The Life Of Normal-Taro

Chapter 163: The Omen is real

Taro had the door open and was about to leave, but he stopped at the very last second. "That term was pretty strange." He spoke as he looked towards Rita.

"What term?" She asked.

"The 'go get them, tiger' term." He spoke.

Rita sighed. "Are you kidding me?" She asked.

"Don't you think it's weird as well? He asked.

"You were going out to do something, right? Or are you backing out of it already and this is your way of showing disinterest?" She asked.

"Hmm, not really. I was just super weirded out by that term." Taro shrugged.

"Just go now, will ya?" Rita sounded annoyed as she nudged Taro out from her office and locked the door from inside.

"Dang, she can't seem to fathom a simple question as this, how is she gonna teach all those kids?" Taro sighed as he began striding down the hallway.

"Mr Sadanandan!" Shivani cried as soon as she saw him.

"Oh, Shivani! I was looking for you! I wanted to-" Taro was going on in a normal manner, but Shivani was simply frantic as she grabbed Taro on the spur of the moment, forgetting that he was her class teacher.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Rita's office. Why'd you ask?" He asked back.

"We were searching all around for you! And to think that you were in her office." Shivani sighed.

"Ah, about that. I apologise. I've been avoiding you for quite some time now. There's a legit reason though. So you just gotta hear me out." Taro spoke.


"You avoided us for that?" Shivani shouted.

"What? What happened? Oh, Mr Sadanandan! Here you are!" Abhirami waved her arm around. The rest of the twelfth grade were behind her as well.

Upon seeing them, Shivani shared the reason that Taro told her. And just like her, they were having this dumbfounded expression on their faces as well.

"Unbelievable! I never knew you were one with superstitions like this." Abhirami spoke.

"Me neither." Shivani replied. Soon others followed suit.

"You did a boring class because you thought you would be unlucky for us… If that's not the weirdest thing that I've ever heard, then I don't know what is." Ross replied.

"You sounded like a dead fish. Not that I know what a dead fish sounds like. Hmm, I guess it'd be a flappy sound if you banged a fish on the wall repeatedly, so is that it?" Juan asked.

"Somehow, I found that conversation really weird and creepy." Shivani stared at Juan as she spoke.

"What? I just talked about banging a fish—I get it. Not really a direct reference, but I guess it would work as well." Juan shrugged.

"Anyhow, back to the point." Shivani clapped once, turning everyone's attention to the main point that is Taro. " Mr Sadanandan. Even if you are superstitious, we are not. So, if you believe that you're gonna be a bad omen to us, continue believing it. However, we are not gonna. So, please act normally now, will ya?" She asked.

Taro sighed. "Okay. Here's the thing. I'm not a superstitious person as well. However, things happened that made me believe it. So, even if it doesn't happen this time around, I don't want danger to befall the people I care about. Is that something I shouldn't have thought of?" He asked.

"...You care about us, eh?" Abhirami asked with a sly smirk on her face.

"Of course, I do! Why wouldn't I?" Taro asked.

"Hmm. If you care about us, then you wouldn't do stupid shit like this before asking to us first." Shivani pouted.

"...I really can't think of a counter argument for some reason. Anyway, prepare to face the consequences of hanging around me then." Taro spoke with a gentle smile on his face.

"Yea, yea, we'll deal with it when time comes. Let's go back to the class for now. Miss Mary is absent today and since you're our class teacher, they're probably gonna ask for you to be there anyway. So…" Shivani tugged on Taro's shirt indicating him to follow her and that he did.


"See? Nothing happened! You were worried for naught." Shivani spoke.

"The day isn't over yet, Shivani. And you in particular have to be extra careful since you're gonna be in proximity with me due to the closeness of our abodes." Taro spoke.

"Meh, if anything were to happen, it would've happened already. I don't see it happening now." Shivani replied.

"Do you have a black tongue or stuff like that?" He asked.

"Again with the damn superstitions." Shivani sighed.

"Just answer my question this time, will ya?" He requested.

"I might have a little bit on the side. Not too much, just a little bit." She replied.

"Oh, boy!" Taro looked worried as he heard it.

"Stop. Don't. Nothing's gonna happen. Just stop giving off that worried look." Shivani spoke.

"... Okay." Taro nodded his head.

"Shall we go then?" She asked.

"Together?" He asked back.

"Of course!" She smiled.

"Fine." Taro walked alongside her in the infinite corridor.


Nightfall. Nothing noteworthy happened in the Holy Land household. 

"Ha, it's just as Shivani said. Nothing actually happened. I guess it was just me worrying a bit too much." Taro sighed as he looked at the bright moon which looked more beautiful than any other day.

"I guess so… You've been on the edge for the whole day, huh?" Thankappan asked as he accompanied Taro on the moon watching.

"Yea, almost messed up certain things because of that." Taro spoke.

"Almost, huh? Glad that it didn't mess up then." Thankappan spoke.

"Yea, me as well." Taro replied. "What a peaceful night, right?" He asked.

"Hmm, it truly is. But the black tongue worries me." Thankappan chuckled.

"Oh, shut up! I ain't gonna believe in that shit anymore. It's bogus, dude! There's no such thing as a black tongue. It's just that things tend to happen around me and the quickest and easiest way to explain it was the black tongue. Nothing else." Taro replied.

"Is that so?" Thankappan asked.contemporary romance

"Yup, that indeed is so." Taro replied.

"Hmm, you better start believing the black tongue then." Thankappan spoke.


The MIB agent pointed to the moon. "I see something coming our way." He replied.


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