The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 76

Josh's Pov

I was aware our judicial system was wack and I had once used it against Thalia but not to the extent that I was witnessing.

How could a man that no one had laid eyes on for more than two years have such power? A fully seated Judge, a Judge that we spoke to the previous night and he assured us of a victory suddenly decided not to show up for his court hearing. To make matters worse the case was not handed to a new Judge but postponed.

I looked around and the room was deserted, we were the only ones left together with the deputy. A DEA walked in and my father walked to him.

"What the f*ck is wrong, how can a Judge just choose not to show up!" he yelled.

"Judge Martins is under investigation, if I were you I would stay as far aware as I could," the DEA replied. We all looked at each other in shock. He pulled my father aside and asked him to follow him to his office.

I could only assume that whatever he was about to say to him was classified. Our lawyer excused himself to answer a phone call outside and I nodded. I looked over at Jessica and found her seated, she did not look good and was too quiet.

I asked her if she was okay. She was sweating and it appeared like her dress was not helping her situation. I wondered why she would come dressed like she was going for a c*cktail party.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone," she replied.

"Jessica, you do not look fine," I insisted.

"Your face is disgusting to me," she replied as she stared into my eyes. I understood we were all p*ssed with what was going on with the judge but there was a way in which she stared back at me. I could tell it had nothing to do with the case but personal. Ever since Thalia attacked her she had been very spiteful and reserved.

I decided to ignore her and looked at my watch. My father was still speaking with the DEA and nowhere in sight. I could see people beginning to straw into the room and I could only assume that the room was going to be used for another court hearing.

"Jessica it's time to go," I stated.

She wiped her brow and looked around, "Go where? Where is victor?"

"Another case is about to start, I think we have to vacate the room and wait for my father outside," I suggested.

Our lawyer walked in looking through his papers like he had lost something. "I think your father took my briefcase or put his things in mine," he said.

I turned to the table and noted my father's briefcase was still on the floor. I picked it up and I could see from the outside that it was my father's. His briefcase was very different from his and one couldn't make that mistake.

"This is my father's briefcase," I stated

"But this one contains Gentex files I believe before it was Gentex, it is my briefcase but the files in it are not mine," he stated and handed it to me. I quickly grabbed it and perused through it. At first, I thought he was joking but to my shock, it was Gentex's papers, before I renamed it.

I checked the papers one by one and they appeared to be duplicates of Inc Biotech. "How did you get these? Did my father hand them to you?" I asked.

"No, I just found them in the case and I assumed he switched or accidentally put the files in mine," he replied.

The door opened and my father walked in p*ssed and fuming." What happened? What did he say?" I quickly asked.

"That useless woman! Son, we need to talk," he replied. But the lawyer who was impatiently waiting for me quickly cut in. "the briefcase," he mentioned.

"Oooh dad, did you put the biotech's files in the lawyer's briefcase, or did you mistakenly come with the files here?

"No, why would I do that?" My father replied as the lawyer handed him the files. He took a long look at them and I could see his face increase in color. "Where did you say you found these?" he asked. "In my case, I can't seem to find the files I prepared for this case," the lawyer replied.

"Where is my case?" Dad shouted? I quickly handed him his case and he opened it like a mad man, checking and throwing all the papers. The people in the courtroom began staring at us and wondering what was going on.

I was confused too. I knelt down and picked up one of the papers and it was the same as the lawyer's papers.

"Please do not tell me that someone stole the case files and replaced them with these old company papers!" The lawyer yelled on top of his voice... I stopped and stared at him, while my father slowly took a seat in full confusion. I grabbed his case and looked through it, there was nothing concerning the case, everything was swapped out. But when? We only looked away for seconds.

"Wait a minute, do you mean all the evidence?" I asked but no one replied.

"You have soft copies, yes you have soft copies," I reminded them.

"Josh shut up, they probably took that as well, they are not that s*upid," Jessica yelled at me.

The lawyer quickly took out his laptop just to counter check. "no no no," he cried out. "My entire computer is wiped, they hacked and wiped everything, all my cases, everything is gone," he cried out.

It appeared like all his years of work were completely wiped but I had noted he had his laptop even when we were arguing with the deputy. There was no way anyone would have tempered with it. "Try searching in your crowd or emails, don't you save your things there," Jessica suggested.

"I'm saying they wiped every s*it!" The lawyer yelled, eliciting a murmur from the people in the room. The guard walked up to us and asked us to leave the room.

"We are leaving," Jessica replied.

I had no words as I was still processing what was happening. If the lawyer's soft copies had been deleted then it meant that everyone's was deleted.

"But why hack us and delete on the day of the case?"

"To humiliate us," my father replied. "She wants to show us how powerful she is," he added.

"No no we can still make the evidence, the hospital still has your record doesn't it?" I asked.

"Son, they probably wiped everything, there is no evidence," Dad yelled. I held my head in confusion. It felt like it was about to burst open. At that moment I only wanted to see Thalia, I wanted to burst her head open, she had crossed the line.

"This is all your fault, I shouldn't have agreed with this s*upid case, people warned me," the lawyer cried out but we all ignore the idiot, it was not like he was doing it for free. He was so p*ssed, he got up and left without saying a single word.

"I think we should leave," Jessica stated and tried to get up but she tumbled back down, she tried to get up again but went down in split seconds. I quickly rushed to her and tried to grab her. "Jessica, Jessica!" I called out her name but there was no response. The crowd began gathering around in shock, I placed my thumbs over her nose, and to my relief, she was breathing. I looked around and noted that everyone was busy watching instead of calling for help. Some idiots were even taking pictures.

"Is she breathing?" dad asked

"Yes, she is breathing, call the dumb ambulance!" I yelled at him.

He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and dialed the ambulance. In minutes, I was at the back of the ambulance holding my wife's hand and on the way to the hospital praying.

A day that looked so promising, a day that we thought we were going to win turned into a nightmare. It was all Thalia's fault, that wicked witch did that to my wife. She couldn't handle the stress and humiliation.

I was going to kill Thalia, she was not going to manage to hide forever, I was going to kill her whether they locked me up or not. I cried out.

We arrived at the hospital and Jessica was taken into a private room while I waited outside. My father caught up and joined me in the waiting area.

"Dad, what is happening, why are we getting punished like this?" I asked him, trying to push the tears inside. He only hugged me. "She is going to be fine, did the doctors say anything?" "No, they only told me to wait outside," I replied.

"She needs you to be strong for her, for once try to be strong for her," he urged but I could not hold back the tears.

"Dad, I want to kill her?"

"Who?" He asked, confused.

"Thalia, I want to kill her and bash her pregnancy open," I stated. "She has to be somewhere, she can't hide for good. How hard can it be to find a rich pregnant b*tch?" I inquired.

"According to my sources, she uses a jet and a helicopter but we have failed to track it. That idiot Brandon Fraser owns half the aviation industry and with just a single order he wipes the records of every flight" he replied.

"How can one person hold so much power, who allowed him?" I was confused. "And how did he meet Thalia? it can't be the time I was married to her, we couldn't have been that successful in taking over the company."

"People meet the devil at the lowest point of their lives, maybe he followed her case, approached her, and made her an offer," he replied. "But rumors are that he is a dying man, that's why he is handing her his wealth. She is s*oppy and angry for revenge, she will make a mistake and no amount of money will save her."

"Well, I can't wait for that day," I replied.

He cleared his throat and looked away, "About the judge, they got the FBI and CIA investigating him, I mean us."

I looked at him confused. I understood the FBI sniffing around but the CIA was out of jurisdiction, they never operated within the country. It was obviously Brandon Fraser trying to scare us.

"What does the CIA have to do with this case?" I asked.

He wiped his blow, "Judge Martins, and I go back to the time we were teenagers. After college I went sourcing for funds for my company in Russia, it was the judge that connected me, by then he was just a corporate lawyer. I agreed and we were sent into Iraq and did some s*it," he replied. I stared at him confused.

"We did some things but we were assured they wiped it off our records but somehow Brandon Fraser found out about that, something that even the FBI failed to find the time he was sworn in as Judge. They always do a background on judges but they never found it," he added with his head placed in his hand.

"How bad were the things you did?" I inquired.

"For the judge, he will probably face jail time and I will have to testify against him if I am to avoid jail time," he replied. I got up angry and hit the wall.

"Son, Brandon Fraser is playing with us and if we do not change the ownership clauses in our company he will get it," he stated.

"What do you mean, the company is secure, he will never get the 61%," I replied.

"You have no child, he can contest that," he stated.

I chuckled, "Dad I have only been married for seven months, on what grounds will he contest that, and to what can we change them?" I asked. Before he could reply, the doctor walked out with a smile on his face and I quickly ran to him. "Doctor, is she going to be fine?" I asked.

"Very much fine, are you the husband?" he asked

"Yes, I am the husband."

"Congratulations, your wife is just pregnant and she only fainted because of stress," he stated. My heart stopped for a second and I asked him to repeat what he had just said.

"Mr. Nelson, your wife is pregnant," he replied.

I looked behind in excitement at my father who had a shocked face on. He got up and I quickly ran to him. "Did you hear that? Jessica is pregnant, she is finally pregnant," I stated while spinning him. "Yeah, I heard," he replied, his shocked face still evident. I was sure he was surprised by the coincidence. I asked the doctor if I could see why my wife and he agreed but cautioned not to stress her.

"I promise I will not," I replied and let go of my father. I could not believe my luck, finally, there was a G*d of retribution. I could not hold my excitement in, a baby was the only thing I asked for and finally, I was going to be a father.

I walked into the room and found her facing the opposite side. "babe," I called out but she ignored me. "Jessica?" I called again.

I understood she was full of emotions and I had no right to celebrate with her. Twice I had given up on her and went into gambling every time s*it was dropped on us but she remained loyal. I did not deserve her to be honest I did not deserve the baby too.

I climbed on the bed and hugged her from behind, hoping it was not too late. She tried to push me away but I held on to her tightly. "We did it, babe, we did it," I stated.

She turned and I could see tears falling down her cheeks.

"What did we do? What's the purpose of having a child when you squandered all the money on w*ores," she yelled and slapped me hard. "This f*cking baby has no future, it has nothing!" she added.

I only looked down in shame, she was right. I did not have money to even buy the baby nappies. "I'm sorry babe, I promise I will stop gambling, no clubbing, nothing, I will fight for the company, I swear," I told


She rolled her eyes and moved in a seating position. The door opened and Victor walked in but she looked away. I guess she was p*ssed at both of us.

"I have something to say," she stated but Dad quickly jumped in. "Like I was saying outside, son you need to add changes to the shares, I think Jessica has gone through a lot of s*it for you and she deserves some shares," he stated.

I looked at him confused, then turned to face Jessica who's facial features had softened a bit. But he was right, Jessica had been through a lot of s*it and deserved more than company. I cleared my throat and said, "of course you are right, both the baby and mother deserve to be the majority share order, I will do that, I will give you anything you want," I stated and kissed her on the forehead. She only nodded and looked away.

"What did you want to say?" I asked

"Nothing, I just need rest," she replied

"Congratulations Jessica," my father stated

"Thank you, Victor," she replied and quickly hid under the covers.

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