarlet dizzy, but Taro simply didn't care.

And then, Taro ran into the conveniently placed bushy area, which was quite thick to hide the two of them. There, he quickly tied up his t-shirt on Scarlet's hand to stop the blood flow. Once he made sure that he wasn't gonna leave any trials, Taro took another way back home to the Holy Land.


"What in the world is happening here?" The night watchman of the Heavenly Flame School showed as he saw a spaceship in the school grounds of nowhere.

"Nothing much. Just a random spaceship falling out from the sky. The usual shit if you ask me." A man in black suit answered.

"What? Who the hell are you? How did you get in?" The watchman asked.

"Dude! There's a live spaceship before you and you still ask about us." The first man sighed.

As for the second one, she didn't join in with the banter and headed straight to the cockpit of the ship.

"Are you gonna stop doing that with people before you flash them? It's kinda weird." The woman spoke.

"Well, their expression is an addictive thing to watch, you know that, right?" The man asked.

The woman sighed. "You have a weird sense of enjoyment." She replied.

"It's not like you don't know that already!" The man chuckled before heading towards the watchman, who looked really confused about the events that were happening around the guy.

"What are you gonna do to me? What's that thing you just brought? It's that a gun?" The watchman freaked out as he saw the machine in the man's hand.

"Don't worry. It's not a gun. It's something called a neutralyzer. Let me tell you what it is." The man began reciting the neutralyzer talk from the official MIB guide. "Whew! Done with it! So what tale shall we weave this time around?" The man wondered.

"Don't." The woman spoke.


"Let the man stay in a trance for some time. The clean-up squad from the headquarters will come pretty soon." She replied.

"Is that so? Then let's do that. By the way, what did you find out?" The man asked.

"The guy's really lucky to have escaped our clutches. See the blood? Due to that bounce from back then, the momentum of the ship decreased quite a bit and the alien was able to escape with just some external injuries. And there's a trail of blood that stops in the middle of that bushy area. I guess the alien found something to cover his injury with." She sighed.

"Hmm. No footprints of sorts?" The man asked.contemporary romance

"Unfortunately, none." She replied.

"A lot of weird things… First of all, how did the ship bounce? Is that even possible? And secondly, did the alien fly away or something?" The man sounded a bit suspicious of the events as he spoke.

"Who cares? Our task was to retrieve the ship, which we did just now. As for everything else, the headquarter might assign the MIB base here to look into it, once we report it. Or even better, I heard that the John guy is here. He's great at this stuff, isn't he?" The woman asked.

"I guess so… Oh, the clean-up crew's here! Let's go after getting that guy out of his trance." The man spoke as he walked towards the watchman, after taking a quick glance at the scene for the last time.


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