The Alphas Wonder Land Phoenix Mountain Book 9

Chapter 34


The Shamans made the cure after milking my venom. They tested it on Rex.

He placed his hand on the mirror and remained solid. He held his hand on the glass and hung his head. “It’s over.” He mumbled.

I walked to him and put my hand on his back. “It doesn’t sound like a good thing.” I whisper.

He rolls his head. “Thirty years. I spent thirty years in there. As much as I wanted to be free of it, now that I am, I feel…”

“Empty.” I finish.

He nods and takes his hand off the glass. He turns to Miranda, Faith and Azriel. “Thank you.”

Faith smiles. “My pleasure.”

Miranda rubs her palms together. “Rex. I’m…I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. I truly thought the only way to save this world was to free that one from you. With everything I knew, I really felt trying to cure Damica of her genetic abnormality and keeping you out of Falcons hands was the right course of action. I see now how wrong I was.”

“You should have known the pool wouldn’t cure me, Miranda. There’s nothing to cure.” I stand in front of her.

“I took a shot.” She gives a half smile. “I knew you wouldn’t die, but I didn’t know if it would work. You’re the last of your kind. In the wrong hands, well, we can only imagine.” She looks around the group.

Zander stands beside her. “How did you get in there?”

She smiled. “Eternity. At the bank in London. Not only did he throw me in there, he threw me thirty years into the past. I guess he thought I’d be less of threat that way. I found the Shaman there and he trained me for that side.” She looks at Faith. “I don’t have it anymore, but I’m sure what I had is here. I have extensive knowledge. If you want to collaborate.”

Faith nods and crosses her arms. “As long as Azriel is good with it.”

“And me.”

We turn and Reggies sitting on the table in the warehouse.

Azriel turns. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Around.” Reggie smiles, swinging his feet.

Azriel walks up to him. “The council has been right livid since you disappeared.”

“Yes well, I got a calling from a higher power.” Reggie leans back.

“Right. Destiny. Why would he come to you?” Azriel scowls.

“Because I’m the nice wizard.” Reggie grins a bright smile.

“You’re a nut. That’s what you are.” Azriel snips.

“Yes, well. This nut is going to help you and your friends save this world since you blasted the fun one all to hell.” Reggie jumps off the table.

“We never!” Azriel barks.

Reggie wags a finger in his face. “Yes, you did!”

“It was Rex!” Azriel throws his hand to him.

“Be that as it may, my playground is destroyed. I need a new one. You are going to help me make one.” He struts toward the door.

“I’ll do no such thing! You’re headed to the high council to answer for you disappearance.” Azriel says to his back.

“What makes you think I want to talk to those old fuddy duddies.” Reggie waves his hand to him.

“They are not fuddy duddies!” Azriel shouts.

We watch the two men argue out the door. Faith looks at us and smiles. “Well, my life just got a whole lot interesting.” She puts her hand on Jakes arm. “See you later?”

Jake nods. “Yeah, I’ll meet you for dinner.”

“Good.” She waves to Miranda. “Come on.”

The two Shaman leave behind the sorcerers.

I sigh and slide under Sawyers arm. Zander regroups all the Alphas and the units dish out the last of the cures.

Zander looks at Rex. “What are you going to do now?”

Rex shrugs. He puts his hands in his pockets. “Don’t know. Cantons gone, I’m sure. We’ve pretty much been displaced now.”

“Stay here.” We looked to Sawyer.


“Join Phoenix. If your pack has truly changed from petty thieves, then I have no issues with you either joining the Reds or signing an alliance. There’s plenty of room here.”

Rex nods. “I’d have to discuss it with Greg, but I think we can work something out. Besides, if I can be close to this, brat, I can’t really turn that down, can I?”

I giggle and hug him. “No, you can’t.”

Zander claps his hands. “I’m sure we’re all tired. We’ll set Canton up in housing and debrief in the morning. Rex, you’re welcome to sit in on the council meeting.”

“Really?” His brow goes up.

Zander nods. “I think you’ve proven yourself. What do all you think?”

The rest of the Alphas agree to a trial run. They shake Rex’s hand and clap his back as he’s absorbed into their group. They all walk off.

I hold onto Sawyer as we leave behind him. “Ok. I know you had the vision of the mirror world with Rex in it, so how come he’s here now?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I don’t get any of this. I’m still trying tu figure out what a genie has to do with locking Zanders dad up.”

I stop and smile. “A genie always has three wishes right?”

“Yeah.” He looks at me suspiciously.

“And you used a wish?” I ask.

He ticks his head. “I guess.”

“Well, maybe you get two more.” I hug his waist as he thinks over my words.

He puts his arms on my shoulders. “Alright. Let’s see.” He tilts his head back. “I wish for a triple cheeseburger.” He looks at me and grins.

I laugh. “I think we can grant that wish.” I move closer to his lips. “What else?”

He chews his cheek. “You wouldn’t want to learn to pole dance, would you?”

I scrunch my nose and shake my head.

He shakes his head too. “No? Wear a tiny teal bikini?”

Again, I shake my head no and giggle.

“No, huh? Hmm…Ok. I wish…in the next couple of weeks, for you to become my Luna and be the most beautiful Luna in Phoenix.”

“That’s a tough one. I’ll see what I can do.” I smile.

He tickles my nose with his and kisses me softly.

We turn and walk to the warehouse man door.

“So the pole is completely off the table?”


“Not even a little bit?”


“What about lap dancing?”


He opens the door to the outside.

“A strip tease.”


“Come on!”

I laugh and shake my head as we head home.



As much as it hurts to leave all those people in mirror world with that lunatic running things, I can’t say I’m not glad to be home for good. I just wish that door didn’t shut. I want to help them and I still have no clue how I’m going to mark Damica now.

I can take the hit and become human. Maybe I can get one of the super wolves to bite me. Maybe I can change back.

Super powers would be cool. It’s a plan, at any rate.

I know the shamans and the sorcerers are working together to find a way to make Damica safe for me. Unfortunately, every test Ricky has tried so far, has failed and the moon is in a matter of hours.

This year, they fenced off the ravine and opened up the space around it to have an open ball. The city decorated the edge of the ravine space with lights, concessions, a bar and music. The other packs are still having their own balls. Brodys been planning his for months. He loved it last year.

I agreed to open the downtown for the party.

Damica and I will be going, but I’m concerned what it might mean if I don’t complete the bond. If I can’t mark her, I’ll go nuts and kill people. Certainly, what I don’t want to do as the new acting Alpha.

But maybe I can wait. If I do, I have a year to find out how to get marked and save my wolf. I kind of like the guy.

I'm weighing the scales of pros and cons while I wait at the entrance to the common room with Matt. He leans over to me, adjusting his suit jacket. “This is so weird.”

“Yeah?” I stuff my hands in my dress pants.

He nods. “Seeing you mate up. Standing in our old pack house. Remember when your dad threw a fit because we rode sleds down the stairs?”

I chuckle. “Yeah. He was pissed. Then I told him it was Sage’s idea. I think he was grounded for a month.”

“He deserved it for the shit he blamed you for.” Matt says.

I nod. “Yeah.” I lower my head a bit. I promised myself I’d never think of Sage again, but I can’t help but think if things may have been different if I tried harder. Much like I’m doing with Jake.

Matt hits my chest. “Hey!” He points to the stairs.

The air completely left the room. Coming down the stairs in a white baby doll spaghetti strap dress, was a sight I akin to watching heaven float across the sky. Her hair is in a bun with tiny whips of hair framing her adorable face. Her make up is light and natural. Her freckled, button nose make my insides melt and my wolf howl.

I smile and bite my lip as her gorgeous legs descend the last few steps.

I shake my head and look her up and down as I stride up to her. “This red wolf does not deserve this. Damn.” I grin seductively.

“You like it?” She holds out the dress.

I wrap my arm around my waist and rub my chin. “I don’t know…spin around.”

She does.

I nod. “One more time.”

She smiles and spins again.

I press my lips together. “Nope. I’m gonna need another spin.”

“Stop!” She giggles and taps me with her clutch.

I offer my arm. “Let’s go. I going to show you what it’s like to party in my Wonderland.” I bounce my brow.

She laughs and takes my arm. I escort her out to the limo that waits outside.

The moon is full and blue. I’ve waited for this moment my whole life. My gut twists thinking that it may not happen. But I love this woman so much, it has to happen. I’ll make it happen. This is it. I can’t live without her and if she kills me, I’ll still die the happiest man on the planet. I just hope it doesn’t end that way.

As the limo pulls up to the entrance of the party, we’re stopped by Miranda.

I’m confused. I roll down the window.

“My Alpha, you look fabulous.” She grins.

“I know. What do you want?” I scowl.

“No need for hostilities, Sawyer. I’m to tell you, your party isn’t here.” She looks between me and Damica.

“What? What do you mean?” I furrow my brow.

She opens the door and gets in.

“What are doing? Get out?” I demand.

“Oh, hush.” She looks at Damica. “He’s always so angry.” She pushes the intercom. “Driver. Phoenix Security unit.”

I lean forward. “What are you doing?” I grit.

She leans to me. “You’ll see.” She smiles and sits back as the limo turns around.

Once we get to the unit, we’re taken to one of the testing rooms. It’s completely empty except for one thing. A mirror with gold trim around it.

“Sawyer, what’s going on?” Damica whispers.

“I don’t know.” I whisper back.

“We can tell you.”

We turn as Ricky, Azriel and Faith walk in.


She walks up to us. “We have a surprise.” She grabs my arm.

We walk to the mirror.

Faith stands beside us. She holds up two vials. “These are for you.”

I take the vial of green liquid. “What is it?” I arch a brow at her.

She smiles. “It’s how you see your surprise.”

She hands the other vial to Damica.

I look at the vial and the mirror. “No.” I turn back to Faith. My brows shoot up.

Faith smiles. “Go on. It’s perfectly safe.”

I turn to Damica. “You want to?” I tilt my head to her.

She looks at the vial and back at me. “If she says it’s safe…”

I pop the cap off my vial. “Alright…bottoms up.”

We both drink the vials. I wait and look around. “Was something supposed to happen?”

Faith motions to the mirror. “Touch it.”

I slowly walk to the mirror. I raise my hand and my fingertips graze the surface. Ripples come from them.

I huff out a laugh and look at Damica. She’s grinning. I look back at Ricky. “Does this mean…”

“There’s more.” She says.

“More?” I whisper.

“Go on.” She says.

I look at the mirror and Damica’s reflection.

I reach out my hand and she takes it.

We step through the glass and it’s like a freaking dream come true.

The other side is a forest clearing. I think it’s the same one we were in before. The place is bright white. I look up and the moon is a full white moon.

I smile at Damica. She smiles back. “It’s beautiful.” She chokes.

Azriel comes through and we turn to him. “Now we found this pocket amongst the chaos outside. I’ve shielded it from Rex. You have the night to yourselves. We will collect you in the morning. Follow the path and watch the fireflies.” He warns. He smiles and turns. He steps into the mirror.

I spin back around. “Well, Alice. You ready to be mated Wonderland style?”

“Yes!” She grins a big toothy grin.

I pick her up and spin her around. “I love you so much.” I cup her cheek and look into her eyes.

“I love you too.”

I kiss her with everything I have. Our tongues intertwine and it’s like that first kiss. My heart pounds, I can barely breathe and my skin is covered in electric heat.

I pull her into me and kiss her deeper. I’m completely lost in Damica Fox.

My hand holds her nape and floats to her jaw. I’m drowning in the feel of her skin.

I come up for air. Sucking on her lip.

Her fingertips trace my jaw and my chin. “I could stay here forever with you.” She whispers.

I place my forehead on hers. “Let’s turn this night into forever.” I whisper back.

At that moment, the fireflies were back.

I raise my head and look around. “What?” I chuckle. “Not again”

Damica laughs as they blink their lights which are now blue in the white of the moon.

I pull out my phone. “I wonder if they like music.”

I wasn’t sure if it would work, but I tried anyway. I put on ‘I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing’ by Aerosmith.

They swarm and spread out around the clearing. Seemingly flying with the song.

I hold Damica and kiss her. Swaying us to the song as it plays. The fireflies surround is like a bubble.

I place my head on hers.

“I don’t want miss one smile.

I don’t want miss one kiss.

I just want to be with you, right here, with you,

Just like this.”

I sing to her and playfully rock out as her cheeks flush and she laughs.

I look through the firefly bubble and the moon is almost at its peak.

The fireflies start to swirl a little faster and their buts are blinking like mad.

A smile crosses my lips as my skin becomes even more electric. The air becomes thicker and my heat rises.

Her eyes meet mine and well up. “What am I feeling right now?”

I swallow. “My love. All of it.”

“Is this it?” She asks.

At that moment, the mate bond snapped and I huff a laugh as she flinched. “My little Fox. You’re mine. All mine.”

She laughs as a tear falls. “This is incredible.”

The bond snaps back and forth. I cup her cheeks. “You’re incredible and I’m going to spend forever showing you.”

“I’m yours.” She sniffs.

“And I’m yours.” I wipe her tear away.

I wrap my arms around her head and kiss her deep. The fireflies group together and spin around us from toe to head.

They spread out into the moonlit sky. A groups separates. I break the kiss and follow them.

Like a bunch of fighter planes they fly up and around me.

“What?” I say as I watch them go behind me.

The zap my ass. “Ow!” I jump and rub my cheek. “What the hell?”

They move and zap my ass again. “Stop!” I step past Damica and they zap me again.

Damica is laughing.

I scowl. “Not funny.”

She sucks in a breath. “It’s pretty funny.”

I back up and their zapping my hands and legs. “OW! What do you want?!” I growl.

Damica follows. “They’re pushing you.”

One gets me right in the hand and I shake it. “I get that, but where?”

Damica points. “There.”

I turn to see a path in the trees. I look back at her. “Azriel said to follow the path.”

She walks up to me. “I guess we follow it.”

I take Damica’s hand and they zap my but again. “Ok! I get it!” I wave them off.

We walk down the path. My arm is around her head and I kiss her temple.

The feeling of the bond is so amazing. Sneaking into government building pales in comparison. The high is extremely addictive. I don’t want to lose this feeling ever.

We’re egged on down the path and the trees thin.

“Get out!” My face lights up as a small log cottage appears in a small alcove of trees. The fireflies blast around us and spread out over the area. They hover and blink like stars in the lit up tiny yard.

“I think Azriel put them up to this.” I say.

Damica shakes her head. “No. This has Reggie written all over it.”

“I guess this is our room for the night. Shall we?” I hold out my arm.

“We shall.” She giggles.

We almost skip to the door.

We walk in and Damica gasps.

First of all, it’s way bigger inside than outside. The wood log walls are decorated with fairy lights. The wood floor has pelts of fur on it. And the King size bed is covered in rose petals. That’s Ricky, I’m sure.

There’s candles everywhere and a table besides the bed.

We step to the table and there’s wine and berries with two triples cheeseburgers. “You have got to be shitting me.” I laugh.

Damica picks up a folded card by the burgers. She reads it and starts laughing. She covers her face with her hand.

“What? What’s it say?” I ask.

She shows me. “It says Eat me.”

I pick up the other card by the wine. “Of course.” I spin the card to her. “Drink me.”

We both break out into laughter and I pull her to me.

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