Chapter 53


Amy was sitting in her husband's study, she was deep in thoughts when the door creaked open and a maid entered.

"Sorry to disturb you ma, your father is awake" she said respectfully.

"Really?" She asked happily, what she was thinking about a moment ago had vanished from her head and all she cared about now was to see her father. It has already been two months since he went into a coma and she was very happy to hear he was awake.

"Yes ma'am, he woke up a few minutes ago".

As soon as the maid finished her statement, Amy ran out of the room into her father's room. The In-house Nurse was trying to check his vitals to make sure he was out of danger.

"Father" she called as she rushed to seat close to him, " you are finally awake dad" a tear trickled down her left eye and he raised his hands slowly and cleaned it.

"I had to come back, I still need to to carry

my grandchild” he replied and gave a weary smile. "Nurse, is he fine now?" She asked turning towards the In-house Nurse.

"Yes, he is out of danger now. Just do well not to stress him out".

"Thank you so much" Amy replied sincerely, it seemed like everything was finally falling back into place.

"I missed you dad".

"I missed you more princess" Mr Sabastian replied. He was happy to finally wake up from that long dream of Jennie and Gwen not being his daughters, even if they were both evil he still has his blood flowing through their veins right?. But was it a dream?.

"Where is your lady boss?" Damian asked the moment he entered the house, she usually waited for him in the living room and she was not here.

"She is with Mr Sabastian boss" one of the helpers replied," he is awake".

"Okay" he replied and quickly made his way to Sabastian's room. He could imagine how happy his wife would be now that her dad was awake, he watched how she stayed with him for hours everyday and how sad she looked everyday As soon as he entered the room, he could see the father and daughter duo talking, even if his father in-law was not talking much and his wife was doing the talking, he still felt Happy that she was happy. "Will you not allow your father to rest?" He asked, walking into the room.

"Hubby" Amy jumped up and went to hug him.

"Easy, you are pregnant" he said in a concerned tone after seeing her jump the way she did.

"Sorry boss," she answered in a funny voice.

"Welcome back father" Damian said as he walked up to him and gave a light smile.

"I still have to fight over my daughter with you, you know?" Sabastian answered smiling at his son in-law, he felt fulfilled knowing even if he had died, Amy would never be alone. "You can't do that father, she belongs to only me now". "Stop that" she said shyly and pinched his waist "I belong to my father".

"The patient needs to rest now," the nurse said as she walked into the room.

"Okay father, take care". After telling the nurse a few things, The husband and wife duo walked out of the room. The smile evident on Amy's face brought immense joy to Damian.

"You met with Pete's son right?" Who is he? She asked the moment they came out of her dad's room. That was the question that has been lingering in her mind after watching Pete's interview.

"It's someone we both know," he replied as he helped her sit on the bed when they entered their room,"it's Delvin?".

A look of surprise flashed through her face," like the Delvin we know?" She asked in amazement.

"Yes baby"

"How fate works, father and son are both scoundrels".

"Let's not talk about that now wife" he said as he sat close to her and buried his face in her neck.

"What's wrong hubby?" She asked in a concerned tone. She could imagine how he was feeling having to abstain from her because she was pregnant.

"I just miss you so much baby" he replied, whining like a child, "I miss holding you and all that. I know your gynecologist said it is safe but it's almost four months now and I don't want to cause any complications for you but I miss you". She could see the need for her in his eyes and felt bad that she couldn't give herself to him, then an idea came to her.

"Should I help you release then?" She asked shly.

"No babe, it's too stressful for you. Don't worry, I just need a cold shower and I will be alright "he replied with his face still buried in her neck. Her scent was like alcohol to him, making him all high for her.

"I can do that much for you baby, I don't want you feeling this way" she answered sincerely, she also missed him too.

"No wife, our baby needs to come out healthy, it's just a matter of a few months right? I will manage". She cupped her face in her hands and planted a kiss on his lips," you always think about me even when it hurts you".

"Because I love you wife" he replied and placed his hand on her already visible baby bump and a sense of fatherliness flashed through his mind, he could feel himself connecting with the little life growing inside of her," can I see your baby bump wife?" He asked.

"You don't need to ask me, baby," she replied. He held the hem of the t-shirt she was wearing and slowly removed it from her body. She wasn't wearing a bra so her upper body was visible to his eyes. He traced her from her face and his eyes lauded on the baby bump, he could see how her once tiny waist was getting round because his seed was inside of her and the line of motherhood that formed it way from her navel to her lower abdomen was so beautiful. Damian felt a lump in his throat and the next moment, a tear trickled down his eyes, not because he was sad but because he was very happy. Happy because he would soon be a father.

"Why are you crying babe, I have never seen tears in your eyes" she asked in a concerned tone.

"These are not tears of sadness but of joy" saying that he bent down and placed a kiss on her stomach, "thank you for making me so happy baby" he whispered to her stomach, he felt like his baby could hear him from inside of her. "The baby hasn't been born and you are already so attached" Amy replied, she was also trying to stop her own tears. The sight before her was so emotional and sweet, seeing the father and baby connecting made her so happy. Was there someone like her husband in this world again? "I will protect you and my baby with my life wife, I will never allow anything bad to happen to either of you". He said and placed a kiss on her forehead again. "We love you too," she replied sincerely and smiled at him.

"Can you sleep like this and not wear your shirt, I just want to cuddle you and the baby to sleep". "I already told you, right? Anything you want you just have to ask baby, it's our baby and you have every right". "Thank you". To the world this man was ruthless but when it comes to his family, he was the softest person on Earth, the love and affection he showered on his family was something everyone who witnessed it will be happy about. As Amy watched him walk into the bathroom to have a shower,she felt blessed to have a husband like him.

"Hello little one" she said as she placed her hands on her stomach, "make sure to come out quickly okay, daddy miss us both".

She was oblivious to the fact that her little action was being watched by her husband who felt on top of the world to be blessed with her.

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