The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 74

The Art Of Revenge

Josh's Pov

My phone kept ringing, but I ignored it. It was my father calling, and I was in no mood to speak with him. I just blew $10,000 from my bank account, my last earned cash. I was officially broke and most of it I blew it on gambling and wh*res, it had turned into an addiction that I couldn't control.

I sat in the cheap bar miserably, everything was gone and I had no idea where I was going to get my next money. I kept staring at the empty account but my view of it was getting obstructed by my father's constant calling.

Everything was gone because of my st*pid ex-wife Thalia. I squandered it because of her, she managed to ruin me in months while it took me years to ruin her. Years that I could never get back.

How could she be pregnant when I had made her believe she couldn't conceive and somehow she was wealthier than me. After all the years I spent dragging her down, every effort and time was flushed down the toilet.

As my phone beeped again, I sat there wondering why life was so unfair. Was the old man getting too old to grasp that I was ignoring his calls? I sipped my cheap wine and pondered my thoughts. I felt so worthless, and it was all because of her.

I began to ponder how different my life would have been if I hadn't consented in participating in the vengeance. I'd most likely be working for a legal firm; I'd always wanted to be a lawyer, but my father pushed me to study business administration and management, which I disliked so that I could take over the dumb company.

I almost flung the phone when he called again, but it was Jessica, which was strange because she had stopped caring and never called though we always had sex in the morning and it was her who always initiated it. I guess deep down she still loved me.

I fixed my gaze on the phone, searching for the time when I noticed my notification was flooded with messages, and when I saw the name Thalia, I leaped to my feet and opened it.

My father was apparently admitted to a hospital as a result of Thalia's attack. My senses stopped for a minute as I stared at the message for a long time, reading it repeatedly and trying to digest everything. I quickly dropped everything behind and ran out of the club, heading straight to the hospital. My attempts to contact my father and Jessica were unsuccessful. They seemed to be retaliating for my failure to return their calls. As I parked my car at the hospital premises, I cursed.

I went immediately to his room and found him shouting at the cops who were recording his statement. He appeared to have been attacked by something poisonous, his eyes were red and swollen and he was having trouble opening them.

"Have you nabbed the sc*mb*g? Instead of arresting her, what are you doing here?" He roared at the top of his lungs.

"Mr. Nelson, we need to interview you first, and then we'll interview Miss Nash and get her version of the tale," the cop said, prompting my father to start tossing stuff on the floor.

"Before you injure someone, Mr. Nelson, calm down."

"Relax, relax, relax! That useless woman shoved a gun into my mouth, which is a criminal and she is probably hiding all the evidence as we speak;"

"We'll obtain her side of the story, but having cameras in your office will assist in her arrest." the officer stated.

"I don't have any bl**dy cameras," he said. "Where is Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica?"

Jessica, who had been standing in the room's far corner, took a step forward. Her eyes were red but not as puffy as my father's. She was dressed in a strange black coat that was far too hot for the weather and was far too quiet. I was expecting her to be screaming at the faces of the policemen and screaming for Thalia's head, but she was unusually silent.

Perhaps she was traumatized in some way. She looked up and saw that I was looking at her. She swiftly shifted her sight to the officer. I couldn't decide whether or not approaching her and offering my support was the correct thing to do. Although I walked over to her while keeping a safe distance.

"Where have you been!" my father asked as he recognized my presence. "How come you were avoiding my phone calls?" he inquired.

"I misplaced my phone," I lied.

Jessica shrugged, but I didn't pay attention to her.

To catch our attention, the cop cleared his throat. "So, let me get this straight, and an almost-seven-month pregnant woman handcuffed you, Mr. Nelson, and held your daughter-in-law at gunpoint while doing so, and put the gun in both of your mouths?" he questioned.

I stared at the two in shock as the officer tried to grasp what happened. Even in my drunken state, a pregnant woman would not have the upper hand on me, I thought to myself.

"Yes, that's what happened; why are you making it sound as if you're mocking the situation?" My father screamed at him.

"I'm just trying to figure out what happened, and where was your secretary at the time of the attack?" He inquired.

My father was virtually breathing fire as the two of them exchanged glances. "The room is soundproof," I said after clearing my throat.

"Is this the same ex-wife that you stole everything from and was in court for her disappearance?" the officer asked, staring at me for a long time.

When I heard his question, I shut my eyes and knew the case was not going away. He was under Brandon Fraser and there were no two ways about.

"What does that have to do with the assault and kidnapping that little animal put us through?" My father asked.

"I'm just trying to learn more about you and your claimed attacker," he responded.

"Get out now, since it appears that you are one of their puppets," my father exclaimed, having noticed how biased the officer was in his questioning. The officer examined us and then returned his gaze to my unusually silent wife.

"Okay, I'll call you if I have any additional questions, he added as he walked away. My father cursed out every mother of insults, as his blood pressure began to rise.

I stepped up to him and said, "Calm down, Dad."

He screamed, "She placed a f**king gun in my mouth!" He roared at me and shoved me off of him, "Where were you when that excuse of an ex-wife was putting a pistol in my mouth! Get out of my way, your humiliating son!" He screamed at me, "You stink, you f**king stink of alcohol!" He added.

I could see the humiliation in his eyes, it was a look that I had never seen before. No one had ever humiliated him like that before.

Thalia had the audacity to pepper spray my father and put a gun in his mouth, and I just stood there shocked. She wasn't the Thalia I was familiar with, she had changed.

He screamed at Jessica, "And you! How could you just stand there and watch while she held a pistol to your head?"

"Please don't begin with me, Victor," she replied. Her head was definitely somewhere else.

"You just stood there, you could have taken the gun from her grip?" He yelled at her. Jessica was taken aback and burst out laughing. "How come you didn't take the gun away from a pregnant woman in her seventh month?" She blasted him.

"And how did she get you cuffed in the first place?" She shrieked at the top of her lungs.

The door opened and we were told to keep it down by a nurse who came in. We were apparently bothering the other patients. We apologized and decided to keep it down.

The room fell silent as each of us locked our gazes on one other.

"We should be engaging lawyers and not fighting each other," I stated.

"Wow, look who's decided to join the family," Jessica mocked and averted her gaze, but I was unconcerned.

"Please tell me you're not going to hire Kim and f**k her for services, or is it daddy who will be the one to do it this time?" "Shut up, Jessica," dad screamed.

"She wants to play dirty, so we'll play dirty too," reaching for his phone In a chilly tone, he said. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was curious and couldn't ask. It was only safe for me to keep quiet since I had already given up on the family.

When the doctor entered, he motioned Jessica and me to take a step outside while he attended to my father. In silence, we made our way to the corridor. Our relationship had devolved into a battle of enraged stares. "Do you mind if I ask whether you're all right?" I posed the question.

She merely fixed her gaze on me before averting it.

Not knowing what to do, I scratched my head.

"Please mind your own f**king business," she said and walked to another chair after responding. We sat in silence, ten meters apart, with no one attempting to strike up a discussion. We both rose up as soon as the doctor exited.

"We're keeping an eye on your father for a night because his blood pressure is very high," he expressed himself.

I inquired, "How about the eyes?"

"Do not worry, we'll give him something to help his eyes, and I've given him something to help him relax," he went on to say.

"Thank you very much," I said as I thanked him and proceeded into the room. We found the drugs had already knocked him down.

I decided I was going to spend the night there not because I wanted to but because I had nowhere to go. I had no money to gamble or buy prostitutes and going to the house with Jessica was not something that I wanted to do.

After staying for some minutes she got up and took her leave and I was left there, in my chair still trying to grasp how my life was reduced to crumbles. But Thalia was definitely going to pay for what she did to my father and Jessica. she had just crossed the line.

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