The Alphas Wonder Land Phoenix Mountain Book 9

Chapter 33


With the plans being flushed out and orders given, my heart races at the thought of going up against a cosmic being. We’ll try the bullets first, but Zanders not convinced it will be strong enough. He needs to be fully cured before Rex can kill him. Which means, I need to bite him. I’m scared to death, but it’s what we were made for. My race of Anti-wolves were meant to protect the mirror land from dangerous supernatural creatures. This is what I'm meant to do.

We leave tomorrow, but my anxiety is through the roof. Messages from Rex say he’s already on board. I can’t wait to see him again. I’m worried to death. This could go so many ways.

I know Sawyer picked up on my feelings and once we got to his pack house, he immediately went upstairs.

After a bit, he came back down. “Come with me.” He whispered in my ear.

I followed him to the bathroom. Inside, the tub was filled with water and bubbles.

“You need a distraction.” He says deep and low. He grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off.

The only thing he does is kiss my lips. Lowering himself to the floor, he undoes my jeans and slips them off. He gently kisses just below my belly button as he lifts each leg and pulls off my pant legs.

Standing back up, he reaches back and pulls his tshirt off. My face falls as I eye his muscles. My fingers touch his chest as he unbuckles his belt and his pants.

I lower myself and pull them down. He’s freed from his boxers and I do the same he did. Kiss his stomach as he holds the back of my head and steps out of them.

He stands me up and holds my hand. He steps into the tub and guides me in to sit down in front of him.

The water is perfect and the bubbles are definitely relaxing. They smell like orchids. I can feel some of my anxiety leaving as my skin touches his.

I lean back on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. I lay my head to the side, thinking of all things that could happen.

He grabs a sponge, dips in the water and starts to wipe my arms.

“Just relax.” He says softly as if he can sense my tension. His soft lips kiss my forehead.

My eyes close and he lifts my arms, cleaning them.

The sponge travels across my chest and down between my breasts. He sends water and bubbles to my belly button as he slowly moved down my body to as far as he could reach and back up.

He’s being so sensual right now. My anxiety is being replaced with love quickly.

He comes up to my neck and I lift my chin.

I open my eyes and he’s watching the sponge like he’s caring for child. His face is soft. Definitely not the Sawyer he shows to everyone.

He looks into my eyes and I move up to meet his lips. His soft tongue slides between my lips and it finds mine.

Without breaking the kiss, I twist around and straddle his legs. My hands holding his neck.

He continues to wash my back as we kiss. His other hand threads into my hair.

The bath seems to get hotter as I deepen the kiss.

He drops the sponge and his hand grips my ass.

I can feel him harden under me. I need a distraction and I can’t think of one better than satisfying him. It’s all I ever want to do.

He lines up and finds my entrance. My arousal has already made me slick with my inner juices.

His girth slides in and I moan on his lips. My nails gently press into his shoulder.

He moves me up and down his length. The bath water starts to splash as we both try to think of nothing else but ourselves.

He picks up wet bubbles and runs them down my back.

He breaks the kiss and his lips devour my neck.

“Yes…” I breathe as I arch back and move my hips up and down on him.

He picks up more bubbles and pours them down my chest. The white clouds travel over and around my breasts as he moves me back.

He kisses my chest and cups my breasts. Sucking on my nipples. I hold his head as I start to move faster.

“Sawyer, yes!” I moan louder. My climax is building fast. He starts to push up while pushing me down on his shaft.

“Yes, Dami…Yes, baby…Like that.” He pants as his kisses my neck.

His arms wrap around me and he starts to thrust faster.

“YES!...” I hold my hair as my hips drop down on him harder.

The water is splashing everywhere. Between us and all over the floor.

“Dami…Yes!” He growls.

I feel my thighs and pussy start to tense. My body starts to shake.

He grabs my ass cheeks and I go even faster.

“SAWYER…YES…I’M COMING!” My orgasm crashes and my pussy clamps.

He bares down on my hips. “Fuck, yes! You feel so good…” He grits.

His hips buck more and I feel him start to swell.

“Come with me, Dami…” He growls. He moved to go deeper and make me come again.

He’s abs tighten and I grind on him fast. I can feel myself building fast again.

“Dami, come now!” He pants.

My nails dig into his chest. The water’s everywhere as we thrust into each other.

“YESSS! SAWYER!” My climax tears through and I come all over him.

“YES, DAMI! I’M WITH YOU!” He clenches his teeth and I feel his release inside.

I arch back and scream out as he holds my hips.

Once we were spent, I slide myself into his arms. He wraps them around me and rests his head on mine. I’m happy, but I want to cry at the same time. I hate not knowing what the future holds, but as long as I have Sawyers arms to hold me, I still feel safe. I know he will always make me feel that he will try with all his heart to make it better. I will do the same.

Once he finished washing us both, he towelled me off and took me to bed. I slept soundly which was surprising since I’m so scared, but this is Sawyer. This is what he does to me. This is why he’s mine.


I'm woken up by warm sunshine in the window, but a cold bed. I sit up and look around.


The bedroom door opens and he comes in with coffee.

I smile. “How’d you know?” I chuckle.

He shrugs. “After last night, my fox deserves coffee in bed.”

I giggle a bit and sit up to rest my back on the head board. He slips in beside me and gives me a kiss.

“Thank you for that. I definitely needed it.” I take a sip from my mug.

He leans in. “You’re talking about the bath part right?”

I huff a laugh. “Yes. It was wonderful. Thank you.” I grab his chin and kiss him.

“Anything for you.” He mumbles on my lips.

There was a knock on the door. “Hey, Sawyer. They’re mobilizing.” It was Sawyers Beta.

“Ten minutes.” Sawyer calls back.

He looks at me. “You ready?”

I drop my mug. “No, but brave fighters are never really ready, are they?”

He shakes his head. “No, they aren’t, but that never stops them."

I take a deep breath in and out. “Let’s go.”

He kisses my forehead and we get changed.


Phoenix set up and finalized plans in the warehouse.

Rex knew what he was doing so instead of being with Zander, he sat with me and Sawyer against the wall, watching the soldiers work.

He held my hand in his with his head against the wall.

“Hey kid.” He swallows.

“Yeah.” I answer.

“Remember when I caught up with you on your 18th birthday?”

I smile. “How could I forget. It was the best two years of my life.”

He rolled his head to me. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

I lower my head. “It’s OK. It wasn’t your fault Rex. It’s this place. For a while you were OK. Gave me the dad I needed. It’s not your fault this place plays on your sanity.”

“I just…I wanted to go home with you so bad.” He said. He lowers his own head.

“Wait. You came back here?” Sawyer asked.

I nod. “For a bit. Rex, convinced me to come. I took a hiatus from school and back packed around Wonderland for a while. Rex taught me to defend myself. Though, I’m not really good at it.” I chuckle. “I helped him with the rebellion, until…”

“Until what?” Sawyer looks between the two of us.

“I got several of my men killed. I was too ambitious. I felt we had to hit them harder and staged an attack. Tried to pull a Sawyer.” He leaned around me and smiled at Sawyer.

“What did you do?” Sawyer arched a brow.

Rex leaned back. “I found an outpost. Supplies. I figured if we took that out, they’d be knocked down a peg. What I didn’t know, was that River was on his way there. We fought and barely escaped. My men started in on me and in my frustration, I took it out on the kid.”

He squeezed my hand. “I drove my little girl away and it killed me, Dami. For years, it broke my heart. I wanted so much to make it right. I’m so sorry, kid.”

I turned to Sawyer. “It was one of the reasons I was so afraid when Rex found me again. I knew I couldn’t save him and to have him break like that hurt me too much. Zander was also a real fear of mine. So I avoided Rex. Made him not exist in my mind. With Miranda’s help, I convinced myself none of this was real. My mind blocked it all and created the fantasy I believed for years. That Rex and this place was dangerous. A nightmare that was just wouldn’t go away. I’m sorry too, Rex. I wish it didn’t take this long to understand what I was. I could’ve helped you.”

He ticked his mouth down quick and smiled. “It’s OK, kid. Hey. In a few hours, I’m going to be better then some mangey mutt from a dirt town. I’m going to a cosmic God.” He chuckles.

“That’s a little frightening.” Sawyer ribs.

Rex shoots him a warning and smirks. He lifts my hand and kisses the back of it. “This is for you, kid. I promised to do right by you and I mean it. I’ll run this universe right. Don’t worry about that.”

My eyes well up. “I’m going to miss you.” I choke and throw my arms around him.

“I’ll miss you too, sweet pea. You’re the best daughter a guy could have.” He buried his head in my neck. We separate and he points to Sawyer. “And you. You better treat my baby right or I’ll find you and fire a bolt up your ass, got it?”

“Yes, sir.” Sawyer smiles and salutes. “Don’t worry about that. Dami’s my number one priority.”

“She better be.” He reaches over and slaps Sawyers knee. He stands up. “Alright, let’s get this job under way.”

Sawyer stands and grabs my hand. “Let’s kick ass.”

I smile. “Let’s go.”

We join the others and march out of the city.

The plan is to get Eternity in the desert and fight him there. The units will distract them, I’ll go in for the bite and Rex plunges a knife in his heart within a few seconds.

The desert is dark and blue. We all stand ready as Zander steps into the open space in front of us.

His heads turns from one side to the other. He pulls something from his pocket and throws it away.

“What was that?” I lean to Sawyer.

“Black walnut. Eternity can’t find Zander if it’s on him. He just wormed the hook.” Sawyer whispers.

I watch as the night air bites.

“Looking for me?”

We all spin and he’s standing in the middle of the units.

As if he was had the plague, the men arm themselves and back of in a giant circle.

“This ends now, Eternity.” Zander growls as he shoves his way through to the center of the circle.

“You’re right, it does. It ends with me draining you until your dead.” Eternity smirks.

Zander ticks his head. “Dad of the year.”

He holds put his hands. “Hey, you’re not special. I have thousands of you little idiots running around. My own power storage. I don’t play favorites with my kids.” He smiles.

“Thousands?” Zander arches a brow.

“You know me and your mother weren’t exclusive right? She was nice and everything, she just…wasn’t what I was after.” He places his hands on his hips.

“I’m going to enjoy killing you.” Zander growls.

“You can try, son. But I promise you, when you lose, I’ll make it fucking hurt.” Eternity puts out a hand and ball of electricity forms.

Zander runs at him and Eternity throws the ball. Zander dodges it jumps in the air and lands a solid punch on Eternity’s head.

Eternity swings back and the two exchange blows. Zander is picked up and thrown out of the circle.

The circle parts and soldiers get ready to fire.

Zander links. ‘Hold!’

The soldier don’t fire, but look extremely itchy to do so.

Sawyer, Rex and I run to the front. The Alphas are behind us.

Eternity and Zander exchange more punches. The thuds of fists connecting with skin could be felt in our chests as Zander calls his cosmic power to help his Zeta power.

He uppercuts Eternity who flies onto his back. Zander walks over to him, picks him up by his shirt. “I’ve wanted to see you like this for a very long time.” He growls at his weakened father.

He punches Eternity several more times until he was blasted by a bolt from his father.

He landed on his back by us. He sits up. “Do it.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Sawyer says. “FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!” Sawyer steps forward with his weapon drawn and the soldiers fill Eternity full of cure bullets.

Eternity stands, taken in the bullets. He’s growling loud.

“CEASE FIRE!” Sawyer holds his fist up. The soldiers stop and wait.

Eternity is doubled over. He's grunting and grinding. “You…actually…think that was going to work?” He raises his pissed off face to me.

He takes off his shirt and is breathing heavy. He balls his fists and screams to the sky. Bullets retreat from his chest and hit the ground like raindrops.

“I’m Eternity of the Universe! You can’t cure me!” He yells and runs toward us.

The soldiers back off. Sawyer grabs my arm and I grab his hand.

“Steady.” Sawyer says.

Eternity gets closer.

“Hold.” He grits.

I watch and ready myself.

Eternity enters what Sawyer calls the end zone.


I sprint at him from a perpendicular angle.

I leap, grab his arm. I sink my teeth in as he’s just reaching for Zander. His arm is pulled back and when my venom hits his bloodstream, he falls back screaming.

He’s thrashing and struggling from my pin.

The ground starts to shake as the sky turns to black.

Sawyer looks up. “What the fuck?”

I don’t let go, but I look up. I try to contain myself as I see moon itself start to break apart. The earth jolts violently as a blast seen from here comes off the moon.

The weather goes haywire with wind and rain. The sky fills with loud cracks of lightning.

Eternity stops thrashing and I can see his confusion.

I let go. “REX NOW!” I scream.

The sky starts to rip apart. The soldiers all get knocked over by quakes.

The desert starts to split in various places.

The sky looks like torn paper. The mountain in the distance explode. Lava spews out of fissures in the ground.

“REX!!” I scream again.

Rex struggles to run to Eternity and he gets there. He jumps on him with his blade raised.


I look and Darcy is running toward us. “DON’T LET HIM KILL HIM!!”

I see the Alphas, the dark Shaman and…

“Rex?” I turn to the Rex beside me who grins.

“No!” I reach for the blade and he back hands me. He drives the blade into Eternity’s heart.

He and Eternity explode and I’m thrown ten feet away.


Sawyer runs to me and helps me up. “I’m OK.” I breathe as I hold my head.

We stand and watch the blast of light turn from two men to one. Rex is arched back and breathes in the light. “Oh my God.” He snarls. “This is amazing!” He looks at himself and flexes his muscles.

“You son of a bitch!” Rex runs up to him.

I look up and the sky is back to mirror land normal.

“REX!” I yell.

“Dami!” He yells back and runs to me. I hug. Him. “What? What’s going on?”

We all watch cosmic Rex eye us.

“That bastard switched with me a few weeks back. He’s been playing me. The Shaman found me and said we had to stop him. We’re too late.”

“Yeah, ya are.” He takes in a deep breath. “Damn, I should have killed him long ago. This power…I’m going to have so much fun.” He says with an evil grin.

“No you won’t.” Rex runs at him and swings, but mirror Rex blinks out. The mirror land starts to shake violently again.

“BOW TO YOUR GOD!!” Boomed across the sky

“WHAT DO WE DO?” I yell at Sawyer over the noise.


Everyone turns back to Phoenix. We run as the earth rises and falls. “What’s happening?!

The dark Shaman ran beside us. “He’s rearranging the planet. We must leave.”

I look at Sawyer as I start to tear up.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” He says. “Come on.”

We run through the city.

When we get to the warehouse, it’s full of Phoenix soldiers and Rex’s pack. They're being evacuated through the mirrors.

Zander and all the Alphas with the help of one mirror pack member at each mirror, rush people through. “Come on. Canton don’t go far.”

Once everyone was through, the warehouse started to crumble and the roof fell and I could see Phoenix fall. A tear fell out of my eye. My world lay dying before my eyes. My home where I was born. The place where Sawyer and I were going to find out true love. It’s gone.

He came up behind me. “Dami. We gotta go.”

I hold myself and nod. We turn and walk through the mirror.

I look back and watch the mirror on that side crack, the warehouse falls and then it turns to a regular mirror.

I throw my arms around Sawyer and cry. I cry for all the people who will lose their lives or live in hell.

He hugs me tight as I sob. “I’m sorry. So sorry.” He mumbles into my neck.

Rex walks up and places a hand on my back. I look up at him and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me and holds my head. “I don’t want to make this about us, but we got four hours before we all die.”

“Here. I can help.” Faith pushes through with Azriel.

“The Shaman.” The dark Shaman says.

Faith bows her head. “Yes. I would like to extend pleasantries, but we have no time. I can only decider half of what the Shaman here needs to cure Rex. There’s an ingredient missing.”

“Not anymore.” The dark Shaman says.

“Where is it?” Faith asks.

“Right there.” She points to me.

“What? Me?” I look to them

The dark Shaman nods. “A wolfless shifter venom was the key ingredient to make the potion, its key to the antidote.”

Zander steps forward. “Who are you?”

She steps forward. “If I show you. Do you grant immunity?”

Zanders brows narrow. “That depends.”

“Fair enough.” She swipes a hand in front her hood to remove the dark shadows and pushes her hood off.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Peter says.

“Well, that explains a lot.” Darcy says.

“I’m going to rip you to shreds.” Sawyer growls as Mateo holds him back.

I look so confused. “You…You killed me. You drowned me…How could you?”

I stare at the old woman of at least 70. Her hair gone from red to white. Her age showing in her face, but it's still the face I thought was my friend.

“Miranda?” I stand waiting for an answer.

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