The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 75

The Art Of Revenge

Jessica's Pov

I walked down the hospital corridors like a witch being chased. The dumb coat I wore felt like it was burning my skin off. I felt like I was being suffocated to death. I was dripping sweat and I could feel it trailing behind my back. I quickly got into my car and took it off, I felt a wave of relief as I breathed in hard.

I didn't even mind that the windows were not tainted or that people were still moving about. All I wanted was fresh air. I drove the car somewhere secluded, parked the car, and opened the window.

The fresh air was very refreshing, st*pid Thalia had reduced me to the gutter. Victor was right, it was time to play dirty and bit*h was going to regret the day she set her eyes on me. I took out my cigarette from the handbag and began smoking. I held my tummy wondering if anything was cooking.

Thalia dared to point the gun at my unborn baby. I shrugged remembering the entire incident. It was not over, I was going to get her for all the sh*t she did to me one way or another I was going to get her. I screamed out in frustration, my life seemed to be a ring of endless misery.

I finished my cigarette and drove home pi**ed, Josh did well not to stay at the hospital. The last thing I needed was to deal with another sh*t. I arrived at the house and went straight to shower. It was refreshing to stand over the shower, and clean all the sweat off and dirt.

I made sure I soaked my eyes, I had refused treatment, and lied that I was okay to prevent the nurses from having to force me to take off my coat. Me showing up at my father-in-law's office with nothing but a coat would raise another scandal. That was the main priority and the reason why I never fought Thalia for the gun. But Victor dared to question my stance when I was preventing a major scandal. I would rather have died than let the world know that I was f**king my father-in-law.

After I was done I retired off to bed glad that no one had noticed that I had gone to have sex with my father-in-law. He and I needed to have a talk, it was time we put our sex hormones in check because it seemed like time was catching up with us. I checked all my messages before dozing off.

I was woken up by shouting and yelling, I could hear it was Victor's voice. I looked at my watch and it was only 7 am. It couldn't be them, it was too early for them to be discharged. I quickly got up and put on my robe, running downstairs. To my surprise, it was the father and son.

Victor was on the phone yelling on top of his voice while his useless son was trying to calm him down.

"What's going on, who discharged you?" I asked them, I was not expecting them to be home until the afternoon. Victor turned around and I noted his eyes were still swollen. He looked away like he had not seen me and walked to the kitchen. The old man was still upset with me but I did not mind. He should have grabbed the gun himself if he had no integrity to worry about.

Josh cleared his throat and said; "Dad did not feel safe staying in the hospital another minute so he was made to sign some papers."

He looked sober, I could not remember the day I last saw him sober. It took an attack on his father and wife for him to grow some sense in his deadhead.

The door opened and Victor walked back, cursing and pushing everything in his way like a rabies dog.

"They can't find Thalia, she has disappeared again!" he yelled. "How difficult is it to find a pregnant girl in this dumb country?"

"Are you planning to do something to her?" Josh asked.

"Not me the Russians, it is time that we taught that fool a lesson,"

"But... Brandon Fraser?" I jumped in, there was no way he was not going to connect the attack to us.

"Why can't we just sue, we can sue them for all the money Gentex needs," Josh spoke up.

"That is in the process but she needs to know who she is messing with, the Russians can scare her without leaving a trace," he said.

Josh and I stared at each other and just watched as he walked upstairs. We were left there standing awkwardly without anything to say to each other. " okay?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, his sight was somehow irritating the life out of me. I went to the fridge and picked anything that was in the fridge and began eating it. I heard him shout something about visiting his mother but I did not care what he was doing in his pathetic life. He never bothered telling me so I did not see the need to update me.

I spent the entire day in my bedroom, to be honest, if Victor couldn't find Thalia, then I had zero chances of finding her but she was soon going to reveal herself. But a week passed and there was no progress either with the police making a case or with finding Thalia. According to the police, Thalia showed up for questioning and there was no evidence that what she did was not to protect herself.

The sl*t lied that Victor attacked her for buying shares in Gentex and all she did was defend herself. The entire police were under Brandon's Payroll and fighting against that was a waste of time so we decided to go civil and sue her.

With a lawsuit, she was definitely going to show her a** and I could only wish whatever Victor planned for her was going to make her lose the st*pid baby. He never told us anything to avoid us being accomplices.

But the girl had big power behind her, she never showed up to the first session and only sent her lawyer who asked for more time. This only allowed Victor to make sure that the case was transferred to one of his old colleagues.

The same man that handled most of his past cases. The Judge was very loyal to Victor, the two went a long way and we were granted and tipped a lot of money. Thalia had no idea what was going to hit her. I woke up early and dressed in one of my expensive gowns. I wanted the front row seat to watch as Thalia gave her money to the company that she was destroying.

We arrived at the court premises and we were seated minutes earlier. Victor and I were the complainants and we sat with our lawyer but I noticed that the accused and her lawyers were not at their desk. The judge had warned her lawyer to make sure she showed up without excuses or when was going to be charged with contempt of court, fined or arrested, and ordered to pay us.

Josh was present and was seated in the front law seat, giving us full support. I guess he was there for the money. I noted he had been by his father's side ever since he was attacked. He tried to expand his newfound care to me but I did not tolerate nonsense. I had made myself busy all week. Victor and I had not talked and neither did we find the time to engage in s*x. He had been very occupied with finding Thalia and working on the case with his lawyers.

He did find time in the busy schedule and informed me about Josh squandering all our life savings. I understand why he was home all the time, he had no money to gamble and he had been given a final warning. Just seeing his face made my skin crawl, he was despicable.

Maybe having Victor's child was not a bad idea, it was better than having weak children from a weak father like Josh.

I looked to my left and I noticed my lawyer whispering something into Victor's ears. The facial expression Victor gave was enough to tell me that something was wrong. Josh noticed too and walked up to us, "What is taking the Judge so long?" he asked.

I looked up and noticed that he was correct, the Judge was nowhere to be seen. I looked at my watch, he was thirty minutes late. Something was definitely wrong, or maybe he got caught in traffic or something? But another thirty minutes passed and neither the Judge nor Thalia were present.

Victor's face turned red, he tried calling him but his phone went unanswered. He had assured me that his judge friend was reliable but it looked like Thalia managed to buy him off.

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